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Penulisan Kunci Jawaban Jangan diawali dengan spasi
Learn about – did – meeting – in - ? – the last – respiration – the student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Q:1) The correct arrangement is …<br>
A:) 2-8-1-7-4-6-3-5
A:) 2-1-7-4-6-8-3-5
A:) 2-7-8-1-4-6-3-5
A:) 2-4-1-5-3-2-8-6
Kunci: A
Phone – invented – in – Alexander Graham Bell – 1876 – the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Q:2) The correct arrangement is …<br>
A:) 4-6-1-2-3-5
A:) 4-2-6-1-3-5
A:) 4-6-2-1-3-5
A:) 4-2-1-6-3-5
Kunci: B
Q:3) FileQ:

Did – on air – last – we – not – Saturday – perform

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct arrangement is ….<br>
A:) 4-1-5-7-2-3-6
B:) 4-1-2-7-5-3-6
C:) 4-1-7-5-2-3-6
D:) 4-1-7-2-5-3-6
Kunci: A
Arrange this jumbled sentences into correct paragraph.<br>
(1) He works for a big company.<br>
(2) He keeps the company safe. <br>
(3) It is not easy to work as a security officer. <br>
(4) My brother works as a security officer. <br>
(5) I am proud of him. <br>
(6) Occasionally, he patrols until late at night.<br>
(7) He patrols around the company complex everyday.<br>
Q:4) The correct arrangement of the sentence is…<br>
A:) (4)-(1)-(3)-(7)-(6)-(2)-(5)
A:) (4)-(1)-(3)-(7)-(2)-(6)-(5)
A:) (4)-(1)-(3)-(6)-(2)-(7)-(5)
A:) (4)-(1)-(3)-(2)-(6)-(7)-(5)
Kunci: A
Arrange this jumbled sentences into correct paragraph.<br>
(1) Last night, a thief broke into my neighbor’s house. <br>
(2) Jewelry, money, and smartphones were stolen. <br>
(3) The thief stole many precious items. <br>
(4) After having breakfast together, we reported the thievery to the police. <br>
(5) I cooked my neighbor breakfast this morning. <br>
(6) The thief came in when everyone slept. <br>
(7) All foods in the kitchen is gone too. <br>
Q:5) The correct arrangement of the sentence is…<br>
A:) (1)-(6)-(3)-(2)-(7)-(5)-(4)
A:) (1)-(6)-(3)-(5)-(2)-(4)-(7)
A:) (1)-(6)-(3)-(2)-(7)-(4)-(5)
A:) (1)-(6)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(7)-(2)
Kunci: A
Q:6) FileQ: Andrea and Rifan are students of an athletics school. They start their day very early
in the morning. At 5 am., they have physical exercise. The exercises are often very hard and
tiring, but they do not stop doing exercises. They know that they must work very hard to be
good athletes. They begin the lessons at school at 7 a.m. in the morning and finish at 1 pm.
Then, they usually rest for three hours before they have technique building exercises at 3
Who are Andrea and Rifan?<br>
A:) Teachers
A:) Trainers
A:) Athletics
A:) Students
Kunci: D
Andrea and Rifan are students of an athletics school. They start their day very early in
the morning. At 5 am., they have physical exercise. The exercises are often very hard and
tiring, but they do not stop doing exercises. They know that they must work very hard to be
good athletes. They begin the lessons at school at 7 a.m. in the morning and finish at 1 pm.
Then, they usually rest for three hours before they have technique building exercises at 3
p.m. The students of the school do not watch television a lot. They never hang out to malls
with their friends in the evening because they still have night classes. On Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, they have night classes from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. They are usually very
tired so they go to bed lately right after that.

Q:7) How long do the students of the athletics school have classes in the morning?<br>
A:) Four hours
A:) Five hours
A:) Six hours
A:) Seven hours
Kunci: C
Q:8) FileQ: Andrea and Rifan are students of an athletics school. They start their day very early
in the morning. At 5 am., they have physical exercise. The exercises are often very hard
and tiring, but they do not stop doing exercises. They know that they must work very hard
to be good athletes. They begin the lessons at school at 7 a.m. in the morning and finish at
1 pm. Then, they usually rest for three hours before they have technique building exercises
at 3 p.m. The students of the school do not watch television a lot. They never hang out to
malls with their friends in the evening because they still have night classes. On Wednesday,
Why do the practice so seriously? Because….<br>
A:) The exercises are frequently really bored
A:) The exercises are often hard and tiring
A:) They want to be good athletes
A:) They really miss their families
Kunci: C

Andrea and Rifan are students of an athletics school. They start their day very early
in the morning. At 5 am., they have physical exercise. The exercises are often very hard and
tiring, but they do not stop doing exercises. They know that they must work very hard to
be good athletes. They begin the lessons at school at 7 a.m. in the morning and finish at 1
pm. Then, they usually rest for three hours before they have technique building exercises
at 3 p.m. The students of the school do not watch television a lot. They never hang out to
malls with their friends in the evening because they still have night classes. On Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, they have night classes from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. They are usually very
tired so they go to bed lately right after that.

Q:9) How often do they have night classes?<br>

A:) Every day
A:) Twice a week
A:) Three times a week
A:) Every week
Kunci: C
Q:10) FileQ: Andrea and Rifan are students of an athletics school. They start their day very early in the
morning. At 5 am., they have physical exercise. The exercises are often very hard and tiring, but
they do not stop doing exercises. They know that they must work very hard to be good athletes.
They begin the lessons at school at 7 a.m. in the morning and finish at 1 pm. Then, they usually rest
for three hours before they have technique building exercises at 3 p.m. The students of the school
do not watch television a lot. They never hang out to malls with their friends in the evening
because they still have night classes. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, they have night classes
from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. They are usually very tired so they go to bed lately right after that.
which is TRUE about Andrea and Rifan?<br>
A:) They get up before 5 a.m
A:) They get up after 5 a.m
A:) They get up at 5 a.m
A:) They get up at 5.15 a.m
Kunci: A
Q:11) We are …. A better job at present<br>
A:) Look for
A:) Looking for
A:) Looked for
A:) To look for
Kunci: B
Rio : Which is more interesting. The Safari park or Ragunan Zoo? <br>
Dani :I think Ragunan Zoo is … as the safari park. Both of them have many good things to see.<br>
Q:12) What is the most suitable answer to complete the dialogue?<br>
A:) More interesting
A:) Less interesting
A:) The most interesting
A:) As interesting
Kunci: D
Ani : do you prefer traveling by train or by plane? <br>
Ita : I prefer traveling by train <br>
Ani : why? <br>
Ita : buying the train ticket needs … money than the plane ticket.<br>
Q:13) What is the most suitable answer to complete the dialogue?<br>
A:) Fewer
A:) Few
A:) Less
A:) Little
Kunci: C
Q:14) Honey is …. Than sugar.<br>
A:) Sweet
A:) Sweeter
A:) More sweet
A:) Sweetest
Kunci: B
Now the children ……. at school. Agus is drawing some pictures on his drawing
book. He is sitting on a bench. He is sitting near Totok.
Totok is at school too. He is studying. He is sitting behind his desk. He wishes he could
play with the other children.
Yolanda and Susana are also at school. They are playing outside. They are picking flowers
for their teacher. Yolanda is carrying his hat. Susana is wearing a bonnet.
At this moment, Susana is walking by the door. She is helping the teacher. She is carrying
textbooks to the shelf.
Complete the following text.<br>
A:) Is
A:) Am
A:) Was
A:) Are
Kunci: D
Q:16) What did you do Yesterday? I ….<br>
A:) Swimming in the pool
A:) Swims in the pool
A:) Swam in the pool
A:) Swum in the pool
Kunci: C
Andrew : I did my best, how about you? <br>
Q:17) Steve : ….<br>
A:) I do my best too
A:) I did my best too
A:) I am doing my best too
A:) I was doing my best too
Kunci: B
Q:18) FileQ: A Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday, my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we arrived at the
zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house. We saw birds and reptiles which
only come out at night.
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell
What happened to the writer’s father when he rode an elephant?<br>

A:) He felt a thrill

A:) He felt fun 
A:) He fell off
A:) He failed
Kunci: C
A Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday, my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we arrived at the
zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house. We saw birds and reptiles which
only come out at night.
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell
off when he let go off the rope, but he was fine.
During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals
being fed by the zookepeer. At four, we returned home. We were very tired but happy, because
we had so much fun activities at the zoo.
Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo ?<br>
A:) They had to visit many places in the zoo
A:) They took a long time to reach the zoo area
A:) They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo 
A:) They had no time to take a rest in the zoo
Kunci: A
Q:20) Name : Mrs. Laila <br>
Age : 35 <br>
Name :Mr. Umar <br>
Age : 34 <br>
Mr. Umar is…..than Mrs. Laila <br>
A:) As old
A:) As young
A:) Older
A:) Younger
Kunci: D
Q:21) They …. about this project in the restaurant yesterday <br>
A:) Talking
A:) Talked
A:) Talk
A:) Talks
Kunci: B
Q:22) I….. an elephant last night <br>
A:) Draw
A:) Drew
A:) Drawn
A:) Drawing
Kunci: B
Q:23) My teacher …. Me about this mathematic last year <br>
A:) Taught
A:) Teaching
A:) Teaches
A:) Teach
Kunci: A
Q:24) I…… a cake to your house last night <br>
A:) Bring
A:) Brought
A:) Brings
A:) Bringing
Kunci: B
Q:25) Julio ….. an active student last year <br>
A:) Were
A:) Was
A:) Is
A:) Are
Kunci: B
Q:26) ……he had read novel last night ? <br>
A:) Do
A:) Did
A:) Done  
A:) Are
Kunci: B
Q:27) We… Aceh three weeks ago.<br>
A:) Gone
A:) Come
A:) Went
A:) Go
Kunci: C
Q:28) They….this song for hours ago <br>
A:) Listened
A:) Listen
A:) Listening  
A:) Be listen
Kunci: A
Q:29) Anita… in this market yesterday <br>
A:) Meeting
A:) Meet
A:) Met
A:) Meet
Kunci: C
Q:30) Dona …. this delicious food for us an hour ago <br>
A:) Cooking
A:) Cooked
A:) Cooks
A:) Cook
Kunci: B
Q:31) I…… the school alone yesterday <br>
A:) Walk
A:) walked
A:) Walks
A:) Walking
Kunci: B
Q:32) We……in this restaurant two days ago <br>
A:) Ate
A:) Eaten
A:) Eating
A:) Eat
Kunci: A
Q:33) I …….on this sofa with him last night <br>
A:) Sleeping
A:) Sleep
A:) Slept
A:) Sleeped
Kunci: C
Q:34) We……each other two years ago <br>
A:) Love
A:) Be loving
A:) Are love
A:) Loved
Kunci: D
Q:35) I …….the grass with this scissors yesterday <br>
A:) Cuted
A:) Cutting
A:) Cut
A:) Be cutted
Kunci: C
When Defi was a baby, she could not do anything. Her parents and her elder brother tok care of her.
She didn’t sleep with her mom. She slept in a baby cot in her parent’s bedroom. Her brother slept in his own bedroom. When
she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down. When she was afraid of something, they comforted her.
Her father often carried her around in the morning sun. when she got older, her parents and brother spoonfed her. she played
with her brother. She was naughty but her brother was very patient with her.

What is the text about ? <br>

A:) Defi’s and her family
A:) Defi’s life during her baby
A:) Defi’s relation with her brother
A:) What Defi feels about her family
Kunci: B
When Defi was a baby, she could not do anything. Her parents and her elder brother tok care of her.
She didn’t sleep with her mom. She slept in a baby cot in her parent’s bedroom. Her brother slept in
his own bedroom. When she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down. When she was afraid of
something, they comforted her.
Her father often carried her around in the morning sun. when she got older, her parents and brother
spoonfed her. She played with her brother. She was naughty but her brother was very patient with her.
With whom did Defi sleep when she was a baby ?<br>
A:) Her parents
A:) Her brother
A:) Her grandfather
A:) Her grandmother
Kunci: A
When Defi was a baby, she could not do anything. Her parents and her elder brother tok care of her.
She didn’t sleep with her mom. She slept in a baby cot in her parent’s bedroom. Her brother slept in
his own bedroom. When she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down. When she was afraid of
something, they comforted her.
Her father often carried her around in the morning sun. when she got older, her parents and brother
spoonfed her. She played with her brother. She was naughty but her brother was very patient with her.
Q:38) When she was afraid of something, they comforted her (par 2) <br>
A:) Determined
A:) Accompanied
A:) Cheered up
A:) Looked after
Kunci: C
My family and I went to the beach yesterday. We …. The beautiful scenery there. My brother and I played with the sand. We
made sand castle. My parents took some photos. We were happy because we had so much fun.
Choose the correct words to complete the following paragraph. <br>
A:) Enjoys
A:) Enjoying
A:) Enjoy
A:) Enjoyed
Q:40) The people applauded …. Than before when memo the clown come out. <br>
A:) Louder
A:) Most loudly
A:) Loudest
A:) More loud
Kunci: A
Q:41) Which one is …. Going by plane or by ship? <br>
A:) Higher
A:) More difficult
A:) More comfortable
A:) Smarter  
Kunci: C 
Q:42) Let’s have lunch at the cozy restaurant. It is …. Restaurant in town. <br>
A:) Better
A:) The best 
A:) Good
A:) Delicious
Kunci: B
Q:43) You got a poor grade in the second English test. So you should study ….<br>
A:) Hard
A:) The hardest
A:) As hard as
A:) Harder
Kunci: D
Q:44) That whale is ….. than this dolphine <br>
A:) Big
A:) Bigger
A:) Biggest
A:) Most big
Kunci: B
Q:45) People say that I am …… than my older brother <br>
A:) More intelligenter
A:) More intelligent
A:) Intelligenter
A:) Most intelligent
Kunci: B
Q:46) That whale is …. Than this canoe <br>
A:) Big
A:) Bigger
A:) Biggest
A:) Most big
Kunci: B
Q:47) Our uncle Mr. Hendita is the …. Fisherman in all of the town. <br>
A:) Talenteder
A:) Talentedest
A:) More talented
A:) Most talented
Kunci: D

I have three dogs. First, is Bony, the second is Fury, the last is Bruno. I call him Bony because he looks so thin. The thiniest amongst all.
The next is Fury. She has a nice and smooth fur. Bony has a smooth fur too, but Fury's fur is smoother. The last is Bruno. He is the
oldest. Now, he is 8 years old. I love all of them. No one is loved more than other.

What kind of animal told by the writer? <br>

A:) Dog
A:) Horse
A:) Cat
A:) Turtle
Kunci: A
I have three dogs. First, is Bony, the second is Fury, the last is Bruno. I call him Bony because he looks so thin. The thiniest amongst all.
The next is Fury. She has a nice and smooth fur. Bony has a smooth fur too, but Fury's fur is smoother. The last is Bruno. He is the oldest.
Now, he is 8 years old. I love all of them. No one is loved more than other.
Which dog is love the most? <br>
A:) Bruno
A:) Bony
A:) Fury
A:) All of them
Kunci: D
I have three dogs. First, is Bony, the second is Fury, the last is Bruno. I call him Bony because he looks so thin. The thiniest
amongst all. The next is Fury. She has a nice and smooth fur. Bony has a smooth fur too, but Fury's fur is smoother. The last is
Bruno. He is the oldest. Now, he is 8 years old. I love all of them. No one is loved more than other.

Q:50) Which dog is the oldest? <br>

A:) Bruno
A:) Bony
A:) Fury
A:) All of them
Kunci: A

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