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Gorgeous Geek


“Fi, let's play,” said Jin, opening the door to her room only to find Jezebelle pulling
on a shirt. He recognized her outdoor clothes immediately. “Er, where are you going, Fi?”
“Shoe shopping,” said Jezebelle curtly.
Jin frowned. “But it's finally Saturday...”
“So?” asked Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. “I need another pair now.”
“But Fi-”
Jin scratched the back of his head. “It's raining.”
“What?” said Jezebelle, running to the window and pushing the curtains aside to
check. Jin was right. It was drizzling. “Fuck! It is!”
“See?” said Jin with a sweet smile.
Jezebelle threw Jin a dirty look. “You knew about this ahead of you, didn't you?”
“Yup!” said Jin, grabbing a sweater from one of Jezebelle's drawers. “That's why I
planned the whole day out ahead of time!”
“Oh, boy,” said Jezebelle, not liking the sound of this one bit.
Jin handed Jezebelle the sweater. “Come, Fi, I made you some breakfast.”
Sighing, Jezebelle gave in and wore the sweather. “It better not be fattening...”
“I know you best,” said Jin, grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the room.
Jezebelle lifted a brow. “It frightens me sometimes.”
“Stop lying, Fi,” said Jin with a laugh. “You're not afraid of anything.”
“No, actually,” said Jezebelle through gritted teeeth. “Your good boy act is
borderline frightening.” Jin gave her the most innocent look, which just confirmed
Jezebelle's words. “More so because it's not an act...”
“What are you talking about, Fi?” asked Jin, blinking.
Soon enough, Jezebelle and Jin ate breakfast across from each other. Jezebelle kept
glancing out the window and hoping the rain would stop so she could escape her boyfriend.
Sadly, from the looks of things, it was going to rain all day. This was exactly what Jin
wanted. Every weekend, Jezebelle had managed to find an excuse to escape Jin. She could
not stand how adorable he acted around her. It was like hell for her. And Jin knew she had
been avoiding him for weeks now, which only meant one thing- he was going to make it up
by being ten times as sweet today.
“Fi,” said Jin, giving her one of his puppy looks. Jezebelle shivered. “It's been a
while since we're alone.”
“Where are your parents?” asked Jezebelle, irritated.
“They're out for the weekend,” said Jin, being vague on purpose.
Jezebelle lifted a brow. “They really do trust you.”
“What do you mean, Fi?” asked Jin, clueless.
“Oh, nothing,” said Jezebelle, crossing her legs. “Good boy Jinny would never throw
a party without asking his parents first.”
“I wouldn't want a party anyway,” said Jin, stacking up their plates and dropping
them off at the sink. “I want to spend the weekend with Fi alone.”
Jezebelle tossed Jin a weary look. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing big,” said Jin insistently. “I just want to be with Fi.”
“Well, if so,” said Jezebelle, standing up. “I'll be watching TV.”
“Sure, go ahead,” said Jin, surprising Jezebelle by how easy he let her off the book.
“I'll be right with you. I have to wash the dishes first.”
“Of course,” said Jezebelle, waving him off.
Watching a talk show, Jezebelle soon forgot about Jin until he entered the room and
sat down next to her. Right now, a couple was arguing over their marriage. Jezebelle
thought about how stupid they were. Surely, anyone with half a brain would understand
that living with someone was completely different from dating someone. Then again,
maybe she shouldn't judge them too harshly. After all, she and Jin were one of the few
couples who lived together before they even cared to start dating.
“Do you like watching this?” asked Jin curiously.
Jezebelle noticed the arm's length distance between them. “No. People are stupid.”
Jin laughed, not bothering to argue with Jezebelle. This was when Jezebelle closed the
distance between them. “Compared to those two, we actually don't argue that much.”
“Nope,” said Jin with a wide smile.
Jezebelle pouted. “Every time I pick a fight with you, you just smile and accept it.”
“Fi is stubborn,” said Jin firmly. “There's no point.”
“Not manly at all,” said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes.
“I like to maintain peace in my family.”
Jezebelle lifted a brow. “I'm family now? Since when?”
“Since you moved in,” said Jin immediately.
“What kind of joke, is this?” asked Jezebelle in amusement before she turned back
to the television.
“It's not a joke,” said Jin, keeping his eyes on her. “Fi shouldn't have to be alone all
the time.”
Jezebelle tightened her jaw. “What do you know?”
“A lot,” said Jin, observing her jawline.
“You come from a loving family.”
“It only looks that way.”
At Jin's serious tone, Jezebelle glanced back at him, “Bull shit.”
“I grew up, playing video games and taking care of the house all by myself,” said Jin
without any sign of sadness on his face. “I had lots of friends in school, but I could never
play or talk to them outside of school.”
“Why?” asked Jezebelle, acting indifferent.
“Because my parents needed me. My friends didn't.”
Jezebelle had to hold back her snicker. “Aren't you such a wonderful son?”
“Thanks, Fi,” said Jin, beaming. “I take pride in that.”
“Is that why you won't come closer?” asked Jezebelle, pushing her body against Jin's.
Jin tensed up slightly. “I thought you got over what your parents thought of our relationship
by now.”
“It's not that,” said Jin, feeling her hair against his skin. “It's cause of you, Fi.”
“Me?” asked Jezebelle, elevating her eyes up at him.
“Your responses to me are unpredictable,” said Jin simply.
Jezebelle smirked. “How so?”
“Sometimes, you want me to come closer. Other times, you push me away.”
“What about now?” asked Jezebelle in a softer voice.
“Hm,” said Jin, observing the way she was leaning against him suggestively. “You're
testing me.” Jin laughed. “You're toying with me again, Fi.”
“Do you like it?” asked Jezebelle, cuddling closer.
“Of course,” said Jin firmly, almost making Jezebelle back away. “You're my
girlfriend, Fi.”
Jezebelle glared at him and moved away instantly. “You and your obligations.”
“For the last time, it's not an obligation,” said Jin, hurt.
“I will never believe that,” said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms over her chest.
Jin sighed. “You're so hard to please.”
“It's no wonder I'm stuck with you,” said Jezebelle, forcing herself not to look at
him. “You and your unlimited patience is so annoying!”
“But it's part of the fun,” said Jin with determination. “It's like training on weaklings
for hours to level enough to take on the boss.”
“I'm a boss now?” asked Jezebelle, irritated.
“No,” said Jin carefully. “I'm saying if I can train for hours, and even days, for a
single boss fight, I have the patience for anything.”
Jezebelle sighed. “Maybe I should train like that, too.”
“Sure,” said Jin, brightened up. “Let's train together!”
“That wasn't a serious suggestion.”
“Come now, Fi,” said Jin, turning off the television. “We haven't played games
together for a while now. And,” Jin got up on his feet. “I know how much you like to shoot
“I suppose I should let out my anger on something other than you,” said Jezebelle,
obediently following Jin to his room.
Soon enough, Jin watched as Jezebelle managed to kill more zombies than him.
Actually, she was easily in first place right now. There was no way she would be this good as
a beginner. Jin sighed. She must have been playing this game while he was busy with house
chores or his school friends. It made him somewhat sad because she would rather play
alone than with him. Then again, he was used to Jezebelle being like this. Like him,
Jezebelle had learned to keep herself company throughout the years. It was their way of
not coping with the loneliness.
“While I played games and took care of the house, what did you do?” asked Jin after
they finished a fourth round.
Jezebelle shrugged. “Nothing interesting.”
“I'm interested,” said Jin, insisting.
“I trained my body,” said Jezebelle, placing the controller down.
“Oh,” said Jin in realization. “No wonder you can beat me in arm wrestling any day.”
“You're just weak,” said Jezebelle, smiling mocking at Jin. Jin shook his head at her.
“But you're right. I can probably take on football players if I wanted to.”
“You're amazing, Fi,” cried Jin.
Jezebelle laughed evilly. “Work out and eat healthy food. That's all.”
“Is that really all?” asked Jin in disbelief.
“No,” said Jezebelle curtly. “You have to stick to a rigorous schedule, too.”
“Do you go to the gym?”
“Sometimes, but I mostly exercise at home. Father hates letting me outside.”
Jin thought of an idea. “I know! You can show me a couple of these exercises!”
“So you can protect me?” asked Jezebelle in a sarcastic tone, knowing too well
otherwise. She still remembered that one scene after the football game.
“So I can protect myself when you can't protect me,” said Jin honestly. Jezebelle
thought about it. “In return, I'll show you how to cook so you can feed yourself when I'm not
around to feed you.”
“There's some serious gender reversal going on here,” said Jezebelle to herself.
“Is that fine with you, Fi?” asked Jin with a puppy look on his face.
Jezebelle sighed. “Is this what normal couples usually do?”
“I wouldn't know,” said Jin admittedly. “You're my first and only girlfriend.”
“That was a rhetorical question,” said Jezebelle, watching Jin turned off the X-Box.
“I've been in enough relationships to know that boyfriends and girlfriends don't teach each
other meaningless things like this.”
“But it's fun,” said Jin, returning to her side. “I'm game if you're game.”
“This is stupid,” said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes.
Suddenly, Jin lifted Jezebelle's face up to him with a smirk on his face. “You're just
afraid of the kitchen, Fi-Fi.”
“Oh, you're back,” said Jezebelle, amused now. She smacked his hand away.
Even though they played video games earlier, Jin was pretty much himself. He was
acting too affectionate toward her to change. He was fine with her winning against him for
once. As for now, somehow, the word 'game' must have brought this out. Actually, working
out with this Jin might be fun.
“I'm afraid to hurt your pride when I wipe the floor with you on push-ups, that's all,”
said Jezebelle, shrugging as if not caring.
“Trash talk,” said Jin, nodding. “That's my Fi-Fi.”
“Let's go to the living room,” said Jezebelle, motioning towards the door. “Since your
parents are not home, we can work out in a larger space.”
“Fine with me,” said Jin, following her willingly.
Like expected, Jezebelle easily finished thirty push-ups without breaking a sweat
while Jin struggled to keep his arms straight. Jin had spent too much of his life avoiding
sports and anything physically straining that his muscles whined in helplessness at this
sudden workout. In the meantime, Jezebelle crouched next to him, giggling.
“Your form is all wrong, Jinny,” said Jezebelle teasingly.
“Quiet,” said Jin, sending her a nasty look. “I'm working on it.”
“It's not as easy as it looks, huh?”
“No duh,” said Jin through gritted teeth and scowl. He pushed himself back up. “I
don't see the point either.”
“If you want to get strong, though,” said Jezebelle, forcing herself to stand up.
“You'll have to do more than just this. There are a lot of other excerses to help build every
part of your body and then, you have to strictly follow this regimen-”
“No thanks,” said Jin, collapsing and rolling over on his back. He wiped his sweat
away. “I'd rather play video games.” Jezebelle shrugged and was about to leave when Jin
managed to grab her arm in time. “Kitchen time.”
Soon enough, Jezebelle found herself with an egg in her hand. She was supposed to
crack it or something. After Jin instructed her to hit the bottom of the egg lightly against
the edge of the table, Jezebelle sighed and listened to him. However, instead, she smashed
the entire egg so the yolk went all over the table instead. Jin had to clean it up before he
easily finished up the job for her.
“Fi-Fi,” said Jin, smirking. “You can't even crack eggs. How sad.”
“I'm just too strong, that's why,” said Jezebelle, pouting.
Since Jin wanted the kitchen to stay in one piece, he demonstrated what to do with
the eggs next. He added oil to the pan and and started frying the eggs. Much to his
surprise, Jezebelle jumped and hid behind him.
“What's wrong now, Fi-Fi?” asked Jin, amused.
“I don't want any of that stuff on my perfect skin,” said Jezebelle curtly.
“Is my Fi-Fi... afraid?” asked Jin, finding this too much fun.
Jezebelle glared at him. “Like I'm afraid of vegetable oil!”
“Then, here,” said Jin, stepping aside and leaving the pan to her. “You do it.”
Cursing him under her breath, Jezebelle bit her lip once before she began moving
the pan side to side like what Jin had been doing. While she kept this up with a distance
between her and the pan, Jin kept adding extras like pepper and the likes. Jezebelle vowed
never to go into the kitchen again. Everything was just too damn fragile.
In the end, Jezebelle felt dirty and sticky after her adventures in the kitchen so she
quickly dismissed herself and went for the bathroom. After Jezebelle took off her clothes,
she heard a knock on the door. Jezebelle pulled a towel around her body before she opened
the door, only to see Jin back to his regular sweet self.
“What is it?” asked Jezebelle, annoyed.
“I finished making the rest of lunch,” said Jin proudly.
“Aw, that's so sweet,” said Jezebelle, pretending to sound gleeful. “I care so much.”
“I'm glad for today, Fi,” said Jin, nodding. “Now, I understand how hard your
childhood must have been.”
“Hard?” said Jezebelle incredulously. “My regimen was all I had and I worked
wonders for who I am today. I'm thankful for it with all my heart.”
“I never imagined hearing something so optimistic from you, Fi,” said Jin, amazed.
Jezebelle rolled her eyes. “That's not optimism.”
“You have a point though,” said Jin thoughtfully. “I wouldn't be so good at video
games now if my parents didn't neglect me so much as a kid.”
“That's not something to be proud of,” said Jezebelle in dismissal.
“Well,” said Jin, thinking hard. “I know how to take care of myself?”
Jezebelle suddenly smirked at him. “You know, Jinny...”
“Yes, Fi?”
“You might be a geek, a weakling, and a mama's boy, but,” said Jezebelle, shrugging
her hair off her shoulders. “I realized you are also mature and independent.” Jin blinked at
her compliment. “I don't really need to take care of you and you really don't need to take
care of me either.”
“That's true,” said Jin, widening his eyes. “Aside from me cooking your food and
taking care of your laundry and driving you to school-” Jezebelle rolled her eyes. “You can
pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want.”
“And I can do all those things myself if I wanted to,” said Jezebelle quickly.
Jin laughed and nodded. “Yeah. And aside from you protecting me physically, I don't
really need you either, Fi.”
“I prefer a boyfriend who doesn't need me all the time,” said Jezebelle, shrugging.
“But,” said Jin, staring straight at her. “Even though the two of us can lead separate
lives and be fine, I still rather be with Fi than alone.” Jin went up to Jezebelle and pushed
the door between them away. “Because I love you, Fi.”
“How cute,” said Jezebelle, placing her arms on top of his shoulders before wrapping
them behind his neck. “And I love your pretty face.”
“My face?”
“Yes, a good-looking boyfriend makes me look good.”
“Oh!” cried Jin. “Are we playing that game?”
“What game?” cried Jezebelle in dismay.
“Then,” said Jin, squeezing her to him. “I love your hair.”
Jezebelle laughed and embraced him closer. “Hair fetish.”
“Your turn now,” said Jin, excited.
“I have no time for your games,” said Jezebelle, freeing herself from Jin. “I'm taking
a nice, long bath.” Jin blinked, clueless at why she wasn't closing the door. Jezebelle sighed
and added, “Are you coming or not?”
Once they were done with bathing and eating, Jezebelle snuggled against Jin's side
for their afternoon nap together. He was already asleep. She watched him and thought
about them. Even though she preferred shoe shopping, she decided that spending time with
Jin wasn't all that bad. He was harmless and patient. He minded his own business and rarely
interfered with hers. He knew her better than anyone else. Best of all, he was flexible and
agreeable to change. Even if she were to lose everything, he would still care about her.
That was just the type of person Jin was.
“See, Jinny?” said Jezebelle, closing her eyes and listening to the rain. “This is what
couples do.”

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