Minute On Site Potrero 21.08.19 Attendance

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Minute on site Potrero 21.08.



 Alfredo: Prodiel Social Coordinator

 Constantine: Prodiel Site Manager
 Miguel: Prodiel Project M|anager
 Sergio: FRV Civil Supervisor
 Magdaleno: Prodiel Civil Coordinator
 Victor: FRV Site Manager
 Gerardo: Aselec Construction Supervisor
 Henrique, Prodiel HV Supervisor
 Pamela, FRV Social Coordinator

Progress Evaluation

• Internet and electricity in process of installation.

• On September 21, it is estimated that the excavation works of medium and low voltage
trenches have begun, as well as the earthworks in the substations. For the same date it is
estimated that the cleaning of the site will be finished.

• The FAT tests have already been done to the piles and it is estimated that they will arrive at
the end of September.

• All work fronts will start in zone D and A (Trenches and piles).

• There are problems with the transport workers union because they do not have the
necessary number of trucks for the movement of land in PV (50,000 m3) part and HV (80000
m3) part.


• Within a month, access roads, temporary internal roads and the activity in federal areas or
those protected by the “ETJ” (justified technical study) must be ready.

• On September 20, pre-drilling begins in zone D for the installation of piles. The
subcontractors involved in this activity will be:
Tilseco - 35%
CMA - 10%
FATO - 15%
The left part would be for the subcontractor with more progress.

• It is estimated that 40 days after the arrival of the first piles the trackers will arrive and by
February all the piles will be installed.

• In the worst case, it is estimated to perform the earthworks at a speed of 14 to 15 hectares

per day.
• There will be 5 Pull Out Test tests per section and 30% of the piles will be driven directly.

• Once the cable begins to arrive at the warehouse, Prodiel will begin with the opening and
closing of trenches. The estimated time for cable arrival is less than one month.

• Aselec will have the terrace of the substations ready in two months, will have 4 excavators, 2
motor shapping machines, 1 backhoe and 2 compactors.


• The work of the HV connection must be reviewed.

• CENACE says that at the moment it will not add reactors to the arrangement, so it is not
necessary to change the proposed arrangement.

• The connection junction and the possible 7 towers that will be used should be checked.

• CFE approval is required regarding the connection.

• The primary equipment of the substation has already been purchased; the towers take 14
weeks to arrive.

• The arrival of the first shipment of panels is expected at the end of October or beginning of
November due to the delay of one month.

• A neighbor of the project wants to make a small modification to move the perimeter mesh a
little because it affects his crops.

• 100 hectares of clearing remain to be done.

• The neighbors enter the project without permission to take felled trees.

• Nearby communities complain about the damage to the roads.

• A plan must be made for the passage of trucks along the conflicting roads and close to
communities and schools.

• We need to begin with the preparations for the World Bank visit.

• Local workers are needed on site.

• We need to make preparations for the pilgrimage of more than 1.2 million people who will
go through the vicinity of the project; the people block all the roads and highways in early
January 2020.

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