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Patricia Aguilar 1; Alex Yuilño Guzman 2; Wilber Halanocca 3 Nemias Huancca 4 Richard Quispe 5
a Centro ingeniería civil, Universidad de Tecnológico los Andes, jirón puputi , nº. Cusco, Peru.

* Correspondent author
Email: (H. Surname)


There are 3 components that are harming the quality of the track, namely the quality of the process of creating the track, the
evacuation or sewerage situation and its outskirts, and the enormous weight on the track. The decision of evacuation quality
and apparent water is based only on what has been benefited.

road, construction, quality, drainage, unia network, pavement.


There are 3 components that are harming the quality of the road, namely the quality of the process of creating the track, the
evacuation or sewerage situation and its outskirts, and the enormous weight on the track. The decision of evacuation
quality and apparent water is based only on what has been benefited.

road, construction, quality, drainage Nia network, pavement.

These instructions constitute a guide for the
1. Introduction preparation of articles for the journal RED UNIA
There are 3 components that are harming the 2. Literature Review Data Collection
quality of the track, namely the quality of the
process of creating the track, the evacuation or 2.1 Data collection
sewerage situation and its outskirts, and the
enormous weight on the track. Being overweight
This same focus of this research is to find out the
manages to cause the weight on each conveyor
relationship between flexible pavement formations and
shaft to exceed the specified ruler. The discomfort
drainage situations. Evaluate roads on the fly by applying
of the pavement manages to be caused by
criteria to determine: flexible paving classes, collector
enormous traffic weights, variable quality of
subgrade, low quality of the terrain, low formation paving classes, open drainage channel (including curves,
and prosecution of the pavement, a decrease due to slopes/downhill and junctions) and low intensity heavy
the work of public services under the pavement, vehicular traffic.
enough asphalt, pavement due to fatigue, This information is collected by a field observation of
environmental quality (temperature and high haste) flexible paving surfaces, which would be used to analyze
and poor evacuation. The instantaneous discomfort and categorize drainage situations throughout the street
of the pavement is caused by the absence of hazard area, and also wet post-drainage situations . Then
conservation of the evacuation structure. The that level of anxiety is measured.
roads that are without an unbeatable drainage
2.2. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
system have a more instantaneous relief speed, so
the old age of the asphalt delineation will be
In fact, a method for evaluating pavements has been
reduced. Good drainage should be provided to
developed. The pre-condition t is proactive and
avoid risky hesitation on the road caused by
adaptive in type. Determine the risk level of the
weather and traffic weights. Puddles are the main
doubt of the asphalting routes, since the water in northbound lanes that used the PCI method. An
the region will be distilled in the pores and will examination is done to determine the cause of the
worsen the asphalting joints to the bases of the sidewalk distress. The findings are used to determine
road. This research proves the adequacy between the level of distress, and then a conditioned drainage
evacuation quality and docile asphalt works at analysis was performed. The objective of the
characterization is to determine the type of hazard,
various locations in Jakarta. The investigation is
carried out in tracks with ranking of collecting the area of danger and the categorization of the clear
routes and calculation of exposure caused only by and present hazard.
water or intensified by water. The decision of The voltage ratio is calculated and compared with the
evacuation quality and apparent water is based only publications. Further research and the first table has
on what has been benefited. Some research on the been used as a guide to classify and group distresses
outcome of evacuation quality in the nuisance of at the site examined. The measurement was made at
docile asphalt works has been carried out early. a depth from the surface of the pavement and the
The evacuation change test carried out by Mia mean of the drainage. The results of an adoption and
Muhammad NU aims to: review of 32 sites are provided.
1.- avoid the steam obtained on the edge of the
track The results of monitoring and analysis of 32 localities are
2.-erase the steam in the area of the joint presented in Table 1
3.-add the useful liveliness of the asphalt by
growing the deep evacuation
4.-reduce the danger of early defect of the cutting
and constant alteration due to steam throughout the
generation of asphalt.
5.-prevent the extraction and effects of blisters in
the shallow layer, particularly in the parts of the
plate or in the sections, decreasing the degree of
water its depth; and increase the effectiveness of
the existing evacuation functionality by installing
and replacing existing asphalt, subgrades and

Table 1. drainage conditions, puddles, and PCI scores

No PCI Drainage Presence

1 95.6 Exact Ye
2 84 Moderate s
3 92 Exact Ye
4 83 Exact s
5 98 Moderate Ye Figure 2: Drainage condition in the mid-range.
6 86 Exact s
7 75 Moderate Ye
8 88 ExactLy s
9 85 Moderate Ye
10 79 Exact s
11 87.6 Moderate Ye
12 76.4 ExactLy s
13 79.5 Exact Ye
14 78 Moderate s
15 72.5 Exactly Ye
16 90.2 s Figure 3: A puddle next to a channel that is open.
17 79 No
18 91 No
19 98 No
20 94 Ye
21 85 s
22 94.2 Ye
23 93.9 s
24 91.7 No
25 85 Ye
26 98 s
27 90 No Puddles on the road (Figure 4)
28 86 No
29 84 No An efficient drainage condition is characterized by the
30 82.5 No presence of a suitable channel, an unobstructed water
31 82 No flow and a relatively good drainage structure (Fig. 1).
No The moderate category includes drainage that has an
32 98 Moderate Yes obstructed water flow due to waste and/or damaged
2.3. Road drainage qualification and evaluation construction (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows this same situation
of puddles approaching a drainage channel that cannot
According to the literature, segmentation is based on a begin to flow due to severe obstacles.
visual assessment. There are three categories of assessment
in this case: drainage conditions (Figures 1 and 2), surface Deterioration of the road and improper slope of the road
water conditions (Figures 3 and 4), and Damage Level A slope that is not properly designed may not fulfill its
Condition (Table 2) [7,8]. Categorization subcategories function of channeling water to the edge and into the
describe categorization subcategories. drainage channel (Fig. 4).

Figure 1. Good category of drainage conditions

PCI Classification PCI Score
Ok 100 – 85

Satisfactory 85 – 70

3 components in the degree of deterioration of the road.
3. Results and discussion Experiments are conducted using 3 causal components
(A, B and C) with r repetition (r = 3) and each
experiment has each of the combinations of treatments of
a, b and c, so it might be simpler to organize them into
factorial designs.

There are 24 of 32 samples used in the empirical design

because of 32 samples, there is no uniform distribution of
the survey results that completes each block of code.
Therefore, only replication 3 can be used with a sample
size of 24. The following table is the work of the
empirical design of the analysis.
Figure 5. (a) Distribution of the degree of discomfort
according to drainage conditions, (b) distribution of
puddle conditions according to drainage conditions.

Fig. 5 (a) explains the lowest degree of road

deterioration caused by 2 drainage conditions, reaching
62% for optimal drainage and 73% for moderate
drainage. Good and moderate drainage conditions cause
inconvenience on low-grade roads. Figure 5 (b) explains
the condition of presence of puddles in the pavement
areas in the two drainage conditions with a percentage of
53% in good drainage and 62% in moderate drainage.
3.3. Factor analysis 23
3.1. Data processing by means of a factorial study Factorial design is used to analyze 2 or more independent
changers in an experimental situation.
In this analysis, the researchers used 3 components, A
(drainage channel conditions), B (surface water Table 4. Yacht Method for Determining Contrast
conditions) and C (PCI scores), with the following
Drainage channel conditions (A); A1
= good
A2 = Moderate
Surface water conditions (B); B1 =
There is a puddle
B2 = No puddles
PCI Score (C);
C1 = Good PCI score (100-85) C2 =
Satisfactory PCI score (84-70)

And the 3 variance study component for fixed impact

(influence): Factorial design is used to examine two or more independent
variables in experimental situations.

The initial conjecture (Ho) does not show a primordial Table 5. List of results of the ANOVA experimental design
impact of (A, B, C) on what the relationship impact of
(AB, AC, BC, and ABC) is real (significant).

3.2. Constructive design of experiments

From the results of the pci score calculation (C), a

factorial study 23 is done using the surface water
condition element (B) and the drainage condition element
(A) to decide the impact of these

Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that:
₋ The drainage condition component (A) with a cost P
suggesting F-count= 64.69 has a chance of P=0.000 not
rejecting Ho : τi = 0
₋ The surface water condition element (B) with a cost P
instituting F-count= 0.20 has the possibility of P=0.657 to
reject Ho : βj = 0
₋ PCI (C) scoring component with a cost of P suggesting
F-count= 2.91 has a chance of P=0.103 not to reject Ho : γk Table 7 Observations of experimental results using
=0 design.
The result shows that the most influential element is A,
followed by C and B in which the most influential
relationships are AC, followed by BC, ABC and AB.

3.4. Fractional effect analysis

The calculation of the cost of the impact is done by means

of a half-attitude study to offer descriptions and changes of
impact. Each factorial of fractions has a complete factorial
in fewer components. The part of a medium shall be
projected in full factorial on each k-1 of the original
element. Figure 6 Main geometric effects
For the primordial part, the contrast used to estimate the
primordial impact of A is exactly the same as the contrast
used to estimate the BC ratio. This phenomenon is called The results are summarized in Table 8.
aliasing and happens in all fraction designs. Table 8 Calculation of Effects Estimation for Design
The aliases have the possibility to discover directly in the
columns of the tables with the signs + and -. The primary
impact is aliased with 3 component relationships, namely:
A.I=A2BCD=BCD, B.I=AB2CD=ACD, 4. Conclusions
C.I=ABC2D=ABD and D.I=ABCD2=ABC, the 2
component ratio interacts with 2 component relation, From the effect presented preliminarily, it could be
namely: AB. I=A2B2CD=CD, AC. I=BD, AD. I=BC. concluded that: The 5 areas surveyed remain subject to
Therefore, there are only 7 effects. They have the Good drainage conditions, no puddles in the pavement
possibility to estimate: A, B, C, D, AB, AC and AD. Using and LOW degree of relief. There are 9 types of road
the result of the experiment in Table 6, half of the attitude discomfort in this analysis. The longitudinal crack
study is done with 8 combinations. dominates in which the slippage is the least. Based on
PCI According to the procedure, the 5 locations surveyed
remain dominated by PCI "Good" and "Routine
Table 6. Semi fractions of ANOVA using experimental Maintenance". Default In the ANOVA statistical test, the
results. most influential mechanism in pavement breakdown is
Surface water conditions (B) the drainage condition with F-count of 64.69 while
there is a puddle surface water gives a slight predominance with F-count
Drainage channel conditions (A) of 0.2. Factorial study The 24-1 design receives Minitab's
execution of the regression equation: Y = 259.9 - 18.91 C
- 1.063 B - 4.013 A + 0.8375 AC - 4.262 BC - 3.863 AB
+ 1.388 ABC with A = PCI score, B = water area
condition and C = drainage condition. The excellent the
condition of the drainage, the lower the damage of the
pavement with more PCI Score and vice versa.
Further research is indicated on the components of rain,
slope, road class and more samples, with a degree of
serious discomfort in the pavement representing a larger

Acknowledgments (Optional)

DRPM University Indonesia funded the PIT-9 2019

grant No. NKB-0076 / UN2. R3.1 / HKP.05.00 /
2019 for this research. The author expresses his
gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of
the study, in particular to the Directorate of Research and
Community Development of Universidad Indonesia.


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