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“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”



Week Exercises


Waldi Antonio Requena Becerra


7:55 AM-10:30 AM


Melhany Chaparro Pacherre

Pamela Cruz Paz

Ingrid Villegas Juarez

Jampier Romero Rodriguez


1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C

1. d
2. e
3. a
4. f
5. b
6. c

1. Did you like the extract?

Yes, we liked the extract because it is a story that describe the events and the
character´s feeling, describe a jousting competition to defeat prince John’s Knights
and win back the woman he loves, the story has a good ending.

2. We think that what is probably happen is a big battle or fight between Ivanhoe and
Prince John, but another theory could be that Rowena and Ivanhoe preparate a
meeting where they explain to John what happen in all the time he was missing and
express what they fell to each other.

1. If I travel tomorrow, I won’t attend English class.

2. If Cielo falls asleep in class, she won’t attend correctly.
3. If Juan Enrique were famous, he would buy a porche.
4. If Melhany traveled to space, she would like visit Venus.
5. If Lourdes ate mushrooms every day, she would hate them to future.
6. If Lucía Marivi don’t change her cover photo, we will think that she likes llamas or
camelids to admire and eat.
7. If Pierina met to One Direction, she would like to take a picture with each of them.
8. If Néstor were drink orange juice every day, he would find to his half orange soon.

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