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and the media

is Communication?
-What types of
communication do
you know?
-What is the role of
media in our life?

Phrasal verbs
Blurt out
(say something suddenly and
without thinking about the
effect it will have, usually
because you are nervous or
Let on
(talk about something
that is intended to be a
Set down
(write something on a
piece of paper so that it
will not be forgotte n and
can be looked at later;
state officially how
something should be
Talk over
(discuss a problem
or a plan)
Big mouth
(used as a criticism of
someone when they say
things they should not )
Get the wrong
end of the stick
understand something
completely wrongly
Keep smth
under your
keep something
Lay/put your
cards on the
tell people exactly what you
are thinking or what you are
intending to do
Check your understanding
Listening task
Whe re would we be wi thout the me di a? How would we get informati on about
the worl d? All of us are i nte reste d i n the ne ws. We all want t o know what ’s
happe ning around the world. We switch the TV on just to watch the ne ws. It
seems as though e very t rai n passenge r has a ne wspape r. T he j ournal ists who
bring us the ne ws do a ve ry important job. M any risk t hei r lives to bring us
the ne ws from the world’s dange r zones. U nfort unatel y, many re porte rs are
kille d while the y are cove ring a war. The me di a make us feel we are part of
the worl d. We be come e xpe rts on ot he r countries and on t he bi g ne ws stories.
The me di a al so bring us many unforgett able i mage s, such as a man wal king
on the moon. Really, the media show us history as it happens.
Speaking: Agree/Disagree game

1. Media can keep us connected
2. It can't be used for disinformation and hate
3. It can spread art and culture
4. It can give voice to the voiceless
5. It educates people

6. People get to bring out their hidden talents

7. It serves as a good source of entertainment
8. Media leads to diffusion of different cultures
9. It does not lead to individualism
10. All media contents are suitable for children
11. Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities
of imposters, fraud and hacking
12. Media can not be addictive
13. It doesn't cause health problems
14. It can lead to ruin of reputation
Reading task:
The English Language
Tackle the problem!
1. Social media is making us unsocial
2. Social media is killing relationships
3. Social media is replacing experiences
4. Rather than visiting Art gallery, we choose to
view instagram photos of artists
5. It is impacting social issues ( slaktivism - is the
practice of supporting a political or social cause by means
such as social media or online petitions, characterized as
involving very little effort or commitment)

6. Many relationships are ruined because of micro

7. Creating online relationships may cause losing
touch with people in real life
Thanks for attention!

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