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TENSES recap

affirmative form negative form DIMA

1.simple 1.DAILY
present I/we / you / they + verb Don’t verb. ROUTINE/FACT/REGULAR

2.Everyday - always
he/she/ it verb +s /es Doesn’t verb. -often_ usually-sometimes_ once/
NB. verbs ending in : twice/ three times / Four times… a
he/she/ it +V-- o x ss ch sh + es day_ most days_ generally- habitually
at weekends_ on Mondays=every
Monday_ in the mornings- in the
afternoons- every other day-every
other week- hardly-ever = never….

2.present I Am Verb ing Am not Verbing 1.. now_ right now_ at the moment-
continuous currently- these days- nowadays
BE + VING he / she / it Is Verb ing Is not Verbing
future arrangement / future plan
we / you/ they Are Verb ing Are not Verbing 2. To day- this afternoon_ this
evening_ at 8 _tonight _ this week
at 11 am.

present I you we they have + v ----ed have not +v -------ed Ila hddi alan w mazal.
just_ already _yet_ still_ up to now_
he she it has + v ----ed has not +v ------ed for_ since_ up to the moment-
recently-lately- all my life- so far_
ever_ never_...

3.simple past V-----ed Did not verb Dazt w salat .

(fa3alt) I learned I didn’t learn
Yesterday_ last week_ two days ago _
In 2010_ that day- the other day_
_ once/ once upon time/ formerly/ in the
World War I….
4.past continuous I he she it Was + V---ing Was not + Ving (kana yaf3al)
BE in past + 1.. when_ while_ just as_ as
VING 2.. yesterday at 9o’clock
(kana yaf3al) we you they Were + Ving Were not + Ving Yesterday from 9 to10 p.m.
last night between 5 and 6 a.m.
EX:yesteday at 9 I was watching a movie.
Ex: While I was listening to music last night,
my brother was doing homework.
while I opened the door yesterday a cat came
EX: while I was listening to music
yesterday,my mother knocked on the door.

2 AHDAT in past, wahed sabq wahd.

past perfect had + v------ed/pp Had not +v------ed Hadat 1= past pefect w hadat 2= simple past
Before I went to study this morning I had
eaten perfect breakfast

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when _before _after_ as soon as_ till_ until-

by the time – by the moment

recent past .(3ad have+ just+ V----ed Haven’t just +V----ed I have Just explained past perfect for you.

future simple will+ v-------- Will not +verb tomorrow_ next week_ in the future_ in
rander 2020- in the days to come- soon –
future will be+ V-----ing Will not be + Ving in a few minutes_ tomorrow at this
continuous time- tomorrow at 9
radi nkon kinder
future perfect will have +v----- ed Will not have + pp by 2028_by this time next month- by
radi nkon dertha the end of this term - by 2029- by the
time he arrives…

immediate future I Am going to+ verb Am not going to+ verb

( be going to..) he Is going to+ verb Is not going to+ verb
Daba chweya we Are going to+ verb Are not going to+ verb



- So as to/ in order to / to + verb infinitive

- so that……+ S +can /could+ verb  = in order that…+ S+ can/could+ verb
- for + VERBING

1. Harold travels a lot. He wants to discover more about the other cultures.

Harod travels a lot so as to discover more about the other culture

Harold travels a lot In order to discover more about the other culture
Harold travels a lot in order that he can discover more about the other cultures
Harold travelled a lot So that he could discover more about the other culture
Harold travels a lot for learning more about the other cultures
2. Arnold wears sunglasses. He doesn’t want to be recognized by the police

So as not to / in order not to

Arnold wears sunglasses so as not to be recognized by the police.

Arnold wears sunglasses In order not to be recognized by the police

3. Mohammed studied engineering. He didn’t want to disappoint his father

Mohammed studied engineering in order not to disappoint his father

Mohammed studied engineering so as not to disappoint his father

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

4. Lalla Hania always makes cakes at the weekends ; someone may drop in

Lalla Hania always makes cakes at the weekends lest someone should drop in
She told her little girl not to go near the dog; she was afraid it might scare her
She told her little girl not to go near the dog for fear that it might scare her.


 Nancy writes to the press with the aim of exposing the scandal
 I have invited you here with a view to solving our differences
 The purpose of his visit is to inspect the workers skills
 I don’t know what his motives are in sending that email.


You probably know how to use words like « because, since; as a result…. » to refer to the cause or reason for
something .Here are ALSO some other ways to express cause and reason.


The weather was icy; the lorries collided
Owing to / due to the icy conditions, the Lorries collided.
Owing to the fact that the conditions were icy, the Lorries collided.
The collision is due to the icy conditions.
The ice on the roads causes the coalition.
The cause of the collision was ice on the road.
Due to/ owing to/ because of+ noun/ the fact that

The rise in prices sparked (off) a lot of political protests.

The president’s statement gave rise to /Generated /Provoked a lot of criticism.
The new American laws bring about/ Leads to great changes in education.
This problem stems from the inflation of recent years.
The court-case arises from / arises out of allegations made in newspaper.
The reason for not going with us was that she had no money.
She wonders what prompted him to send that letter.
He refused to answer on the grounds that his lawyer wasn’t there.


OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

Because the prices become expensive, the sales go down.

Since he has a higher diploma, he gets a good job easily.
As it was raining a lot yesterday, the employees stopped working.
Because of the heavy rain, workers knocked off earlier.
Seeing that you don’t like Liza, why did you invite her?
The American delegate has not yet arrived. Therefore, we postpone the meeting.
Most Moroccans trainees have law skills. Accordingly, they don’t find jobs.


Over the years, Veggie house was so successful that I opened two more restaurants
1. so +adj /adv +that + S V C Over the years,
2. Such a / an +adj +noun + THAT+ sentence. veggie house was
such a successful

Conjunctive adverbs
As a result_ consequently_ as a consequence_ hence_ thus_ so_ therefore - accordingly….

1. The teacher explains well lessons, so all students get high marks in English
2. Samir travels a lot; as a result, he is so knowledgeable about different cultures.
3. He got the TOEFL last year .Consequently; he found a good post last month.


1. Said is very kind. Everyone respects him too much. (So…that…)

Said is so kind that everyone respects him too much.

2. Said is very kind. Everyone respects him too much. (Such…..that…)

Said is such a kind man that everyone respects.

restaurant that I opened two more restaurants

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222


You already know words like and, also and too. There are some more you can effectively use to link sentences or


For this job you need a degree .In addition, you need some more experience.
Mobiles are becoming easier to use .Furthermore, they are becoming cheap
The train takes ages to get there .Besides, we’ll have to change it twice.
.On top of all that,

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

Further to my e-mail of December 1ST, we are writing to place an order.

In addition to winning the gold medal, she also broke the world record.

In addition to my being an English native speaker, I got PHD in Sociology to get the post.

Besides having a salary, he also has a private income.

Apart from his many hobbies, she restores old masterpieces.

Apart from being a genius, he is a good citizen.

Mrs. Karim was there, along with a few old friends from Australia.

He is a good artist as well as being a social activist.


The house sells clothes, shoes, trainers, and so on etc.

The draft goes to the committee, then to the board, then to the minster and so on and so forth .

NOT ONLY….. BUT ALSO…….. Structure

1. Amine studies hard, he works part time job

Not only does Amine study hard, but also he works part time job
Amine not only studies hard, but he works part time as well.

2. The boys play out, they have funny moments

Not only do the boys play out, but also they have funny moments


1. He studies very hard, but it is not enough to succeed

2. He runs very fast; however, he doesn’t catch the train
3. He told all truth he knows; nevertheless, nobody believes him
4. Virtue ennobles people; on the contrary, vice disgraces them
5. There is much food in the world; nonetheless, a lot of people still starve to death
6. I will not see him ,though he comes to see me
7. He does a lot effort to win. On the contrary, he fails bitterly.
8. I expect him to be fat; the reverse was true
9. she thought him to be honest. In contrast he was a true liar.

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

10. Ali carries on training even though it is raining heavily


11. Although he was poor, Mr. Said is a very generous man.

12. = Despite his poverty, Mr. Said is a very generous man

In spite of the fact that he is poor, Said is a very generous man

Although = subject + verb+ object/ complement, subject + verb+object/ complement,

Despite/ in spite of+ the fact that Although subject + verb+object/ complement, subject + verb+object/

Expressions useful for informal use

I expected you to be punctual. The reverse was true

We think the highway was quick. Quite the opposite, it was longer
People drive on the right; in contrast, here in UK they drive on the left and we were fined twice
When it comes to politics they are poles apart
There is a world of difference between being a friend and a lover
A yawning gap divides the poor and the rich in Africa
There is a huge discrepancy between his ideals and deeds.


ACIVE: S v +S/ED/ING/PP/INF object …….
PASSIVE: Object be pp by S

Object pronouns in passive voice

She invited me to the party I was invited (by her) to the party
They offer us a gift We are offered a gift
Nabil has given him a job He has been given a job by Nabil

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222


Simple present He sends an email to his friend An email is sent to his friend by him.
Present The workers are doing good job Good job is being done by the workers
Simple past They launched the new product The new product was launched by them
Past continuous Ali was driving a red car A red car was being driven by Ali

Present perfect The trainees have done the task The task has been done by the trainees
Past perfect Christopher had discovered America America had been discovered by Christopher

Future simple They will buy second hand materials Second hand materials will be bought
Future perfect The trainees will have got the degrees The degrees will have been got by the trainees
Immédiate We are going to organize a party A party is going to be organized by us
MODALS Mr. Hamid Will write a report A report Will be written by Mr. Hamid.
without to Shall write Shall be written
Can write Can be written
Could write Could be written
May write May be written
Might write Might be written
Should write Should be written
would write would be written

Modal with « The secretaries Have to write emails Emails Have to be written by the secretaries
to » Has to write Has to be written
Had to write Had to be written
Ought to write Ought to be written
Is going to write Is going to be written
Subject pronoun Object pronoun
I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
We Us
they them

Different changes
Tenses, modals, PRONOUNS, adjectives change according to the table below.
NB1: when the introductory verb is in present the tenses don’t change
NB2: when the introductory verb is in the past the tenses change according to table below

Simple present Simple past Direct speech Indirect speech

Present continuous Past continuous Tomorrow The following day
Simple past Past perfect Next week The following week
Past continuous Past perfect continuous To day That day
Present perfect Past perfect Now Then
Past perfect Past perfect Yesterday The previous day
Can Could Ago Before

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

Will Would Last night The previous night

May Might
Must Had to My- your His/ her
Have to Had to Our/ your Their
Shall Should myself/ yourself himselh/ herself
This That ourselves/yourselves themselves
These Those
I/You he / she
We/You They
Me/you him/ her
Us/you Them

You? We

1. Statements

He said,  “ we are losing our market these days” He said that they were losing their market those days
« he is the person in charge”, told me kenza

2. Yes- no questions

«did you have a good flight ? », she asked me She asked me if I had a good flight
The porter asked him, “shall I carry the bags?”
“ can you speak Italian language?, asked him Barry
3. Wh- WH-questions

“ Where do you live?”, asked me Mary Mary asked me where I lived

“ Who were you speaking to?”, she wanted to know
“Whose dress was she wearing yesterday?, asked

4. Orders –commands—advice….
“ stay here”, the officer ordered me The officer ordered me to stay there.( the post)
“ don’t leave anywhere”, he ordered her


CONDITIONAL TYPE 0 : if + simple present, simple present REAL 100%
if the wind blows the trees stir
if Ramadan comes muslims fast it
Conditional type1: if + simple present, future simple
if Ibrahim gets a job he will buy a nice car.
now impossible in the future possible POSSIBLE 50%

Conditional type2: if +simple past would +verb ( now ; this moment)

Reality = we are not in japan now, so we don’t have high quality network.
Imaginination =type 2= if we were in japan now we would have high quality network .

Conditional type3: if +past perfect( had ( not)+pp ) would(not) have +Vpp ( the past)

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

reality: Ahmed didn’t get the job, so he was upset.

imagination if Ahmed had got the job, he would not have been upset.

We use the First Conditional to talk about future events that are likely to happen.
 If we take John, he'll be really pleased.
The Second Conditional is used to talk about 'impossible' situations.
 If we were in London today, we would be able to go to the concert in Hyde Park.
Note the form 'If I were you' which is often used to give advice.

We can use the Third Conditional to talk about 'impossible' conditions, impossible because they are in the past
and we cannot change what has happened.
 If I had worked harder at school, I would have got better grades.

THE REALITY Can be : If (conditional)= unreal ; hypothesis ; imagination

Present simple, present simple/future simple Type 2 = if simple past would (NOT)+ VERB
Simple past, simple past Type 3= if past perfect would(not)have + PP

Affirmative Negative
Negative Affirmative

Expressing wish
1. I am sorry. I don’t have much time
 If only I had much time
2. It is a pity he didn’t go to school
 We wish he had gone to school.

Present Past
Past Past perfect

Affirmative Negative
Negative Affirmative

Modals or helping verbs express different meaning verbs alone can’t do, so we use them to make the meaning
more understood and clearer. the following table will discuss them in their main use. modals
Auxiliary Uses Présent/ future contexte Past contexte
May Polite request May i have your name?
Permission You may leave now.
Possibility Jamal may be at work now. Adam may have been at work
Might Possibility It might rain tomorrow Adam might have been at library
Should Advice You should work hard to live in You should have studied harder
Ought to Advice You ought to see a doctor You ought to have seen your
Had better Strong advice She’d better go by plane You had better have gone by
Must Obligation You must obey the traffic lights You had to obey your parents
Certainty by He must be a rich man to buy a He must have been a rich man to

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

deduction yacht have a yacht

Have Obligation You have to practice more You had to practice more
to/have got You have got to study well
Will Certainty The boss will be on time
Promise We will see what happened
Prediction It will rain to night
Request Will you pick up me on your way…
Willingness I will call you back
Be going to Certainty He is going to win
Planned future He is going out to night
Can Permission You can go out if you have finished
Polite request Can I Wednesday off please?
Ability I can speak four languages
Possibility He can succeed in this programme
Could Past ability He could overpass hurdles fastly
as when he was 16 years old.
Suggestion You could talk to the suppliers
Request Could you send us your prices?
50% certainty Jamal could be at home

Be able to Ability (skill) I am/will be/ able to help you I was able to help him
Would Polite request Would you cancel my appointment?
Preference I would rather go by train I would rather have gone by plane
Offers What would you like to drink?
Suggestion What time would suit you?
Invitation Would you like to have a drink?
Used to Discontinued I used to smoke, but now i don’t.
Shall Suggestion Shall I bring you something to
Offer Shall I drive you to the airport
May not Prohibition You may not come in. It is private
Mustn’t Prohibition You mustn’t tell porkies
Can’t Impossibility He cant write this essay himself That story can’t have been story
Don’t have to Unnecessicity You don’t have to come
Didn’t have Unnecessicity He didn’t have to come yesterday



every day- very holiday everymonday- in the mornings- in the afternoons_ in the evenings_
every other day _ every other week_ every other month _once a day- twice a week – three times
a month – four times a year – five times a day_ at weekends- on weekdays –on Mondays –on
Monday mornings_ now_ currently_ at the moment _ these days _ nowadays_ right now _ at this very
moment- ago- last week - yesterday _that day _ that weekend _ in 2007 -when-while- as –just as _ just-
for- since—already-- up to now --up to the present—so far—lately –all day all night-yet_ still_
recently—yet—still_ by the time ; by 2000_ before _after_ as soon as_ till _ until_ by the moment_
already-by the time –-after- before- how long, by 2018.-tomorrow_ next week_ soon_ later_ in the

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

future_ tomorrow at 10_ by this time next year_ by the end of this month
simple present simple past past present present past perfect Past perfect
present continuous continous perfect perfect cont cont

Form Form Form Form Form Form Form Form

future simple future continuos future perfect

form form form
The use : The use : The use :


1. I (see)------------------------- what you mean

2. Amine (taste)------------------------------ the salad
3. This salad (taste)---------------------------- very good
4. He (have)------------------------------ two friends
5. A bird ( fly)---------------, a cow (eat)------------ grass, a dog( bark)---------------and a horse (snear)----
6. Look! The old lady who( cross)-------------------- the road looks very frail.
7. What he (do )-------------------------- ?. He should be here by now!
8. The English (drink)--------------------- a lot of tea.
9. I (like/not) ----------------------coffee.
10. She (usually/sit) ------------------------in front of TV set but to day she (sit)-----------------in her garden.
11. Since I arrived in this institute the staff (be) --------------------- so practical and firm
12. For the last three days we (learn)-------------------------about our future jobs and our duties and rights
13. I have been learning English since I (come) ------------------ to R.A. vocational training Institute
14. I left college in ----------------. Since then I (not/ find )--------------------- any good job.
15. For several months my friends (stay) -------------------------- in Tangier for business.
16. She has been living in Meknes for-------------------------------------------------

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

17. It is three years since I last (see)-----------------------------------------------him

18. It is three years since I ( see)---------------------------------------------------her.
19. The boys(not come _yet)- ---------------------------------------------------------
20. She (call) ----------------------me many times.
21. This is the smartest boy I (ever see)----------------------------------------
22. You (ever_ eat) --------------------------------------------------------------- Madfouna?


23. I (listen)----------------------------to the radio for half an hour, but I am not really interested in this
24. she (call) him-----------------------------several times but he never answers.
25. I ( wait)------------------------------- for him for a couple of hours and I m bored I won’t wait any longer.
26. Ayman (take)------------------------- the plane many times, for me I like too much going by sea.
27. I (buy)----------------------------------- a new shirt, I like it so much.
28. he (have)------------------------------ different jobs. He is so experienced
29. .they( not: speak)------------------------------------------- to each other for a few weeks
30. I ( try )-----------------to finish this letter for the last half-hour. I wish you'd go away or stop talking.
32. The driver of that car (sound)------------------ his horn for the last ten minutes.
33. He ( hope )--------------------- for a rise in salary for six months but he did not dare to ask for it yet. 
34.. I  (make)--------------------- sausage rolls for the party all the morning. 
35. That boy  (eat )-------------------------- seven ice-creams.


1. Julian (stop ) -------------------- smoking two months ago.

2. They (know) ------------------- each other for a long time and they still meet each other.
3. They (know) ---------------------- each other for a long time before he moved to London for his studies.
4. I (be) ------------------------- to New York , so I know every parts of the city now.
5. He ( work)----------------------- in the same office for long time.
6. He (work) ------------------------------ in the same office in 2010.
7. He (not/yet/ answer) ------------------------------------ our order.
8. She (read) --------------------------- several books since the beginning of the year.
9. Yesterday he (go) ----------------------to the supermarket and (buy)------------ many staff.
10. When he (be) -----------------------------a child he (wake)---------------------- up early. He
(take)----------------------- his bike and (leave)------------------------- to school.
11. While they( bargain)-------------------- about the new house last week, we (visit)----------------------- Rome.
12. They (work)------------------ in the fields for hours this morning when the storm (break)------------ out.
13. A car (knock)-----------------------over them as they (walk)---------------------- quietly on the pavement.
14. He (fall)------------and (break) -------------his leg while he(play)-----------------football.


1. When he reached the age of twenty he felt sorry that he (drop) ---------------- out of school when he (be)
2. he never admitted that he (commit )----------------------- the murder.
3. She told me that she (study) ------------------------- in Oxford before she went to Paris.
4. When we arrived, his car wasn’t there. he was told that they (leave)--------------------
5. She (learn) -----------------------English before he went to USA.
6. When we arrived he was so injured everywhere. Someone (knock) ----------------------Him down.
7. He had to stay at school until he (pass) ---------------------- the exam.
8. As soon as he (finish)------------------------ his work yesterday, Ali (go)---------------- home.
9. By the moment Imane (call) us at lunch time we (learn)------------------- about the news from TV.

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222


12. Idriss (travel)-------------------------------------------tomorrow to Laraich.
13. The trainees (pass)----------------------------------------------- the final exam in July.
14. The governor (visit)---------------------------------------------------- the town next week.
15. By this time next year these students (get)-------------------------------- their diplomas
16. In a few days we (tour)--------------------------------------------- the South of Morocco.
17. Tomorrow at this time (study)-------------------------------------------------------------------
18. By 2050 women in the world(outnumber) -----------------------------------men in firms.
19. when you arrive I (sleep)--------------------------------------------------------------------------
20. when you (come)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------?
21. As soon as I am on holiday I (profit) -------------------------------------from time here.
22. As soon as I get on the train I (drop)------------------------------------------------------off.
23. As soon as my car is fixed we (leave)-----------------------------------------------------------
24. When I get back home she ( get)--------------------------------------------------her degree
25. I (clear) up-------------------------- the place when you call me.
26. I (not give)------------------------------------ her a penny if she doesn’t do her job well.
27. Because he is a silly worker they (keep) ---------------------------------- an eye on him.
28. Next week we (travel) ------------------ to Lisbon and at this time next week (have)------------------ a good
time there


Common verbs and gerund or an Common verbs that followed by a noun Verbs
phrases that are infinitive without are followed by an or pronoun and followed by
followed by a gerund causing a change in infinitive then by an infinitive bare infinitive

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

Admit (stealing) begin afford advise me to…..

advise continue agree allow
avoid hate appear ask
be used to intend arrange cause
can’t help like ask challenge
can’t stand love care command
consider prefer decide convince
deny start demand expect
discuss expect forbid
dislike fail force
end up forget hire
enjoy hope instruct
feel like learn invite
finish manage order
forget mean pay
get used to offer permit
give up plan program
go on prepare remind
have difficulty pretend teach
have problems promise tell
have trouble refuse urge
imagine remember want
it’s no use seem
it’s worthwhile stop
keep volunteer
look forward to wait
mention want
mind wish
spend time
waste time
work at

1. She likes to get up early in the morning. (likes / dislikes)
2. Alan can’t stand ______________________________ on trains. (riding/ to ride)
3. Mr. Harris enjoys _____________________________ people out to dinner. (inviting / to invite)
4. In the old days, gentlemen challenged their rivals _________________________. (fighting / to fight)

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

5. As the famous saying goes, there’s no use ______ ________________over spilt milk. (crying / to cry)
6. Jim stopped _____________________to tie his shoelace. Wait for him. (tying / to try)
7. My wife always volunteers _______________________ cakes PTA meetings. (baking / to bake)
1. Don’t waste my time _____________________________ about your salary. (complaining/ to complain)
2. Eva is having trouble _______________________ on the exam. (concentrating / to concentrate)
3. Please allow me _________________________ your Facebook page. (joining / to join)
4. You won’t forget ________________milk on your way home, will you? (picking up /to pick up) Answers.
5. He daydreams about (became)_________________________ an engineer.
6. The boss talked about (solve)____________________________ the problem
7. Ellen knows about (open)________________________________ the ALC.
8. Suzie is not interested in (teach) ____________________________ .
9. At home, I am used to (stay up)________________________ late.
10. I don’t think I am ready for (do)__________________ this task.
11. Jim can’t afford (go)___________________________ to cinema once a week.
12. Amine wishes (leave)________________________ the room.
13. Are you waiting (use)_________________________________ the phone ?
14. I’d really like (swim)__________________________on Sunday.
15. They decided (put) _______________________________off the ceremony.
16. Samir pretends (have)______________________ a car ,but he doesn’t.
17. The Manager agreed (see)___________________ The new applicants.
18. My car seems (have) _____________________________something Wong.
19. The Director refused (answer)____________________________ the call.
20. Mary intends (say)___________________________ the truth to Salem.
21. Samir used to (smoke) __________________________ .
22. It’s better to avoid (travel)___________________ during the rush hour.
23. I don’t mind (share)____________________________a room with a mate.
24. The robber admit (steal)_____________________________ the money.
25. He was against ( fight)_________________________ in the street
26. Shams is fond of ( jog) ___________________in the near forest
27. The boys always excel at ( solve)_____________ hard matters themselves
28. He is used to ( travel ) ______________________alone since his childhood
29. He looks forward to ( get)_________________ the reply soon
30. Barbara gets used to ( make)___________ fire from wood in her kitchen
31. Wood is used for( make)_________________________ finest fire
32. Don’t worry about (succeed )__________________in the final exam
33. I have to thank my father for (lend) _______________________me his car
34. He suspected him of ( tell)___________________ lies
35. In New York he succeeds in (find) ___________a big house with low rent
36. The police stop us from (go) _______________________near the blazing hut
37. I m so sorry about (make) _________________that mistake
38. He always protests against (go)_______________ to bed early
39. He is punished of( get) __________________such low marks
40. Worse weather prevent us from( visit) _______________the whole region
41. It was kind of you (help )__________________us
42. It so wonderful of her ( keep)_________________ in touch
43. It very good of them ( believe) ___________ the accused person ;he was unguilty
44. It is time (to go )_______________________home
45. It you had better ( leave)______________________early
46. I begged her (stay)_____________________ another night
47. We expected him (write)_________________ emails to everyone in the class

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48. She is always eager (help)_______________________the needy people

49. We are accustomed to (have)_______________________ a lot of money
51. They accused me of ____________ (lie).
52. My boss forced me ____________ (work) until midnight.
53. The security guard prevented John _______ (leave) the building.
54. She regretted ___________ (have to leave) so early.
55. Have you succeeded ___________ (pass) your driving test yet?
56. Have you ever dreamt ____________ (become) rich?
57. ________ (play) soccer is my favourite pastime.
58. I enjoy ____________ (not, do) anything on my days off.
59. Penny hates ____________ (do) home work.
60. However, she likes _________ (do) homework at least twice a week.


62. What do you suggest _________ (buy) for dinner this evening?
63. I don't know _________________ (how, operate) a crane.
64. They arranged __________ (meet) at the station.
65. Mary enjoys ____________ (go) shopping on Thursday evenings.
66. The boss offered ________________________________ (raise) the employees' salaries.
67. Didn't he admit ____________ (not, pay) his taxes?
68. I regretted ________________ (not, go) to the doctor's sooner.
69. Fred couldn't decide _______________(where, go) for his holidays.
70. The police failed ______________ (prevent) the riot.
71. Did the children enjoy ___________ (visit) the wax museum?
72. I told him my name a while ago, but he appears ____________(forget) it.
73. Keep on __________ (work) hard if you want to succeed.
74. He really minds ___________ (tell passive voice) what to do.
75. They seem _____________ (not, remember) who I am.
76. Peter couldn't decide _____________(whether, go) to the match or not.



1. If you read this book,  (you, to be) …………………..pleasantly surprised.
2. The boss will be angry if  (we, to be)……………………….. late.

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3. Mary  (to discover)……………… the solution if she reads the final chapter.

4. I will pay Fred 100 euro if  (he, to paint) …………………my kitchen.
5. The captain  (to lose) …………………..his job if the team don't win the match.
6. If  (you, not, to stop)………………… complaining, I'll have to go.
7. Tom will not be disturbed if  (we, not, to make) ………………..a lot of noise.
8. If I had more time,  (I, to teach) ……………… how to play tennis.
9. If  (I, to meet) ………………….a rap star, I would ask for his/her autograph.
10. Fred  (to be)…………………… rich if he won a million euro.
11. Ibrahim would be very excited if  (he, to find) ……………….a treasure.
12. The economy would fail if people  (not, to work………………………).
13. People  (not, to say) …………………… were lazy if you won the marathon.
14. If (I, not, to have) ………………….any friends, I would join a club.
15. (you, to sing) …………………………on TV if you were offered the chance?
16. Would you accept if the President  (to ask) ……………….you to be a minister?
18. If John  (to go) ……………….to the party, he would have met Mary.
19. If I had been here earlier,  (I, to hear) ……………………Jack singing.
20. You would have been amazed, if  (you, to see) ………………….the goal I scored.
21. You missed the train. You would have caught it if  (you, to be)……………on time.
22. If Mary  (not to fall………………………), she would have won the race.
23. Penny would have been late if  (she, not to take)………………………. the train.
24. If Bob had made a greater effort,  (he, not to lose)……………….. the tennis match.
25. You  (not to fail) …………………………………your exam if you had studied.
26. Question:  (Barney, to be elected) …………………….if he had been a candidate?
27. [Sans le mot 'if'] You would have been elected  (you, to be)…………… a candidate
28. Hind doesn’t have money ; she doesn’t buy a present for her friend.
29. They don’t buy a new car because they don’t have enough money
30. Samir travels a lot that is why he knows a lot of spots
31. The trainees don’t do much effort; as a result, they fail the test
2. "I have often had a big hamburger."
Benjamin said (that) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       

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3. "They lived in Boston three years ago."

Hannah said (that)    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
4. "Ian didn’t invite girls to his parties."
Tyler told me (that)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
5. : "She understood Japanese."
Dominic remarked (that) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     
6. "Bella were not collecting stickers."
Sophia explained (that)  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
7. "Dennis is downloading the latest tunes."
Robert added (that)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
8. "Leroy is out riding his new wave board today."
Olivia explained (that) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     
9. "I shall know what to do."
Luke added (that)  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
10. "We have to go now."
James and David tell me (that) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     
11. “ I am going out now, but I will be in by nine”
Kamal declared --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. “I am working in a restaurant and don’t much care for it”,
Samir informed me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. “I can’t live on my salary”, said peter, “ I will have to offer to do overtime”
Peter said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. “I made a terrible mistake last night”
He said --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. "Don't play football in the garden!"
Karen told me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. "Don't forget your homework!"
The teacher reminded me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. "Don't shout at Peter!"
Mike told me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18. "Don't talk to your neighbor!"
Yvonne told me--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19. “Don’t put sticky things in your pocket”
His mother told him ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20. “Please, don’t do anything bad to hurt yourself”
His wife begged him----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21. “Go on! Apply for this hob, it would just suits you best”
My father informed me---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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22. “Hold the umbrella”

The clients told the porter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23. “Did you live with your family somewhere before you came here?”
Mary wanted to know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24. “Can I borrow your lawn mower?”
My neighbor asked me-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25. “Do you speak Spanish?”
The manager inquired her -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26. “Will you come to my house warming party tomorrow?”
Reda asked her ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27. “Have you seen my new car ?”
Barbara asked us------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28. “Is that your cat over there?”
Mme. Ramzi asked Safae----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29. “Can you help me fix my fences?”
David asked them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30. “Do you have some change?” Asked Natalie one of us
31. “ Does Samir speak Japanese well as he states on his résumé ?”, the manager asked her
The manager-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32. “Did you speak a good night yesterday in Ifrane?”, asked me Najib
33. “Are you leaving to night ?”, asked Nancy
34. “How much do you think it will cost” , inquired him his wife
35. “Who did you give the money to ?” , asked miss Kenza
36. “When did you get to the airport last night ?” ,wanted to know Simon
37. “Why aren’t you taking the exam ? ”, said samira
38. ‘What do you want?’ he said to her.
He asked her--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39. ‘How’s your mother.’
He asked him---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40. He enquired, ‘When do you intend to pay me?’

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He enquired-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41. ‘Do you really come from China?’ the prince asked.
The prince asked---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42. ‘Where did you learn English?’ he said.
She asked us--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

44. “How are you?”

My new neighbor asked me--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45. “Where do you park your car?”
Thomas asked me-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46. “How often do you take out your family?”
Nader enquired him----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47. “How long have you been living here?”
The visitor asked us----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48. “Who were you working for in USA ?"
The CEO wanted to know---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


He teaches English. English ................... by him.
Taught is taught was taught

2. The child is eating bananas. / Bananas .................... by the child.

are eaten are being eaten have been eaten

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3. She is writing a letter. / A letter ....................... by her.

is written is being written has been written

4. The master punished the servant. / The servant ......................... by the master.
is punished was punished has punished

5. He was writing a book. / A book ....................... by him.

was written had written was being written

6. Who wrote this letter? / By whom ......................?

was this letter written was this letter being written this letter written

7. Somebody cooks meal every day. / Meal ...................... by someone every day.
is cooked has cooked is cooking

8. He wore a blue shirt. / A blue shirt .................... by him.

Wore was wore was worn

9. May God bless you with happiness! / ................... with happiness.

May you blessed May you be blessed May blessed you be

10. They are building a house. / A house ...................... by them.

is built is being built was built

11. I have finished the job. / The job .......................... by me.

has finished has been finished is finished

12. I sent the report yesterday. / The report ................... yesterday.

is sent was sent had sent


13. Someone broke into our house last night

14. They cancel all flights because of fog.
15. Millions of people have read that book.
16. The police are looking for the missing paintings.
17. They should have told him the truth before he learns about it himself
18. Work men were cleaning the entry to the museum.
19. He had invited me to the party before he went to Paris.
20. They are not going to open the doors .
21. They say he was a spy

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.… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
22. Someone seems to have made a mistake
23. He wants someone to them a photo in the park
24. I repaired the flat tire ……….
25. They expected us to build the road. ……….
26. The professor is going to show the students an old bone. ……….
27. Jack has installed a new computer software. ……….
28. They develop a new type of washing powder. ……….


An Argumentative / opinion essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue. It is in this kind of essays where you
are whether For or Against an idea or matter. You need to convince the reader that your idea is right. Of course this is done by
providing reasons to support our opinion. It is one of the most common essays in TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC tests.
Usually the questions are like that: What is your opinion / give your opinion / what do you think of / do you think that …..?

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 Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Nowadays the issue of …………(name the subject matter you want to discus)
…………………….. is a ……… matter because (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now)
……………………………... Yet, a lot of people don’t think so. The reason for this is
…………………………………….(give a general reason, don’t rush into details now).
 Body Paragraph 1 (your arguments)

There are several reasons behind the importance of …………………… (Name the subject)……. .
To begin with, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………………………………. Secondly, …..
……………….(The 2 nd
reason)………………………... Also,………………….(the3rdreason)…… ………………
(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
2. Paragraph 2 (the opposite arguments)
On the other hand, there are people who don’t stand on the same ground for this matter. They
think so because of different arguments. First of all, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………..
Moreover, ……………….(The 2nd reason)…………………………………. In addition to this, ……………….(The
3rd reason)…………………………(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons too).
 Conclusion (Stating your point of view)
To sum up / in my opinion / as I see it / I think / I believe that the issue of……………………. is
of a paramount importance because of (state some of the reasons you provided before in another way: up to 3
reasons you believe in)  .

He was so sick, but he helps his wife

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Although He was so sick , he helps his wife._____________________________________

Despite/ In spite of _ the fact that He was so sick , he helps his wife.

The exercises were difficult; he managed to solve them

In spite of________________________________________________________________________________
The weather was so stormy; they went skiing
Rahma is very old; she goes to evening classes for adults to learn the basics
In spite of_________________________________________________________________________________
It was cold out, they opened all the windows
The smiths are rich; they don’t pay enough taxes on their large estates

Ex: the closure of the factory/strikes in front of the parliaments.

Closure of the factory sparked off strikes in front of the parliaments

1 food shortage/bad economic policies


2 Food shortage./serious riots in several big city


3 New act of parliament./great changes in social situations.


4 Announcements. / Strong attack from opposition.


5 Violent earthquake. / Wall collapsed.



(Moreover_ what is more_ besides_ furthermore_ in addition _ as well as

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Messi plays very well; he scores unbelievable goals also.

Messi plays very well. Moreover, he scores unbelievable goals

-Messi plays very well as well as scoring unbelievable goals.

1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Najib studies very hard, he succeeds every year as well.( not only….but also…..)


2. Siham is engaged to a good man; she will live a happy life too. ( not only… but also…)


3. Aziz worked far from home; he rarely went back home on holidays as well. (not only..but also….)



STRUCTURES ( so as to / in order to)( so that…. Can/ in order that ….can)

Ali studies English. He wants to travel to UK.

Ali studies English SO AS TO travel to UK.

Ali studies English so that He can travel to UK

1. the government build a lot of schools _______________________________________________

2. the students do much effort________________________________________________________

3. officials launch big compain on road accident_____________________________________________

4. Mounir goes to spain______________________________________________________________

5. un nation encourage democracy in Africa ___________________________________________


6. The man wears sunglasses; he doesn’t want anyone to see him. (so as not to) (so that)

7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Ahlam went and bought many things for fear that somebody may come at the weekend. (Lest)

10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Subject pronom Object pronoun possessive pronom

I Me mine myself

You You yours yourself

Singulier He Him his himself

She Her hers herself

It It * itself

We Us ours ourselves

Pluriel You You yours yourselves

They Them theirs themselves


1. John rang to say -------------couldn't get here before 9 p.m.

2. Liz and Meg were looking at -----------in the mirror.

3. "give the book to Belinda." "I’ve already given it to -----------.

4. This house is mine; it's been in ------------family for centuries.

5. "Look at ---------, mammy!", shouted the twins.

6. Richard and Liz looked at ----------passionately.

7. The guru said to me: "think of others before you think of -----------".

8. Richard helped Liz look for ----------------lipstick.

9. Membership has ------------------disadvantages.

10. Liz kept her bouquet; Meg threw ---------------to the crowd.

11. The Rabbi and ---------------wife finally arrived at the reception.

12. "This is our goal, that's -----------------! Okay?"

13. "Get off --------------back!" screamed the angry employee.

14. Jupiter once changed -------------into a bull.

15. "My husband and ----------------are delighted to accept your invitation.

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1. You----------------------------------------------tell her. Prohibition

2. She ---------------------------------------------come in. Permission

3. You ---------------------------------------------be quiet now obligation.

4. They ------------------------------------------- help you possibility

5. I----------------------------------------------------------give you that book refusal

6. I think we ------------------------------teach our staff English recommendation

7. ----------------------------------we ask for volunteer? Suggestion

8. ---------------------------------------call a taxi for you? Offer

9. What----------------------------------i do? Asking what to do

10. --------------------------------------use your phone? Permission

11. -------------------------------you quote me the price for CIF New York? Request

12. Passengers ---------------take a small bag onto the plane with them. Possibility

13. I -----------------------------find my boarding pass inability

14. --------------------interrupt you a moment? Permission

15. I

16. ------------------------to call you back. Promise

17. How many people --------------------- work here. Future fact

18. There ----------------------------be enough seats for everyone prediction

19. She---------------------------have come early unnecessicity

20. He ----------------------------have an expensive car. He is just a clerk impossibility

21. Nancy doesn’t come; she --------------be sick deduction

22. She ----------------------learn English to keep up with her mates. Necessity

23. --------------------------- you like a soda? Invitation

24. -----------------i bring you some water? Offer

25. ------------------------------ we cut down the prices? Suggestion

26. I------------------------- post this picture on face book. Willingness

27. They--------------------- work for the good common. Strong advice

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28. Passengers--------------make sure their luggage is clearly labeled.

29. Passengers--------------take a small bag onto the plane with them.

30. Passengers---------------carry dangerous articles such as compresses gases, weapons, explosives, or


31. Passengers---------------check in 60 minutes before departure on international flights.

32. Passengers ---------------- check in 60 minutes before departure on domestic flignts-30 minutes is


33. The airline --------------accept responsibility for delays due to bad weather. You-------------- respect the

rules at the airport; you --------------------- come early so as not to miss the plane.

34. 1 person of 3 in morocco ------------ speak more than their own native language

35. You ----------------- go anywhere in the Europe without getting a visa

Nb: notice the difference between mustn’t and don’t have to. Decide which to use in these sentences

36. They transfer our baggage to the next plane. We-------------carry it.

37. Passengers --------------use portable telephones because they interfere with the planes’ electronic


38. Passengers ----------- smoke when the plane is taking off or landing.

39. You---------------take out travel insurance, but it’s a good idea.

40. This meeting is very important. We ------------be late

41. We’ve got plenty of time. You------------hurry.

42. You---------return the car to the place you hired it. You can return it to another hertz garage.

43. You------------pay to drive on motorways in England.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

ask sby out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.

ask around ask many people the same I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.

add up to sthg equal Your purchases add up to $205.32.

back sthg up reverse You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.

back sby up support My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.

blow up explode The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.

blow sthg up add air We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.

break down stop functioning (vehicle, Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

break down get upset The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.

break sthgdown divide into smaller parts Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.

break in force entry to a building Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.

break intosthg enter forcibly The firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.

break sthgin wear sthg a few times so that it I need to break these shoes in before we run next week.
doesn't look/feel new

break in interrupt The TV station broke in to report the news of the president's death.

break up end a relationship My boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.

break up start laughing (informal) The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.

break out escape The prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking.

break out insthg develop a skin condition I broke out in a rash after our camping trip.

bring sbydown make unhappy This sad music is bringing me down.

bring sby up raise a child My grandparents brought me up after my parents died.

bring sthgup start talking about a subject My mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports.

bring sthgup vomit He drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet.

call around phone many different We called around but we weren't able to find the car part we needed.

call sbyback return a phone call I called the company back but the offices were closed for the weekend.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

call sthg off Cancel Jason called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé.

call on sby ask for an answer or opinion The professor called on me for question 1.

call on sby visit sby We called on you last night but you weren't home.

call sby up Phone Give me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.

calm down relax after being angry You are still mad. You need to calm down before you drive the car.

not care forsby/ sthg not like (formal) I don't care for his behaviour.

catch up get to the same point as sby else You'll have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty.

check in arrive and register at a hotel or We will get the hotel keys when we check in.

check out leave a hotel You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM.

check sby/ sthg out look at carefully, investigate The company checks out all new employees.

check outsby/ sthg look at (informal) Check out the crazy hair on that guy!

cheer up become happier She cheered up when she heard the good news.

cheer sbyup make happier I brought you some flowers to cheer you up.

chip in Help If everyone chips in we can get the kitchen painted by noon.

clean sthgup tidy, clean Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside.

come across sthg find unexpectedly I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet.

come apart Separate The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough.

come down become sick My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.
with sthg

come forward volunteer for a task or to give The woman came forward with her husband's finger prints.

come from some originate in The art of origami comes from Asia.


count onsby/ sthg rely on I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.

cross sthgout draw a line through Please cross out your old address and write your new one.

cut back onsthg consume less My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.

cut sthgdown make sthg fall to the ground We had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

cut in Interrupt Your father cut in while I was dancing with your uncle.

cut in pull in too closely in front of The bus driver got angry when that car cut in.
another vehicle

cut in start operating (of an engine or The air conditioner cuts in when the temperature gets to 22°C.
electrical device)

cut sthg off remove with sthg sharp The doctors cut off his leg because it was severely injured.

cut sthg off stop providing The phone company cut off our phone because we didn't pay the bill.

cut sby off take out of a will My grandparents cut my father off when he remarried.

cut sthg out remove part of sthg (usually with I cut this ad out of the newspaper.
scissors and paper)

do sby/ sthgover beat up, ransack (BrE, informal) He's lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.

do sthg over do again (AmE) My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesn't like my

do away with sthg Discard It's time to do away with all of these old tax records.

do sthg up fasten, close Do your coat up before you go outside. It's snowing!

dress up wear nice clothing It's a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up.

drop back move back in a position/group Andrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bike.

drop in/ by/ over come without an appointment I might drop in/by/over for tea sometime this week.

drop sby/ sthg off take sby/ sthg somewhere and I have to drop my sister off at work before I come over.
leave them/it there

drop out quit a class, school etc I dropped out of Science because it was too difficult.

eat out eat at a restaurant I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out.

end up eventually reach/do/decide We ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theatre.

fall apart break into pieces My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.

fall down fall to the ground The picture that you hung up last night fell down this morning.

fall out separate from an interior The money must have fallen out of my pocket.

fall out (of hair, teeth) become loose and His hair started to fall out when he was only 35.

figure sthgout understand, find the answer I need to figure out how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

fill sthg in to write information in blanks, as Please fill in the form with your name, address, and phone number.
on a form (BrE)

fill sthg out to write information in blanks, as The form must be filled out in capital letters.
on a form (AmE)

fill sthg up fill to the top I always fill the water jug up when it is empty.

find out Discover We don't know where he lives. How can we find out?

find sthg out Discover We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but
Samantha found it out.

get sthgacross/ over communicate, make I tried to get my point across/over to the judge but she wouldn't listen.

get along/on like each other I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister got along/on.

get around have mobility My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.

get away go on a vacation We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.

get away with sthg do without being noticed or Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.

get back return We got back from our vacation last week.

get sthgback receive sthg you had before Liz finally got her Science notes back from my room-mate.

get back atsby retaliate, take revenge My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite

get back into sthg become interested in sthg again I finally got back into my novel and finished it.

get on sthg step onto a vehicle We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.

get oversthg recover from an illness, loss, I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.

get oversthg overcome a problem The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations.

get round tosthg finally find time to do (AmE: get I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you
around tosthg) cards.

get together meet (usually for social reasons) Let's get together for a BBQ this weekend.

get up get out of bed I got up early today to study for my exam.

get up stand You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.

give sbyaway reveal hidden information about His wife gave him away to the police.


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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

give sbyaway take the bride to the altar My father gave me away at my wedding.

give sthgaway ruin a secret My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident.

give sthgaway give sthg to sby for free The library was giving away old books on Friday.

give sthgback return a borrowed item I have to give these skates back to Franz before his hockey game.

give in reluctantly stop fighting or My boyfriend didn't want to go to the ballet, but he finally gave in.

give sthgout give to many people (usually at They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store.
no cost)

give sthg up quit a habit I am giving up smoking as of January 1st.

give up stop trying My maths homework was too difficult so I gave up.

go after sby follow sby My brother tried to go after the thief in his car.

go after sthg try to achieve sthg I went after my dream and now I am a published writer.

go againstsby compete, oppose We are going against the best soccer team in the city tonight.

go ahead start, proceed Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold.

go back return to a place I have to go back home and get my lunch.

go out leave home to go on a social We're going out for dinner tonight.


go out withsby date Jesse has been going out with Luke since they met last winter.

go over sthg review Please go over your answers before you submit your test.

go over visit sby nearby I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I think I'll go over for an hour or two.

go withoutsthg suffer lack or deprivation When I was young, we went without winter boots.

grow apart stop being friends over time My best friend and I grew apart after she changed schools.

grow back regrow My roses grew back this summer.

grow intosthg grow big enough to fit This bike is too big for him now, but he should grow into it by next year.

grow out ofsthg get too big for Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her
old ones.

grow up become an adult When Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman.

hand sthgdown give sthg used to sby else I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

hand sthg in submit I have to hand in my essay by Friday.

hand sthgout to distribute to a group of people We will hand out the invitations at the door.

hand sthgover give (usually unwillingly) The police asked the man to hand over his wallet and his weapons.

hang in stay positive (informal) Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job very soon.

hang on wait a short time (informal) Hang on while I grab my coat and shoes!

hang out spend time relaxing (informal) Instead of going to the party we are just going to hang out at my place.

hang up end a phone call He didn't say goodbye before he hung up.

hold sby/ sthg back prevent from doing/going I had to hold my dog back because there was a cat in the park.

hold sthg back hide an emotion Jamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral.

hold on wait a short time Please hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department.

hold ontosby/ sthg hold firmly using your hands or Hold onto your hat because it's very windy outside.

hold sby/ sthgup rob A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.

keep on doing sthg continue doing Keep on stirring until the liquid comes to a boil.

keep sthgfrom sby not tell We kept our relationship from our parents for two years.

keep sby/ sthg out stop from entering Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room.

keep sthg up continue at the same rate If you keep those results up you will get into a great college.

let sbydown fail to support or help, disappoint I need you to be on time. Don't let me down this time.

let sby in allow to enter Can you let the cat in before you go to school?

log in (or on) sign in (to a website, database I can't log in to Facebook because I've forgotten my password.

log out (or off) sign out (of a website, database If you don't log off somebody could get into your account.

look aftersby/ sthg take care of I have to look after my sick grandmother.

look down on sby think less of, consider inferior Ever since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has looked down on me.

look for sby/ sthg try to find I'm looking for a red dress for the wedding.

look forward tosthg be excited about the future I'm looking forward to the Christmas break.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

look intosthg investigate We are going to look into the price of snowboards today.

look out be careful, vigilant, and take Look out! That car's going to hit you!

look out forsby/ be especially vigilant for Don't forget to look out for snakes on the hiking trail.

look sthgover check, examine Can you look over my essay for spelling mistakes?

look sthg up search and find information in a We can look her phone number up on the Internet.
reference book or database

look up tosby have a lot of respect for My little sister has always looked up to me.

make sthgup invent, lie about sthg Josie made up a story about why we were late.

make up forgive each other We were angry last night, but we made up at breakfast.

make sby up apply cosmetics to My sisters made me up for my graduation party.

mix sthg up confuse two or more things I mixed up the twins' names again!

pass away die His uncle passed away last night after a long illness.

pass out faint It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.

pass sthgout give the same thing to many The professor passed the textbooks out before class.

pass sthg up decline (usually sthg good) I passed up the job because I am afraid of change.

pay sbyback return owed money Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you back on Friday.

pay for sthg be punished for doing sthg bad That bully will pay for being mean to my little brother.

pick sthgout choose I picked out three sweaters for you to try on.

point sby/ sthg out indicate with your finger I'll point my boyfriend out when he runs by.

put sthgdown put what you are holding on a You can put the groceries down on the kitchen counter.
surface or floor

put sbydown insult, make sby feel stupid The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were
too short.

put sthg off postpone We are putting off our trip until January because of the hurricane.

put sthg out extinguish The neighbours put the fire out before the firemen arrived.

put sthgtogether assemble I have to put the crib together before the baby arrives.

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

put up withsby/ sthg tolerate I don't think I can put up with three small children in the car.

put sthg on put clothing/ accessories on your Don't forget to put on your new earrings for the party.

run intosby/ sthg meet unexpectedly I ran into an old school-friend at the mall.

run oversby/ sthg drive a vehicle over a person or I accidentally ran over your bicycle in the driveway.

run over/ rehearse, review Let's run over/through these lines one more time before the show.

run away leave unexpectedly, escape The child ran away from home and has been missing for three days.

run out have none left We ran out of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap.

send sthgback return (usually by mail) My letter got sent back to me because I used the wrong stamp.

set sthg up arrange, organize Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company.

set sby up trick, trap The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera.

shop around compare prices I want to shop around a little before I decide on these boots.

show off act extra special for people He always shows off on his skateboard
watching (usually boastfully)

sleep over stay somewhere for the night You should sleep over tonight if the weather is too bad to drive home.

sort sthg out organize, resolve a problem We need to sort the bills out before the first of the month.

stick to sthg continue doing sthg, limit You will lose weight if you stick to the diet.
yourself to one particular thing

switch sthgoff stop the energy flow, turn off The light's too bright. Could you switch it off.

switch sthgon start the energy flow, turn on We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.

take aftersby resemble a family member I take after my mother. We are both impatient.

take sthgapart purposely break into pieces He took the car brakes apart and found the problem.

take sthgback return an item I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work.

take off start to fly My plane takes off in five minutes.

take sthg off remove sthg (usually clothing) Take off your socks and shoes and come in the lake!

take sthgout remove from a place or thing Can you take the garbage out to the street for me?

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phrasal verb Meaning example sentence

take sby out pay for sby to go somewhere My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.

with you

tear sthg up rip into pieces I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and gave them back to him.

think back remember (often + to, sometimes When I think back on my youth, I wish I had studied harder.
+ on)

think sthgover consider I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.

throw sthgaway dispose of We threw our old furniture away when we won the lottery.

turn sthgdown decrease the volume or strength Please turn the TV down while the guests are here.
(heat, light etc)

turn sthgdown refuse I turned the job down because I don't want to move.

turn sthg off stop the energy flow, switch off Your mother wants you to turn the TV off and come for dinner.

turn sthg on start the energy, switch on It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights on.

turn sthg up increase the volume or strength Can you turn the music up? This is my favourite song.
(heat, light etc)

turn up appear suddenly Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.

try sthg on sample clothing I'm going to try these jeans on, but I don't think they will fit.

try sthg out test I am going to try this new brand of detergent out.

use sthg up finish the supply The kids used all of the toothpaste up so we need to buy some more.

wake up stop sleeping We have to wake up early for work on Monday.

warm sby/ sthg up increase the temperature You can warm your feet up in front of the fireplace.

warm up prepare body for exercise I always warm up by doing sit-ups before I go for a run.

wear off fade away Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.

work out Exercise I work out at the gym three times a week.

work out be successful Our plan worked out fine.

work sthgout make a calculation We have to work out the total cost before we buy the house.

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A report must at least contain these elements:

Normally the topic is as follows: Write a report about………..

Last……….(write the date)……… I attended / there was a……..(name the activity)…….. It took place in ………(country,
city, place)………... The ….(event)…. was about ……………….. Several people attended it, approximately ……(number of
the attendants)……….. were present. The activity continued for …………….. (say for example: 4 hours, half a day, 2
days, 1 week etc.)………………………... There were different activities during the event, such as …………………(say what
happened throughout the event)……………………...
Finally I …………………. (give your opinion/evaluation of the event)…………………because it was time for me to (give some
reasons to justify your evaluation)


(Title of the film)……………… is one of the films that attracted my attention. It was produced by…………..
(name of producer)………………. in (date of production)…………... It is a …………(genre e.g. an action / detective / story /
drama / humour / thriller / sci-fi / comedy / adventure / western etc.)………………… film. The castings are the famous ……….
(names of actors)……………………….
During (1h30 / 2 hours / 45 minutes etc.) …………….(Name of the film)…………………… evolves around ………………. (give a brief
summary of the film)……………………..
To sum it up, I really ………………….(you opinion/evaluation)………… because it (justify your opinion)……………..

.(Title of the book)……………… is one of the books that attracted my attention. It was written by…………..
(name of writer)………………. in (date of production)…………... It is a …………(genre e.g. an action / detective / story / drama /
humour / thriller / sci-fi / comedy / adventure etc.)………………… book. The major characters of the book are ……….(names
of characters)……………………….

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…………….(Name of the book)…………………… evolves around ………………. (give a brief summary of the book)……………………..
To sum it up, I really ………………….(you opinion/evaluation)………… because it (justify your opinion)……………..

A personal letter (also called informal) is a letter that you write to someone of your age , s/he can be your friend or your sibling

An official letter (also called formal ) is a letter that you write to someone whom you look up to, it can be the headmaster of
your school , your teacher , a manager etc. The layout must be respected

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An Argumentative / opinion essay is an essay in which you agree or disagree with an issue. It is in this kind of essays where you
are whether For or Against an idea or matter. You need to convince the reader that your idea is right. Of course this is done by
providing reasons to support our opinion. It is one of the most common essays in TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC tests.
Usually the questions are like that: What is your opinion / give your opinion / what do you think of / do you think that …..?

 Introduction (explanation of the issue)

Nowadays the issue of …………(name the subject matter you want to discus)…………………….. is a serious matter,
because (give a general reason, don’t rush into details now)……………………………... Yet, a lot of people don’t think
so. The reason for this is …………………………………….(give a general reason, don’t rush into details now).
 Body Paragraph 1 (your arguments)
There are several reasons behind the importance of ……………………(name the subject)……..
To begin with, ……………….(The 1st reason)…………………………………………. secondly, …..……………….(The 2nd reason)
………………………... Also, ………………….(the 3rd reason)……
………………(note here, you can use as much as you can of reasons).
2. Paragraph 2 (the opposite arguments)
On the other hand, there are people who don’t stand on the same ground for this matter. They think so because
of different arguments. First of all, ……………….(The 1st reason)………………….. Moreover, ……………….(The 2nd
reason)…………………………………. In addition to this, ……………….(The 3rd reason)…………………………(note here, you can
use as much as you can of reasons too).

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 Conclusion (Stating your point of view)

To sum up / in my opinion / as I see it / I think / I believe that the issue of……………………. is of a paramount
importance because of (state some of the reasons you provided before in another way) .


I. Introduction
…………………………. is a serious matter/issue/phenomenon that……………………………..
threatens/affects…………….negatively/positively. It is the outcome of different reasons andof course it has
several………. effects too. I am going t shed lights on both causes and consequences of ………………...
II. Body There are several/numerous/plenty of reasons behind …………………………………………………..(the subject you
are discussing) ………………... To begin with, …………………………(1st cause)…………………………………………. Next,
(2nd cause)…………………….. In addition to this, …………………………(3rd cause)………...………..(your subject matter)
………….leads to different consequences/results/effects.Firstly…………(1st effect)…………………………. Secondly, ……………..
(2nd effect)………..Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd effect)…………………………….III. Conclusion
As mentioned before, ………………..(your subject matter)……….
has many effects on …………………………. Hence there are numbers of measures to betaken urgently. First ………………


I. Introduction
…………………………. is a great invention that has numerous advantages. yet there are many disadvantages too. So what
are the positive and negative sides of ……………….
II. Body
There are is no doubt that ……………………………………………  (the subject you are discussing) ……………. has many
advantages….. To begin with, ………………………… (1st advantage)…………………………………………. Next,……………….(2nd
advantage )…………………….. In addition to this, …………………………(3rd advantage)………
On the other hand, it has disadvantages too.………..(1st disadvantages)…………………………. Secondly, ……………..(2nd
disadvantages)………..Thirdly, ………………………….(3rd disadvantages)…………………………….

III. Conclusion
As mentioned before, ………………..(your subject matter)……….has many disadvantages on …………………………. Hence there
are numbers of measures to be taken urgently. First………….second………………finally…………………….

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7..1 Descriptive  essay (describing an object)
A descriptive essay is generally characterized by the use of adjectives. it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or

7.2.  Descriptive  essay (describing a place)

A descriptive essay is generally characterized by the use of adjectives. it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or

7. 3. Descriptive  essay (describing a person)

When describing a person, you should speak about the physical appearance of that person and of his/her personality.
 what does s/he look like? (physically)
 How does s/he dress?
  what does s/he look like? (personality)
 What attracts you to that person? What do you like most about him or her.


I. Read the following texte.

Francesco Neto lives with his family in Caisara village, Northeast Brazil. The family cultivates half a hectare of land and
they earn about 1.500 US S each year from selling their products in the local markets . Diaconia ( a Tear fund partner) helps
them avoid the use of middlemen so they can get better prices. They grow an amazing range of about 50 different species of
fruit trees, vegetables, cereals and fodder  plants on their farm, together with traditional plants, which they conserve.

It has not been easy to achieve this as they started with poor soils which had been damaged by the practices of slash
and burn and single cash cropping . Neto comments : « I hear of climate change in the newspapers, but I can feel its effects on
myself and my crops : The sun is hotter ; the temperature is higher ; and the wind is drier. I hear about the greenhouse effect,
desertification and « El Nino ».I don’t understand it but the results are drought in the Amazon , floods in some parts of
Northeast Brazil and more whirlwinds. »

Neto remembers that in the 1980s there was a stream running through their farm that flowed nearly all year . In the
1990s the water level fell gradually. This meant that three months after the rainy seasons ended the stream was dry. To help

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solve this problem the family built a dam in 1999. « Water from he dam is used for irrigation and livestock. We are now
irrigating much more than we did five years ago, because it is hotter and drier for half the year . We used to irrigate once a day ,
now it’s twice, but even so the plants wither. We are concerned  we may run out of water in the future as the climate is now so
variable. »

A.. answer the following question 3 points

1. Francesco’s family get water from wells to irrigate their crops .

2. Where does francisco’s family sell their crops ?
3. Why is it possible that they will run out of enough water in the years to come 

B- Answer these questions in your own words:  (3 points )

1. How could Francesco’s family get a good price for their

crops ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. how did the family manage to water the crops

twice ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C- What do the underlined words in the text refer to (2 points)

1. it  --------------- 2. They ---------------------------------------------

D– Find in the text words or expressions that mean the same as: (1points.)

1. Become dry or dead =----------------------------------------------------------


A. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested 3 points

1. Although she was illiterate and inexperienced, Zaina managed her dead husbands’ business.
In spite of……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Samir works abroad , he visits his mother country yearly
Not only…………………………………………………………………………………………
3. if she doesn’t speak English, She will not get the visa

B. Give the correct form of the verbs between  brackets (2 points)

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After I (Drop)…………….. out of school years ago, I (begin)…………… working for a non -governmental organization (work)
……………. for it since 2004; but soon, my contract (expire)…………….

C. Rewrite these sentences as suggested: (3points)

1. We have to preserve our environment “ stated an activist.

Our environnent........................................................................
2. “Why don’t you  accept the offer ? “
My collègues advised me............................................................
3. An urban company cut down all the trees in a forest. 
The urban company shouldn’t........................................................

WRITING 4 points

Climate change has drastic effect on the environment. State some of them and suggest solutions to save our environment.
(12 LINES)



II. Learning from morning till night!

Geoff Hardy-Gould explains the benefits of living and learning with your English teacher.

The traditional method of learning English in most speaking countries is to live with a host family and attend a language school
every day. In the past few years, however, a new way of learning has been growing in popularity: living and learning in an
English teacher’s home. Instead of going to school the student has individual lessons at home on what is known as a
“homestay” course.This type of course is highly attractive as the student is exposed to English from morning to night. Learning
takes place in formal lessons, but there are also additional opportunities for language practice at meal times, and while on

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social activities with the teacher in the afternoon and at weekends. The combination of one-to-one teaching and total
immersion means that the students can improve quickly and gain a valuable insight into how English is used naturally. The
course can also be a fascinating window onto life and culture in an English speaking country.

What makes a course in a teacher’s home special is the relationship that develops between the student and the teacher. They
get to know each other well, which can make the course highly enjoyable as well as being helpful in the learning process.
Language mistakes made outside lessons can be corrected immediately or discussed in more detail in a following lesson. The
student has the teacher’s undivided attention and will have little or no contact with other students. As a result, they are
unlikely to speak their mother tongue for the duration of the course, quite unlike the experience most students have at a
language school.

In spite of their higher cost, homestay courses are attractive to wide range of clients, including business professionals, children
and retired people. Clients also included people with disabilities, who find that their needs are more easily met in the home of
environment. Normally, courses are for one or two students, although some teachers can accommodate larger groups or
families.Most homestay teachers are aged between 40 and 60. They will have a spacious house or apartment and be skilled at
welcoming foreign guests into their home.


A. Answer these questions: (3pts)

1. How are homestay courses different from the traditional method of learning?
2. Why can homestay students learn quickly?
3. Do homestay students have the opportunity to use their native language? Explain.
B. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)
1. In a homestay course, the student lives with a host family and goes to a language school everyday.
2. There are no formal lessons in homestay courses.
3. A homestay course can be attended by more than one student.
D. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1points)
1 – which (line 10): ----------------             2 – their (line 15): ---------------------------------------
E. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as: (2pts)
1 – Understanding (paragraph 2): .........................................................
2 – Experienced (paragraph 5): ............................................................

II - LANGUAGE: (10 points)

A. Re-write these sentences beginning as suggested. (4pts)

1- They chose him representative of the school in the national competition.
 He ...............................................................................

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2-I didn’t have enough money on me at that time. So, I didn’t buy all the necessary things.
 If ...............................................................................
3- The coach said: “We have been training hard to qualify for the next round”.
The coach revealed that they ...................................................
4- Although the man is very old, he is keen on daily exercise.
 In spite of ........................................................................

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (1 pts)

1. Many American soldiers wish they (not/join) ... ………the war on Iraq in 2003.
2. By the year 2010, Morocco (receive) .................. ten million tourists.

C. combine these sentences using the given word(2pts)

1. Although She was very hardworking, she was dismissed from her job. (Despite)
2. The country will not overcome the economic crisis if it doesn’t invest in energy. (Unless)
Learning more than one language helps you move and talk freely. Talk about the advantages of learning languages nowadays.



The defining feature of distance learning is that you do not need to attend the awarding university institution in person. This
style of study is not new. The University of London established its external programme in 1858 to make the degree accessible to
students who, for one reason or another, could not come to London to study, and  it now offers a range of undergraduate and
postgraduate qualifications to almost 24,500 students in over 157 countries around the world. Now, a growing number of other
UK institutions are developing distance learning programmes to offer students the chance of studying without leaving home.

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Distance learning suits people for many different reasons. For Petrakis, “Family and financial circumstances prevent me from
studying abroad for extended periods, but I could manage a couple of short visits”. For Teresa, “I now have two small children,
it is impossible for me to attend University. I would, therefore, like to study at home”.

Finding the finance to study may be difficult, “Due to financial constraints; I could not further my education in any conventional
way, and so I joined the bank, my present employer. My ambition is to improve my career prospects by obtaining a university
degree”. Said, George Morgan.For some people whose job requires regular travel or irregular working hours, distance learning
may be the only way they improve their qualifications and seek promotion. In most cases, students have choice of when to
study and how quickly they progress through the programme.

Academic support given to a distance learning student varies from programme to programme and from institution to
institution, however, the focus is on self-study. Students may receive basic academic guidance through specially written study
guides. Many programmes provide an extensive range of materials including videos, computer disks and audio tapes. Some
institutions have introduced programmes of study which can be delivered to a student’s home by internet.

Academic support is not the only support required. Without the support of family, colleagues and friends, studying for a
qualification as an external student would be a great deal harder. John Chetcuti says “my wife’s support throughout all these
years has been precious. Had it not been for her support when I was down in the dumps I probably would not have persevered
to the end”


1. The University of London started developing distance learning programmes in the 19th century.

2. The Internet is used to mail distance learning materials to students.
3. Distant learners need only the academic support.


1. Why was it more convenient for Teresa to take a distance learning programme?
2. Why does Morgan wish to get a university diploma?
3. What type of teaching materials do distance learning programmes prepare for their students?
4. Whose help was crucial to John Chetcuti?

1. Degrees or diplomas (paragraph 1)………………………………………………………………………….
2. Demand (paragraph 3) ……………………………………………………………….
3. Assistance (paragraph 5) ……………………………………………………………….
4. of great value (paragraph 5) ……………………………………………………………….



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1. She was always late to work. Consequently she was dismissed. 

2. they must finish the work before they get paid. 
The …………………………………………………………….            
3. I didn't apologize for my faults.
I wish …………………………………………………………………………   
4. Although she is extremely beautiful, nobody has asked her for marriage..
In spite of ………………………………………………………………………


The trainees ( study) -------------this programme for two years. Now they (prepare)---------- their project to the committee , and
very soon they ( present )------------ it to the committee for more deliberation.

 ІІІ-WRITING (4points))

write an essay about what normal and necessary actions that reflect our being good citizens.


IV. An uneven transaction

Immigration is frequently an uneven transaction. When a scientist from India or a professor from Guatemala or a physician
from the Philippines moves to the U.S.A, America’s gain is the native land’s loss. Since few American professionals head out to
settle elsewhere in the world, the redistribution of talents serves only to widen the gap between the land of plenty and the
lands of poverty. Worse still, the cycle tends to perpetuate itself: as more people leave their country for the U.S., more are
likely to leave, to join relatives or cash in on connections or simply follow examples.

Though nothing new, the brain drain has recently seemed more than ever to be taking from the poor giving to the rich: whereas
30 years ago most well-qualified newcomers to the U.S. arrived from Europe, now they stream in from the poorer countries of

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the Third World. Even among unskilled workers, the U.S tends to attract the most enterprising – those who are adventurous
enough to quit their homes and strike out for new opportunities in America.

The first to leave are outstanding students who win admission to U.S. universities and who, not surprisingly, accept challenging
jobs and high salaries in America upon their graduation. Each year, for instance, some 6,000 Taiwan Chinese arrive to study in
the U.S.; no more than 20%even return home. Many of the top achievers at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology at
Kharagpur are snapped up by the U.S. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). These students are a treasure to
any country, and it is a shame that their homes sometimes don’t have the resources to nurture and hold on to them.

No less costly to Third World nations is the steady migration of well- trained professionals in search of a life, any life, in
America. The wage differential between the U.S. and Mexico, for example, is 15 to 1. For many others, even poverty in the U.S.
is preferably to an uneasy prosperity at home: thus lawyers and doctors form Central America may be found washing cars or
working as porters in Miami hotels.

I-  COMPREHENSION (7 points)

A. Are these sentences true or false? Justify your answer form the text. (3 pts)

1.  Both America and the native countries of immigrants benefit from immigration


2.  Most well-qualified immigrants go to the USA from Europe.

3.  The majority of the Taiwan Chinese immigrants return to their native country.

B. Answer these questions according to the text: (2 pts)

4. Give two reasons why immigrants leave their native countries.

5.  Do all the immigrants in the U.S. get good jobs? Explain

C. Find in the text words or phrases meaning almost the same as: (2 pts)

1.  Make bigger (paragraph 1) ...

2.  Inexperienced (paragraph 2) …

II- LANGUAGE (points)

E. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense: (3 pts)

After my cousin Omar ………………… (to study) nuclear Physics for six years, he got his diploma in 2006. He's been looking for a
decent job but in vain. By the end of next June, he………………… (to be) jobless for about three years. Now, he regrets studying
nuclear Physics and wishes he……………………………… (to study) something else.

F. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated: (3pts)

OLYMPIA CLUB Mr. Fanzou for intensive courses call 0675172820 20222

1. A lot of youngsters decide to go abroad because they are jobless.

Due to…………………………………………………
2. The authorities are taking new measures against illegal immigration.
New measures………………………………………
3. “Solutions can be found if we join efforts;” said a government spokesman.
A government spokesman said …………………………

G. Rewrite the sentences as suggested (3 POINTS)

1. Although many efforts have been made, our environment is still in danger. (in spite of)
2. Samir learns English. He wants to go on his studies in the United Kingdom. (So as to)
…………………………….. ………………………………………………
3. If samia doesn’t go early, she wil not catch the first train. (unless)

III- WRITING: (4 points)

Today, brain drain is a serious problem facing the developing world. Write an article about the major causes and effects of brain
drain and suggest some possible solutions to limit this phenomenon.



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