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Responding to Social, Political,

and Cultural Change

Inclusive Citizenship and
Participatory Governance

Refers to the legal status of an individual in a particular state that allows
him or her to enjoy certain rights and protection. citizens are beneficiaries
of social welfare programs and other public services, and are guaranteed
protection from internal and external threats.
Citizenship also bestows certain obligation the payment of taxes and
observance of the laws.
Inclusive Citizenship and
Participatory Governance

1987 Philippine Constitution

Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of 1987 Constitution.
Those whose parents, mothers or fathers are citizens of the Philippines.
Those born before 17 January 1973, of Filipino Mothers, and who elect Philippine citizenship
upon reaching the age of majority; and
Those who undergo the naturalization process.
Inclusive Citizenship and
Participatory Governance

Inclusive Citizenship
Those who believes that marginalized groups and individuals should be empowred and included
in political process.

Deliverative Views on Citizenship

Considered as citizens as being involved in dialogue, information exchange, and decision-
Inclusive Citizenship and
Participatory Governance

Different Democratic View

Citizenship sees that the practice of one's citizenship is not limited to direct involvement to the
government, or in public events or engagements such as government fora.

Cosmopolitan View

Extends citizenship beyond the state to the regional and international levels.
Inclusive Citizenship and
Participatory Governance

Participatory Governance
One of the many public institutional strategies that contribute to shared vision in planning,
budgeting, monitoring and accountability of development of policies and program.
Participation and interaction
through social media

Citizenship sees that the practice of one's citizenship is not limited to direct involvement to the
government, or in public events or engagements such as government fora.

Cosmopolitan View

Extends citizenship beyond the state to the regional and international levels.
Participation and interaction
through social media

Information Society or Network Society

The revolution has transformed media and society and help to create

New Media
Generic term for the various forms of electronic communication made possible by digital or
computer technology.
Participation and interaction
through social media

Social Media
includes forms of electronic communication that facilitate social interaction and formation of
online communities through the exchange of user generated context.

Social Networking
Different and new dimension with the advent of new media .
Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
New Media and e-politics

Covers a diverse range oof activities which may be initiated by government other public bodies
or by citizen activist.
New Media and e-politics
New Media and e-politics

Electronic Voting
A form of computer-mediated voting in which voters make their selections with the aid of a
computer. The voter usually chooses with the aid of a touch-screen display, although audio
interfaces can be made available for voters with visual disabilities.

New Politics
Has given rise to a new style of activist politics and contributed to a considerable shift of
power from governments to citizens.
New Media and e-politics

Logo of Anonymous Members of Anonymous

New media, Cultures and

Access to information has been critical in inspiring political and social change in many countries
in contemporary times. in the late 1980s and early 1990s, access to radio and television partly
led to the fall of many communist regimens in eastern europe. The rise of new media has led to
many instances of social and political transformation in many parts of the world.
There are, however, still some attempts to limit access to information in an effort to stem
political action and dissent. Some countries like China and Singapore implement censorship of
internet content. But despite these attemps to control new media it has facilitated far-reaching
politcal development worldwide, including the growth of globalized capitalist economy, a
transformation of the role of state, and the emergence of what some see as hemogenized global
Social Movements

Social Movement
Another way to bring about or respond to social and political change is to pool together
individual efforts in a joint collective action.

Reform Movement
American Civil Rights Movement Successfully Introduced changes in political structures and
processes of their respective societies.
Social Movements

Revolutionary Movement
Cause massive and deep changes in society and politics.

Religous Movements
A Falun Gong in China or the Muslim resistance movement in mindanao and southern Thailand
are good example for these types of movements.
Social Movements

Free riders
Individuals who reap the benefits of social change without directly participating in the
collective action that brought about such change.
Scholars believe that the free rider phenomenon is bought about by an individual's tendency for

A person may chooses not to participate in a social movement because he or she sees that the
possible costs outweigh the benefits of engaging in social action
Perspective on Social

Collective Behaviour Approach

Drawing the field of psychology, believes that social movements are socially deviant groups.

Relative Deprivation
A collective feeling of dissatisfaction experience by members of society whose expectation are
not realized.
Perspective on Social

Resource Mobilization Approach

Argues that social movements need to have some kind of organizational structure in order to be

Political Process Apprach

Emphasizes the external political environment in analyzing social movements.
Perspective on Social

Political Opportunities
Provided by the political system and the opening of political space for social movement
Often, the causes of social movements revolves around rights and freedoms.

This approach argues that social movements often frame their issues in the language of rights
and grievances in order to increase their popular support and legitimacy, giving them
increased influence within dealing with powerful institutions such as government.
New Social Movements:
Gender and the environment

New Social Movements

Responsible to the existence of conflicts, injustices, and unequal power relation between social
Advocate issues and concerns which, in their view, have been ignored by mainstream
movements in the desire to establish a broad coalition among various social organization.

Also employ innovative strategies of collective action. They combine these with conventional
modes of political action.
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