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Critical Evaluation of E- Business Potential of,
A Non- Profit, E-Governance Portal of
Government of Abu Dhabi
1. Overview of the Evaluation……………………………………………………..4

2. Overview of Critical Analysis of Media News, Reviews

and Research Works……………………………………………………..………4

3. Critical Analysis of Media News……………………………………..................5

4. Critical Analysis of Reviews and Research Works…………………………….7

5. Critical Analysis of in light of Branding…………………..7

• Identity ……………………………………………………………….8

• Home page…………………………………………………………....9

• Logo, colure , and font…………………………………………...…10

• Brand associations………………………………………………….11

6. Critical Analysis of in light of 8 Ps of Strategic Social

Marketing for your Non Profit Organization (Partnership)………………...11

7. Critical Analysis of in light of Search Marketing


8. Conclusion and recommendations…………………………………………….12

9. References………………………………………………………….…13

Overview of the Evaluation:

In this report, I focus on assessing the capabilities and characteristics of, a non profit, e-governance portal, in line with e-business potential in reaching
out and delivering the government plans and programs to citizens. I intend to study the
effectiveness of the portal in light of branding, and chose two important aspects given in the
assignment viz. one element of marketing mix (Cheffey’s 8 Ps) and search marketing techniques.

Overview of Critical Analysis of Media News,

Reviews and Research Works

The concept of e-government may be defined in many dimensions such as

“The use of information technology to free movement of information to over the physical bounds
of traditional paper and physical based systems” (Wikibooks, 2009, 3 August)

“The use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit
citizens, business partners and employees” ( Independent Encyclopedia,2008)

The above mentioned definitions portrayed the nature and purpose of the e-government,
discussing the utility of information technology to connect government with stakeholders.

Hence, it is understood that the e-government portal needs to be connected effectively with the
target respondents for which it has been created for, and delivering the services to those
respondents for which it has been created for. In this light, I will critically evaluate the
effectiveness of e-governance portal of Government of Abu Dhabi, in reaching the target
respondents, and delivering the services which it intends to do. However, my personal opinion
that this assignment would provide a unilateral view of the effectiveness as it primarily focused
on assessing the given portal, with the secondary and published information. Hence, obtaining the
first hand information from the users of the portal would provide the comprehensive view on the
effectiveness of the portal. Nevertheless, the assessment would satisfy the criteria from one
dimension, and another dimension could be done later.

Critical Analysis of Media News

Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles Times, 27th July,2010) explored and analyzed the
potential of e-government portal of Government of Abu Dhabi, and quoted as ‘State of the art
portal and government wide network give citizens and businesses a way to glean information, use
services, and promote economic development’. The article further explored the explanation given
by the director general, responsible for this portal, and effectiveness of the same since inception
to reach out to citizens, and businesses, it role in economic development of Abu Dhabi. The
article further outlined the future plans and the integration of those plans with this portal, and the
ways and means to make the plans with the use of the portal.

Gulf News (Gulfnews, 2nd ,May 2011) posted an article about the utility of the portal in
using for charity fund ‘Zakat Fund’ for donating necessary funds for activities. It also applauded
the services of the portal in connecting the citizens and enabling them to use the portal for charity

Esri News (Eris news, 2010, 13th May) posted an article with regard to ‘Difference
Award’ given to the e-government portal of Abu Dhabi government from Esri. The award was
given due to the extensive use of GIS (Geo Spatial Data and Geographic Information System) by
the portal, which enabled the portal to connect with all stakeholders, and helped the flourishing of
businesses in the country.

Init News (Init, 2011, 5th April) from Germany applauded the portal for having created a
gateway in ‘face book’ (figure1) (
Gateway/183799834990053) a leading social network portal, to reach out to the services offered
by the portal. It also outlined that this move by the portal attracted more users to the portal never

Figure 1 Abu Dhabi eGovernment in facebook

The aforesaid media exposure of the portal explained and proved the effectiveness of the
portal, and reception that it receives from global media and other countries. It is a sort of acclaim
that every e-government portal in the world wants to have in its feather, and the portal of Abu
Dhabi government is well deserved to have one, for its innovative and in effective utilization of
information technology to reach out to people and businesses.

Today, most of the governments implemented e-government portals to reach out to the
citizens’ Singapore (e-citizen portal), China (Golden customs), USA (Payroll Information Self
service portal), Philippines (E-Governance), India, Srilanka (Intelligent Intermediaries), UK,
Oman, etc. to name a few. Each of the portals is unique in nature, focuses on reaching the citizens
in different aspects. However, the closer look at the portal of Abu Dhabi government provides a
comprehensive utilization of the same to reach out citizens as well businesses. The success of any
portal could be gauged by its use and active involvement of the target respondents to utilize the
same. In that case, I could not get the holistic account of the performance of the portal of Abu
Dhabi government, barring the major exposure and appreciation about the portal in the global
media. However, to go with the say of’ proof of the pudding is eating’, as the portal is appreciated

and applauded by the global media for not effective. Hence, my media analysis proved the
effectiveness of the portal and its performance in reaching out to the citizens and businesses.

Critical Analysis of Reviews and Research Works

Kostopoulos (2003) prepared a detailed paper to review the e-government initiatives by
different government from Arabian Gulf viz. Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and
Oman. The paper primarily focused on identifying the extensive efforts made by the governments
to capitalize the cyber technologies to reach out to the citizens. Extensive analysis on the e-
government initiatives by the aforesaid countries, the author concluded with several issues such
as change management, cadre creation, and public cyber literacy, in order to accelerate the e-
governance process to reach out and benefit the citizens never before.

Al-Sobhi (2009) presented a study with regard to identifying the role of intermediaries in
facilitating e-government diffusion in Saudi Arabia, a focused study analyzing the e-governance
initiatives by Saudi Arabia government, by using ICT technologies. The study discussed on the
factors influencing E-Government implementation issues, factors influencing adoption and usage
etc. The research identified the several implementation challenges, role of intermediaries in
facilities the services, a frame work describing the role of intermediaries in e-government
implementation of Saudi Arabia etc.

The aforesaid research works could be considered as a tip of iceberg with regard to analyzing the
effectiveness and implementation e-government portals across the Arabian Gulf Countries. The
research studies extensively discussed the role of government and intermediaries in implementing
the portals to reach out and benefit the citizens and other stakeholders.

Critical Analysis of in light of Branding

Kotler ,Armstrong, Saunders, and Wong (2001) defined ‘A brand is a name,
term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these which is used to identify the goods or
services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competitors.'

Brand elicits numerous conceptions in the minds of consumers, or the people those who
heard. Sakkthivel (2004) argued the BRAND may be also defined as acronym, B for Build, R
for Reliability, A for Attitude, N for Name and D for Desire. It means, by hearing a brand, it
should Build Reliability in the minds of consumers, a positive or negative Attitude towards the
brand, recall the Name, and creates a Desire to buy the brand.

Analyzing the e-government portal of Abu Dhabi government in the light of above
branding conception, it builds and enjoys the reliability among the target consumers viz. citizens,
and businesses, it creates a positive attitude, the name elicits positive, rave reviews and
appreciation across the global media, and definitely creates desire in the minds of target
respondents to make use of the portal for the services to which they want to use the same. There
are many conceptions such as digital branding or online branding, which is a sort of intangible
conception of branding in order to create a perception or positive positioning in the minds of

target consumers. It is done to target, reach and influence the target consumers to buy a
product/service online which they cannot enjoy tangible purchase like what they could do in
offline marketing. It is to create believe or trust among the target consumers, to make purchase of
a product/service online. This can be done through many standards viz. corporate identity, logo,
colure, imagery and associations. Amazon.com1, one of the pioneers in online retailing, used the
online or digital branding conception, in order to create the positive perception and positioning in
the minds of consumers, through offering buy back offer, if the buyers feel dissatisfied with the
products they bought online from the company. Hence, it is sort of trust or believe the portals
intend to create among the target consumers. In those lines, e-government portal of Abu Dhabi
government enjoys the online or digital branding status, as the target respondents believe and
trust, and utilize the services of the portal and obtain the benefits out of it. Another example,
could be quoted in those lines, Nikeid.com2, a online portal of NIKE Sports, Inc. from USA,
enables the target consumers to design the custom made shoes, of the colors and logos of their
choice, and the same would be delivered to the target consumers. It creates such a sensation
among the target consumers, and attraction as they could design the best shoes with the choices of
the colors from one of the best sports footwear companies in the world. It shows believe or trust
could be developed through the consistency in offering the services, in time and to the fullest
satisfaction of target consumers. In that respect, and enjoy the full trust
and respect from the target consumers, and we could bring e-government portal in the league of
those companies.

• Identity
A detailed history of the e-government of Abu Dhabi Government is well presented in the
website. It also mentions the strategic themes and the vision of organization. Simple graphics are
used as well in this page. (figure 1)

Figure 2 Vision and history

• Home page:
The portal of Abu Dhabi government, enjoys the trust and attraction
among the users. However, a closer look at the design of the portal revealed that the home page
(figure2) provided all the information, which lacks the elegancy and simplicity for the users to
understand and navigate. It is designed like to throw all the information in one page for the users
to take and use. However, in terms of helping the users to reach the information directly, the
home page lacks the elegancy of branding. The web designers of the portal may focus on these
issues, and make modify in future, in order to bring out the elegancy and simplicity. Also, the
home page is simple in terms having more text information than graphics, however, there is a
graphics which is present in the page, takes more time to download, and these could be avoided in
order to ensure the faster download of graphics.

Figure 3 Abu Dhabi E-government Home page

• Logo, colure , and font

A very useful and important element in branding is the use of an idiosyncratic brand logo.
The e-government of Abu Dhabi government uses a very simple logo (figure 4) and
selective colures. It represents the electronic services and its colures represents the three
colures of the United Arab Emirates'' flag. This attracts citizens through bolstering their

Figure 4 Abu Dhabi eGovernment LOGO

• Brand associations:
Aaker (2008) describes brand associations as ‘anything that is directly or indirectly linked in the
consumer's memory to a brand.' (P 161).

Service attributes and users benefits are the associations that have obvious relevancy
because it provides a reason to buy or use and therefore a basis for brand loyalty.

The e-government of Abu Dhabi government is building a strong bridge with the
website's users through many different ways vez. attractive logo, colures, design, smooth
movement from page to another, security and safety. This can be seen also from the
quality of the services and from good relationship with users through the portal survey
and contact center (phone calls, emails, internet and faxes).

Standard/ scale 1 2 3 4 5
Brand ambassador
scale 30
Table 1 Evaluation of the portal of e-government of Abu Dhabi Government (scale: 1 weak to 5 excellent)

Critical Analysis of in light of 8 Ps of Strategic Social

Marketing for your Non Profit Organization (Partnership)
Albeit, several Ps are available to do the analysis, however, the given requirement of the
assignment is to choose one appropriate P, and critically analysis and justify the selection of the
same for analyzing the portal taken for the study. Therefore, I have selected ‘Partnerships’ one of
the Ps of social marketing mix in order to critically analyze with the portal taken for the study.
Partnerships are very crucial in the successful business, needless, the same will be very vital for
non-profit organization too. There are many organizations are coordinating and working towards
achieving the goals of the portal, such as Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority, Abu Dhabi
Airports Company, Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to name a few. It is clear
from the portal all the vital organizations of the government, are closely working and
coordinating, in order to help the citizens and stakeholders to get the benefits out of the portal. It

is good to observe that all the organizations provide the address and contact numbers for help and

Hence, it is critically understand and conclude that the partnership is one of the crucial Ps
of non-profit organization, in which the portal taken for the study has been effectively managed
to connect with all the vital organizations in order to reach out to the citizens and other stake
holders. So, I chose the partnership as one of the critical Ps leading to the effective functioning of
e-government portal. It is to be noted that the governments which intend to build e-government
portal, first and foremost, ought to focus on implementing partnership factor, in order establish
the collaboration, cooperation and coordination among the different government organizations,
and integrate their operations with e-government portal, which would act as a sort of connecting
hub, across the portal. This would help the citizens and stakeholders to access, and get benefit out
of the portal, through single window system i.e. using e-government portal to use and benefit
from all the services. In this regard, provides all the services under one portal,
a sort of single window system, which would help the users to get benefit from.

Critical Analysis of in light of Search Marketing

As per the requirement of the assignment, I have selected search marketing techniques, a
vital aspect which truly gauges the effectiveness of any successful portal. The information
seeking by the users should be available in a way; the users wish to receive it. In this regard, provides an excellent option for the users to search and collect the information.
When I checked with the portal, I am amazed at the extensive of the information could be
collected and used, with such an ease, viz. personal documents, payment of bills, job
opportunities, to name a few. Also, it focuses on attracting businesses to utilize the services of the
portal in such an ease, would definitely motivate more businesses to set foot in Abu Dhabi and
enables the growth and development of the economy.

Conclusion and recommendations

In conclusion, I have covered all the requisite aspects of the assignment, critical analysis
of the portal through the eyes of media, researchers, and professional articles, rewards, in light of
branding conception, partnership and search marketing techniques. From my analysis, I am
concluding that the portal is fit and effective in functioning for it has been created for. The rave
reviews and awards from global community could be taken as a parameter in this regard. Also,
the closer look and visit to the portal, helps me understand the intricacies of non-profit portal,
such as this, and in case of branding, the portal needs to work hard to obtain the elegancy, and
however, in terms of providing information, the portal stands tall. I am preparing this report with
the given information, and analysis of the portal itself, not comparing the portals of other
governments from GCC countries or outside world. Hence, I am concluding the assignment with
a note “, e-government portal has justified its existence in helping and enabling
the users to get benefit and that is it”.

References :
Aaker David A.( 2008 ) Strategic Market Management , John Wily and Sons ,
Inc .USA

AL-Sobhi, Faris (2009 ) The Role Of Intermediaries In Facilitating E-

Government Diffusion In Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at the European and
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2010, April,Abu Dhabi,

Batra, Rajeev, Myers,John G. and Aaker, David A. (2007) Advertising to

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Carla Wheeler(2010, 13th July) Abu Dhabi system and Information Center
Recevies Making a Difference Award From Esri. Esri News [2011, 5th
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Chaffey,Dave (2009) E-Business And E-Commerce Management, Pearson

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Independent Encyclopedia(2008) E-government/Definition,9da4ab975b5460a0ad52595a92aca35
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Kotler,P.G Armstrong, JSaunders, and V Wong (2001) Principles Of Marketing,

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