Vision L4 U3 Progress Test B

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Unit 3 Progress test B

1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the verbs below and
a verb using -ing or the infinitive form with to.

admitted avoids forgot offered recommended refused

1 Lucy didn’t remember to take her football boots to training yesterday.

Lucy __________________________ her football boots to training yesterday.
2 I asked Dad if he needed any help with the washing up.
I __________________________ Dad with the washing up.
3 My uncle said Andy Murray’s autobiography was worth reading.
My uncle __________________________ Andy Murray’s autobiography.
4 My sister wouldn’t lend me her denim jacket for the evening.
My sister __________________________ me her denim jacket for the evening.
5 We said that we were wrong.
We __________________________ wrong.
6 Tom doesn’t like flying, so he doesn’t travel by plane.
Tom doesn’t like flying, so he __________________________ by plane.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

I really want 1 to become / becoming a professional athlete, so I’m considering 2 to apply / applying for sports
scholarships at a few universities. I’ve always enjoyed 3 to compete / competing. I think it must be 4 exactly / far
more satisfying to earn money doing something I’m passionate about than to be sitting in an office all day. I know it
won’t be easy. People say it’s getting more 5 difficult and more / and more difficult to succeed as a professional
sportsperson. I’ll have to work and train really hard, but I think the more I train, 6 the better / the more my chances will
be. Famous sportspeople face a lot of pressure from the media and social media too, but I think you just have to refuse
7 to let / letting the pressure get to you, and dare 8 to believe / believing you can do it!

Mark: ___ / 8

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Add words if necessary, but
do not change the word order.
1 Lily’s gymnastics coach __________________________ (encourage / her / enter) the competition. And she won!
2 Our uncle __________________________ (teach / us / play) backgammon when we visited him.
3 I __________________________ (spend / 45 minutes / wait) in the rain for a bus this morning!
4 The home team’s shirt looks __________________________ (more / less / same) as the away team’s shirt.
5 My sister is __________________________ (just / good) my brother at skateboarding.
6 It’s __________________________ (nowhere / as / cheap) to host the Olympic games as it used to be.

Mark: ___ / 6

Vision 4 Tests 1 Unit 3 Progress test B

4 Choose the correct option (A, B, or C) to complete the sentences.
1 It’s important for young athletes to have role models that they can ___ .
A look up to B inspire C challenge
2 The campaigners were trying to ___ of the impact of their actions.
A change the subject B speak up C make people aware
3 I ___ people arguing and shouting at each other. It makes me feel really stressed.
A hesitate B can’t stand C admire
4 After one team cheated, the referee reminded everyone about the idea of ___.
A negative stereotypes B aspiring athletes C fair play
5 Desmond Tutu won a Nobel Peace Prize for ___ in South Africa.
A gender inequality B fighting injustice C sponsorship deals
6 The higher your ___, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.
A expectations B obstacles C corruption scandals
7 Premier League football matches are so expensive that many ___ can’t afford to watch them.
A aspiring athletes B amateur players C ordinary fans

Mark: ___ / 7

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 Athletes mustn’t use any kind of _____________ (ban) substances to improve their performance.
2 Professional and amateur _____________ (play) have to follow the same rules.
3 Fear of failing can be a major _____________ (psychology) barrier.
4 My 10 km time _____________ (gradual) improved when I started running three times a week.
5 Simone Biles’s achievements have made her a _____________ (blaze) for girls in gymnastics.
6 If people around me are shouting and arguing, I try not to get emotionally _____________ (involve).

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Complete the text with the words below. There is one extra word.

back challenge fulfil mentor look up to influence propose relate

Have you ever thought about finding a 1____________ to help you achieve your goals and
2____________ your potential? They can be a very positive 3____________ for your personal and
professional development, but it’s important to find the right one. It’s vital that they can 4____________
to you – and you to them. They should be passionate about helping you to become the best
version of yourself. A good one will 5____________ ways of expanding your experience and will
6____________ you to try new things. They will be good listeners, good at giving feedback, and they
will respect you. They won’t compare you to other people, and they’ll never talk about you behind your
7____________ .

Mark: ___ / 7

Vision 4 Tests 2 Unit 3 Progress test B

Use of English
7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct option, A, B or C.
1 Lily: Mum, I’ve got an essay to hand in tomorrow morning so I haven’t really got time to walk the dog tonight.
Mum: ___, but I think it’ll be good for you to get some air and some exercise.
Lily: OK, well, can you do the washing up after dinner for me, instead?
A I’m not sure I’m making myself clear B One thing I feel strongly about C I understand your argument
2 Max: Mum, ___
Mum: Yes, of course. Are you OK?
Max: Yes, I’m fine, but there’s something I wanted to have a chat about.
A please don’t be offended by this. B can I have a word with you, please? C if I can just clarify what I mean.
3 Dad: Jake, it looks as if the dishwasher has finished, but the dishes are still inside.
Jake: Has it? Are they?
Dad: I’m not sure I’m making myself clear, Jake. ___ this is your job, and it hasn’t been done.
A I’m not sure how to talk about this, but B I understand your argument, but C My point is,
4 Zoe: When we first started sharing this house, I made it clear we needed to share the chores equally.
Matt: ___ I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight. I’ve got a big deadline tomorrow.
Zoe: OK, then we need to talk about how we manage this kind of situation.
A I know you said that, but B What I’m trying to say is C The main thing is
5 Ella: Dad, would you mind if I borrowed your car for the weekend?
Dad: Oh Ella, I’m sorry, but ___ .
Ella: But Dad, you’re always trying to encourage us to be independent!
A I don’t think that’s a very good idea B I hope you don’t mind my asking C if I can just clarify what I mean

Mark: ___ / 5

8 Choose the translation of the word or phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 The businessman went to prison after his (podejrzane) ___ deals were exposed.
A shady B hot C cool
2 There was a lot of prize money (na szali) ___, so it was a very competitive match.
A in the shade B on the edge C at stake
3 The right (nastawienie psychiczne) ___ can be the difference between winning and losing.
A physical training B mental attitude C heat of the moment
4 Mia sometimes struggles to (nie stracić zimnej krwi) ___ under pressure.
A keep a cool head B lose her cool C give herself the edge
5 I wish I didn’t sometimes get so (zapalczywy, porywczy) ___ . I can’t help arguing!
A heated B level-headed C hot-headed

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 4 Tests 3 Unit 3 Progress test B

9 Read the text. Match the paragraphs (A–D) to the sentences (1–5).
There is one paragraph that fits two sentences.

Setbacks and success in gymnastics

Simone Biles is perhaps the most famous gymnast in the world. She’s certainly the most
successful. In October 2019, she set a new world record when she won her 25th World
Championship medal. But apart from the intense physical training and determination needed
to get to the top, Simone also had to deal with a difficult start in life. Her mother struggled with
addiction, so she and her sister Adria were adopted and brought up by their grandparents.
Simone initially got involved with gymnastics by chance, when the outdoor activity on a school
trip was cancelled due to bad weather, and she had to try gymnastics instead!
At the same gymnastics World Championships where Simone Biles won her 25th medal,
Oksana Chusovitina was competing at the age of 43. Originally from Uzbekistan, Oksana
first competed for the Soviet Union – before Simone Biles was born! She then moved back
to Uzbekistan, but in 2002, just as she was going to retire, her three-year-old son became
seriously ill. There were no medical facilities in her country that could save his life, so she
moved to Germany and carried on competing to earn money for his treatment. Happily, he
survived – and Oksana has been a trailblazer, inspiring other mothers to return to top-level
competition after taking time out. So far, she has competed in seven Olympic Games.
Kieran Behan is an Irish gymnast who has had to overcome many setbacks on his way to
success. When he was just ten years old, an operation to remove cancer from his leg
went wrong, and Kieran ended up in a wheelchair. He managed to recover, but then hit
his head on the high bar in training, and suffered damage to his brain which left him in a
wheelchair again. Doctors told him he might never walk again, and his brain had to re-learn
how to do even basic movements like sitting. Incredibly, after three years, he was able to start
training again, and he went on to join the Irish national team. He even competed at the 2012
Olympic Games.
One of the most incredible performances in the history of gymnastics was that of George
Eyser, a German-American gymnast, in the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis, USA. George won
six individual medals, including three golds, in one day. What made the achievement more
amazing was that he had lost one leg after an accident with a train in his childhood. He
competed with a wooden leg, but it was nowhere near as technologically advanced as today’s
artificial limbs. It would be more than 100 years until another athlete – South African swimmer
Natalie du Toit in 2008 – competed at the Olympics with an artificial leg.

1 No one repeated this gymnast’s achievement until the next century. ___
2 This gymnast moved countries to help a relative. ___
3 This gymnast had an illness and an accident. ___
4 This gymnast was planning to stop competing. ___
5 This gymnast started doing gymnastics by accident. ___

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 4 Tests 4 Unit 3 Progress test B

10  Listen to an interview with a psychologist about heroes. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 Dr Holmes thinks that the difference between a hero and a role model is
A one is an ordinary person, the other one isn’t.
B a hero is someone you might want to be.
C a role model is someone you might want to be.
D non-existent, because they are the same thing.
2 What does Dr Holmes say about the role of storytelling?
A It isn’t important now because we have social media.
B It can help us to feel more connected to the people around us.
C It helps us to imagine the lives of our ancient ancestors.
D It has a more positive impact if we do it round a fire.
3 Which of these does Dr Holmes NOT say is a response to stories about heroes?
A a feeling of calmness
B a feeling of warmth and love
C the motivation to become a better person
D a feeling of disappointment that we can’t be like heroes
4 Why does Dr Holmes think we can all relate to heroes?
A because they have the same values as celebrities
B because they do good things for the whole of society
C because they are also weak characters
D because they are often trying to find meaning in their lives
5 Who are the two speakers?
A a journalist and a medical professional
B a doctor and a patient
C a student and a university lecturer
D two medical professionals

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Read the task and write an article (200–250 words).

Are heroes always famous or well-known people, or can they be ordinary people too?
Write an article which narrates an experience you’ve had or have heard about and
expresses your own opinion.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Vision 4 Tests 5 Unit 3 Progress test B

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