Verbs in The Simple Present Tense (Pronounciation) : /S/ /Z/ /S/ /X/ /T / CH /DƷ/ G G /iz

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To pronounce the ending “–s” or “-es” for verbs in the third person singular it is important to
check the last sound (not the last letter) of the original verb (that is, its infinitive form.

Most of the verbs add the /s/ or the /z/ sounds (he /z/ sounds like the buzz of an insect). at
the end, but if the last sound is /s/, /x/, /t∫/ (as ch in church), /dƷ/ (as the g in George), then it
is necessary to add /iz/ (you will perceive it at /is/. For example (listen to the recording of the
examples given in the following table (Click here):

/s/ or /z/
(we are not asking you to pronounce the difference between /s/ and /z/
buy /bai/ buys /baiz/
collect /kolékt/ collects /kolékts/
come from /kám from/ comes from /kámz from/
control /kontróul/ controls /kontróuls/
deal with /díl wid/ deals with /díls wid/
deliver /delíver/ delivers /delívers/
develop /divélop/ develops /divélops/
direct /dairékt/ directs /dairékts/
distribute /dístribiút/ distributes /dístribiúts/
employ /implói/ employs /implóiz/
ensure /en∫úar/ ensures /en∫úars/
∫ = sh

export (éksport/ exports (éksports/

find /faind/ finds /faindz/
go /gou/ goes /gouz/
hire /háiar/ hires /háiars/
invent /invént/ invents /invénts/
implement /ímplement/ implements /ímplements/
keep /kip/ keeps /kips/
live /liv/ lives /livz/
make /meik/ makes /meiks/
meet /mit/ meets /mist/
manufacture /maniufákt∫er/ manufactures /maniufákt∫ers/
t∫ = ch
offer (ófer/ offers (ófers/

operate /ópereit/ operates /ópereits/
pay /pei/ pays /peiz/
plan /plan/ plans /plans/
position /posí∫on/ positions /posí∫ons/
prepare /pripéar/ prepares /pripéars/
protect /protékt/ protects /protékts/
provide /prováid/ provides /prováidz/
recruit /recrút/ recruits /recrúts/
sell /sel/ sells /sels/
study /stádi/ studies /stádiz/
speak /spik/ speaks /spiks/
show /∫ou/ shows /∫ouz/
send /send/ sends /sends/
solve /solv/ solves /solvs/
supply /saplái/ supplies /sapláiz/
take (teik/ takes (teiks/
test /test/ tests /tests/
visit /vísit/ visits /vísits/
update /ápdéit/ updates /ápdéits/
work /wƐ:rk/ works /wƐ:rks/
write /rait/ writes /raits/


advertise /advertais/ advertises /advertaisiz/

analyse /analaiz/ analyses /analaiziz/
manage /manidƷ/ manages /manidƷiz/
dƷ = g (as in gym)
organize /organaiz/ organizes /organaiziz/
place /pleis/ places /pleisiz/
produce /prodiús/ produces /prodiúsiz/
publish /pábli∫/ publishes /pábli∫iz/
service /sérvis/ services /sérvisiz/
specialize /spe∫aláiz/ specializes /spe∫aláziz/

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