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Titu Karmakar

Roll: 3473
Batch: 58/C

Assignment Theory of Computing

Topic: "Acceptor and Transducer in Automata"

To being with Acceptor and Transducer. Firstly we could get a brief about the

Automata: Formally an automata is defined as, It is a system where energy, materials,

and the data or information are transformed and used for performing some functions
are less participation of any human being direct. If we say it in one line "Automata is
a machine or robot programmed to follow a specific sequence of instructions''. Such
as bell-strikers in mechanical clocks, human detection, reorganization machine,
automatic photo printing machines, etc.

Acceptor: An automaton that computes a Boolean function is called an acceptor. It is

used as a recognizer. All the states of an acceptor are either accepting(set of words or
strings) or rejecting(other)the inputs given to it.

Transducer: In automata theory, a transducer is an automaton with input and output;

an automaton that produces output based on the current inputs or the previous state is
called a transducer.
Transducers can be of two types −
Mealy Machine: The Output depends on the current state and the current input.
Moore Machine: The output depends only on the current state.

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