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12TH –C

Vaibhav sundriyal






147/A D-6

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

2 October 2021

The Editor

Times of India

New Delhi

Subject: Environment pollution by vehicles


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities and the public to the growing menace of environmental pollution by vehicles.

The emission of smoke by vehicles is increasing carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Consequently, the
temperature is increasing. It disturbs the delicate environmental balance and harms human beings in
many ways.

I suggest that the Government must limit the number of vehicles on the roads. ‘Public Transport
System’ should be made fast, frequent, comfortable and cheap. Only one car should be allowed from
one family and those who own bigger cars using more petrol or diesel must be taxed. Eco-friendly
devices and green fuel should be used in vehicles Also, the number of buses and metros should be

I will be obliged if you take this matter into consideration and print my letter in your esteemed
newspaper. Looking forward for your cooperation.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



147/A D-6

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

2 October 2021

The Editor

Times of India

New Delhi

Subject: The problem of severe water crisis in India


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities and the public towards the ever worsening problem of water shortage across
the nation. Owing to so many factors water scarcity problem has become quite serious. The water
supply in South India, Maharashtra, M.P., Delhi, U.P., etc. has fallen to minimum level.

People should use water sagaciously and like a rare commodity. Apart from this the Government
should also address the problem at the base level. Proper afforestation around the city, especially
along the rivers and canals should be done. All the water resources in the country should be
interlinked. Flood water-management by channelling it to water-shortage areas should be done.
The sea water should be converted into potable water in coastal areas. Also the Government should
also make strict laws to conserve water and environment. People should be involved in water
preservation and conservation campaigns. Without people’s participation water scarcity problem
can’t be solved.

I will be obliged if you publish my views in your reputed daily. I also appeal to people and concerned
authorities to look into the matter and shoulder their responsibilities in solving the problem.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely


147/A D-6

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

2 October 2021

The Editor

Times of India

New Delhi

Sub: Awareness program for global warming

Respected Sir/ Madam,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities and the public towards the ever worsening problem of global warming. Global
warming is the severe disease that our Earth is suffering from. No one but only human beings should
be held accountable for that. However, awareness and taking little steps towards saving the world
can make Earth once again a better place to live in.

Awareness programs should be held in various forms for people of all ages. Children should
understand the severity of global warming and its effects on us. They must be taught how they can
incorporate behaviour that would be beneficial for our environment. Schools can have monthly tree
plantation programs in various places, how to recycle and reuse old products things like these would
give the students first-hand experience. Apart from that, using reusable cloth bags, switching off the
lights, not wasting water all should be taught to make them understand how we can protect our
environment from further damage. These programs can be organized by clubs for localities as well to
spread awareness among everyone.

I urge you to put a spotlight on this issue on your esteemed daily so that people are more aware of
our environment.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

Q1. Take any poem from your prescribed text and either illustrate it in an art form or compose it like
a song or convert it to a screenplay/ script with characters.


The poem, “A Thing of Beauty”, by John Keats delightfully gives the message that a beautiful thing is
a source of endless joy which transcends time and never fades away but increases every time it
returns to our mind. According to him, in this world full of negative vibes, cruelty and hatred, all the
beautiful things give us the spirit to live . He explains that, that, beauty is like a beautiful shady tree
under whose shade all the creatures can sleep and live peacefully, enjoying good health. I have tried
to depict the same in the painting as you can see on the screen. It shows that the beauty of nature,
without asking beautifully gives all the creatures, resonating peace, harmony, serenity and the
power to heal without limits which never fades away.Then the poet further describes how many
beautiful things created by god are present among us such as the sun, moon, trees, clouds, rivers,
musk roses with nice fragrance, sheeps etc make our world more lively and refreshing with their
beautiful and attractive aura also leaving a print on our mind that’ll last forever. The poet gives a
beautiful message here that anything created by god is beautiful which can be quoted as “Beauty lies
in the eyes of every beholder”.

In my perspective everyone has beauty in them. While I was reading this poem I thought about how
in many countries beauty has been stereotypically given a certain definition. Majorly people define
beauty using measure of slimness, skin colour, body shape dresses etc and that is SO WRONG!!
Everything has beauty in it waiting right there to get appreciated. Everyone is beautiful no matter
whether you’re skinny, fat, have pimples or what’s your skin colour, or if you don’t have good
clothes etc.It’s pretty much evident that everything and every soul is much more beautiful than the
pretty pictures with filters posted behind the anonymity of web. I think everything and everyone has
enough beauty to fall in love with themselves and admire others rather than creating stereotypes
and making fun of others but the problem is not everyone sees it. Nothing is perfect but everything
is beautiful in its own way. Similarly the poet describes the beauty in legacy of bravery left by mighty
warriors who sacrificed their lives for country. He describes how nature’s incessant beauty which
gives everyone happiness and relaxation are perpetual gifts bestowed upon us by God. There aura is
so much powerful that only talking about them gives us so much excitement , positivity and hope.
They are like a nectar given by god to us which give us a reason to live in this world despite having so
many sorrows in our life and maintain our faith in goodness. As it’s said by the poet ‘A thing of
beauty is a joy forever’.




a. How was the experience of reading a novel different from watching a movie based on it?

Ans- The experience of reading a novel was quite different from watching a movie based on the
same novel. The novel- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen explores the inner lives of characters,
whereas the movie script depends entirely on what you can convey through words, actions, and
expressions. Talented actors can supply a lot of what goes missing, but not everything. And no actor
can compensate for Austen's astonishing ability to nail a character in three sentences. A book has
unlimited imaginary powers while in case of a movie our imagination is limited to what the director
of the movie wants to depict.

b. Do you agree with the changes that and adaptations made in the movie?

Joe Wright's 2005 adaptation Pride & Prejudice had more differences from the Jane Austen novel
than just changing the time period, making the film more realistic and romantic in the process.
Starring Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfayden as Mr. Darcy, the film was a
major departure from the previous, more faithful, BBC miniseries that aired ten years prior. Joe
Wright took a more romantic approach to the novel, grounded in realism, that turned Pride &
Prejudice into a critical success for blending traditional period-film traits with a modern approach.
Wright collaborated with Keira Knightley again after Pride & Prejudice with another critically
acclaimed adaptation, Anna Karenina.

The adaptation stripped down the Pride & Prejudice subplots to focus on the romance between
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, compressing the novel into 127 minutes — a sharp contrast from the
sprawling, six hour miniseries that came before. Keira Knightley's Elizabeth Bennet was younger than
her BBC predecessor played by Jennifer Ehle, and significantly feistier than Elizabeth's portrayal in
the book, much like Knightley's similar performance as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean.
However, Knightley's modern interpretation of the character and Joe Wright's stunningly-shot film
pushed Pride & Prejudice out of the stereotypically perfect Regency era world, and into one that was
visually distinct.

c. How well do the actors match with the way they’ve been depicted in the book?

Keira Knightley's portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet is her best role, and is significantly feistier and more
impassioned in Pride & Prejudice than in the original novel. While Knightley's Elizabeth grows apart
from Jane over the course of the movie, the two actually become much closer in the book.
Knightley's Elizabeth is comfortable pushing back on her parents — and in one scene, even shouting
at them — while Austen's Elizabeth might be headstrong, but she is never immature. In addition, the
film received criticism from Austen fans for cutting one of Elizabeth's most famous lines, "Till this
moment, I never knew myself," and taking away her moment of self-recognition. However, the
changes made to Elizabeth's characterization make her more relatable to a modern audience and
make for a fresher, younger take on the classic character.

In the Austen novel, the Bennet family might be down on their luck, but they're still a member of
the landed gentry and retain some wealth and status. The Bennet family in Pride & Prejudice is
portrayed as much poorer than their novel depiction, partially due to Joe Wright's shifting away from
the formal portrayal of the Regency Era by putting the family home in a more rural setting. The
Bennet sisters wear worn-out dresses that don't quite match, and the family home is in a state of
clear disrepair.

Pride & Prejudice also changed the characterization of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet to make them more
sympathetic, turning Mr. Bennet into a loving and attentive father, and presenting Mrs. Bennet's
machinations with understanding instead of scorn. The Bennet family might be chaotic, but in the
film they're still close-knit and loving. Similarly, the 2016 movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies also
emphasized the close-knit sisters. However, Jane Austen presents the family as dysfunctional and
unhappy. Contrasting the clear financial difficulties of the Bennet family with the closeness and love
between the sisters and their parents makes them much more relatable to contemporary audiences
in the Joe Wright adaptation than the novel.

QD. Do you think the movies do justice to the written version?

ANS.- Not at all No, I do not think that movies do justice to a story at all when the story was written
in a book to start out. I think that the movie gets a lot of the story altered, and that it ruins the whole
reason the book was even wrote to begin with.

QE. What do you ultimately prefer, reading or watching?

ANS.- Both options are good but I've more or less followed the rule of reading the book first. I like
doing that because one gets so much more out of the story, and you are able to imagine it in your
own way instead of having the movie do that for you. Also a book keeps you captivated for much
longer than a movie and gives free space to your imagination.

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