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A cause and effect text is used to explain and give reasons why something happens or describe the
effects of something. The structure of the text can be written as the cause and what is the effect of it or
emphasize the effect first and then list some reasoning on what causes the effect.

A cause is the reason why something happens and creates a result or effect.

Teks sebab dan akibat digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi
atau menjelaskan akibat dari sesuatu. Dalam struktur teks ini, akibatnya lebih ditekankan baru kemudian
menjelaskan apa yang menyebabkan efeknya.

Penyebab adalah alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi dan menciptakan akibat.

Example: I woke up late, so I missed the bus.

Cause effect

The Speed of the car made him win the championship.

Cause effect
 Saya bangun terlambat akibatnya saya ketinggalan bis, penyebabnya bangun terlambat,
akibatnya tertinggal bis
 Dia memenangkan lomba karena kecepatan mobilnya, penyebabnya kecepatan mobilnya,
akibatnya dia menang lomba
Transition word for cause (kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebab)
 Because
 Because of
 Since
 As
 Due to
 Due to the blackout yesterday, our neighbourhood was in total darkness.
 Because it is sunny, Arya decides to go swimming in the pool.
Transition words for effect (kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan akibat)
 Therefore
 So
 Hence
 Thus
 As the result
 The boy was crying, so his mother comforted him.
 She woke up late. Therefore she missed the morning exercise.
Verbs and noun can also indicates cause annd effect relationship.
Verbs that signal cause and effect. (Kata kerja yang mengindikasikan sebab akibat)
 Affect
 Create
 Force
 Initiate
 Benefit
 Influence
 Bring about
 The arrival of the motorbike gang created severe noises.
 Harvest failures affected the price of rice in the market.
Nouns that signal cause and effect (Kata benda yang mengindikasikan sebab akibat)
 Event
 Issue
 Effect
 Condition
 Source
 The effect of deforestation is the extinction of some species of flora.
 The condition of a flat tire may result in a road accident.

In a cause and effect essay, we have to organize the essay as follows:

1. Topic sentence
Indicates clearly the focus of the essay: essay: cause or effect
2. Supporting sentences
Consists of details and examples
3. Concluding sentence
States conclusion remark

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