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Aljon Aarolle J.

Bondoc BSE Filipino II REO 2

The different parts of lectio Divina

1. Do you best to present yourself to God as one approved, a

worker who does not need to be shamed and who correctly
handles the word of truth – 2 Timothy 2.15

➢ Second Timothy 2:14–26 contains Paul's instructions to

Timothy about leading other believers. Two important themes
here are avoiding pointless bickering and holding to sound
biblical teachings. Arguments over non-essential issues
quickly turn into feuds, poisoning the body of Christ just as
gangrene attacks the physical body. Paul names specific false
teachers but brings a note of compassion. Here, he reminds
Timothy that gentleness and patience are key. After all, those
who do not believe are not our enemies: they are those we are
trying to rescue from the control of the Devil!

2. . What this text teaches me is that I must first criticize my own

mistakes before I can perceive the mistakes of others,
because I am aware that I am more aware of others than I am
of myself because I am often talkative. Of a hurtful word
because of that mistake that I am making now, and, in my life,
I frequently make the lives of others worse than mine. I know
that my comments can sometimes be helpful, but it is a village
in the udo of long interfering in the lives of the living that I
know is wrong but that I still do.

3. Lord, thank you so much for always guiding me and my family

and for always taking care of and loving them. I know I've
made a lot of bad decisions in my life, but I still cling to you
because I know you won't abandon me and I won't have
problems that I can't solve, so thank you very much lord.
Please also help me to have a clear mind so that I can get rid of
the troubles in my mind because of my profession as a
teacher. and Lord put an end to all that will come to me on your

4. In my current life, the Lord wants me to change for the better,

and I cannot say that I truly live with God within me. And I
believe God desires for me to return to him. My mind is
currently considering ways to re-establish a relationship
with God, as well as things that will delight God as my teacher
and me as a child who loves him. And I'm just a student eager
to learn more from him. I'm still alive, thank God, and all I
must do now is translate these things into my life; I'm not
going to just say it; I'm going to put in extra work. Because I
will benefit from this, I should be the one to complete the task.

5. There are various ways I can donate to charity, as I have seen

when I provide a little help, such as I do today when I see
someone in need and I give even a little money or simply eat,
and I am happy with it, especially when I hear them say thank
you and witness their joy because I helped them. Every day of
our lives is an opportunity to help neighbors who we know
are lacking in life and in need, therefore even if I only have a
few dollars in my pocket, the little I can give them makes me
happy because I know I am helping.

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