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1. Describe Jose Rizal. Why Rizal considered as…

 A genius
- Rizal is a genius because he is an intelligent man with great talents and skills. He is one of
the world great linguist who was multilingual and had known 22 languages. He was a
qualified and licensed doctor who rendered free medical services. He was also an
intelligent hardworking engineer, a dedicated and passionate teacher, a scientist, a
devoted farmer, an inventor, and a businessman.

 A leader
- Rizal was a laudable brave leader. He has the courage and determination as a leading
figure in the Philippine protest against the injustices inflicted by the Spanish authorities,
civil ecclesiastic in the Philippines.

 A writer
- Rizal was known for his flawless logic and rationality of mind in both undertakings. Rizal
imbibed his ideals through meaningful and expressive writings and produce novels and
poems that are like work of art. His two (2) novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustirismo
reveal the social conditions, the hopes and grief of the country, unveiled the corruption
and other defects of Spanish colonial administration that provided the ember for which
awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for the Philippine Revolution on 1896.
In addition, during his imprisonment in fort Santiago, he wrote his passionate poem of
farewell to the Philippines before his execution. It was a poem that is a masterpiece of
Philippine literature in Spanish, today was known as “Mi Ultimo Adios” (My Last
 A hero
- Rizal is a hero who abandon his personal interest and done praise worthy and exceptional
service to Filipinos and to the country. Rizal was a Martyr and Brave Poet who fought
bravely with his weapon as pen that wins a battle in a silent yet powerful way. His works
help the Filipinos to enlighten their mind on what is just and right. His works motivated
Filipinos to stand and fight for their rights and their freedom. He exhibited unwavering
patriotism and nationalism that brought independence and democracy to our country; He
is a remarkable and extraordinary hero who really deserve the title as the greatest
Philippine National Hero.

2. Why study Rizal? What relevance does Rizal have in college education?
Rizal was chosen as the greatest Philippine national hero, for his notable achievements,
works and great deeds. He was a martyr that rendered laudable and exceptional service to
mankind. His works awakened and fuel the Filipino nationalism and made way for the Philippine
Revolution that gave independence, freedom and democracy to the country. Rizal is an admirable
hero that can be a role model to youth and by studying his life and works could help re-establish
the sense of nationalism and patriotism of every Filipino that is gradually fading. Studying life and
works of Rizal could also remind and give tribute not only to Rizal but also to other heroes who
sacrificed and died for the country. The relevance of Rizal in college education is that his life and
works could awaken and cultivate the mind of youth/ students for their character development,
self- discipline, foster the development in all aspects of citizenship and imbibe the ideals and
teachings of Rizal in the current situation and issues of the country. Rizal’s life and works is
beneficial and could give positive feedback to the youth to enable them to realize that they
should know what is right from wrong, and to fight and stand for what is just and right.

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