Apply Your Knowledge Lesson I:: Activity # 1: Page 64

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Apply Your Knowledge

Lesson I:
Activity # 1: page 64

C 1. An academic field that deals with the content, form, history, effects and political implications of various
media and technologies.
a. Mass Communication
b. Mass Media
c. Media Culture
d. Media and Communications

D 2. The overall impact and intellectual guidance exerted by the media (primarily TV, but also the press,
radio and cinema), not only on public opinion but also on tastes and values.
a. Media and Communications
b. Mass Communication
c. Mass Media Culture
d. Media Culture

C 3. Defines all the power, behaviours, mythos, and phenomena which are difficult to resist and which are
produced by industrial techniques and spread to a very large mass.
a. Mass Media Culture
b. Mass Communication and Culture
c. Mass Culture
d. Media Culture

A 4. ________ theory believed that the mass media had powerful effects over audiences.
a. "magic bullet" or "hypodermic needle"
b. Media Magic Bullet
c. Mass culture theory
d. None of the above

A 5. The movie ________, which became the highest-grossing movie of all time, made twice as much
internationally as it did domestically.
a. Titanic
b. Titans
c. Jurassic Park
d. The Thrones
Apply Your Knowledge
Lesson II :
Activity # 2: page 71

I. Essay
Instruction: Write at least two practices of the following globalized religions:
1. Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic or Christian’s everyday rituals include daily  prayer like praying before eating and
before and after sleeping. Live a Christian life, and expect the teaching of the  church and of God.
Being Catholic, one must go to mass every Sunday which is a holy day as part of the
religion. Catholics must only eat one full meal during Ash Wednesday and sustain from meat on the
Fridays during Lent, which is part of the fasting and abstinence obligation of  Catholicism.

2. Islam
Religious practices and rituals are very important in  Islam. They are a significant way that
followers of Islam remember history, express conviction, and grow in devotion. They do not forget to
practice the five pillars and some rituals are  practiced daily, like prayer; others are practiced annually,
like those aligned with specific Islamic holidays. Muslims are required to eat meat that is butchered and
blessed in an Islamic way, which the meat is called “halal.” Muslims are also prohibited from gambling,
lying, stealing, cheating and many more.

3. Protestants
Protestants denominations use the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed, while others adhere to no
creed and just desire to focus on scripture. Protestants believe in angels, but they are not a focus for
most denominations. Baptism and Holy Communion are the two sacraments practiced by
all Protestants. Baptism is the application of water to demonstrate that a believers sin are forgiven by
God, and that has entered into God's family and that a member of the church body. Holy  Communion is
the bread and wine represent the sacrificial body and blood of God and recall the last meal shared with
the apostles. Together they symbolize the new covenant between God and all people.

Apply Your Knowledge

Lesson III:
Activity # 3: page 78

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