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AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations



Version 01/2010

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 1

2 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations
AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

Article Page
Definitions 4
1.0 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Objectives 5
1.3 Obligations of the Project FA 6
2.0 Development of Project FA Club Licensing Regulations 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Process 7
3.0 Core Process 9
3.1 Introduction 9
4.0 Minimum Criteria 10
4.1 Introduction 10
4.2 Legal Criteria 11
4.3 Structure and Administration Criteria 13
4.4 Financial Criteria 14
4.5 Infrastructure Criteria 15
4.6 Sporting Criteria 17
4.7 Club Identity 18

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 3

The terms in Capital letters used in these Regulations (as hereinafter defined)
shall have the following meaning(s):

City FA The governing body for association football within the territory
of the city, province, state or district.
Core Process Assessment process for verification of compliance with the
criteria described in these regulations as a basis for the issue
of a licence to an applicant.
Elite League The highest level of competition organised by the Project
FA in accordance to the Vision Asia principles, and shall
include the Matches as set out in the Match Schedule,
including any qualifying matches, activities on the field of play
(other than matches), opening ceremonies, presentation or
closing ceremonies, press conferences or official functions
connected therewith.
Licence The legal entity fully and solely responsible for the football
Applicant team participating in competitions that applies for a licence.
Licensor Body that operates the licensing system and grants the
licence, in this case the Project FA.
Member Those Member Associations who are members of FIFA,
Association(s)/ and who have applied for and been granted Ordinary,
MA(s) Provisional, Associate or Exceptional membership of AFC.
For the purpose of this definition “Ordinary”, “Provisional”,
“Associate” and “Exceptional” membership shall have the
same meaning as contained in AFC Statutes.
Project FA A Member Association or City FA who is a participant of the
Vision Asia project.

4 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


Based on Article of the AFC Vision Asia Standard Implementation Policy,
the following AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations has been adopted.

This AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations is the basic working
document for City Football Association (City FA) in Vision Asia Project
(Project FA) to be transformed into a Club Licensing Regulations in Project
FA (Project FA Club Licensing Regulations). It incorporates the AFC
minimum requirements and the necessary guidelines.
This AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations addresses the Project
FA as the Licensor and defines the License Applicant (LA) as well as the
implementation process and minimum criteria to be applied to ensure a
certain unified quality standard in the clubs who are participating in the
Elite League of Vision Asia Projects.
The six categories of minimum criteria are described in six sections, which
are as follows: legal criteria, structure and administration criteria, financial
criteria, infrastructure criteria, sporting criteria, and club identity criteria.
The AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations has the following
• Further promotion and continuous improvement of the standard of all
aspects of football at amateur level in Asia, such as:
o Increasing the level of management and organization within the
o Improvement of the economic and financial capability of the clubs,
increasing their transparency and credibility;
• Allowing the development of benchmarking for clubs in financial,
sporting, legal, personnel, administrative and infrastructure related
criteria in amateur football in Asia.

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 5

The Project FA are obliged to:
• Read and understand the AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations;
• Set-up a working plan for the development and implementation of the
Project FA Club Licensing Regulations taking into account the AFC
Vision Asia Fact Book and Strategic Development Plan (SDP). The
Project FA Club Licensing Regulations will have to be accredited by

6 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


The Project FA Club Licensing Regulations is an extension of the AFC
Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations. Within the Project FA Club
Licensing Regulations, the Project FA will set the minimum criteria and
Core Process for LAs to participate in the Elite League of the Project FA.
All clubs wishing to participate in the Project FA Elite League must adhere
to the minimum criteria and Core Process of the Project FA Club Licensing
Regulations. Once the LA demonstrates, through submission of various
documents as listed herein, that it meets the minimum criteria, the Project
FA, as the Licensor, will grant the LA a licence to participate in the Elite
League of the Project FA.
The licence expires at the end of the season for which it was issued for and
it cannot be transferred. For the next season, clubs, wishing to participate,
must reapply for their licence.

AFC will assist the Project FA in developing its Club Licensing Regulations.
The following process will take place:
2.2.1 AFC Vision Asia to provide the AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing
Regulations as an Appendix of the SDP
2.2.2 Project FA to develop a Project FA Club Licensing Regulations
based on AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations and in
accordance to the timeline in the SDP.
In developing its Club Licensing Regulations, the Project FA must
incorporate ALL the minimum criteria as listed in the AFC Vision
Asia Club Licensing Regulations. In addition, the Project FA may
have additional criteria that it would like the LA to fulfill.
The Project FA is responsible for ensuring, and must demonstrate
to AFC Vision Asia, that all applicable provisions of these
regulations have been integrated in its Project FA Club Licensing
Regulations. Exceptions may be granted by the AFC Vision Asia
(please refer 2.2.3).

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 7

2.2.3 Project FA to submit Project FA Club Licensing Regulations to
AFC for accreditation.
The Project FA must finalise the Project FA Club Licensing
Regulations and send it, in English, to AFC Vision Asia for
accreditation according to the timeline defined by the Fact Book
and Strategic Development Plan (SDP).
The Project FA must confirm, in writing, to AFC that all criteria
contained in the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations sent
to AFC for accreditation are in compliance with the applicable
national law.
The AFC Vision Asia will review the final version of the Project
FA Club Licensing Regulations and will confirm in writing to the
Project FA if it follows the AFC Vision Asia Club Regulations.
The decision on the accreditation is communicated in writing to
the Project FA and is final and binding.
AFC Vision Asia, through the AFC Technical & Vision Asia
Committee, may grant exception in Project FA Club Licensing
Regulations considering the local environment. Project FA must
submit in writing to the AFC Vision Asia to request exception in
the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations.
2.2.4 After the approval of AFC, the Project FA Executive Committee
has to adopt the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations.

8 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


In the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations, one chapter/section of the
regulations must be dedicated to “Core Process”.
The chapter will provide details of the assessment/core process that the
Project FA must go through before it decides if a Licence Applicant can be
granted a licence or not.
The following information, supported by a timetable (deadline), must be
a) Project FA to announce the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations to
any group / teams who wishes to participate in the Elite League of the
Project FA. This should be done within one (1) month after the Project FA’s
Executive Committee adopts the Project FA Club Licensing Regulations.
b) For the first year of the implementation of Club Licensing Regulations, Project
FA and AFC Vision Asia will organize the workshop (termed hereafter as
the “Club Development Workshop”) to brief the LA of the Project FA Club
Licensing Regulations and the new Project FA Elite League Regulations.
All LA can attend the workshop. The Club Development Workshop must
be conducted no later than six (6) months after the Project FA’s Executive
Committee’s approval of the regulations.
c) LA to submit their written application for the license and the required
documents to Project FA in order to prove compliance with the licensing
criteria by the deadline set by Project FA and AFC Vision Asia. Copies of
documents must be submitted to AFC Vision Asia.
d) Project FA Secretariat will assess the submitted documents in cooperation
with AFC Vision Asia.
e) Competition Committee of Project FA will make a decision on licensing
based on the report from Project FA Secretariat. This decision must be
brought to Executive Committee for final decision.
f) Project FA to issue license to clubs participating elite competition in Project
The Licensor must submit to AFC the list of licensed clubs within the
deadline communicated by AFC.
The Licensor shall ensure equal treatment between all LAs during the core

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 9

The criteria described in this AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations
defines the minimum requirements that a club wishing to participate in the
Project FA Elite League must fulfill.
The Licensor is free to increase the minimum requirements or to upgrade the
criteria established by AFC for the purposes of entering in the Project FA Elite
League. The Licensor may also introduce additional criteria not included in the
AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations. These upgraded criteria must be
ratified by AFC Vision Asia.


Level of club management

Quality of competition

Fan Sponsor Level of performance

financial andsporting

10 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


No. Description
LE.01 Membership
The LA must be a member of the Project FA
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Document which proves the membership (If Congress of Project FA can not
be held before the application for the license, LA must submit all the required
documents to Project FA to be a member according to Project FA’s statutes)
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the membership or the application for membership

No. Description
LE.02 Ownership and Control of Clubs
No natural or legal person are involved in more than one (1) club either in the
capacity of management, administration, shareholder and / or sporting performance
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Document outlining the ownership structure of the club, including names of
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the ownership document and ensures that no natural or
legal person are involved in more than one (1) club either in the capacity of
management, administration, shareholder and / or sporting performance

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 11

No. Description
LE.03 Statutes and Registration
It is recommended that the LA must be registered with local authorities as a legal
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Document which proves the registration of the LA with local authorities
• Copy of valid Club Statutes
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the registration document with the local authorities and
ensure that the licence applicant has its own statutes

12 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


No. Description
ST.01 Decision Making Body
The LA must have a Board / Executive Committee as a decision making body
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• List of Board members with names
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the list

No. Description
ST.02 Administration of the Club
The LA must have Head of Administration (full time or part time)
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Name and contact details of Head of Administration
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the name and contact details

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 13


No. Description
FI.01 Annual Budget
The LA must submit its annual budget which clearly depicts the projected income
and expenditure for the coming season
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Yearly budget
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the budget if it is practical or not and if the licence
applicant can sustain itself for the season

Why Financial Criteria is important?



14 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


No. Description
IN.01 “Home” Playing Field

The LA must either own or have guaranteed access to a ‘Home’ Playing Field in
order for it to play its home matches in the Project FA Elite League. The playing
field must fulfill the minimum size indicated in the FIFA Laws of the Game
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• The name and address of the Home playing field
• Agreement with the owner of the playing field that the licence applicant has
access to the ‘Home’ Playing Field (in case of owning the field, document to
prove the ownership)
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the existence of the “Home” playing field by site-visit and
further checks the agreement/ownership of the “Home” playing field

No. Description
IN.02 Training Field

The LA must either own or have guaranteed access to a training field that their
players can train daily. The training field can be the same field as the LA’s “Home”
playing field.
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• The name and address of the training ground
• Agreement with the owner of the training ground that the licence applicant
has access to the training ground (in case of owning the field, document to
prove the ownership)
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the existence of the training ground by site-visit and
further checks the agreement/ownership of the training ground

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 15

No. Description
IN.03 Club Secretariat
The LA must have an office space to run its administration
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Postal address and Telephone No. of the club office
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the details of the club office by site visit and further checks if
the club secretariat is reachable

16 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations


Note: This criteria will be assessed one (1) month prior to the start of the
Project FA Elite League. Should the club fail to meet this criteria, their licence
and therefore participation at the Project FA Elite League will be cancelled.
However, when submitting their application for a licence, the LA must submit
a declaration template as attached with the Application Manual to guarantee
that it will fulfill the two criteria below (SP.01 and SP.02)

No. Description
SP.01 Players
The LA must have a minimum of 18 players and maximum of 30 players for the
Elite League who are duly registered with the Project FA.
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Player Registration form for the Elite League Registration in accordance to
the Elite League Regulations
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies that the Licence Applicant has a minimum of 18 players
and maximum of 30 players for the Elite League.

No. Description
SP.02 Head Coach
The licence applicant must have appointed a Head Coach being responsible for
football matters of the first team. The Head Coach must hold a minimum of AFC
‘C’ certificate or equivalence. The Head Coach must be duly registered with the
Project FA.
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• The name of the Head Coach and copy of his coaching qualification.
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the qualification in cooperation with AFC.

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 17


No. Description
ID.01 Club Logo
The LA must have a club logo which it has registered together with its name.
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Copy of the Club Logo
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies the logo of the Club and ensure that no other LA has
submitted similar logo

No. Description
ID.02 Official and Reserve Colours
The LA must declare the colours that it would like to be associated with. Namely,
the colours of their official equipment (jersey, shorts, socks) must be announced.
The LA should declare two (2) colours – one to be known as its home colour and
thus act as the LA’s primary colour, while the other to be known as the reserve
Document(s) to be submitted by LA:
• Announcement of the Club colors (official colours & reserve colours)
Assessment process:
• Project FA verifies and acknowledges declaration of the two colours.

18 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations 19

Asian Football Confederation
AFC House, Jalan 1/155B, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Ku a l a L u m p u r, M a l a y s i a
Tel : +603 8994 3388 | Fax : +603 8994 2689 | Emai l : m a r k e t i n g @ t h e - a f c . c o m

Official Home of Asian Football

20 AFC Vision Asia Club Licensing Regulations

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