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Evan McClellan

Flash Fiction #2

Batch C

Project #6

From the Prompt: ABCS

April 24th 2015

The ABC’S of Drugs


A little square nested within my tongue, made all my worries go away. I took this
at a concert with a stranger; we became friends after we saw stars in each other’s eyes.


Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs used to treat anxiety, insomnia,

and a range of other conditions. In other words, all the symptoms when I’m with you.


Also known as purple drank, paired with a blue raspberry Jolly Rancher on top.
One lonely night with this and the stars got tattooed onto my waist with a single needle.

Dust of Angels

I didn’t realize there was something even holier than angels till I tasted their dust.
It was my only redemption to heaven while I was residing in hell. There I saw your
beautiful face on the E.M.T and the sirens slowly turned to a glorious tune.


All the colorful pills with the charming designs on them reminded me the candy I
loved as a kid. So, I took 27 of them. They were sweet but not in the same way.


My father had an endless supply of Fentanyl patches. Not good for a curious
thirteen year old. Oh well, I had to start somewhere to fulfill my cravings.

I met a very attractive man at a bar once. We started talking when he got us a
round of drinks. After I sipped mine, I wasn’t feeling well. The only thing I remember is
his sly smile shining through my blurred vision.


Who needs heroin when emotions can fuck you up just the same?


Why are the most wonderful things in life banned?


Addicted, addicted, addicted. Not to drugs, but for love. I always desired
something that wasn’t available in the physical form.


Dissociative anesthetic: a drug that distorts perception of sight and sound and
produces feelings of detachment (dissociation) from the environment and self.


LSD is one of the most potent mood-changing chemicals. It was discovered in

1938 and is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot, a fungus that
grows on rye and other grains.


The one-dollar bills line your thong as you dance for the other guys. I sit in the
back booth watching you dance charmingly. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I drown
my feelings with a line of coke snorted with a bill.

Northern Lights

Northern lights is also a name for one of the strongest strains of weed. After
smoking it, I felt free in the sky. Like nothing could stop me. My body bounces along to
the tune of my heartbeat till the song dies and everything goes back to black.


You seemed so happy; it was unusual. You spent the night with me; full of kisses
and smiles. Then I realized you were still high from the night before when you smoked
weed laced with oxy. In that moment, I was sad. Because you were so beautiful, you were
the person I wanted to know. I held onto you and just wished you would stay like that,
possibly forever.


Back in the 1990’s, ecstasy available on the street was often one hundred percent
pure. These days the chance of finding pure ecstasy is nearly impossible.

Queen of Hearts

I went to the flower store holding a bucket of blood and a paintbrush. All I could
see were delicate white roses. They repulsed me. They were too perfect. I took my
paintbrush and painted them all. The tune, “Who's been painting my roses red?” kept
repeating in my head.


Rainbow: any display of the colors of the spectrum produced by dispersion of


Strawberry Fields

We were running through the fields naked without a care. The sun kissed our
cheeks and everything else. We both fell to the ground, giggling. Then, I realized it was
just I. You were simply a hallucination.


Hot tears rolled down my cheeks mixed with the cool kiss of the raindrops falling
against my face. I lit another cigarette and went on my way down the street while holding
my umbrella.


The pitter-patter against my umbrella sounds so clear to my ears. I could see my

reflection in the little clear beads forming on the spring starflower petals. The petals take
after the blue oval pills of Viagra.


I was in love with a girl but I didn’t have the courage to tell her that I was
sexually attracted to guys. So, I downed a few pills and silently continued the night.

We drank bottles of Moscato. The pinkness of it reminded me of the warm
colored fluffy clouds that you see during a sunset. Must drink all of it so the sun will set,
leaving us in darkness.


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, benzodiazepines such as

Xanax were responsible for most of the emergency-room visits attributed to central-
nervous system depressants in 2009.


Out of all these drugs, you were the most addicting.


I finally crashed from everything, so now I take my Zoloft and go on with my life.

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