FA20-BCS-058 (PPIT Report)

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Topic: Peer- to- Peer Network and Cyber Locker

Instructor Name: Ma’am Sadia Bano
Name: Zuhaib Ashraf
Registration Number: FA20-BCS-058
Date: 6 June 2021.
Peer- to- Peer Network (P2P)
It is a computer network system, in this type of network
system computers are connected with the help of the internet. In this
network system, there is no need for a proper server to share data. In
this network system, each computer is working as a server or as well a
Explain Peer- to- Peer Network (P2P).
In Peer- to- Peer network system every computer which is participation
in this network system has equal rights. Every computer can send and
receive data without any use of a token or don’t have to wait for their
turn. You can send and receive data at any time. It is a reliable network
system for office use.
How Peer- to- Peer Network (P2P) works?
In Peer- to- Peer network system there is no proper security system.
Every computer handles its security by creating users or profiles for the
users. Profiles are used by the user to access data, the user is responsible
for the backup of data, network system didn’t give any guarantee on data
loss. In Peer – to - Peer network system, computers run both client and
server software and can be used to make resources available to other
users or to access shared resources on the network.
Peer – to – Peer network system is used for small business in which
maximum 10 computers are used and for that business which can’t
afford server-based network system. The disadvantages of peer-to-peer
networks are poor security and lack of centralized file storage and
backup facilities.
The architecture of Peer- to- Peer Network (P2P).
A peer-to-peer network is planned around the thought of equivalent
companion hubs all the while working as both "client" and "server" to
different nodes on the organization. This model of organization plan
varies from the client-server model where correspondence is normally
to and from a focal worker. A typical example of a file transfer that uses
the client-server model is the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service in which
the client and server programs are distinct: the client start the exchange,
and the servers fulfill these request.
Peer-to-peer networks generally implement some form of virtual overlay
network on top of the physical network topology, where the nodes in the
overlay structure a subset of the nodes in the actual network system
Data is as yet traded straight over the fundamental TCP/IP network,
however at the application layer peers can speak with one another
straightforwardly, utilizing the consistent overlay connects. Overlays are
utilized for ordering and companion disclosure and make the P2P
framework free from the actual organization topology. Because of how
the nodes are connected inside the overlay network.
There are two types of Peers – to – Peer network system,
• Unstructured network system
• Structured network system
Unstructured Network
Unstructured network system didn’t impose a proper structure but the
network system is formed with the help of nodes and nodes randomly
made connection between all the peers. Unstructured networks are easy
to build and allow for localized optimizations to different regions of the
overlay. Also, because the role of all peers in the network is the same,
unstructured networks are highly robust.
The primary limitation of an unstructured network system is when a
search query is sent by any peer it starts flooding in the network to find
out which peer is sharing data. The flooding process causes lots of
signaling traffic which causes lots of CPU memory which slows down the
network and it also not sure that the query will be resolve or not.
Furthermore, since there is no correlation between a peer and the
content managed by it, there is no guarantee that flooding will find a
peer that has the desired data.
Structured Network
In structured peer-to-peer networks, the overlay is coordinated into a
particular topology, and the protocol guarantees that any node can
proficiently scan the organization for the data, regardless of whether the
data is amazingly uncommon.
The most common type of structured P2P network carries out a
conveyed hash table (DHT), in which a variety of reliable hashing is
utilized to allot responsibility files to a particular peer. This empowers
peers to look for data on the network utilizing a hash table, and any
participating node can efficiently retrieve the value associated with a
given key.
Cyber Locker
A cyberlocker is a third-party online service that provides
file-storing and file-sharing services for various types of media files and
data. Cyber lockers are online data hosting services that provide remote
storage space within a secure storage architecture. They can be accessed
globally over the Internet. Cyber lockers can also be called online storage
or cloud storage.
Explain Cyber Locker.
The storage capacity provided by cyberlockers can vary depending on the
storage architecture of the provider. On the off chance that a cyberlocker
is conveyed as standard distant stockpiling administration, the client will
access a fixed storage room, while cloud storage architectures give
elastic storage capacity.
Cyber Locker gives cost-effective storage, making them an advantageous
instrument for work and individual information sharing. Approved
admittance guarantees security, while intangibility to observation
devices and search crawlers guarantees information protection. Due to
the obscurity and limited admittance they give, cyberlockers are
censured by organizations for being utilized as a place of refuge for piracy
and people who exchange pirated material.
Cyber lockers are third-party filesharing services. Cyber lockers are
otherwise called 'file hosting' services. Driven by promotion and
memberships, these cyberlockers give password-secured hard drive
space on the web. You have the choice of sharing the cyberlocker
password data with friends, who can secretly download whatever data
you put in that digital hard drive. The cyberlockers range in size two or
three hundred megabytes to at least 2 gigabytes and alternatives for
additional for their paid memberships. These storage sizes will increment
as hardware gets less expensive and transfer speed turns out to be more
productive throughout the months ahead.
Examples of cyberlockers are Dropbox, Megaupload, and Hotfile.

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