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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII ( Delapan )
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 27 September 2017
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d, on your sheet paper!

The text is for number 1-2

To : Sisca
Please, accompany me to meet the staff of administration in the
administration office during the first break time. Thanks before.


1. Where will they go during the first break time?

A. The library.
B. The mosque.
C. The administration office
D. The Headmaster Office.

2. Who writes the text?

A. Sisca C. Meilani
B. Staff D. Headmaster

The text is for number 3-7

Bongo the Orangutan

There is an orangutan in the Bandung....(3). People call her Bongo. She ...(4) from a dense
forest on the island of Kalimantan.

She has physical feature similar to a human. Bongo has brownish fur, and walks with
two....(5). Bongo is almost as big as human. She is a ...(6) that means she gives birth to her
children and breast feeds them.

3. A. Garden B. Field C. Shop D. Zoo

4. A. Goes B. Comes C. Buys D. Sells

5. A. Feet B. Hands C. Shoulders D. Ears

6. A. Reptile B. Mammal C. Male D. Human

The text is for number 8-11

Last holiday my students I went to Jogjakarta. W e stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a
long way from Malioboro.

1 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three sanctuaries, The
Brahmana,Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and
Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled.
On Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were
fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide. At the point we
proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at 4 p.m.
At 6 p.m we heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening
we left Jogyakarta by bus.

7. The text above talks about...

A. The writer’s trip to Jogyakarta
B. The writer,s first visit to Prambanan
C. The writer,s impression about the guide
D. The writer,s experience at Yogya Kraton

8. The purpose of the text is to....

A. Entertain the readers
B. Tell past event
C. Describes the sanctuaries
D. Report the event to the police

9. When did they go home?

A. On Saturday morning
B. On Friday evening
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Saturday evening

10. They just visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries because..

A. There were no wisnu temple
B. Wisnu temple was amazing
C. Wisnu temple was too small
D. Wisnu temple was being repaired

The text is for number 13-15

My sphinx cat is only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he
has peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My sphinx has a
normal cat proportion.
I like his tall although my mother said that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual color
varieties including, tortoise’s shell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac, etc. He is really an amazing
cat. Believe or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice commands. He is
really funny as well as my friends to get joke. I love him so much.

11. How is the hair of the writer’s cat?

A. Little hair
B. Heavy hair
C. Totally hairless
D. Wavy hair

12. What does the writer’s mother say about the cat’s tail?
A. The cat has a long tail
B. Cute and small
C. The tail has wavy hair
D. It is like a rat’s tail

13. ‘...he is very intelligent cat” (paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Cute B. Smart C. Giant D. Wild

2 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

The text is for number 14-16

Student Organization of SMP Negeri 137

Jl. Cempaka Putih Barat 15
Telp (021) 456642

Dear Sabrina,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, June 3, 2017
At 01.30 p.m – 02.30 p.m
In the school hall
Agenda : Final preparation for the Science Competition.
Please come on time!

Chair Person

14. When will the meeting be held?

A. At night C. In the afternoon
B. In the morning D. In the evening

15. The true sentence based on the text is...

A. The meetimg will be held in the school hall
B. If you could not come, you should call the headmaster
C. The meeting is only invite the commitee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning

16. What kind is the text above?

A. Congratulation letter
B. Invitation letter
C. Compliment letter
D. Gratitude letter

17. Anna : “Can you help me with my homework, please?”

Ritta : “....I can’t do it either. It’s too hard for me”
A. I’m sorry C. I’d love to
B. Yes, all right D. Certainly

18. Shopkeeper : ‘What can I do for you?”

Sinta : ”...”
Shopkeeper : “Yes, certainly. I’ll take it for you”.

A. Can I see the bird cage?

B. Would you like thr bird cage?
C. Could you buy the bird cage, please?
D. Will you give me the bird cage?

The text is for number 19-20

Dear Diandra,
Mom is going to shopping now.
Your dinner is on the table.
Please have a dinner on time !

19. Which one is true based on the text above ?

a. the text is for the mother
b. the mother is at home

3 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

c. the Diandra should go to shopping with Mom.
d. The mother can’t have a dinner together with Diandra

20. Please have a dinner on time ! The underlined word means ....
a. Having meal in the afternoon
b. sleeping for a while in the afternoon
c. having meal in the morning
d. having mea l in the evening

The text is for number 21-24

On Saturday I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at Nisa and Achmad’s house at Cemara
Lawang, Probolingggo. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a fish pond.
On Sunday Nisa and I saw Gunung Batok and went the scenic ride on horseback. It was
scary. Then we went to get closer to look at the mountain. We took picyures of beautiful sceneries
On Monday we went to the zoo at wonokromo. We saw cockatoos having a shower. In the
afternoon I went home. It was fun.

21. When did the writer go on to Mount Bromo?

a. on Sunday c. on Friday
b. on Monday d. on Saturday

22. What did the writer do in Gunung Batok?

a. took pictures of beautiful sceneries c. saw some cockatoos
b. stayed there one night d. saw a big garden

23. Where was the zoo located?

a. in Gunung Batok
b. in Cemara Lawang
c. in Probolinggo
d. in Wonokromo.

24. What is the synonym of ”scary”?

a. Shy c. happy
b. glad d. frightening

The text is for number 25-28

Last midnight, when I slept in my bedroom, I heard someone sang a sad song and sometimes she
was crying. I was very scared and curious with that voice because it was very strange for me. I tried
to find out the source of the voice until I knew it was from the back of my window. Actually I was
very scared but still wanted to know who sang a song like that in the midnight. I got up and walked
slowly to my big window. When I opened the curtain, I saw no body or nothing outside. I was
really astonished.
After I look that, I slept again because I felt very sleepy after working hard to make so many
task and prepare for the test next day. But a few minutes later, I heard the same sound I heard
before. It made me a little angry because it very disturbed my sleep. I looked my cute clock on the
wall. It showed 12.15 am. Someone sang a sad song at midnight? I thought it was so strange.
So, I was forced to be brave and I opened the curtain again. And… I saw an old woman with
very long hair wearing a white long dress with a very scaring face. She stared at me angrily. I was so
scared. Then I screamed loudly. I tried to run as fast as I could.
But…suddenly someone held my hand. She is my sister. Oh my God do you believe it? It
was just a nightmre

25. Why was the writer scared last midnight?

A. It midnight.
B. It was very strange for her.
C. She heard someone sang a sad song and sometimes she was crying.
D. She wanted to know who was sang a song like that in the midnight.

4 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

26. Where did the voice come from?
A. It came from the writer’s bedroom.
B. Itcame from the bathroom.
C. It came from the garden.
D. It came from the back of window

27. What did the writer see when she opened the curtain ? She saw….
A. her sister C. nothing
B. her old friend D. her grandma

28. Why was the writer very sleepy?

A. She work hard to make so many tasks and prepare for the next day test.
B. She heard the same sound like the sound she heard before.
C. She was afraid after seeing the old woman.
D. She would have a final exam next day.

The text is for number 29-30

Dear Tomy,

Join us celebrate Danang's 14th birthday party,

Saturday, December 12 2013,
at 8 p.m.
At Pizza Hut Restaurant, 105 main street, Jakarta.


29. The purpose of the text above is to …

A. forbid someone to come to a birthday party
B. invite someone to come to a birthday party
C. inform someone to come to a birthday party
D. remind someone to come to a birthday party

30. The following statements are true based on the text, except …
A. The party will be held in the evening
B. Danang likes pizza hut
C. Danang was born in 2013
D. Danang will be fourteenth years old

The text is for number 31

1) We visited Sanur, Tanjung Benoa, Kuta, Sangeh, Kintamani, and Bedugul.
2) We crossed Ketapang – Gilimanuk Harbour at 4 a.m. the next day.
3) we headed to Sanur for a sunrise.
4) We left for Bali at 7.00 from my school.
5) Finally we went home.
6) Last semester, I went to Bali with my schoolmates.
7) Next, we took a bath in a hotel.
8) After that, we started our journey in the Island of Gods.
31. The best arrangements is ……
A. 6) – 4) – 3) – 7) – 8) – 1) – 5) – 2)
B. 6) – 4) – 2) – 3) – 7) – 8) – 1) – 5)
C. 6) – 1) – 4) – 2) – 3) – 7) – 8) – 5)
D. 1) – 6) – 4) – 3) – 2) – 5) – 8) – 7)

5 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

The text is for number 32-33

You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of

Amanda Natalie Smith
Jonathan Miller
On Saturday, October 2nd
at 7 p.m
Level 2, 55 Hunter Street Sydney
Followed by a reception

R.S.V.P 221.444.555

32. The purpose of the text is…..

A. to tell about new marriage couple.
B. to inform everyone about the wedding.
C. to announce someone about the party.
D. to invite someone to attend the wedding party.

33. The reception was held ....

a. in the evening c. early in the morning
b. in the afternoon d. at night

34. Ana : I don’t understand why Rina and you didn’t come to our party ?
Nita : I am so sorry. It is because Rina didn’t receive the invitation and ….
A. neither don’t I C. I don’t either.
B. neither didn’t I D. I didn’t either

35. Combine these sentences !

Andi likes swimming
You like swimming
A. Andi likes swimming and you does too.
B. Andi likes swimming and you did too.
C. Andi like swimming and so do you.
D. Andi likes swimming and so did you.

36. A : Dino is absent today.

B : Yeah. He …. so pale and weak yesterday. May be he is sick now.
A. Is C. was
B. has D. have

37. You are a student.

I am a student.
Those sentence can be simplified as....
A. I am a student and too are you
B. He does not speak Japanesse and they does either
C. They do not speak Japanesse and he doesn’t neither
D. He does not speak Japanesse and neither doesn’t they

38. They do not speak Japanesse

He does not speak Japanesse
Those sentence can be simplified as....
A. They do not speak Japanesse and he doesn’t either
B. He does not speak Japanesse and they does either
C. They do not speak Japanesse and he doesn’t neither
D. He does not speak Japanesse and neither doesn’t they

39. Santi is a beautiful girl

Sinta is a beautiful girl
Those sentence can be simplified as....
A. Santi is a beautiful girl and neither is Sinta
B. Santi is a beautiful girl and Sinta is either

6 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

C. Santi is a beautiful girl and too is Sinta
D. Santi is a beautiful girl and so is Sinta

40. Yani : What time did you talk to me this morning?

Ina : I did not… to you this morning.
A. talk C. talks
B. talked D. talking


41. Change the sentence into negative form!

a. (+) They played football last Sunday.
(-) ….
b. (+) Sasha studied hard yesterday.
(-) …
42. Change the sentence into interrogative form!
a. (+) The teachers were very patient.
(?) ….
b. (+) Mommy was so happy last night.
(?) …

43. Combine these sentences!

a. Positive Elliptic (so/too)
Sentence 1 : They are my good friends.
Sentence 2 :You are my good friend.
b. Negative Elliptic(either/neither)
Sentence 1 : Safa does not like football.
Sentence 1 : I do not like football

44. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence!

wrote – father – about – yesterday – My – article – an – disaster

45. Arrange the following sentences into a good recount text !

1. The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable.
2. All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner.
3. Then I took a taxi to my grand parents’ house.
4. In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung.
5. The bus stopped at Pekalongan.
6. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon.
7. The bus reached Bandung at six.

%%%%%%%%%%%%% GOOD LUCK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

7 UTS I 2017-2018 Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

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