ING Optimix Financial Planning Fund

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ING Optimix Financial Planning Fund

ING Mutual Fund has launched a new open-ended Fund Of Funds scheme namely, ING Optimix Financial
Planning Fund. The scheme invests in units of other Mutual Funds and will not have direct investment in equity
The scheme aims to generate returns by investing in Mutual Fund schemes selected in accordance with the ING
Optimix Multi Manager Investment Process, as per the risk return profile of the investors. The scheme will have 4
plans suitable for four different risk profiles. The investors can assess his/her risk profile based on a Risk
Profiling Questionnaire given in the Key Information Memorandum (KIM) document provided along with the
application form. Depending on the risk profile of the client, the investors can choose across four different plans.
Each of the plans has different asset allocation ranges which would be suitable for investors with different risk
return profiles.

The four plans that are available in the scheme are Cautious Plan, Conservative Plan, Prudent Plan and
Aggressive Plan (In the order of increasing risk taking ability of the investor).

Asset Allocation Across different Plans

Types of Instruments Cautious Plan Conservative Plan Prudent Plan Aggressive Plan
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Equity Funds -- 15% 28% 34% 49% 63% 77%
Liquid & Money Market Funds 63% 77% 40% 53% 25.5% 40.5% 13.5% 23.75%
Debt Funds (Other than Liquid) 23% 37% 22% 35% 17% 32% 9% 19.25%
Gold Exchange Traded Funds -- 10% 23% 8.5% 23.5% 4.25% 14.5%
Money Market Securities 0 14% 0 13% 0 15% 0 10.25%

The Plans under the scheme will invest in mutual Fund schemes managed by other fund houses. The fund will
not make any investments in schemes of ING Mutual Fund.

Investor Suitability

As per the Fund House, the four plans are defined as follows in line with the risk return profile.

Cautious Plan: This plan is suitable for investors with least risk tolerance. This plan focuses on reducing risk on
capital as much as possible. The plan considers liquidity of the portfolio as an important parameter. Cautious
Plan will invest 100% of its corpus in Fixed Income Securities.

Conservative Plan: This Plan is suitable to investors with lower risk appetite. The conservative plan will focus
on reducing risk but will have select exposure to equity and Gold Funds. The volatility of this plan will be more
than the cautious plan but will be lower than Prudent Plan.

Prudent Plan: This plan is suitable for investors with moderate risk. It has a balanced weightage across fixed
income funds, equity funds and gold assets.

Aggressive Plan: This plan is ideal for investors with highest risk tolerance. The plan would focus on long term
capital appreciation and growth by investing majority of its investments in equity schemes. The volatility of this
plan will be the highest.

Key Advantages

 The fund allows the investor to invest in a bouquet of equity and debt schemes as per his/her risk
This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable, HDFC Bank Limited("HDFC Bank")
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HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone : (91)-22-24914066, Fax : (91)-22-24960696
 Investing in FOF Vs Investing in a bouquet of schemes has an advantage, as the fund can change the
asset allocation in a much better tax efficient manner.
 Ability to invest in the best Fund houses across the industry without any bias.
 Relieves the investor from the hassles of selecting the best funds from a plethora of schemes.

Scheme Features

Fund Manager – Mr. Arvind Bansal

Minimum Investment: Rs 5000 and in multiples of Re. 1 thereafter.

Options – Growth option, Monthly Dividend (Payout and Reinvestment), Quarterly Dividend (Payout and

Expense Ratio: The expense ratio of the scheme will not exceed 2.5% of NAV.

Benchmark Indices:

Cautious Plan: 70% Crisil Liquid Fund Index + 30% Crisil Bond Fund Index
Conservative Plan: 20% S&P CNX Nifty + 44% Crisil Liquid Fund Index + 24% Crisil Bond Fund Index + 12%
INR Price of Gold.
Prudent Plan: 40% S&P CNX Nifty + 30% Crisil Liquid Fund Index + 20% Crisil Bond Fund Index + 10% INR
Price of Gold
Aggressive Plan: 70% S&P CNX Nifty + 15% Crisil Liquid Fund Index + 10% Crisil Bond Fund Index + 5%
INR Price of Gold

Exit Loads

Redemption within six months: 0.50%

Cautious Plan
Redemption after six months: Nil

Conservative Redemption within 1 year: 0.50%

Plan Redemption after 1 year: Nil

Redemption within 1 year: 3%

Redemption after 1 year but before 2 years: 2%
Prudent Plan
Redemption after 2 years but before 3 years: 1%
Redemption after 3 years: Nil

Redemption within 1 year: 3%

Redemption after 1 year but before 2 years: 2%
Aggressive Plan
Redemption after 2 years but before 3 years: 1%
Redemption after 3 years: Nil

NFO closes on 3 May, 2011

This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable, HDFC Bank Limited("HDFC Bank")
does not warrant its completeness and accuracy. Whilst we are not soliciting any action based upon this information, all care has been taken to ensure that the facts are accurate and opinions
given fair and reasonable. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument Recipients of this information should rely on their
own investigations and take their own professional advice. Neither HDFC Bank nor any of its employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or
exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material.
HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material may from time to time, have long or short
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HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone : (91)-22-24914066, Fax : (91)-22-24960696
Risk Factors:
Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and there can be no assurance or guarantee that the
objectives of the Scheme will be achieved. As with any investment in securities, the NAV of the Units issued under the
scheme may go up or down depending on the various factors and forces affecting capital markets and money markets. Past
performance of the Sponsors / Investment Manager / Mutual Fund does not indicate the future performance of the Scheme
and may not necessarily provide a basis of comparison with other investments. ING Optimix Financial Planning Fund is
name of the Scheme and do not in any manner indicates either the quality of the Schemes, their future prospects or
returns. Unit holders in the scheme are not being offered any guaranteed/assured returns. Scheme Specific Risk Factors:
The NAV of the Scheme may be affected, interalia, by changes in the market conditions, interest rates, trading volumes,
settlement periods and transfer procedures. The Mutual Fund is not assuring that it will make periodical dividend
distributions, though it has every intention of doing so. All dividend distributions are subject to the availability of distributable
surplus in the Scheme. There are various risks associated with investing in Equities, Bonds (Interest Rate Risk, Liquidity or
Marketability Risk, Credit Risk, Reinvestment Risk), Foreign Securities, Derivatives, Securitised Debt, Short Selling &
Securities Lending and with Listing of Units. For more details of the Schemes and detailed risk factors, please refer to the
Scheme Information Document and Kim cum Application Form.

This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable, HDFC Bank Limited("HDFC Bank")
does not warrant its completeness and accuracy. Whilst we are not soliciting any action based upon this information, all care has been taken to ensure that the facts are accurate and opinions
given fair and reasonable. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument Recipients of this information should rely on their
own investigations and take their own professional advice. Neither HDFC Bank nor any of its employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or
exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material.
HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material may from time to time, have long or short
positions in, and buy or sell the securities thereof, of company(ies) mentioned herein. HDFC Bank may at any time solicit or provide commercial banking, credit, advisory or other services
to the issuer of any security referred to herein. Accordingly, information may be available to HDFC Bank, which is not reflected in this material, and HDFC Bank may have acted upon or
used the information prior to, or immediately following its publication.
HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone : (91)-22-24914066, Fax : (91)-22-24960696

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