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Admission form study - Software Engineering


Submitted to:
Dr. Rima Abdallah

Prepared By:
Elias Zaghrini
Youssef Fahed

Use Case Fully dressed:

Use Case Name: Admission.
Scope: Mobility Software
User Goal: Insert new candidates for the abroad program, and enter the candidates accepted
Primary Actor: University Employee
Stakeholders and Interest:

 University: Wants to keep records of the candidates applying to mobility plans, and of the results of
their applications
 Student: Ensuring his information and documents are safely transferred to the desired destinations.
 Database Server: Wants to save any changes made in its’ database.

 Employee logged in into the database

 Candidate is registered in the mobility desk database.
 Candidate is authorized.
Post Conditions:

 All required documents are safely transferred to the database and to the desired university.
Main Success Scenario:
1. Employee accesses the “admission” form.
2. The application displays the form with all the labels, checkboxes, textboxes, and attachment labels.
3. Employee searches for candidate by Id (numéro du dossier).
4. Application displays the existing candidates Ids.
5. Employee choses the desired candidate.
6. Employee checks the “Lettre d’admission”.
7. Employee checks the “cas de desistement” in case of disclaimer
8. Employee checks the “bouriser” checkbox in case the candidate has applied for one, and enters
which “bourse” has been accepted to be used by the candidate.
9. Employee attaches the CV, Lettre de motivation and Lettre de nomination in the right places if
10. Employee presses ‘’Add record’’ button if the candidate is newly accepted.
11. Employee searches for a specific record. Presses “Edit record” if the candidate is already accepted
and wishes to change some information.
12. Employee presses “Delete record” if the candidate is no longer needed to be in the admission
13. Employee closes Admission form.
14. Application displays the main dashboard.
15. Employee presses “Rapport des admissions’’ button.
16. Application displays a report containing all accepted candidates along with the requested
Operation Contract:
Operation AddRecord()
Cross-reference Use Case: Admission Form.
Pre-conditions Candidate already registered in the abroad program.
Post-conditions Candidate is added to the accepted students table

Operation UpdateRecord()
Cross-reference Use Case: Admission Form.
Pre-conditions Candidate already added to the accepted students’ table.
Post-conditions Candidate information are changed according to the employee’s

Operation DeleteRecord()
Cross-reference Use Case: Admission Form
Pre-conditions Candidate already added to the accepted students table
Post-conditions Candidate removed from the accepted students’ table.

Operation RapportDesAdmissions()
Cross-reference Use Case: Dashboard
Pre-conditions All accepted candidates are registered in the accepted students’
Post-conditions The application displays a report containing all accepted candidates
along with the requested information.

Design Class Diagram:

Design Domain Diagram:

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