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The Slybus of 2nd Semester 


​ ​Jagannath University 
​Written by Sejan 
​MGT 1201: Business Communication

Course Contents:

1. Introduction​:​ Meaning- Communication Process --- Career Success

Begins with Communication Skills --- Characteristics of Effective
Communication --- Barriers to Effective Communication ;

2. Types of Communication:​ Verbal Communication: Written & Oral ---

Vertical & Horizontal --- Downward & Upward --- Non-verbal
Communication: Visual Symbols: Color, Pictures, Posters. Graphs and
Charts. Maps. Signs and Signals-Auditory Symbols: Sounds Bells, Bells,
Tunes and Whistles-Body --- Silence Facial Expression --- Eye Contact ---
ect-Mass communication --- Mass Communication in the business
Enterprise of Bangladesh and its Importance --- Media of Mass
Communication ;

3. Business Message:​ Planning Business Messages --- Composing

Business Messages --- Revising Business Messages ;

4. Positive Message and Negative Message:​ ​Tips for Writing Positive

Message --- Techniques to Reduce Pain from Negative Message ;

5. Professionalism at work:​ Business Protocol --- Ethics --- Teamwork

and Meetings ;

6. Business Presentations:​ Types of Audience --- Formal and Informal

Writing Styles --- Ways of to Handle Different Types of Audience During
Business Presentation Program --- Ways of Preparing as a Business
Presenter Before --- During and After the ThePresentation Program ;

7. Writing Skills:​ Writing Informal Reports, Proposals and Formal

Reports: Writing Notice --- Office Memo --- Agenda --- Meeting Minutes
--- News --- Messages --- Vote of Thanks ; ​Report Writing:​ Definition ---
Types of Report: Letter Report, Short Report, Memorandum Report,
Analytical Report, Informal Report, Informative Report, Market Report ---
Characteristics and Importance of Different Types --- Planning of Business
Reports --- Organizing Business Report ; ​Writing Style Layou​t of Reports
--- Press Release --- Research Proposal and Report ; ​Letter Writing:​
Definition --- Layout of a Letter --- Types of Letter --- Personal Letters ---
Writing Letters of Enquiry --- Request Order --- Purchase Complaints ---
Regret --- Apology --- Adjustment Request --- Favorable Reply ---
Unfavorable Reply --- Acknowledgement --- Dunning etc ;

8. Employment Communications:​ ​Preparing a CV/Customized Resume

--- Goal of Customized Resume --- Writing a Covering Letter /Job
Application Letter --- Layout of Job Application Letter --- Job Offer Letter
--- Letter of Job Acceptance/ Refusal --- Resignation ---
LetterCompleting an Application Form ;
​ ​ ​ MGT 1202: Business Mathematics

Course Content:

1. Introduction​: Business mathematics --- Advantages of the Mathematics

in Business --- Number Basic Algebra --- Functions --- Indices --- Surds
and logarithms ;

2. A​ pplied Arithmetic and leasure:​ ​ Bills​: shopping, electricity,

telephone, gas, etc --- Value added tax (VAT) --- Applications to meter
readings and to fixed and variable charges --- ​Percentage profit:​ to
calculate selling price when given the cost price and the percentage profit
or loss --- to calculate the percentage profit or loss when given the cost
and selling prices --- Percentage discount --- Multiples and submultiples
--- Twenty-four hour clock --- transport timetables --- Relationship
between average speed --- distance and time --- Calculating distance from
a map --- Use of scales on drawings --- Perimeter --- ​Area:​ square,
rectangle, triangle. Circle, Cylinder; --- ​Volume:​ Square rectangle,
triangle, Circle, Cylinder ;

3. Theory of Set: ​Concepts --- Types of Sets --- Venn Diagram ---
Operations of Sets --- Number of Elements in a set, Business Applications;

4. The Straight Line and Applications:​ The Straight Line ---

Mathematical Modeling ---​ Applications:​ Demand ; Supply ; Cost ;
Revenue --- More Mathematics on the Straight Line --- Translations of
Linear Functions --- Elasticity of Demand --- Supply and Income ---
Budget and Cost Constraints ;

5. Equations and Applications:​ Concepts --- Solving Simultaneous

Linear Equations --- Equilibrium and Break-even --- Consumer and
Producer Surplus ---- The National Income Model and the IS-LM Model ;

6. Matrix Algebra:​ Concept--Order--Types of matrices--Addition and

subtraction of matrices and Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar--Product
of matrices--Ad-joint matrix--Inverse of Matrix---Business Applications ;
7. Arithmetic and Geometric Progression:​ Concepts --- Sequences ---
Series --- Finite arithmetic progression --- arithmetic progression, The
sum ol m etic series, Geometric progressions of a geometric series,
Convergence de series ;

8. Differentiation and Applications :​ Concepts --- Slope of a …..and

Differentiation --- Applications of Differentiation --- Marginal Functions
--- Average Functions --- Optimization for Functions of One Variable ---
Economic Applications of Maximum and Minimum Points --- Curvature
and Other Applications --- Further Differentiation and Applications ---
Elasticity and the Derivative ;

9. Applications of Partial Derivatives in Business: ​Concepts ---

Partial Differentiation --- Applications of Partial Differentiation ---
Unconstrained Optimization --- Constrained Optimization and Lagrange
Multipliers ;

10. Integration and Applications:​ Concepts --- The Power Rule for
Integration --- Integration of the Natural Exponential Function ---
Integration by Algebraic Substitution --- The Definite Integral and the
Area under a Curve --- Consumer and Producer Surplus --- First-order
Differential Equations and Applications --- Differential Equations for
Limited and Unlimited Growth ;
​MGT 1203: General Science and Environment

​ Course Contents:

1. ​Introduction:​ History of science, What is science? Important of general

science, Scientific Inquiry-The Nature of Science, The Way Science Works;
What is the environment? Effects on environment ;

2. ​Disaster Management:​ Natural disaster in Bangladesh mainly cyclone,

Flood and Drought; Impacts and damages of disasters, Forecasting of
disasters, Management of disasters; national disaster management council
in Bangladesh ;

3. ​Environmental Pollution:​ Air, water and sound pollution-concept,

causes, impacts and remedies ;

4. Global Climate Change:​ Climate change and ecosystems, Greenhouse

effects, Ozone layer depletion, Pollution and Recycling ;

5. Biology in human welfare:​ Medicinal plants in human uses,

economically important plants, Transgenic and hybrid crop varieties,
Bio-fertilizer, economically important animals ;

6. Food Adulteration:​ Process of food adulteration, Effects and remedies

of food adulteration, Government laws implementation ;

7. Work, Energy and Power:​ Work done by a constant force;

Transformation of energy, Kinetic energy, Potential energy and Power ;

8. Thermal Physics:​ Heat, Internal energy, Temperature scales, Specific

heat, Thermal conductivity, Transfer of heat ;
9. Waves and Sound:​ Harmonic motion, Waves and its classification,
Wave related quantities, Sound wave, echo, Application of ultrasonic
sound, Noise pollution ;

10. The Atmosphere:​ Characteristics of the Atmosphere, Water and

Wind, Weather and Climate ;

11. States of matter: ​ Solid state, Amorphous, Crystalline, gaseous state,

Gas laws and ideal gas equations, Calculation of R. Joule-Thomas effect,
Liquefaction of gases ;
​MGT 1204: Microeconomics

Course Contents:

1. Introduction to Economics:​ The Scope and Method of Economics ---

Why Study Economics --- The Scope of Economics --- Microeconomics
and Macroeconomics --- The Diverse Fields of Economics --- The Method
of Economics --- Descriptive Economics and Economic Theory ---
Theories and Models Economie Policy --- ​The Economic Problem:
Searcity and Choice ;

2. Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium:​ Firms and Households:

The Basic Decision --- Making Units --- Input Markets and Output Market
--- The Circular Flow --- Demand in Product/Output Markets --- Changes
in Quantity Demanded Versus Changes in Demand --- ​Price and
Quantity Demanded:​ The Law of Demand ,Other Determinants of
Supply, Shift of Supply versus Movement Along a Supply Curve, From
Individual Supply to Markets Supply, Market Equilibrium, Excess Supply,
Changes in Equilibrium ;

3. Demand and Supply Applications:​ The price system : Rationing and

Allocating --- Resources supply and demand and market efficiency ;

4. Elasticity: ​Price Elasticity of Demand --- Slope and Elasticity--- Type of

Elasticity --- Calculating Elasticity --- Elasticity and total revenue --- The
determinants of demand Elasticity --- ​other important elasticity​:
income Elasticity of demand --- Cross price Elasticity of demand ---
Elasticity of supply ;

5. Household Behavior and Consumer Choice:​ Household Choice in

Output Market --- ​The Basis of Choice:​ Utility --- income and
Substitution Effect --- Household Choice in input Market ;
6. The Production Process: ​The Behavior of Profit-Maximizing Firm ::
Profits Economie Casts --- Short-Run versus Long-Run Decisions --- ​The
Bases of Decisions: ​Market Price of Outputs --- Available Technology
--- Input Prices ---​ The Production Process: ​ The Production
Functions: Total Product --- Marginal Product and Average Product ---
Productions Function with Two Variable Factor of Product --- Choice of
Technology ;

7. Short-Run Costs and Output Decisions:​ Costs in the Short Run:

Fixed Costs --- Variable Costs --- Total Costs --- Output Decisions
Revenues --- Costs --- and Profit Maximization ;

8. ​Long-Run Costs and Output Decisions: ​Short-Run Conditions and

Long-Run Directions: Maximizing Profits --- Minimum Losses --- The
Short-Run Industry Supply Curve --- ​Long-Run Directions:​ Economies
and Diseconomies of Scale --- Long Adjustments to Short-Run

9. Input Demand:​ Input Markets: Basic Concepts --- Labor Markets ---
Land market --- The Firm's profit maximizing condition in input market
--Input demand curve --- The capital market and the investment decision
--- capital investment and depreciation --- the capital market the demand
for new capital and Investment decision ;

10. Market structure: ​ Perfect Competition --- Monopoly --- Oligopoly

--- M onopolistic Competition ;
​MGT-1205 : Business Statistics-I

​Course Contents:

1. ​Introduction to Statistics:​ DefinitionsCharacteristics --- Functions,

Stages of statistical investigation, Statistical Methods --- ScopeImportance
--- Limitations of Statistics.

2. Collection and Presentation of Data:​ Data Sources --- Methods of

Collecting Data --- Designing Questionnaire --- Arranging Data Using the
Data Array and the Frequency Distribution --- Construction of a
Frequency Distribution-Principles of Classification Tabulation of Data ---
Graphical Representation for Quantitative and Qualitative Data
(Histogram, Ogive, Pie-chart, Bar Diagram and Frequency Polygon etc.).

3. Measures of Central Tendency:​ Computation-Application ---

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Measures of Central Tendency:
Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Median, Mode

4. ​Measures of Dispersion:​ DefinitionImportance and Application of

Different Measures of Dispersion: Range, Quartiles, Percentiles,
Inter-quartile Range, Standard Deviation, Variance, Co-efficient of

5. Correlation and Regression Analysis:​ Meaning-Coefficient of

Correlation- Limitations of Correlation-Measures of Correlation and
Autocorrelation-Definition of Regression-Scatter Diagram-Method of
Least SquareFitting Regression Line-Estimation with Regression Line-
Standard Error of Estimate

6. ​Business Forecasting and Time Series Analysis:​ Introduction and

Definition-Steps in Forecasting-Methods of ForecastingBusiness
Forecasting and Time Series Analysis-Components of Time Series-Straight
Line Trend-Method of Least Squares-Method of Moving
Averages-Measurement of Seasonal Variations
7. Index Numbers: Index Number and Three Major Types:​ Price,
Quantity and Value Index- Methods of Constructing Index Numbers:
Unweighted Aggregates Index, Weighted Aggregates Index-Shifting Bases
of Index NumbersIssues in Constructing an Index Number.

8. Interpolation and Extrapolation:​ Definition-Assumptions-Different

Methods of Interpolation and Extrapolation-Use and Importance of
Interpolation and Extrapolation.

9. ​Official Statistics of Bangladesh: ​About Bangladesh Bureau of

Statistics- its function, formation, Sources of official statistics of
Bangladesh-CharacteristicsLimitationsPublishing Agencies-Statistical
Publications: Contents and their Reliability-Accuracy and Uses.

​The End

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