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| OVER 100 | DRILL PRESS — OPERATIONS - DESCRIBED AND | ILLUSTRATED POWER TOOL HANDBOOK REVISED 1954 INDEX GENERAL INFORMATION ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. METAL DRI GLASS DRILLING PLASTIC DRILLING 16 STARTING TAPS. 16 ROTARY PLANING. 7 CUTTING PLUGS end OOWELS 7 DAMASKEENING 7 SPINNING i SHAPER AND MILLING CUTTER * An Illustrated Manual of HOME CRAFTSMAN SHOP OWNER HOLLOW CHISEL MORTISING. SHARPENING TOOLS LAYING OUT — BORING — DRILLING. MORTISING — ROUTING — CARVING. DOVETAILING — SHAPING — SANDING. SHARPENING TOOLS — TABLES | THE | e ey | OVER 200 ILLUSTRATIONS A CRAFTSMAN POWER TOOL HANDBOOK Cototeg Ne. 9-2921 Copyrighted 1952 ‘SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO, REVISED 1954 ined in Us SA. ie ine ied the ‘lied the sale pally USEFULNESS OF THE MODERN DRILL PRESS “To be exact, driling it the continunss cating sway with 1 revolving tool that is sharpened on the ead 20 that ie centers the workpiece to form a elindsial cavity. Origin aly, he il press was simply » vertical spindle arranged to hold che too, revolve i, and provide a means for mow ing ie up oF down, sway from or tomard, 2 workpiece placed below it, With che usage of compact drives, the development of improved beacings, feeding mechaninms and other features, the dil press ouigtew its original single-purpose fone Today's mult: pucpse drill pees is a highly ver satile power tool which can perform many useful wok shop jos. DRILL PRESS FACTS AND DATA ‘A vertical shaft, or spl, having » rpere or threaded end, holds the chuck —which, in cura, holds the @ (Chuck size determines the lange ste drill that canbe ‘ud. The spindle is cetined within» eabular shaft, oF ull; andthe quills mouated withthe dill press head. A feed handle is geared to the quill .o move it, and che spindle, downs spring ceuens the quill when this handle is released, Boch the head and the table, on which work is placed, can be moved up or dowa and locked into any be lined up vith the dall Manipulate she bolts and aise to this postion, chen cghten the nur wl he appatene thar this secu forms the eqvalet of Yolk, and anyother Hole died i the tn will ucomacicly he on center, END BORING Te is sometimes necessary to Ghil holes inthe end of fog fete and the chu iets St this works the water of Suppor A ser peates! se Inton co this probes hea juseable won support uses {ed The apport coos a 4 backer which clamp tothe ail pest col Sad sp ors dn adjotble fence whith Sides nor out co aconmo. date work of varoas dimen BORING SCREW HOLES ‘When two pieces of work are to be nsenbled wit screws, ie is mecesay well two hots fo ech Screw: One hole in daileg through oke upper piece and i lege enough to Pose shank, or boty of the Screw.” "The lower piece into which he arew will be Aheaded—is died wih a core hole smaller than the fist The cote ole wil vary wih the see of the strom, the Kind of wood, so the diccon of the gran” As a ule, core holes fn end grin should be smaer than those in side grin the sheen hive Tes holding power when Srewed in tbe ends f wood pieces. “When the misk iaeay avn Ted, the freer sank hole died fist and. he Sutter core hole dle down beyond is In dis Shunne, the amaler dil lened bythe hole fade by the polne uf the fst, Consul the abe of Als foe wood screws oa page 32 for core hole CCOUNTERBORING AND COUNTERSINKING Counteboring Couneesboring i the proces of enlarging the outer end of 4 delle hole, usualy forthe prof comming he esd of & bolt or stem whic === oie be ak lee sc —— fice, Tn woodvorking dhe enlarged porcon of dhe Tne is led Tis, siage woo ite donot trick well i previously dled smaller oles "The smaller Ihe wilt eater accurately in the ine hole ae by the larger det When che countere extends ae Ty thruugh the piece 4 counterhore made with a in bis witl give a seongee section ax tis gpe of it doesnot have spurs 0. ut % blow “dhe eountrbored su fee SS Countrsioking Countesinking i sinilar to ‘ounterborings except tht the ‘councersinaccormodites the head of a fat head srw, ermting the sew head 10 be wns Has ‘with dhe work surface When cosotesiking 4 se fies af holes inthe dil presi good price to Ec the depth gauge for uniform depth of gating. ener each hole hy lowering the countersink i elle countering fs seca yes Sono Ad LV hy, UY DRILL SELECTION AND SPeeDs Although these are many sles of dls for special ‘porpores, the evist dill (commonly called “aril fs most generally used ia the average shop for me Asillng. Thie drill has evo flutes, eno easing edges, and cihec a stright or tapered shanks ‘The straight stank drills up to Yeioch diameter ate most popu far becaute they can be held in the Jacobs chuck ‘Tapeced shank dls require the ase of an adaptor socket, When used, the adapcor should be locked ‘on the spindle with the knueled cola “Twist dels ere made in eee series of sires: The fractional series, the umbered series, and he ec tered series. With few exceptions cach series pro- ides slightly diferent selection of sizes, with the sesule dat there i dil size for practically any de- sired hole) within a few thoussndhs of an inch ‘Numbered and letered sties drills available ae se Neen ‘in tho tables on page 31, Fractional series dlls fre usally made in 64th of an inc, from 1/64 up to aboot 1Yinch diameter, ‘Twist duills ate made of cither eatbon or high seed steel, Carbon scl dis give excellent results for mor work, if care i ken not to ura them up, and fare les expeosive. High-speed steel drills may be ‘peated at higher speeds and ia husder metals tay sharper, and lst longer. ‘The later should be osed in dilling mone, saaless and other cough steels, and aze more stsfactory for ate in bre, hard cube ber, asbestos, Bakelite and similar plastic materia “The speed at which a drill i operated is very ian portent to dell life and che quality of the work. ropes pres spends for vrioas metals and dill ies fe given i the table on page 32, As listed, these speeds ae conret for carbon dri; for high-speed ills, double the speeds given PROPER FEEDING AND HOLDING OF WoRK (Oa mose press the rate of feed must be judged by fee, and by obsersation of the chip. Avoid the mon error of using 00 slew a speed and £9 heayy a presuce. Apply firm, sey presire ttl drills aboot 0 brealeeheough, then ease rama of a Feet eral tet se Pies ite alo tines ee accstenur st Secicey by some mechanical method, Sal pes and thin sheetmetal pices, especially, should he femly secured, ar the breae eeough of he sll, eoming sddely, can easily pull work fran Inands causing severe cuts and breakige of che esi A snp method t sop rotation of fae wock 1s co fic a damp o bolt in slot of the table and bold work down agaiat ie (1). Two ach bots at opposite comers of work, ae even better Acwsl chmping devices can be of any sypen depending upon ingeauisy of operator, Among ragasxed devices are the gcooved edge V-block sand ¥-

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