Relationships: A Relationship Is The Way in Which Two o More People Are Connected, by Interests, Friendships, Love, Etc

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I would like to star saying that people are social animals, so we need to be social to feel happier and
relationships give meaning to life. It is true that not all of us have to be social in the same way,
because we have different relationships like family, friends, partner or workmates, but as I said
relationships is an important aspect of our lives.

When we were a child and we went at school, we start making friends, but only few of them are
going to still being your friends when you grow up. I mean, you meet a lot of people but only some of
them are going to be your friends forever. Obviously, you used to play with all of them, you used to
enjoy time with them, but as time passes, you know better these people and you choose who is more
similar to you, in whom you can trust, with whom you fell well or whatever and you choose your
close friends, who become close as if they are considered family.

Furthermore, there are other kinds of relationships, for instance, which you can have with your
family or with your workmates. Firstly, with your family you have a special relationship because as
the name says is your family, they are who have seen you growing up, you have an emotional
support from them and you love them. Secondly, with co-workers

However, it is true that sometimes we need our personal space and it is very important to enjoy it,
because we have to disconnect our mind and escape for a moment to the routine and daily habits.
Moreover, we need to know ourselves, but as I said before, we need people and we need to stay in
contact with others.

To sum up, I would like to say that having a good social life is very necessary for humans and it is
very important to take care of friends and relatives.

A relationship is the way in which two o more people are connected, by interests, friendships, love,

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