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NAME: Paolo Paredes
• Anthony Punina
• Jessica Janeta,
• Joysy Silva
• Jenifer Garces
• Graciela Gonzales
• Leonardo Redroban
DATE: Sunday, February 6, 2022

"Stop!" shouted Zeus, the king of the gods. "We need an

independent judge." And he asked young Paris, Prince of
Troy, to decide which of the three goddesses was the most
Paris stood nervously in front of the three goddesses. One
by one, they whispered in his ear.
Hera, the queen of the gods, whispered, "If you give the
apple to me, I will give you enormous wealth and power."
Once, in Greek mythology, the gods decided to have a
big party on Mount Olympus. When they sent out the Athena, the goddess of wisdom, whispered, "If you give
invitations, they deliberately didn't send one to Eris, the the apple to me, I will give you great knowledge and
goddess of trouble, because she was always a difficult victories in battle."
party guest. Big mistake! Eris was really upset about not Aphrodite, the goddess of love, whispered, "If you give
getting an invitation, so she decided to make trouble! If the apple to me, I will give you the most beautiful woman
the gods had known just how angry Eris would be, they in the world."
would have invited her. And if they had invited her, things
would have been different. But they didn't invite her, and Well, that made it easy for Paris. He didn't hesitate. He
this is what happened as a result. gave the apple to Aphrodite
When the party was in full swing, and everyone was But it was a decision that would eventually lead to nine
eating and drinking, singing, and dancing, and having a years of war and the loss of many lives because the most
great time, Eris stormed into the hall with a golden apple beautiful woman in the world at that time was already
in her hand and threw it into the middle of the room. On married to the king of Sparta. When Paris ran off with her,
the apple were the words: For the most beautiful goddess. King Menelaus got together a huge army to go and get
her back. The woman's name was Helen of Troy. And the
Well, of course, every single goddess in the room thought war was the Trojan War. And it wouldn't have happened
the apple was for her. They all rushed to grab it and there if Paris hadn't given the apple to Aphrodite.
was a huge fight. In the end, three goddesses were left:
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.

1. What do you think the woman did with the apple in the picture? Read the story and find out.

The picture shows Eris, the Greek goddess of trouble. She threw the apple into the middle
of the room during a big party on Mount Olympus.
2. Work out the meaning of the words and phrases in bold from the context.
make trouble: to generate chaos
in full swing: at the most crucial moment of the party
grab: to take something
wealth: to have a set of valuable goods or things
eventually: that wasn’t expected but came to pass
got together: they got together to celebrate

3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) Correct the false sentences.

T F Correct the false sentences.

1. The gods forgot to invite Eris by mistake. X The gods deliberately didn’t send the invitation
to Eris, because she was always a difficult party
2. Eris arrived very quietly at the beginning of the X Eris arrived angry at the party, she burst in
party. throwing a golden apple in the middle of the
3. Every goddess there considered herself to be X
4. They all discussed very calmy who should get the X They all rushed to grab it and there was a huge
apple. fight.
5. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each tried to cheat. X

4. Find words and expressions in the story that relate to either parties or fighting. Find five examples for
each one.

parties fighting
In full swing Make trouble
Having great time Upset
Difficult party guest Angry
Big party Victories in battle
Invitations War

5. THINK Choose three of the questions to talk about with a partner.

1. Why do you think the gods decided to have a party?
2. What kind of trouble do you imagine Eris sometimes caused?
3. Why did the goddesses fight over the apple? Why was it so important to win?
The goddesses fought over the apple because all of they thought that were the most beautiful goddesses.
4. Why do you suppose Paris was nervous?
Because he had to chose only one and the would be hated by the ones he didn’t choose.
5. Would you have made the same choice in his shoes?
I wouldn´t had chosen the same. I would have opted to Hera, that said “If you give the apple to me, I will give
you enormous wealth and power”.

GRAMMAR Third conditional

6. Complete the sentences in the table with the correct form of the verbs.
We use third conditional to talk about hypothetical past situations
Affirmative If they had invited (invite) her, things would have been
(be) different.
Negative It wouldn’t have happened (not happen) if Paris hadn’t
given (not give) the apple to Aphrodite.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. If Eris had received (receive) an invitation, she wouldn’t have been (not be) so angry.
2. She would have been (be) less trouble if the gods had invited (invite) her.
3. If Paris had given (give) the apple to Hera, she would have given (give) him enormous wealth and power.
4. Athena would have given (give) Paris great knowledge and victories in battle if he had given (give) the apple
to her.

8. How good is your Greek mythology? Talk about how to complete these sentences. Listen and check your
ideas. Did you learn anything new?

1. Icarus wouldn’t have fallen int the sea if he hadn’t approach close to the sun.

2. If Pandora had kept her box shut, the evils wouldn’t have come out.



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