Mu Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Me02

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Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (MEC32P-2)

2006102602 2 0 0 6 1 0 2 6 0 2

Evaluate the following variables and use them as given in the following problems.

V = 2.5*(F + 1) =
W = 0.25*(I + 1) =
X = H+4 =
Y = I +J +10 =
Z = 10*E + I =
R = 75*(G + 2) =
S = 100*F + 10*G + J =

PROBLEM 01 The aluminum rod ABC (E = 10.1 PROBLEM 02 A certain structural member of
x 106 psi), which consists of two cylindrical uniform cross section has its strain limited to
portions AB and BC is to be replaced with a 0.6mm/m. The member has a tensile strength of S
cylindrical steel rod DE (E = 29 x 106 psi) of the MPa and is D m long. Note: Take D = 5 m if the
same overall length. Determine the minimum obtained value is zero.
required diameter d of the steel rod if its vertical a. Determine the smallest permissible diameter
deformation is not to exceed the deformation of the of the cross section if the cross section is
aluminum rod under the same load. circular.
b. Determine the smallest permissible measure
of one side of the cross section if the cross
section is a square

PROBLEM 03 Determine the elongation of the tapered cylindrical aluminum bar caused by the 30kN axial
load. Use E = 72GPa.
PROBLEM 04 The length of the 3/32 in diameter steel wire CD has been adjusted so that with no
load applied, a gap of Y/64 in exists between the end B of the rigid beam ACB and a contact point
E. Knowing that E = 29 x 106 psi, determine where a Z - lb block should be placed on the beam in
order to cause contact between B and E.

PROBLEM 05 The rigid, horizontal V ton slab is attached to two identical copper rods. There is a
gap Δ = “R/1000” mm between the middle bar, which is made of aluminum, and the slab. Calculate
the stress in each rod Use the following data:
MATERIAL Area (sq. mm) Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)
COPPER 2.5S 120

PROBLEM 06 Links BC and DE are both made of steel (E = 29 x 106 psi) and are 1/2in wide and
1/4in thick. Determine the corresponding deflection of point A if P = “W +X” kips

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