Poptropica English Islands My Language Kit Answer Key Level4

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Answer key

1 Free time 3 The seasons

1 2 d ​ 3 a ​ 4 e ​ 5c 1 1 winter ​ 2 autumn ​ 3 spring ​ 4 summer
2 2 skiing ​ 3 skateboarding ​ 4 skipping ​ 5 cooking 2 1 stormy ​ 2 warm ​ 3 humid ​ 4 wet ​5 thunder 
3 2 painting ​ 3 skipping ​ 4 watching films ​5 cooking ​ ​6 lightning
6 reading magazines 3 1 go waterskiing ​2 go camping ​3 go snowboarding ​
a 2 ​b 4 ​c 1 ​d 6 ​e 5 ​f 3 4 go hiking
4 2 a She likes ​3 g They don’t like ​4 f She likes ​ 4 1 a ​ 2 c ​ 3b
5 b He likes ​6 d He doesn’t like ​7 e He likes 5 2 There’s thunder and lightning. ​
5 1 A: He likes playing computer games. ​ 3 What’s the temperature today? ​
2 Q: What do Mum and Dad like doing? 4 It’s 17 degrees today.
A: They like reading magazines. ​ 6 2 Kim and Mark go hiking in autumn. ​
3 Q: What does Mary like doing? A: She likes cooking. 3 Tom goes surfing in spring and summer. ​
6 1 Does ​ 2 doesn’t ​ 3 like ​ 4 Do ​ 5 like ​ 6 do 4 Jo and Sue go camping in summer. ​
5 Ben goes cycling in autumn. ​
7 2 Does Sara like playing hockey?
6 Tom goes camping in autumn.
3 Sara likes chatting online.
4 They like playing computer games. 7 Pupils’ own answers.
5 We don’t like watching films. 8 2 was ​ 3 ’s ​4 was ​ 5 was ​ 6 ’s
8 1 What do you like doing? Pupils’ own answer. ​ 9 2 What was the temperature in November? ​
2 Do your friends like playing computer games? 3 What was the weather like in January? ​
Pupils’ own answer. 4 What was the temperature in December? ​
9 Santiago 5 What was the temperature in January? ​
6 What was the weather like in December?
10 1 F ​ 2 T ​ 3 F ​ 5 T ​ 6 F ​ 7 F ​ 8T
10 Pupils’ own answers.
11 Pupils’ own answers.
11 2 thirty-five ​ 3 twenty-four ​4 twenty ​
12 Pupils’ own answers.
12 2 F ​ 3 F ​ 4 T ​ 5T
13 Pupils’ own answers.
2 Wild animals
14 Pupils’ own answers.
1 Pupils match the words with the pictures.
2 2 giraffe ​ 3 crocodile ​ 4 camel ​ 5 hippo ​
6 panda 4 My week
3 1 forest ​ 2 rainforest ​ 3 river ​4 desert ​ 1 2 do  ​3 study ​4 practise  ​5 do ​6 study ​
5 grassland 7 practise ​8 has
4 are, eat, got, like 2 2 We practise the violin.  ​3 You do gymnastics.  ​
4 I study Maths.  ​5 He has music lessons.  ​
5 2 They eats eat fruit. ​
6 You do karate.
3 Do elephants lives live in forests? 
​4 Yes, they does do. ​ 3 Pupils draw the time.
5 Does Do hippos eat fruit?  4 1 d ​ 2 they, f ​3 he, e ​4 have, b ​5 practise, c 
​6 Giraffes eating eat leaves. ​6 does, a
6 Pupils’ own answers. 5 Pupils’ own answers.
7 1 live ​ 2 Where, live ​3 do, eat ​4 What, eat 6 have, past, do, practises, learns, do
8 2 Where do crocodiles live? ​3 What do they eat? 7 2 He does homework every day at 4 o’clock.
9 2 a ​ 3 d ​ 4c 8 1 What does Liam’s/your sister do on Thursdays? ​
10 1 a lot ​2 How much, a lot ​3 How many, There are 2 When does Liam/do you play basketball?
11 2 fast ​ 3 walk ​ 4 climb ​ 5 swim ​ 6 slowly 9 2 Jo never has music lessons. ​
3 Jo often learns to cook. ​
12 1 the jungle ​2 can ​ 3 like ​ 4 herbivores ​ 5 sleep
4 Jo often studies English.
13 2 Yes, they can. ​
10 Pupils’ own answers.
3 They live in the grasslands (in Africa). ​
4 They eat grass, leaves and fruit. ​ 11 3 F ​ 4 F ​ 5 T ​6F
5 Yes, they can. 12 3 On Wednesdays she practises the piano at
14 Pupils’ own answers. half past two.
4 On Thursdays she studies English in the morning. ​
15 Pupils’ own answers.
5 True ​ 6 On Saturdays she practises the piano. /
On Saturdays she does karate in the morning.
13 Pupils’ own answers.
14 Pupils’ own answers.

Poptropica English Islands – My Language Kit 4 1

5 Jobs 7 Pupils’ own answers.
1 1 ballet dancer ​2 journalist ​ 3 singer ​ 8 2 climb ​ 3 plays ​4 hiked ​5 watched ​ 6 practises
4 police officer ​5 lawyer ​ 6 astronaut 9 2 camped ​ 3 was ​4 walked ​5 could go ​
2 2 farmer ​ 3 firefighter ​ 4 film star ​ ​ 6 couldn’t give ​7 were ​8 could walk ​9 was ​
3 Secret word: model 10 was
2 photographer ​ 3 builder ​4 carpenter ​5 athlete 10 Pupils’ own answers.
4 2 I don’t want to be a police officer. ​ 11 2 T ​ 3 F ​ 4 F ​5 F ​6 T ​7T
3 I don’t want to be an astronaut. ​ 12 Pupils’ own answers.
4 I want to be a film star. 13 Pupils’ own answers.
1 c ​ 2 d ​ 3 a ​ 4b
5 2 What do you/I want to be? ​
3 What does he want to be? 7 Food
6 2 g ​ 3 a ​ 4 f ​ 5 d ​ 6 c ​ 7e 1
7 2 Does Pete want to be an athlete? Yes, he does. 
​3 Does James want to be a nurse? Yes, he does.  S H Z L V N G S M
​4 Does Roger want to be a carpenter? No, he doesn’t. S H O U T I N G S
He wants to be a mechanic. ​
5 Do Sarah and Kim want to be ballet dancers? C R Y I N G T R M
Yes, they do. ​ U S G F I G P V I
6 Do Tim and John want to be journalists? No, they
don’t. They want to be film stars. ​ E T F G C I I L L
7 Does Julie want to be a carpenter? Yes, she does.
8 2 because ​ 3 like ​ 4 practise ​ 5 be ​ 6 because ​
7 like ​8 can O P Y N T O I X N
9 1 helping ​ 2 does, can ​3 you, like ​4 Why, like J S H A K I N G G
10 Pupils’ own answers.
2 shaking ​ 3 yawning ​ 4 crying ​5 shouting
11 2 He’s doing a project at school. ​
2 1 b ​ 2 proud c ​3 nervous a ​4 relaxed e ​
3 jobs (the pupils want to do) ​
5 relieved d
4 He wants to be an athlete. ​
5 one morning next week 3 2 e ​ 3 a ​ 4 b ​ 5 c ​6f
12 2 d ​ 3 b ​ 4a 4 2 Why is your brother crying? He’s crying because
he’s hurt. 
13 Pupils’ own answers.
3 Why are you shaking? I’m shaking because
I’m scared.
6 In the rainforest 5 2 Walking to school makes me feel tired. ​
1 1 hut ​ 2 bridge ​ 3 waterfall ​ 4 vines ​
5 nest ​ 3 Passing a test makes me feel relieved. ​
6 lake 4 Playing football well makes me feel proud.
2 1 b ​ 2 d ​ 3 c ​ 4a 6 2 Why are you crying? ​3 What’s the matter?
3 1 parrot ​ 2 giant tarantula ​3 tapir  7 Pupils’ own answers.
​4 hummingbird 8 me, He, us, he, we, them
4 2 There’s a waterfall between the mountains.  9 2 c: it ​3 a: him ​4 b: them
​3 There’s a river near the rainforest.  10 2 My mum always gives me books for my birthday. 
​4 There’s a bridge across the river.  ​3 My granny often tells us interesting stories.
​5 There are huts near the bridge.
11 Yes, the writer likes Feelings because he/she says
5 Pupils’ own answers. it’s fantastic. (Example answer)
6 (Example answers) 12 2 a group of children ​3 plane ​ 4 plane ​ 5 aren’t ​
2 Could Sara ski yesterday? Yes, she could.  6 sad
​3 Could Tom swim across the river yesterday?
No, he couldn’t.  13 Pupils’ own answers.
​4 Could Jo and Sam walk over the bridge yesterday?
No, they couldn’t. ​
5 Could Kim and Mike run fast yesterday?
Yes, they could.

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8 By the sea
1 across:
2 boots ​ 4 scuba ​ 6 rafting ​8 paddle
1 rod ​ 3 surfboard ​ 5 bungee ​ 7 jacket
2 2 kayaking ​ 3 hang gliding ​4 rafting ​
5 horse-riding ​ 6 surfing
3 1 snorkelling, snorkel ​ 2 like ​3 rafting, paddle ​
4 terrified ​ 5 hang gliding ​ 6 good, a surfboard
4 2 with ​ 3 of ​ 4 of ​ 5 about ​ 6 of
5 Pupils’ own answers.
6 From top to bottom:
7, 6, 2, 4, (1), 5, 3, 8
7 2 I’m terrified of kayaking. ​
3 Have you got a fishing rod? 
​4 Are you fond of fishing? ​
5 I’m crazy about fishing.
8 2 Sara is going to play the guitar. 
​3 Tom is going to go horse-riding. ​
5 What is Tom going to do next year? 
6 What is Sara going to do next year?
9 Pupils’ own answers.
10 Alberto is going to go to Wales.
Carla is going to go to Scotland.
11 2 A ​ 3 C ​4 C ​5 C ​6 A ​7 C ​8 A
12 Pupils’ own answers.

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