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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

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Production/Operations Management: Test 1

Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (42)

Operations management is E) to all firms, whether manufacturing or service


A) mostly to the manufacturing


B) mostly to the service sector.

C) to the manufacturing sector


D) to services exclusively.

E) to all firms, whether

manufacturing or service

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 1/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following are the C) marketing, production/operations, and

primary functions of all finance/accounting

A) sales, quality control, and


B) production/operations,
marketing, and human

C) marketing,
production/operations, and

D) marketing, human
resources, and

E) research and development,

finance/accounting, and

What is a global network of D) supply chain

organizations and activities that
supply a firm with goods and

A) vendor network

B) supply tree

C) provider network

D) supply chain

E) vendor tree

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 2/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following is NOT A) pricing

an element of the management

A) pricing

B) controlling

C) leading

D) staffing

E) Planning

Which of the following are C) I, II, III

among the 10 strategic
operations management

I. design of goods and services

II. managing quality

III. layout strategy

IV. marketing

V. pricing of goods and



B) I, II, IV


D) I, II, V

E) All of the above

Henry Ford is noted for his D) assembly line operations.

contributions to:

A) material requirements

B) statistical quality control.

C) time and motion studies.

D) assembly line operations.

E) scientific management

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following C) production and consumption occur

attributes is most typical of a simultaneously

A) easy to automate

B) mass production

C) production and
consumption occur

D) tangible

E) consistency

Productivity measurement is B) the fact that precise units of measure are often
complicated by:
A) stable quality.

B) the fact that precise units of

measure are often unavailable.

C) the workforce size.

D) the competition's output.

E) the type of equipment used.

Three commonly used C) labor, capital, and management.

productivity variables are:

A) education, diet, and social


B) quality, efficiency, and low


C) labor, capital, and


D) quality, external elements,

and precise units of measure.

E) technology, raw materials,

and labor.

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the three commonly management (52% of the increase in productivity

used productivity variables each year)
makes the MOST difference in
terms of productivity?

The service sector has lower B) services usually are labor-intensive.

productivity improvements
than the manufacturing sector

A) service sector productivity

is hard to measure.

B) services usually are labor-


C) the service sector uses less

skilled labor than

D) the quality of output is lower

in services than manufacturing.

E) the service sector is often

easy to mechanize and

Cost cutting in international E) All of the above

operations can take place
because of:

A) lower wage scales.

B) lower taxes and tariffs.

C) lower indirect costs.

D) less stringent regulations.

E) all of the above.

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following is LEAST E) effective capacity use

likely to be a low-cost
leadership competitive

A) broad product line

B) inventory management

C) mass production
D) low overhead

E) effective capacity use

Which of the following B) KSFs are often necessary, but not sufficient for
statements is most correct?
competitive advantage.
A) KSFs are both necessary
and sufficient for competitive

B) KSFs are often necessary,

but not sufficient for
competitive advantage.

C) KSFs are often sufficient, but

not necessary for competitive

D) KSFs are neither necessary

nor sufficient for competitive

E) None of the above

statements is correct.

Outsourcing is simply an E) subcontracting.

extension of the long-standing
practice of:

A) exporting.

B) e-procurement.

C) importing.

D) postponement.

E) subcontracting. Management: Test 1 6/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

A SWOT analysis determines:

B) internal strengths and weaknesses and external
A) internal strengths and opportunities and threats.
weaknesses and internal
opportunities and threats.

B) internal strengths and

weaknesses and external
opportunities and threats.

C) external strengths and

weaknesses and external
opportunities and threats.

D) internal strengths and

opportunities and external
weaknesses and threats.

E) external strengths and

weaknesses and internal
opportunities and threats.

Porter's Five Forces Model is A) immediate rivals, potential entrants, customers,

used to evaluate competition suppliers, and substitute products
based on which 5 aspects?

A) immediate rivals, potential

entrants, customers, suppliers,
and substitute products

B) potential entrants,
customers, suppliers, legal
regulations, and cost

C) research and development,

cost, legal regulations,
suppliers, customers

D) cost, legal regulations,

advertising effectiveness,
potential entrants, and
immediate rivals

E) immediate rivals, potential

entrants, cost, substitute
products, and legal regulations Management: Test 1 7/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Given the position of the 3D A) cost cutting

printer in the growth stage of
its life cycle, which of the
following OM Strategy/Issues
should the makers of 3D
printers be least concerned
with at the current time?

A) cost cutting

B) enhancing distribution

C) increasing capacity

D) forecasting

E) product and process


Which of the following E) all of the above

represents a reason for
globalizing operations?

A) to improve the supply chain

B) to expand a product's life


C) to attract and retain global


D) to improve operations

E) all of the above

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

The fundamental purpose of an E) define the organization's purpose in society.

organization's mission
statement is to:

A) define the functional areas

required by the organization.

B) create a good human

relations climate in the

C) generate good public

relations for the organization.

D) define the operational

structure of the organization.

E) define the organization's

purpose in society.

According to the authors, B) differentiation, cost leadership, and response

which of the following strategic
concepts allow firms to
achieve their missions?

A) productivity, efficiency, and

quality leadership

B) differentiation, cost
leadership, and response

C) differentiation, distinctive
competency, quality
leadership, and capacity

D) differentiation, quality
leadership, and response

E) distinctive competency, cost

leadership, and experience

What is production? The creation of goods and services.

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Operations management (OM) is the set of activities

What is Operations that create value in the form of goods and services
Management (OM)? by transforming inputs into outputs.

(1) Marketing - generates demand

What are the three essential (2) Production/operations - creates the product

functions of every company? (3) Finance/accounting - tracks how well the

organization is doing, pays bills, collects the money

The supply chain is a global network of

What is the supply chain? organizations and activities that supply a firm with
goods and services.

Members of the supply chain (1) customer satisfaction, efficiency, and competitive
collaborate to achieve high advantage
levels of (1), (1) and (1).

1) planning

What are the basic 2) organizing

management functions of OM 3) staffing

managers? 4) leading

5) controlling

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are the 10 strategic What are the 10 strategic decisions in

decisions in Production/Operations Management?

Production/Operations 1) Design of goods and services

2) Managing quality

1) Design of .... and ....

3) Process and capacity design

2) Managing ....
4) Location strategy

3) .... and .... design

5) Layout strategy

4) .... strategy
6) Human resources and job design

5) .... strategy
7) Supply-chain management

6) Human .... and .... design

8) Inventory management

7) .... management
9) Scheduling

8) .... management
10) Maintenance
9) ....

10) ....

What is Deming known for? Quality Control

Products are (1) and services Products are tangible and services are intangible.
are (2).

Products are typically neither Products are typically neither purely service- or
purely .... or purely .... based. purely goods-based.

Production is a measure of .... Production is a measure of output only and not a

only and not a measure of ..... measure of efficiency.

Productivity is the ratio of outputs (goods and

Productivity is the ratio of ....
services) divided by the inputs (resources such as
divided by the .....
labor and capital).

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

We already stated that Labor = 10% of the increase in productivity per year

management is responsible for Capital = 38% of the increase in productivity per

52% of the increase in year
productivity per year. What
about labor and capital?

What is the simple formula for Productivity = units produced/inputs used


Single-factor productivity (1) total factor productivity

analyzes the contribution of (2) dollars

input to output for ONE
resource input (labor, capital,
materials, etc.). An example of
an answer would be 4
units/labor-hour (1000
units/250 labor-hours).
However, if you are analyzing
multiple resource inputs at a
time, you are looking at multi-
factor productivity (AKA as (1)).
With multi-factor productivity,
output and inputs are often
expressed in (2).

Some measurement problems Some measurement problems are:

1) Quality may change while the quantity of inputs
1) .... may change while the and outputs remains constant.

quantity of inputs and outputs 2) External elements may cause an increase or

remains constant.
decrease in productivity

2) .... may cause an increase or 3) Precise units of measure may be lacking (as is
decrease in productivity
often the case in service markets)
3) .... may be lacking (as is often
the case in service markets)
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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are the three productivity Labor, Capital, and Management


Key Variables for Improved Key Variables for Improved Labor Productivity

Labor Productivity
1) Basic education appropriate for the labor force

1) .... appropriate for the labor 2) Diet of the labor force

3) Social overhead that makes labor available. The
2) .... of the labor force
challenge is in maintaining and enhancing skills in
3) .... that makes labor available. the midst of rapidly changing technology and
The challenge is in maintaining knowledge.
and enhancing skills in the
midst of rapidly changing
technology and knowledge.

Productivity and the Service Productivity and the Service Sector

1) Typically labor intensive

1) Typically .... intensive

2) Frequently focused on unique individual
2) Frequently focused on attributes or desires

unique individual .... or ....

3) Often an intellectual task performed by
3) Often an .... performed by professionals

4) Often difficult to mechanize and automate

4) Often difficult to .... and ....

5) Often difficult to evaluate for quality
5) Often difficult to .... for

What are some of the new What are some of the new challenges in OM?

challenges in OM?
Global focus

.... focus
Supply-chain partnering

.... partnering

Rapid product development

.... development
Mass customization

.... customization
Just-in-time performance

.... performance
Empowered employees
.... employees

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16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are 6 reasons that What are 6 reasons that companies globalize?

companies globalize?
1) Improve the supply chain

1) Improve the ....

2) Reduce costs (labor, taxes, tariffs, etc)

2) Reduce ....
3) Improve operations

3) Improve ....
4) Understand markets

4) Understand ....
5) Improve products

5) Improve .... 6) Attract and retain global talent

6) Attract and retain .... 14/14

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