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09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

4: phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi
Forecasting Nâng cấp: dùng th...Học

Chapter 4: Forecasting
Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (25)

The primary purpose of the Measure forecast accuracy

mean absolute deviation
(MAD) in forecasting is to:

For a given product demand, is an indication that product demand is declining

the time-series trend equation
is 53 - 4X. The negative sign on
the slope of the equation:

Demand for a certain product The seasonally-adjusted sales forecast for January is
is forecast to be 800 units per 1000 units. To calculate a seasonally-adjusted sales
month, averaged over all 12 forecast you take the product forecast (in this case
months of the year. The 800) and multiply that by the monthly index (in this
product follows a seasonal case 1.25). Thus, 800 * 1.25 = 1000.
pattern, for which the January
monthly index is 1.25. What is
the seasonally-adjusted sales
forecast for January?

The last four weekly values of Bias

sales were 80, 100, 105, and 90
units. The last four forecasts
were 60, 80, 95, and 75 units.
These forecasts illustrate: 1/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

The degree or4: Forecasting
strength of a correlation coefficient Học

relationship between two

variables is shown by

A forecast that projects a Demand forecast

company's sales is a(n):

The forecast for the next period would be 100.6. The

simple exponential smoothing forecast model uses
the following equation:

Given an actual demand of 103,

Last period's forecast + α(Last period's demand –
a previous forecast value of 99,
last period's forecast), where α = the smoothing
and an alpha of .4, the
constant. Therefore, in this case:
exponential smoothing
forecast for the next period
Last period's forecast = 99
would be:
α = .4
Last period's demand = 103

99 + .4 (103 – 99) = 100.6 2/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting The forecast for the next period would be Học
58.9. The
simple exponential smoothing forecast model uses
the following equation:

Given an actual demand of 61,

Last period's forecast + α(Last period's demand –
a previous forecast value of 58,
last period's forecast), where α = the smoothing
and an alpha of .3, the
constant. Therefore, in this case:
exponential smoothing
forecast for the next period
Last period's forecast = 58
would be:
α = .3
Last period's demand = 61

58 + .3(61 – 58) = 58.9

The forecast for the next period would be 63.8. The

simple exponential smoothing forecast model uses
the following equation:

Given last periods forecast of

Last periods forecast + α(Last periods demand – last
65, and last periods demand of
periods forecast), where α = the smoothing
62, what is the simple
constant. Therefore, in this case:
exponential smoothing
forecast with an alpha of .4 for
Last periods forecast = 65
the next period?
α = .4
Last periods demand = 62

65 + .4 (62 – 65) = 63.8 3/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting The mean absolute deviation is 4. The mean


absolute deviation is designed to provide a

measure of overall forecast error for the model. It
Given forecast errors of -1, 4, 8, does this by taking the sum of the absolute values
and -3, what is the mean of the individual forecast errors and dividing by the
absolute deviation? number of data periods. In this case,

1+4+8+3 = 16
16/4 = 4

Forecasts used for new long-range time horizon

product planning, capital
expenditures, facility location
or expansion, and R&D
typically utilize a__________

Forecasts are usually classified Short-range, medium-range, and long-range

into three categories including:

The forecast for period 7 is 40. This is determined

by solving the equation 25.3 + 2.1X, where X = time
A time-series trend equation is period. In this case we are interested in period 7.
25.3 + 2.1X. What is your Therefore:
forecast for period 7?
25.3 + 2.1(7) =40
25.3 + 14.7 = 40

Time-series patterns that seasonality

repeat themselves after a
period of days or weeks are
called __________ 4/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is 3.5.Học

mean absolute deviation is designed to provide a
measure of overall forecast error for the model. It
does this by taking the sum of the absolute values
of the individual forecast errors and dividing by the
number of data periods.
The last four months of sales
were 8, 10, 15, and 9 units. The
The last four months sales were 8, 10, 15, and 9 units.
last four forecasts were 5, 6, 11,
The forecasts for these same months were 5, 6, 11,
and 12 units. The Mean
and 12 units. Forecast errors are calculated using the
Absolute Deviation (MAD) is:
equation demand – forecast. In this case, that would
be 8 – 5 = 3; 10 – 6 = 4; 15 – 11 = 4; 9 – 12 = -3.

3+4+4+3 = 14
14/4 = 3.5

Which of the following It is based on the assumption that the analysis of

statements about time-series past demand helps predict future demand.
forecasting is true? 5/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting The approximate seasonal index for July is Học

The seasonal index is calculated by dividing a
month’s actual average demand by the average
demand over all months. Thus, in this case:

A seasonal index for a monthly

Step 1 – Calculate average historical demand. To do
series is about to be calculated
this, we must first obtain the actual demand during
on the basis of three years'
July (in this case 110, 150, 130) and divide by the
accumulation of data. The three
number of months on record (in this case 3). Thus,
previous July values were 110,
average July demand is calculated as 110 + 150 + 130
150, and 130. The average over
= 390/3 = 130
all months is 190. The
approximate seasonal index for
Step 2 – Calculate seasonal index by taking monthly
July is:
average (130) and dividing by average demand over
all months (190).

Seasonal index for July is 130/190 = 0.684

Which of the following 1.0

smoothing constants would
make an exponential
smoothing forecast equivalent
to a naïve forecast?

Which of the following uses The Delphi method

three types of participants:
decision makers, staff
personnel, and respondents?

Which time-series model Naïve approach

assumes that demand in the
next period will be equal to the
most recent period's demand? 6/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting
Given the following data about The four-month moving average is 44. The Học
monthly demand, what is the average is calculated by summing the relevant
approximate forecast for May monthly demand reports and dividing by the
using a four month moving months included in the model. In this case, we are
calculating a four month moving average for May so
we will use the months of January (40), February
November = 39
(42), March (48), and April (46) in our calculation.
December = 36
January = 40

February = 42
40+42+48+46 = 176
March = 48
176/4 = 44
April = 46 Moving Average = 44

The tracking signal is the__________ ratio of cumulative error/MAD

A regression model is used to The correlation between sales and advertising is

forecast sales based on positive.
advertising dollars spent. The
regression line is y=500+35x
and the coefficient of
determination is .90. Which is
the best statement about this
forecasting model? 7/8
09:28, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 4: Forecasting | Quizlet

Chapter 4: Forecasting The 3-month moving average for May is 132.


moving average is calculated by summing the

relevant monthly demand reports and dividing by
the months included in the model. In this case, we
If demand is 106 during January,
are calculating a three month moving average for
120 in February, 134 in March,
May so we will use the months of February (120),
and 142 in April, what is the 3-
March (134), and April (142) in our calculation.
month simple moving average
for May?

120+134+142 = 396
396/3 = 132
Moving Average = 132

Quantitative methods of Exponential smoothing

forecasting include 8/8
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Nghệ thuật và nhân văn Nghệ thuật thị giác Thiết kế sản phẩm

Chapter 5
Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (110)

Regal Marine's attempts to False

keep in touch with customers
and respond to the
marketplace are made
impossible because consumer
tastes change and maritime
engineering improves.

Product strategy may focus on True

developing a competitive
advantage via differentiation,
low cost, rapid response, or a
combination of these.

The objective of the product True

decision is to develop and
implement a product strategy
that meets the demands of the
marketplace with a competitive

Chapter 5 1/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

The four phases of the product False

life cycle are incubation,
introduction, growth, and

In the maturity stage of the False

product life cycle, operations
managers will be particularly
concerned with adding
capacity or enhancing existing
capacity to accommodate the
increase in product demand.

Relatively few new product True

ideas, perhaps only 1 in 250,
become successfully marketed

3M's goal is to produce 30% of True

its profit from products
introduced in the last 4 years.

Which of these statements E) All of the above are true.

regarding Regal Marine is

C) treats the product design decision as critical to

Regal Marine:
its success.

The three major elements of A) selection, definition, and design.

the product decision are:

Chapter 5 2/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

In which stage of the product A) introduction

life cycle should product
strategy focus on process
modifications as the product is
being "fine-tuned" for the

A product's life cycle is divided D) introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

into four stages, which are:

When should product strategy B) at the growth stage of the product life cycle
focus on forecasting capacity

The analysis tool that lists D) product-by-value analysis.

products in descending order
of their individual dollar
contribution to the firm is:

At which stage of the product C) maturity

life cycle is product strategy
likely to focus on improved
cost control?

________ is used to rank a D) Product-by-value analysis

company's products to
determine which products
represent the best use of the
firm's resources, or, perhaps, to
determine which products are
to be eliminated.

Chapter 5 3/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

What percentage of sales from A) 50%

new products is indicative of
industry leaders?

Regal Marine's use of ________ has CAD or Computer-aided Design

reduced product development
time and reduced problems
with tooling and production.

In the ________ phase of the growth

product life cycle, the product
design has begun to stabilize.

________ lists products in Product-by-value analysis

descending order of the
individual dollar contribution to
the firm.

To develop and implement a product strategy that

What is the objective of the
meets the demands of the marketplace with a
product decision?
competitive advantage.

A product-by-value analysis lists products in

descending order of their individual dollar
contribution to the firm, as well as the total annual
dollar contribution of the product. It helps
What is a product-by-value managers evaluate possible strategies for each
analysis, and what type of product. The report may also tell management
decisions does it help which product offerings should be eliminated and
managers make? which fail to justify further investment in research
and development or capital equipment. The
product-by-value report focuses management's
attention on the strategic direction for each
Chapter 5 product. 4/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

"With respect to the product The vast majority of new product ideas do not
decision, managers must be become marketable products, and most marketable
able to accept risk and tolerate products are failures. Perhaps hundreds of designs
failure." Comment on why this is accompany each success.
a necessary hazard in making
new product decisions, given
all the powerful tools and
carefully built systems that
support that decision.

There is no reason for the strategy to be static

Is it possible for a product's life
through the life cycle stages. Organizations often
cycle stage to affect its
treat new products differently than older ones, in
product strategy? In particular,
terms of support for changes, aggressiveness in
describe how one product in
pursuit of market, etc. In particular, growth is
growth and another in maturity
associated with stabilization of design, and with
might have different product
ensuring that sufficient capacity exists. Maturity is a
time for high-volume operations and cost control.

Operations managers must be E) all of the above

able to anticipate changes in
which of the following?

Which of the following would A) economic change

likely cause a change in market
opportunities based upon
levels of income and wealth?

Which of the following E) All of the above are such opportunities.

represents an opportunity for
generating a new product?

Chapter 5 5/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Understanding the customer, economic change,

sociological and demographic change,
technological change, political/legal change, and
Identify factors that influence
other changes brought about through market
new product opportunities.
practice, professional standards, suppliers, and

Answers will vary. The list in the text includes: TV to

Provide some examples of HDTV, radio to satellite radio, coffee shops to
recent product changes, i.e. Starbucks lifestyle coffee, traveling circuses to
new products that are Cirque du Soleil, land lines to cell phones, cell
replacing older ones. phone to iPhone, Walkman to iPod, and mops to

Aggressive new product They should have open communication with

development requires that customers, innovative product development
organizations build structures cultures, aggressive R&D, strong leadership, formal
internally that contain what incentives, and training.

Quality function deployment TRUE

refers to both (1) determining
what will satisfy the customer

(2) translating those customer

desires into a target design.

Which of the following is true C) Value engineering is oriented toward

regarding value engineering? improvement of design.

Chapter 5 6/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Reducing the complexity of a C) manufacturability and value engineering.

product and improving a
product's maintainability are
activities of:

Quality function deployment E) all of the above


A graphic technique for B) the house of quality.

defining the relationship
between customer desires and
product (or service) is:

A result of concurrent A) speedier product development

engineering in product design

The Japanese method of D) a single organization without subdivision or

organizing for product design individual teams.

Manufacturability and value E) I, II, III, IV, V

engineering has which of the
following benefits?

________ is a process for Quality function deployment or QFD

determining customer
requirements and translating
them into attributes that each
functional area can understand
and act upon.

Chapter 5 7/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

The ________ is a part of the House of quality

quality function deployment
process that utilizes a planning
matrix to relate customer
"wants" to "how" the firm is
going to meet those "wants."

Benefits include immediate cost reduction, reduced

product complexity, additional standardization of
Identify the benefits associated
components, improvement of functional aspects of
with manufacturability and
the product, improved job design and job safety,
value engineering.
improved maintainability (serviceability) of the
product, and robust design.

QFD refers to both (1) determining what will satisfy

What is quality function
the customer and (2) translating those customer
deployment (QFD)?
desires into the target design.

(1) Identify customer wants. (2) Identify how the

good/service will satisfy customer wants. (3) Relate
customer wants to product hows. (4) Identify
Identify the 7 steps involved in relationships between the firm's hows. (5) Develop
building the house of quality. importance ratings. (6) Evaluate competing
products. (7) Determine the desirable technical
attributes, your performance, and the competitor's
performance against these attributes.

Computer-aided design (CAD) FALSE

refers to the use of specialized
computer programs to direct
and control manufacturing
Chapter 5 8/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Robust design ensures that TRUE

small variations in production
or assembly do not adversely
affect the product.

Modular design exists only in FALSE

tangible products; it makes no
sense in services.

Which of the following is TRUE D) It is the use of computers to interactively design

regarding computer-aided products and prepare engineering documentation.

Which of the following is TRUE E) All of the above are true.

concerning advantages of

What is the use of information A) CAM

technology to control

Bridget's Hamburger Stand C) Modular design.

uses only 7 ingredients but
offers 15 different burgers. This
process is known as:

D) during the production process when it is clear

Value analysis takes place:
that the new product is a success.

What technology "builds" C) 3-D printing

products by laying down
successive thin layers of
plastic, metal, glass, or
ceramics? 5 9/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

________ provides a format Standard for the exchange of product data or STEP
allowing the electronic
transmittal of three-
dimensional data.

The use of information computer-aided manufacturing or CAM

technology to control
machinery is called ________.

If a design can be produced to robust

requirements even when the
production process has
unfavorable conditions, the
design is said to be ________.

Products or services designed modular

in easily segmented
components are known as
________ designs.

________ reviews successful Value analysis

products for improvement
during the production process.

Identify at least three general Faster development, better products, and accurate
benefits derived from CAD. flow of information to other departments.

Value engineering is concerned with reducing cost

Explain the difference between and improving function in a preproduction setting,
value analysis and value while value analysis, with similar aims, takes place
engineering. during production, when the product has shown
that it will succeed. Techniques are similar.
Chapter 5 10/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Modules are easily segmented components. They

add flexibility to production and marketing. They
allow mix-and-match of components (customization
Discuss the advisability of using at point of customer contact). Use of modules
modular assemblies in usually means fewer parts, less design and tooling
manufacturing. (What are the expense. Disadvantages include using a module in a
advantages and product for which a more specific component
disadvantages?) To what extent would have been better. It also may be possible
can these arguments be that a module is more expensive than a product-
applied to service products? specific version would be because it has to function
properly for multiple products. Modules do exist in
services, as in fast-food meals built to customer

Rapidly developing products TRUE

and moving them to the market
is part of time-based

The enhancement of existing FALSE

products is an external product
development strategy.

Boeing's 737 airplane and C) product platform

Hewlett-Packard's printer
business are examples of using
enhancements and migrations
of existing products to build on
a ________.

Which of the following is an C) alliances

example of an external
product development
Chapter 5 11/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Which of the following product D) new internally developed products

development strategies has the
highest product development

Rapidly developing products time-based competition

and moving them to the market
is referred to as ________.

Boeing's 737 airplane and product platform

Hewlett-Packard's printer
business are examples of using
enhancements and migrations
of existing products to build on
a(n) ________.

Time-based competition is competition that is

based on time. It involves rapid development of
What is time-based
products and moving them to market. Often, the
first company into production may have its product
adopted as the "standard."

Chapter 5 12/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

The external product development strategies

include alliances, joint ventures, and purchase of
technology or expertise by acquiring the developer.
Alliances are cooperative agreements that allow
firms to remain independent, but use
complementing strengths to pursue strategies
Identify the external product consistent with their individual missions. Joint
development strategies; ventures are combined ownership to pursue new
describe each in a sentence or products or markets. Purchasing technology or
two. expertise is usually accomplished by acquiring
entrepreneurial firms that have already developed
the technology that fits the mission. The issue then
becomes fitting the purchased organization, its
technology, and its product line into the buying firm,
rather than a product development issue.

The "make-or-buy" decision TRUE

distinguishes between what an
organization chooses to
produce and what it chooses
to purchase from suppliers.

Group technology enables the TRUE

grouping of parts into families
based on similar processing

An engineering drawing shows A) dimensions, tolerances, materials, and finishes of

the: a component.

The dimensions, tolerances, B) engineering drawing.

materials, and finishes of a
component are typically shown
on a(n):
Chapter 5 13/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

What identifies components by B) group technology

a coding scheme that specifies
size, shape, and the type of
processing (such as size)?

Which of the following C) a bill of material

typically shows the hierarchy of
components, their description,
and the quantity of each
required to make one unit of a

The hierarchy of components, C) a bill of material.

their description, and the
quantity of each required to
make one unit of a product are
documented on:

A) each component be identified by a coding

Group technology requires
scheme that specifies size, shape, and the type of

A drawing that shows the engineering drawing

dimensions, tolerances,
materials, and finishes of a
component is a(n) ________.

A listing of the hierarchy of bill of material

components, their description,
and the quantity of each
required to make one unit of
product is the ________.

Chapter 5 14/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

A work order is a list of the FALSE

hierarchy of components, their
description, and the quantity of
each required to make one unit
of the product.

An assembly drawing lists the FALSE

operations necessary to
produce the component.

An assembly chart shows an FALSE

exploded view of the product,
usually a three-dimensional or
isometric drawing.

Which of the following shows C) an assembly chart

in schematic form how a
product is assembled?

D) sequence of operations necessary to produce

A route sheet provides a(n):
the component.

An assembly drawing: B) shows an exploded view of the product.

An assembly chart: A) shows graphically how the product is assembled.

A process sheet is a type of: C) route sheet.

Which of the following C) a route sheet

documents lists the operations
necessary to produce the
component with the material
specified in the bill of material?
Chapter 5 15/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

A restaurant kitchen contains a A) assembly drawing.

wall poster that shows, for
each sandwich on the menu, a
sketch of the ingredients and
how they are arranged to make
the sandwich. This is an
example of a(n):

A document for production A) work order.

that gives the instruction to
make a given quantity of a
particular item, usually to a
given schedule, is a(n):

An exploded view of the assembly drawing

product is a(n) ________.

Configuration management is used by every

How does configuration
automobile manufacturer to track all of the changes
management manifest itself
between and during a model year. To be specific
when you ask for service on
about the part that is needed, the VIN (vehicle
your automobile?
identification number) is often used.

PLM is an umbrella of software programs that

attempts to bring together many phases of product
design and manufacture. PLM products often start
Briefly explain how product
with product design (CAD/CAM); move on to
life-cycle management (PLM)
design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA); and
impacts product design.
then into product routing, materials, layout,
assembly, maintenance and even environmental

Chapter 5 16/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

The customer may participate TRUE

in the design of, and in the
delivery of, services.

The moment-of-truth is the TRUE

crucial moment between the
service provider and the
customer that exemplifies,
enhances, or detracts from the
customer's expectations.

According to PCN analysis, the FALSE

consumer's process domain
typically includes the set of
activities at the beginning of
the process chain.

According to PCN analysis, TRUE

firms intending to provide a
value offering that focuses on
customization should be
positioned more toward the
consumer's process domain.

Which of the following is NOT a A) increase customer interaction

service design technique used
to increase service efficiency?

What type of analysis focuses A) PCN

on the ways in which processes
can be designed to optimize
interaction between firms and
their customers?

Chapter 5 17/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

According to PCN analysis, D) surrogate interaction and direct interaction.

service operations exist only
within the area(s) of:

According to PCN analysis, B) surrogate interaction

which process region includes
process steps in which one
participant is acting on another
participant's resources, such as
their information, materials, or

The ________ is the crucial moment of truth

moment between the service
provider and the customer that
exemplifies, enhances, or
detracts from the customer's

Within PCN analysis, a(n) ________ process chain

is a sequence of steps that
accomplishes an identifiable
purpose (of providing value to
process participants).

Identify the methods of service Limit the options, delay customization,

design that can increase modularization, automation, and focusing design on
service efficiency and limit the moment of truth.
customer interaction.

Chapter 5 18/19
16:39, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 5 | Quizlet

Direct interaction includes process steps that

involve interaction between participants. Surrogate
interaction includes process steps in which one
Identify and briefly describe
participant is acting on another participant's
the three process regions from
resources, such as their information, materials, or
PCN analysis. technologies. Independent processing includes
steps in which the participant is acting on resources
where it has maximum control.

The expected value of each FALSE

course of action in a decision
tree is determined by starting
at the beginning of the tree
(the left-hand side) and
working toward the end of the
tree (the right).

The role of decision trees in C) calculate the expected value of each course of
product design is to: action.

Payoffs, alternatives, and D) decision trees.

expected monetary values are
terms associated with:

In analyzing product design expected value or EMV

decisions, decision trees
determine the ________ of each
course of action.

Transition to production refers D) development

to the act of moving a product
to production from what? 19/19
17:19, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 7 Process Strategy | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Chapter 7 Process Strategy

Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (44)

D) intermittent process. 9) A job shop is an example of a(n)

C) process focus, repetitive 10) Three of the four types of processes are
focus, and product focus.

11) Which of the following industries is most likely to

E) restaurants
have low equipment utilization?

C) high-volume, low-variety 12) A product-focused process is commonly used to

products. produce

13) Which one of the following products is most

B) paper forms
likely made in a job shop environment?

14) Which of the following products is likely to be

A) automobiles
assembled on a repetitive process line?

C) repetitive process. 15) An assembly line is an example of a

A) process 16) Arnold Palmer Hospital uses which focus?

17) One of the similarities between process focus

D) the variety of outputs.
Chapter 7 Process Strategyand mass-customization is 1/5
17:19, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 7 Process Strategy | Quizlet

18) Frito-Lay is to ________ focus as Harley Davidson is

B) product, repetitive
to ________ focus.

E) (A) product and (C) mass 19) High fixed costs and low variable costs are
customization typical of which approach?

A) process, mass 20) Goods made to order are typical of ________ and
customization, repetitive, ________ approaches while goods made to forecast
product are typical of ________ and ________ approaches.

21) Align Technology uses a ________ approach to

A) mass customization
produce clear plastic removable aligners.

E) (A) Dell and (B) Align 22) Which of the following companies use a mass
Technology customization approach?

D) uses work cells to feed its 23) Harley Davidson

assembly line.

B) They allow easy switching 24) Which of the following is FALSE regarding
from one product to the other. repetitive processes?

D) high fixed costs, low 25) Which of the following phrases best describes
variable costs product focus?

26) Which of the following phrases best describes

A) low volume, high variety
process focus?

B) Its output is a standardized 27) Which of the following characteristics best

product produced from describes repetitive focus?
Chapter 7 Process Strategy 2/5
17:19, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 7 Process Strategy | Quizlet

E) All but (D) only applies in 28) A quasi-custom product

services are true.

29) Process A has fixed costs of $1000 and variable

costs of $5 per unit. Process B has fixed costs of
A) 50 units
$500 and variable costs of $15 per unit. What is the
crossover point between process A and process B?

30) Process X has fixed costs of $10,000 and

C) Process Y is cheaper than variable costs of $2.40 per unit. Process Y has fixed
process X at all volumes. costs of $9,000 and variable costs of $2.25 per unit.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?

D) total costs for one process 31) The crossover point is that production quantity
equal total costs for another where

C) are processes that are 32) Product focused processes

specialized for relatively few
products or customer groups.

2) What have restaurants such as Steakhouses and

E) iPad menus Stacked Restaurants replaced their traditional paper
menus with?

3) Which of the following is true regarding the

D) All of the above are true.
concept of flexibility?

E) All of the above are true. 7) Value-stream mapping

Chapter 7 Process Strategy 3/5
17:19, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 7 Process Strategy | Quizlet

C) the process chart is more 8) One fundamental difference between a process

like a table, while the flowchart chart and a flowchart is that
is more like a schematic

D) focuses on the provider's 9) Service blueprinting

interaction with the customer.

10) What is a drawing of the movement of material,

A) flowchart
product, or people?

A) separation, self-service, 3) Which of the following are all strategies for

automation, and scheduling improving productivity in services?

4) Which of the following is not one of the

E) mass customization
strategies for improving service productivity?

5) In mass service and professional service, the

D) human resources.
operations manager should focus extensively on

6) In the mass service and service factory quadrants

E) customization. of the service process matrix, the operations
manager could focus on all of the following except

5) Which of the following is TRUE regarding vision

D) All of the above are true.

6) The use of information technology to monitor

A) process control.
and control a physical process is known as
Chapter 7 Process Strategy 4/5
17:19, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 7 Process Strategy | Quizlet

7) Which of the following technologies could

D) RFID enable a cashier to scan the entire contents of a
shopping cart in seconds?

8) Which of the following provides automatic

D) ASRS placement and withdrawal of parts and products
into and from designated places in a warehouse?

A) computer-aided design, a 9) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

flexible manufacturing system, includes manufacturing systems that have
inventory control, warehousing
and shipping integrated.

10) Which one of the following technologies is used

D) AGVs ONLY for material handling, NOT actual production
or assembly?

11) A system using an automated work cell

C) a flexible manufacturing
controlled by electronic signals from a common
centralized computer facility is called

C) flexible manufacturing 12) "Operators simply load new programs, as

systems. necessary, to produce different products" describes

D) have had a dramatic impact 3) Advances in technology

on customer interaction with
services and with products.

E) all of the above 2) Process redesign 5/5
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Chapter 9
Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (89)

McDonald's "Made for You" True

kitchen system represents a
strategic layout decision even
though an obvious benefit of
the system is a dramatic
reduction in the inventory of
food prepared in advance.

The objective of layout True

strategy is to develop an
effective and efficient layout
that will meet the firm's
competitive requirements.

The work cell layout, a special False

arrangement of machinery and
equipment to focus on the
production of a single product
or group of related products, is
for manufacturing applications
and has no relevance to

Chapter 9 1/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

The layout approach that False

addresses trade-offs between
space and material handling is
called the fixed position layout.

Utilization of the total "cube" is False

the dominant consideration in
office layout.

One guideline for a retail True

layout is to locate high-draw
items around the periphery of
the store.

Category management is the True

use of computer software to
evaluate the profitability of
merchandising plans.

Servicescape refers to the True

physical surrounding in which
the service is delivered.

One guideline for determining True

the arrangement and space
allocation of a retail store is to
place high-impulse and high-
margin items such as
housewares and beauty aids in
prominent locations.

Chapter 9 2/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Cross-docking processes items True

as they are received, rather
than placing them in storage;
this helps explain why
"warehouses" are now called
"distribution centers."

The dominant problem False

associated with the fixed-
position layout is that workers
are fixed in position, and
cannot be reassigned.

A process-oriented layout is True

the traditional way to support a
product differentiation

Job lots are groups or batches True

of parts processed together.

Process-oriented layouts False

typically have low levels of
work-in-process inventory.

CRAFT is software for False

balancing assembly lines.

Chapter 9 3/33
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The most common tactic to True

arrange departments in a
process-oriented layout is to
minimize material handling

The work cell improves True

process layouts by reducing
floor space and by reducing
direct labor cost.

The balancing of work cells False

uses the same procedures as
the balancing of an assembly

A focused work center is well False

suited to the production of a
large family of products
requiring similar processing,
even if their demands are not
very stable.

A fabrication line and an False

assembly line are both types of
repetitive and product-focused
layout, but only the fabrication
line utilizes workstations.

The biggest advantage of a False

product layout is its flexibility
to handle a varied product mix.

Chapter 9 4/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

The minimum number of False

workstations depends upon
the set of task times and the
precedence chart, but not the
number of units scheduled.

A product requires 24 separate False

tasks, and the sum of those task
times is 14 minutes; if the cycle
time is 2 minutes, then at least
12 workstations will be needed.

If the schedule calls for the True

production of 120 units per day
and 480 minutes of production
time are available per day, the
cycle time should be 4

Product-oriented layouts tend False

to have high levels of work-in-
process inventories.

One drawback of a product- True

oriented layout is that work
stoppage at any one point ties
up the whole operation.

Cycle time is the maximum time True

that the product is allowed at
each work station.
Chapter 9 5/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Heuristics are problem-solving False

procedures that
mathematically optimize the

Which of the following is not a

one of McDonald's "seven
major innovations"?

a. the Happy Meal

b. drive-through windows

c. breakfast menus

d. play areas

e. a kitchen system to facilitate

mass customization

The layout strategy that deals e

with low-volume, high-variety
production is

a. fixed-position layout

b. retail layout

c. warehouse layout

d. office layout

e. none of the above

"A special arrangement of d

machinery and equipment to
focus on production of a single
product or group of related
products" describes what
layout type?

a. fixed-position layout

b. intermittent production

c. focused factory

d. work cell

e. warehouse layout
Chapter 9 6/33
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A good layout requires e


a. material handling

b. capacity and space


c. environment and aesthetics

d. cost of moving between

various work areas

e. all of the above

The fixed-position layout d

would be most appropriate in
which of the following

a. a fast-food restaurant

b. a doctor's office

c. a casual dining restaurant

d. a cruise ship assembly


e. none of the above

For which of the following c

operations would a fixed-
position layout be most
appropriate? a. assembling

b. producing TV sets

c. constructing a highway
tunnel or bridge

d. refining of crude oil

e. running an insurance agency

Chapter 9 7/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Because the fixed-position d

layout problem is so difficult to
solve on-site, operations

a. virtually never employ this

layout strategy

b. utilize this approach only for

construction projects such as
bridges and office towers

c. increase the size of the site

d. often complete as much of

the project as possible off-site

e. utilize this layout only for

defense contractors

One factor impacting the d

fixed-position layout strategy is

a. minimizing difficulties caused

by material flow varying with
each product

b. requiring frequent contact

close to one another

c. the provision of low-cost

storage with low-cost material

d. the movement of material to

the limited storage areas
around the site

e. balancing product flow from

one work station to the next

Chapter 9 8/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

The type of layout which a

features departments or other
functional groupings in which
similar activities are performed

a. process-oriented

b. product-oriented

c. fixed-position

d. mass production

e. unit production

One of the major advantages c

of process-oriented layouts is

a. high equipment utilization

b. large work-in-process

c. flexibility in equipment and

labor assignment

d. smooth and continuous flow

of work

e. none of the above

The main issue in designing b

process layouts concerns the
relative positioning of

a. safety devices

b. departments

c. raw materials

d. entrances, loading docks,


e. supervisors to their

Chapter 9 9/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is not d

an information requirement for
solving a load-distance

a. a list of departments or work


b. a projection of work flows

between the work centers

c. the distance between


d. a list of product cycle times

e. the cost per unit of distance

to move loads

The major problem addressed d

by the process-oriented layout
strategy is

a. the movement of material to

the limited storage areas
around the site

b. requiring frequent contact

close to one another

c. the provision of low-cost

storage with low-cost material

d. minimizing difficulties
caused by material flow
varying with each product

e. balancing product flow from

one work station to the next

Chapter 9 10/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

The most common tactic d

followed in process-layout
planning is to arrange
departments or work centers
so they

a. minimize the cost of skilled


b. maximize the machine


c. allocate the available space

equally to all the departments

d. minimize the costs of

material handling

e. none of the above

Which type of layout is c

specifically designed to
encourage employees to

a. warehouse

b. job shop

c. open office

d. retail

e. repetitive/continuous

Chapter 9 11/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is true b

for process layouts, but false
for product-oriented layouts?

a. low in-process inventories

b. flexibility in equipment and

labor assignments

c. low variety of products

d. high volume of output

e. often solved by assembly

line balancing

A big advantage of a process- a

oriented layout is

a. its flexibility in equipment

and labor assignments

b. its low cost

c. the simplified scheduling

problem presented by this
layout strategy

d. the ability to employ low-

skilled labor

e. its high equipment utilization

Chapter 9 12/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

One disadvantage of process- e

oriented layouts arises from

a. the use of special purpose


b. machine maintenance, which

tends to seriously degrade the
capacity of the entire system

c. the use of specialized

material handling equipment

d. the need for stable demand

e. the use of the general

purpose machines and

The typical goal used when b

developing a process-oriented
layout strategy is to

a. minimize the distance

between adjacent departments
b. minimize the material
handling costs

c. maximize the number of

different tasks which can be
performed by an individual

d. minimize the level of

operator skill necessary

e. maximize job specialization

Chapter 9 13/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is true a

of a focused factory?

a. It may be focused in ways

other than by product or

b. It may be focused only by

processing requirements.

c. It is much like a product

facility within an otherwise
process facility.

d. All of the above are true.

e. None of the above is true.

In the Office Relationship a

Chart, which rating reflects the
highest importance for two
departments' closeness to
each other?

a. A

b. E

c. I

d. O

e. X

Chapter 9 14/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the statements below a

best describes office layout?

a. groups workers, their

equipment, and spaces/offices
to provide for movement of

b. addresses the layout

requirements of large, bulky
projects such as ships and

c. seeks the best personnel

and machine utilization in
repetitive or continuous

d. allocates shelf space and

responds to customer behavior

e. deals with low-volume, high-

variety production

Which of the following d

constitutes a major trend
influencing office layouts?

a. downsizing

b. globalization

c. environmental issues

d. off-site employees

e. health issues

Chapter 9 15/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following does c

not support the retail layout
objective of maximizing
customer exposure to

a. locate high-draw items

around the periphery of the

b. use prominent locations for

high-impulse and high-margin

c. maximize exposure to
expensive items

d. use end-aisle locations

e. convey the store's mission

with the careful positioning of
the lead-off department

Ambient conditions, spatial d

layout and functionality, and
signs, symbols, and artifacts
are all

a. indicators of imbalance on
an assembly line

b. indicators that cross-docking

has been successful

c. elements of customization in
a warehouse layout

d. elements of servicescapes

e. elements of successful office


Chapter 9 16/33
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Balancing low-cost storage e

with low-cost material handling
is important in a(n)

a. fixed-position layout

b. process-oriented layout

c. office layout

d. repetitive and product-

oriented layout

e. warehouse layout

Which of the following requires e

an information system that
provides inbound product
identification, its destination,
and routing of the product to
the designated outbound

a. phantom-docking

b. random stocking


d. customizing

e. cross-docking

Chapter 9 17/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

The major problem addressed c

by the warehouse layout
strategy is

a. minimizing difficulties caused

by material flow varying with
each product

b. requiring frequent contact

close to one another

c. addressing trade-offs
between space and material

d. balancing product flow from

one work station to the next

e. none of the above

The concept of customizing in d

a warehouse layout

a. is possible, but causes

serious loss of oversight of the
quality function
b. cannot be considered
seriously in today's high
efficiency factories

c. is theoretically sound, but

several years away in practice
d. is a new trend in value-
added activities in warehouses

e. none of the above

Chapter 9 18/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which one of the following is c

not common to repetitive and
product-oriented layouts?

a. a high rate of output

b. specialization of labor
c. ability to adjust to changes in

d. low unit costs

e. All are common to product-

oriented layouts.

Which of the following is not b

an advantage of work cells?

a. reduced direct labor cost

b. decreased use of equipment

and machinery

c. heightened sense of
employee participation

d. reduced raw material and

finished goods inventory

e. reduced investment in
machinery and equipment

Balancing a work cell is done

a. before the work cell
equipment is sequenced

b. as part of the process of

building an efficient work cell

c. before takt time is calculated

d. so that each assembly line

workstation has exactly the
same amount of work

e. to minimize the total

movement in a process layout
Chapter 9 19/33
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Takt time is
a. the total work time available
divided by units required by
the consumer

b. the units required divided by

workers required

c. a fictional time increment

similar to a therblig

d. the same thing as cycle time

in a process layout

e. an important consideration
in balancing an assembly line

A process layout problem d

consists of 4 departments,
each of which can be assigned
to one of four rooms. The
number of different solutions
to this problem is _____, although
not all of them may have
different material handling

a. 1

b. 4

c. 16

d. 24

e. unknown

Chapter 9 20/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Solving a load-distance a
problem for a process-
oriented layout requires that

a. the difficulty of movement

be the same for all possible

b. pickup and setdown costs

vary from department to

c. the cost to move a load be

the same for all possible paths

d. takt time be less than 1

e. CRAFT software examine all

possible department

Which of the following layouts b

generally has the best machine

a. fixed-position layout

b. repetitive and product-

oriented layout

c. process-oriented layout

d. office layout

e. warehouse layout

Chapter 9 21/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is not b

one of the requirements of
cellular production?

a. test (poka-yoke) at each

station in the cell

b. adequate volume for high

equipment utilization

c. a high level of training,

flexibility, and empowerment
of employees

d. being self-contained, with its

own equipment and resources

e. identification of families of
products, often through the
use of group technology

The assumption of stability of b

demand is important for
justifying which of the
following layout types?

a. fixed-position layout

b. product-oriented layout

c. process-oriented layout

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

Which layout type assumes an a

adequate volume for high
equipment utilization?

a. product-oriented layout

b. process-oriented layout

c. fixed-position layout

d. retail layout

e. warehouse 9
layout 22/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

A product-oriented layout b
would be most appropriate for
which one of the following

a. fast food
b. steel-making

c. insurance sales

d. clothing alterations
e. a grocery store

The assumptions necessary for c

a successful product layout
include all of the following

a. adequate volume for high

equipment utilization

b. standardized product

c. volatile product demand

d. All of the above are

appropriate assumptions.

e. None of the above is an

appropriate assumption.

Which of these layouts is most d

suitable for processing sugar
from sugar beets or sugar

a. process-oriented layout

b. fixed-position layout

c. focused factory

d. product-oriented layout

e. work cell layout

Chapter 9 23/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is true d

regarding fabrication lines?

a. They are the same thing as

assembly lines.

b. They are the same thing as

focused factories.

c. They are a special type of

process-oriented layout.

d. Balancing their assembly line

is more technological than
worker oriented.

e. None of the above is true.

The central problem in e

product-oriented layout
planning is

a. minimizing material handling

within workstations

b. minimizing labor movement

between workstations

c. equalizing the space

allocated to the different

d. maximizing equipment

e. minimizing the imbalance in

the work loads among

Chapter 9 24/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

A disadvantage of product- d
oriented layout is that

a. there is a lack of flexibility in

handling a variety of products
or production rates

b. high volume is required

because of the large
investment needed to set up
the process

c. work stoppage at any one

point ties up the whole

d. All of the above are

disadvantages of product-
oriented layouts.

e. None of the above is a

disadvantage of product-
oriented layouts.

The main advantage of a e

product-oriented layout is

a. low raw material cost

b. employability of highly
skilled labor

c. high flexibility

d. low capital cost

e. low variable cost per unit

Chapter 9 25/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

In a product-oriented layout, d
the process of deciding how to
assign tasks to workstations is
referred to as

a. station balancing

b. process balancing

c. task allocation

d. line balancing

e. work allocation

In assembly line balancing, the d

minimum number of
workstations is

a. the ratio of the sum of all

task times to cycle time

b. always (when a fraction)

rounded upward to the next
larger integer value c. not
always possible to reach when
tasks are actually assigned to
stations d. all of the above

e. none of the above

Chapter 9 26/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

In assembly line balancing, b

cycle time (the ratio of
available production time to
scheduled production) is the

a. minimum time that a product

is allowed at each workstation

b. maximum time that a product

is allowed at each workstation

c. optimum time that a product

is allowed at each workstation

d. desired cycle time that a

product is allowed at each

e. all of the above

A production line is to be b
designed to make 500 El-More
dolls per day. Each doll
requires 11 activities totaling 16
minutes of work. The factory
operates 750 minutes per day.
The cycle time for this
assembly line is

a. one-half minute

b. one and one-half minutes

c. two minutes

d. 5,500 minutes

e. cannot be determined from

the information given

Chapter 9 27/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

A production line is to be c
designed for a job with four
tasks. The task times are 2.4
minutes, 1.4 minutes, 0.9
minutes, and 1.7 minutes. The
maximum cycle time is ______
and the minimum cycle time is
______ minutes.

a. 1.8; 1.4

b. 1.6; 0.9

c. 6.4; 2.4

d. 2.4; 0.9

e. none of these

Cycle time is computed as

a. desired output divided by
the daily operating time

b. daily operating time divided

by the product of desired
output and the sum of job

c. the product of desired

output and the sum of job
times divided by daily
operating time

d. daily operating time divided

by the scheduled output

e. 1.00 minus station time

Chapter 9 28/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Daily capacity of a product a

layout is determined by

a. operating time divided by

cycle time

b. cycle time divided by

operating time

c. operating time divided by

total task time

d. total task time divided by

cycle time

e. cycle time divided by total

task time

Four hundred and eighty a

minutes of production time are
available per day. Scheduled
production is 120 units per day.
What is the cycle time?

a. 4 minutes

b. 5 minutes

c. 6 minutes

d. 7 minutes

e. 8 minutes

Chapter 9 29/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

A production line is to be c
designed for a product whose
completion requires 21 minutes
of work. The factory works 400
minutes per day. Can an
assembly line with five
workstations make 100 units
per day?

a. yes, with exactly 100 minutes

to spare

b. no, but four workstations

would be sufficient

c. no, it will fall short even with

a perfectly balanced line

d. yes, but the line's efficiency

is very low
e. cannot be determined from
the information given

Four hundred and eighty d

minutes of production time are
available per day. The schedule
calls for the production of 80
units per day. Each unit of the
product requires 30 minutes of
work. What is the theoretical
minimum number of

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. 6

Chapter 9 30/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is not a c

heuristic rule for assigning
tasks to workstations in a
product layout?

a. longest tasks first

b. in order of most number of

following tasks

c. median tasks first

d. shortest tasks first

e. in accordance with
positional weight

If a layout problem is solved by e

use of "heuristics," this means

a. there was no other way to

solve the problem

b. no computer software was


c. the problem has only a few

alternatives to evaluate

d. no optimum solution exists

e. a "satisfactory" solution is

Chapter 9 31/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

Which of the following is a d

common heuristic for assembly
line balancing?

a. debits near the windows,

credits near the door

b. manufacturers locate near

materials, retailers locate near

c. earliest due date first

d. ranked positional weight

e. none of the above

An assembly line consists of 21 c

tasks grouped into 5
workstations. The sum of the 21
task times is 85 minutes. Cycle
time for the line is 20 minutes.
The efficiency of this line is

a. 4.2 percent

b. 17 percent

c. 85 percent

d. 100 percent

e. none of the above

Chapter 9 32/33
16:36, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9 | Quizlet

An assembly line consists of c

158 tasks grouped into 32
workstations. The sum of all
task times is 105 minutes. Cycle
time for the line is 4 minutes.
The efficiency of this line is

a. 8 percent

b. 21 percent

c. 82 percent

d. 100 percent

e. none of the above 33/33
10:58, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9: Layout Strategies | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Chapter 9: Layout Strategies

Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (25)

The major problem addressed minimizing difficulties caused by material flow

by the process-oriented layout variability for each product
strategy is __________.

ASRS stands for __________. automated storage and retrieval system

Groups workers, their equipment, and

Which of the statements below
spaces/offices to provide for movement of
best describes office layout?

The fixed-position layout A cruise ship assembly facility

would be most appropriate in
which of the following

Which of the following requires Cross-docking

an information system that
provides inbound product
identification, its destination,
and routing of the product to
the designed outbound

Chapter 9: Layout Strategies 1/4
10:58, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9: Layout Strategies | Quizlet

For which of the following Constructing a highway tunnel or bridge

operations would a fixed-
position layout be most

What is the primary reason why This arrangement will help to maximize customer
retailers tend to locate high- exposure to other items in the store.
draw items around the
periphery of the store?

Balancing low-cost storage a warehouse layout

with low-cost material handling
is important to __________.

All of the following are true of Slotting fees are charged by retailers to promote a
slotting fees except: product.

Retail layouts thrive on the maximizing customer exposure rate maximizes sales
notion that __________. and profit

The main goal of retail layout is maximizing profitability per square foot of floor
__________. space

Four hundred and eighty 5

minutes of production time are
available per day. The schedule
calls for the production of 80
units per day. Each unit of the
product requires 30 minutes of
work. What is the theoretical
minimum number of

Chapter 9: Layout Strategies 2/4
10:58, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9: Layout Strategies | Quizlet

Which of the following is not Takt times at workstations are dynamic

one of the factors complicating
the techniques for addressing
the fixed-position layout?

Which of the following is not Decreased use of equipment and machinery

an advantage of work cells?

The concept of customizing in is a new trend in value-added activities in

a warehouse layout __________. warehouses

Ambient conditions, spatial elements of successful servicescapes

layout and functionality, and
signs, symbols, and artifacts
are all __________.

One disadvantage of process- the use of general purpose machines and

oriented layouts arises from equipment

The objective of layout develop an effective and efficient layout that will
strategy is to __________. meet the firm's competitive requirements

A production line is to be 1.5 minutes

designed to make 500 El-More
dolls per day. Each doll
requires 11 activities totaling 16
minutes of work. The factor
operates 750 minutes per day.
The required cycle time for this
assembly line is __________.

Chapter 9: Layout Strategies 3/4
10:58, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Chapter 9: Layout Strategies | Quizlet

The main advantage of a low variable cost per unit

product-oriented layout is
typically __________.

In assembly line-balancing, maximum time that a product is allowed at each

cycle time (the ratio of workstation
available production time to
scheduled production) is the

Four hundred and eighty 4

minutes of production time are
available per day. Scheduled
production is 120 units per day.
What is the required cycle

Which layout type assumes an Product-oriented layout

adequate volume for high
equipment utilization?

Which of the following is true Flexibility in equipment and labor assignments

for the process layouts, but
false for the product-oriented

The type of layout which process-oriented

features departments or other
functional groupings in which
similar activities are performed
is __________. 4/4
16:48, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Exam 1 | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Exam 1
Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (27)

The set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and
Operations Management
services by transforming inputs into outputs

All organizations, including service firms True

such as banks and hospitals, have
production function

Operations management is the set of True

activities that creates value in the form of
goods and services by transforming
inputs into outputs

Operations management is applicable: To all firms, whether manufacturing or service

Which of the following are the primary Marketing, production/operations, and finance/accounting
functions of all organizations?

Which of the following would NOT be an Auditing

operations function in a commercial

The marketing function is concerned Generating the demand for the organization's products or services

The purchasing function is concerned Producing materials, supplies, and equipment


The finance function is concerned with: Securing monetary resources

Exam 1 1/3
16:48, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Exam 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following tasks within an Crew scheduling

airline company are related to

Competition in the 21st century is no True

longer between companies; it is
between supply chains

An accounting firm that provides tax True

services for a company would be
considered to be part of that company's
supply chain

-A costly part of the enterprise

Reasons to study operations -How goods and services are produced

management include learning about: -How people organize themselves for productive enterprise

-What operations managers do

All of the following decisions fall within Creating the company income statement
the scope of operations management

Even though a firm may have a low cost False

strategy, supply-chain strategy can
select suppliers primarily on response or

The supply chain for a brewery would False

include raw ingredients such as hops
and barley but not the manufactured
goods such as bottles and cans

A firm that employs a response strategy False

should minimize inventory throughout
the supply chain

Supply chain decisions are not generally False

strategic in nature, because purchasing
is not a large expense for most firms

Exam 1 2/3
16:48, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Exam 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following would NOT Landscaping Contractors

typically be considered as part of a
manufacturing firm's supply chain?

In most manufacturing industries, which Purchasing

of the following would likely represent
the largest cost to the firm?

The new model of a tight, fast, low- False

inventory supply chain, operating across
political and cultural boundaries, has
reduced the overall level of supply chain

Consider a firm with an annual net 12.50

income of $20 million, revenue of $60
million and COGS for $25 million. If the
balance sheet amounts show $2 million
of inventory and $500,000 of property,
plant & equipment, what is the inventory

Consider a firm with an annual net 4.16

income of $20 million, revenue of $60
million and COGS for $25 million. If the
balance sheet amounts show $2 million
of inventory and $500,000 of property,
plant & equipment, how many weeks of
supply does the firm hold?

A supply chain ends with A satisfied customer

The advantage of having few suppliers is Form a long-term relationship


The advantage of having many potential Offer lower prices in the short term
suppliers is their willingness to

Labor Cost Per Unit Labor Cost Per Day / Production(units per day) 3/3
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Học phần, sách giáo khoa, câu hỏi Nâng cấp: dùng th...

Production/Operations Management: Test 1

Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (42)

Operations management is E) to all firms, whether manufacturing or service


A) mostly to the manufacturing


B) mostly to the service sector.

C) to the manufacturing sector


D) to services exclusively.

E) to all firms, whether

manufacturing or service

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 1/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following are the C) marketing, production/operations, and

primary functions of all finance/accounting

A) sales, quality control, and


B) production/operations,
marketing, and human

C) marketing,
production/operations, and

D) marketing, human
resources, and

E) research and development,

finance/accounting, and

What is a global network of D) supply chain

organizations and activities that
supply a firm with goods and

A) vendor network

B) supply tree

C) provider network

D) supply chain

E) vendor tree

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 2/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following is NOT A) pricing

an element of the management

A) pricing

B) controlling

C) leading

D) staffing

E) Planning

Which of the following are C) I, II, III

among the 10 strategic
operations management

I. design of goods and services

II. managing quality

III. layout strategy

IV. marketing

V. pricing of goods and



B) I, II, IV


D) I, II, V

E) All of the above

Henry Ford is noted for his D) assembly line operations.

contributions to:

A) material requirements

B) statistical quality control.

C) time and motion studies.

D) assembly line operations.

E) scientific management

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 3/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following C) production and consumption occur

attributes is most typical of a simultaneously

A) easy to automate

B) mass production

C) production and
consumption occur

D) tangible

E) consistency

Productivity measurement is B) the fact that precise units of measure are often
complicated by:
A) stable quality.

B) the fact that precise units of

measure are often unavailable.

C) the workforce size.

D) the competition's output.

E) the type of equipment used.

Three commonly used C) labor, capital, and management.

productivity variables are:

A) education, diet, and social


B) quality, efficiency, and low


C) labor, capital, and


D) quality, external elements,

and precise units of measure.

E) technology, raw materials,

and labor.

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 4/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the three commonly management (52% of the increase in productivity

used productivity variables each year)
makes the MOST difference in
terms of productivity?

The service sector has lower B) services usually are labor-intensive.

productivity improvements
than the manufacturing sector

A) service sector productivity

is hard to measure.

B) services usually are labor-


C) the service sector uses less

skilled labor than

D) the quality of output is lower

in services than manufacturing.

E) the service sector is often

easy to mechanize and

Cost cutting in international E) All of the above

operations can take place
because of:

A) lower wage scales.

B) lower taxes and tariffs.

C) lower indirect costs.

D) less stringent regulations.

E) all of the above.

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 5/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Which of the following is LEAST E) effective capacity use

likely to be a low-cost
leadership competitive

A) broad product line

B) inventory management

C) mass production
D) low overhead

E) effective capacity use

Which of the following B) KSFs are often necessary, but not sufficient for
statements is most correct?
competitive advantage.
A) KSFs are both necessary
and sufficient for competitive

B) KSFs are often necessary,

but not sufficient for
competitive advantage.

C) KSFs are often sufficient, but

not necessary for competitive

D) KSFs are neither necessary

nor sufficient for competitive

E) None of the above

statements is correct.

Outsourcing is simply an E) subcontracting.

extension of the long-standing
practice of:

A) exporting.

B) e-procurement.

C) importing.

D) postponement.

E) subcontracting. Management: Test 1 6/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

A SWOT analysis determines:

B) internal strengths and weaknesses and external
A) internal strengths and opportunities and threats.
weaknesses and internal
opportunities and threats.

B) internal strengths and

weaknesses and external
opportunities and threats.

C) external strengths and

weaknesses and external
opportunities and threats.

D) internal strengths and

opportunities and external
weaknesses and threats.

E) external strengths and

weaknesses and internal
opportunities and threats.

Porter's Five Forces Model is A) immediate rivals, potential entrants, customers,

used to evaluate competition suppliers, and substitute products
based on which 5 aspects?

A) immediate rivals, potential

entrants, customers, suppliers,
and substitute products

B) potential entrants,
customers, suppliers, legal
regulations, and cost

C) research and development,

cost, legal regulations,
suppliers, customers

D) cost, legal regulations,

advertising effectiveness,
potential entrants, and
immediate rivals

E) immediate rivals, potential

entrants, cost, substitute
products, and legal regulations Management: Test 1 7/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Given the position of the 3D A) cost cutting

printer in the growth stage of
its life cycle, which of the
following OM Strategy/Issues
should the makers of 3D
printers be least concerned
with at the current time?

A) cost cutting

B) enhancing distribution

C) increasing capacity

D) forecasting

E) product and process


Which of the following E) all of the above

represents a reason for
globalizing operations?

A) to improve the supply chain

B) to expand a product's life


C) to attract and retain global


D) to improve operations

E) all of the above

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 8/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

The fundamental purpose of an E) define the organization's purpose in society.

organization's mission
statement is to:

A) define the functional areas

required by the organization.

B) create a good human

relations climate in the

C) generate good public

relations for the organization.

D) define the operational

structure of the organization.

E) define the organization's

purpose in society.

According to the authors, B) differentiation, cost leadership, and response

which of the following strategic
concepts allow firms to
achieve their missions?

A) productivity, efficiency, and

quality leadership

B) differentiation, cost
leadership, and response

C) differentiation, distinctive
competency, quality
leadership, and capacity

D) differentiation, quality
leadership, and response

E) distinctive competency, cost

leadership, and experience

What is production? The creation of goods and services.

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 9/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

Operations management (OM) is the set of activities

What is Operations that create value in the form of goods and services
Management (OM)? by transforming inputs into outputs.

(1) Marketing - generates demand

What are the three essential (2) Production/operations - creates the product

functions of every company? (3) Finance/accounting - tracks how well the

organization is doing, pays bills, collects the money

The supply chain is a global network of

What is the supply chain? organizations and activities that supply a firm with
goods and services.

Members of the supply chain (1) customer satisfaction, efficiency, and competitive
collaborate to achieve high advantage
levels of (1), (1) and (1).

1) planning

What are the basic 2) organizing

management functions of OM 3) staffing

managers? 4) leading

5) controlling

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 10/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are the 10 strategic What are the 10 strategic decisions in

decisions in Production/Operations Management?

Production/Operations 1) Design of goods and services

2) Managing quality

1) Design of .... and ....

3) Process and capacity design

2) Managing ....
4) Location strategy

3) .... and .... design

5) Layout strategy

4) .... strategy
6) Human resources and job design

5) .... strategy
7) Supply-chain management

6) Human .... and .... design

8) Inventory management

7) .... management
9) Scheduling

8) .... management
10) Maintenance
9) ....

10) ....

What is Deming known for? Quality Control

Products are (1) and services Products are tangible and services are intangible.
are (2).

Products are typically neither Products are typically neither purely service- or
purely .... or purely .... based. purely goods-based.

Production is a measure of .... Production is a measure of output only and not a

only and not a measure of ..... measure of efficiency.

Productivity is the ratio of outputs (goods and

Productivity is the ratio of ....
services) divided by the inputs (resources such as
divided by the .....
labor and capital).

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 11/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

We already stated that Labor = 10% of the increase in productivity per year

management is responsible for Capital = 38% of the increase in productivity per

52% of the increase in year
productivity per year. What
about labor and capital?

What is the simple formula for Productivity = units produced/inputs used


Single-factor productivity (1) total factor productivity

analyzes the contribution of (2) dollars

input to output for ONE
resource input (labor, capital,
materials, etc.). An example of
an answer would be 4
units/labor-hour (1000
units/250 labor-hours).
However, if you are analyzing
multiple resource inputs at a
time, you are looking at multi-
factor productivity (AKA as (1)).
With multi-factor productivity,
output and inputs are often
expressed in (2).

Some measurement problems Some measurement problems are:

1) Quality may change while the quantity of inputs
1) .... may change while the and outputs remains constant.

quantity of inputs and outputs 2) External elements may cause an increase or

remains constant.
decrease in productivity

2) .... may cause an increase or 3) Precise units of measure may be lacking (as is
decrease in productivity
often the case in service markets)
3) .... may be lacking (as is often
the case in service markets)
Production/Operations Management: Test 1 12/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are the three productivity Labor, Capital, and Management


Key Variables for Improved Key Variables for Improved Labor Productivity

Labor Productivity
1) Basic education appropriate for the labor force

1) .... appropriate for the labor 2) Diet of the labor force

3) Social overhead that makes labor available. The
2) .... of the labor force
challenge is in maintaining and enhancing skills in
3) .... that makes labor available. the midst of rapidly changing technology and
The challenge is in maintaining knowledge.
and enhancing skills in the
midst of rapidly changing
technology and knowledge.

Productivity and the Service Productivity and the Service Sector

1) Typically labor intensive

1) Typically .... intensive

2) Frequently focused on unique individual
2) Frequently focused on attributes or desires

unique individual .... or ....

3) Often an intellectual task performed by
3) Often an .... performed by professionals

4) Often difficult to mechanize and automate

4) Often difficult to .... and ....

5) Often difficult to evaluate for quality
5) Often difficult to .... for

What are some of the new What are some of the new challenges in OM?

challenges in OM?
Global focus

.... focus
Supply-chain partnering

.... partnering

Rapid product development

.... development
Mass customization

.... customization
Just-in-time performance

.... performance
Empowered employees
.... employees

Production/Operations Management: Test 1 13/14
16:41, 11/03/2022 Thẻ ghi nhớ: Production/Operations Management: Test 1 | Quizlet

What are 6 reasons that What are 6 reasons that companies globalize?

companies globalize?
1) Improve the supply chain

1) Improve the ....

2) Reduce costs (labor, taxes, tariffs, etc)

2) Reduce ....
3) Improve operations

3) Improve ....
4) Understand markets

4) Understand ....
5) Improve products

5) Improve .... 6) Attract and retain global talent

6) Attract and retain .... 14/14

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