Field Study Answers

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- It is consists of dashboards,organizational charts, improvememt projects,school awards,tables,chairs

and smart tv. Cleanliness was observed.

- Has separate room with table and chairs for the librarian. Books were arranged per subject as well as
per year level.

- Cleanliness can be observed,well-ventilated and has tables and chairs

- Has parallel lines of tables and chairs. There are also benches outside the cafeteria

- It lacks space,there are tables,chairs, empty cabinet and one comfort room. It is dirty and dusty.

- It is a small room with some desk and chairs and pile of papers inside

- Tools and equipments were kept in cabinets with its labels and names. lacks space as well

- It is spacious. It has a big stage painted artistically. And it has benches that can load hundreds of

- It is dusty and messy

- There are 5 public comfort room for boys and girls. Its dirty . There are also 2 gender neutral restroom
for teachers and students/guests ,painted beautifully

- Cleanliness can be observed,computers were organized,well lighted and well ventilated.

observation report

Sablayan National Comprehensive HighSchool

Sto. Niño Sablayan Occidental Mindoro

November 16,2021

Before the observation,we were given a learners guide to review and be knowledgable about the course
description. It is stated that this course was designed to help us,future educators in our field study.
Furthermore,this course would require us to recognize feasible approaches in learning in consideration
of learners development and social environment. Also, the target of our observation is to be competent
in determining a school environment that provide social,psychological, and physical environment
supportive of learning.

During the observation,we move around our cooperating school(SABNAHIS) . We went to different areas
and facilities of the school. We are tasked to check if the facilities were available or not and give a brief
description about it,if ever it is available. And as we finish moving around,we found out that alk of the
facilities were available except for the Audio Visula/media Center, Speech laboratory,and the
in conclusion,generally,I would say that SABNAHIS can provide the social,psychological and physical
environment conducive to learning. There maybe some with negative comments or descriptions about
some facilities present in the school but as a whole observation,this school is worth recommended to
learners and parents because it may surely provide different aspects that every learner need.

- there are paintings displayed as well as the year and section of the room

- the teachers table is located in the front,in the right side,near the balckboard

- the learners desk were arranged orderly. Each were labeled by the students surnames and were
arranged alphabetically

- the blacboard is wide and is located,of course at the front of the classroom

- today, students use modules as their learning materials, modules were arranged in students desks

- there is no teachers stand

- there are four ceiling fans, one in every phases of the room

- it is well lighted

- no bookshelves but has lockers and cabinets

- there is no shoe rack observed

observation report

ON the same day we observed the facilities of the school,we also observed the classroom favilities.
likewise, we were tasked to give a specific description of classroom facilities present. All in all, most of
the facilities were observed.

I therfore concluded that the classroom we observed,specifically STE Grade 8 Charles Darwin and STE 8
Grade 8 Gregor Mendel,was a classroom that would give a positive impact to the learning of the
students. The facilities were in good condition and organization can be observed.

- The school and classroom in particular impact the learning of the students through the things they see
and experience as they stay there. I conclude that a schoolor classroom that provides whatever the
student needs,is aschool that is conducive to learning

- Well, school is our second home,it is the students second home. the development of the students
depend on what we embrace in school. everything around us may affect how we learn and how we
adapt things. so basically,our leaning environment affects our learning and development in difderent
aspects. and as future educators, we are responsible to make sure student will achieve the classroom
that is conducive to learning.


-yes. I would like to teach in the school environment Ive just observe because generally, it provides
everything the students and teachers needs in teaching and learning.

- A campusl environment that provides social,psychological,and physical environment conducive to

learnin is a school that gives student's needs in different aspects.In addition, a school environment
conducive for learning is an environment that encourages participating and learning, as well as positive
social interactions.

-A classroom conducive to learning is a classroom that provides comfotability to students. It is important

to have a physcial environment that will give studebts the satisfaction socially, psychologically, and

- By giving them a classroom conducive to learning. I will make sure I will meet the students needs in

- Well, this activity or observation reminded me that the schooll environment and classroom
environment have great impact in the learning of the students. When I was in elementary and
highschool,it didnt crossed my mind,maybe it might,only once or twice . but this course made me
realized that our learning environment affects a lot to our learnings. It is important to make every
student comfortable and always make sure to provide a school and a classroom conducive to learning.

episode 2.

pre school

- Loves to move around. They are clumsy and impulsive at times.

They write slowly and draw creatively

Can do things on their own but not accurately or properly.

- cooperate with teachers and interacts without hesitation

They are friendly and wants to play with friends

They love to do physical activities

- theybare active,happy,they get easily mad and cries

They cant wait patiently and are always in a hurry

They cant still handle or control their emotions

- They actively communicate and speak in a friendly manner but not yet fluent in speaking.

They thinkthat what they do is always right and love asking questions to their teachers.


- Energetic and active but sometimes walk carelessly

They can write legibly and correctly and able to read words well

Can do things without the assistance of others

-Interacts with confidence

Politely talks to their teacher

- Shifting of moods but here,they learn to trust others

Can Slighty control emotions

- can communicate either in vernacular or English

They try to solve problems on their own


- move appropriately to their age

Can write more legibly and can ready properly

Can do task without the help of others

-They interact in a friendly manner and with respect to their teacher

They easily get along with other and love to have fun with classmates

- they show a lot of expressions and are moody at times

They can control their feelings specially when they have company. They can also speak freely .

- Can communicate either in vernaculae but most of the time tagalog and English

They have thinking skills to compete with others


At this age range,students are still in tje transition stage from elementary to higjschool. They may be
hyper and active..And mughtbbe interested in activities with peers or with groups.


Teacher should acknowledge the adjustment of the students to their new environment and provide
activities that will catch and meet their intersts.

- Yes . I did recall my own experinceswhen I was on their age. When I was in pre school,I really love
physical activities,I love dancing,I love singing and I do ask a lot of questions to my teachers and to my
mother as well. When I was in elementary,I can write and read properly. I even join academic activities
and oral reading that time. I also learn to do things on my own. When I was in highschool, there are
some changes in me. I lose my confidence,I do have friends,I do good in my exams and quizzes but I lose
the confidence in facing the crowd. It makes me nervous all the time. Also,I learned to challenge myself
to do things or do problem sloving and think critically.

- I really cant and wont forget my senior highschool teacher,Ms. Janina Joy Undong. She is an excellent
teacher. I really love how she execute her teachings. She made me realize a lot of things. She helpes me
with my needs,emotionally socially and cognitively through the way she taught us. She can make
everything or every situation be a life lesson. It affect me in a way that I learn to think outside the box in
some situations. She made me realize that decisions are very importang in everything we do. our
decision is our future,indeed. Sending my sincere gratitude to her:)

- My favorite theory of development is the Psychosocial Development of Erik Erikson which shows the
stages and psychosocial crisis that every individual may face as they they grow up. This would guide me
as a future teacher by knowing the conflicts a certain age might face. Lets say for example,I am a future
secondary teacger, so obviously I would teacher at the age range of 12-18 years old. Considering this
theory of Erik Erikson,those age range is at adolescence whom facing identity vs. role confusion. In this
case, as a future educator,I maybe able to observe the students and hopefully come up with an effective
implication regarding the matter.
- There are different characteristics and needs from different developmental levels of learners. We as
future educators must be aware on these differences for us to meet the needs of every learner. We or I
need to be flexible as possible.

episode 4.

Ivy Mae Fajardo Silva

May 12,2005

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