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the Metropolitan


THE By-line





The Life and The Unexpected
Legacy of Happening
Irena Sendler BY H. WHAPLES. The RMS
Titanic was a British passenger
liner that sank due to colliding
with a massive iceberg.

The grand Titanic ship was

thought of as a safe and enjoyable
place to be.

"Having been told that there was

no danger, and believing such to
the fact from the general conduct
BY R. BEASLEY. Imagine living as a of the passengers and such
Jew during the cold, treacherous years
officers as I saw I in that my
of WW2. With each new sunrise came
a new danger that not only threatened family remain in bed and await
your life, but the lives of your people. development - Once more
Every hour, every second was a ticking
time bomb, a race for survival. You
FIREY FLAMES OF HELL returning to the companion way I
asked our steward who was
were trapped, scared, sick- death
seemed almost imminent. But what if BY L. TEA. On May 6th, 1937, a horrific event took place in standing in there was he had heard
the icy clutches of the grim reaper Lakehurst,New Jersey, and changed the lives of many. The German - He replied the order has just
never reached you? What if, in the passenger airship, named the LZ 129 Hindenburg, caught fire while come down for all passengers to
midst of the turmoil, a rescuer put on life preservers," one of the
trying to dock. The unexpected happened.
appeared, risking her own life and
At 7:25 pm, it was raining heavily and the 235 ton airship, survivors said.
safety to make sure you slipped out of
the binds of the German Nazis alive? which was carrying 97 people on board, was attempting to land
when it burst into flames. People were frantically running for their Instead of everyone stepping out
Well, this rescuer was a real woman lives everywhere. Some even jumping off the Hindenburg while it off that ship joyfully, about one
named Irena Sendler. Let’s delve thousand, five hundred people
was consumed in red hot flames.
deeper into this fascinating woman’s
Robert Buchanan, who was a part of the ground crew, witnessed died painfully in the frigid water.
life and legacy. Irena was born on
February 10, 1910 to Dr. Stanislaw the event and remembered it vividly. He recalled sparks recklessly
Krzyzanowski, physician, and his wife, flying out of the engine and two seconds later there was a ball of No matter how safe something
Janina. She was taught from a young fire. Crimson flames blazed only one-hundred feet above him. may seem, there is always a
age to put others before her, and to care chance that it could turn into
When he saw that his life was in jeopardy, he sprinted faster than he
for those less fortunate than herself. At something harmful.
continued on page 4... continued on page 7...

A New Rubber?
BY A. VERRET. James Wright of General
Electric (New Haven, Connecticut, USA,
1943) has been placed with the task of making
a substitute for rubber.

The U.S has been cut off from Southeast Asia,

the main supplier of rubber. According to the
Lemelson-MIT website, Wright is, “…under a
government contract to create an inexpensive
substitute for synthetic rubber.”

The United States wait to see what Wright and

other companies under contract will achieve.

BY H. CARMAN. The Olympics! They sounded incredible. Athletic competition from every corner of the world
coming together to one central place: Athens, Greece. After fifteen hundred years this game, which had remained
concluded, was finally going to be resurrected in the spring of 1896. The marble stadium constructed for this
specific purpose was said to be wondrous, and the far voyage overseas combined with the stadium to make an
exhilarating feat in James Connolly's mind. After hearing about it in the newspapers, Jim could not stop thinking
about the adventure that he was sure would prove to be one in a lifetime.

James Connolly, an athlete at Harvard, lived for adventure. Athens remained a place of his dreams, where Homer's Rosa Parks stoically sitting on a bus.
Odyssey, one of his favorite books, was set. Getting to go overseas, being in a boat surrounded by water like
infinity for days, and getting to see the Rosa Parks
things Homer wrote of, not to mention by A. Brown
competing against all different nationalities
Rosa Parks amazed many of us
for a place of victory in the first modern
Olympics, all combined to capture James'
When she stood up for her rights on a bus.
imagination. Unfortunately though, not Refused to give up her seat as she sat
many people got to go and there was Knowing her life might be attacked.
seemingly an unending mound of troubles Although justice wasn’t over
standing in his way. Although an
She taught us to stand out
impossible dream for Jim, with his drive
for adventure against all odds, he was sure
Even when I doubt.
to win.

Sure enough, his first challenge came

immediately. The Olympics would take eight weeks, including travel time, putting him in a predicament for
schooling. Would Harvard teachers just let him take an eight week leave? He boldly requested for a leave of
absence, totaling eight weeks. The chairman, shocked by the request, hesitantly asked him if it was truly what he
wanted to do. After Connolly's confident answer, he told James that he could not grant him his request, but to
resign and after coming back from the Olympics, he would consider re-entering him after application. James
replied that he would not be resigning and not re-entering. He was through with Harvard, never coming back for

So off he went to begin his travels. After easily being entered into the competition by the Suffolk Club in his
hometown, he set off, but not without injuring himself first. Two days before setting of to sail he strained his
back, basically making himself immobile. He feared that with his newly acquired limitation he would be
Tree bark up close.
incapable of competing. Although devastated by the fact that everything he had been working toward might be
ruined because of an untimely injury, he found comfort in the remembrance that even if he did not get to
challenge the other nations, he would still get to see all the beautiful sights, travel to the places Homer wrote of
Tree Bark
and watch the games. Most importantly though, he would have an adventure that he would remember the rest of by A. Verret
his life. Fortunately for him, after sitting on the sunbathed deck and watching out at the glassy sea-green ocean as
it rippled and played against the edges of the boat, his wound vanished. He felt completely healed, just as they
Being still, your detail is immense,
were coming up on their destination, Naples, which was the first stop on their way to Athens. His group from Your lichen coating as a poison,
America enjoyed walking through Naples, going to museums and aquariums and sightseeing before they took off Yet you are without harm,
on their train to the next stop. But, let the truth be the matter,
It seems to crack, like a cliff,
On the second day, James noticed something peculiar. His wallet was missing, but he did not report any missing
items to the police or hotel staff. On the third day, on the way to the train station, preparing to leave Naples, a
Making me cringe and chatter.
man unexpectedly walked up to James and pointed to him, asking another man if this was the man who had lost
it. Nodding, the man asked him if he might have misplaced something. After James told them of the lost wallet
and the money inside, the policeman told him to come to the station with him. With an urge of sudden panic,
James rapidly told them about his train to catch. He could not go somewhere with them now or he would miss his

train. The policeman urged him, telling him it was

very close. James reluctantly went with him,
keeping a close eye on the time. When they got
there, they gave him the wallet they found and by C. Rouse
told him he must stay in Naples to prosecute the
thief. Stay in Naples!!! James knew there was On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was
absolutely not possible way for him to do that. At bombed by Japan. Donal Statton, a survivor of
this rate, he was already due to miss the train. He the attack, say, "He was just firing away at all
forcefully told them in as best a translation as he
those planes. They were coming in so close. I
could that he must leave now! They repeatedly
replied that he must stay to the point that they could see the pilots as they flew by." The attack
were pinning him down. on Pearl Harbor took more than 2500 lives. Pearl
Harbor was bombed by Kamikazes instigating a
Finally, with one minute to be on the train he

Thomas Jefferson
broke away from their grasp and sprinted as fast as
possible. He did not know where the station was,
though. As he ran, a kind man showed him the by C. Rouse
way and ran with him as far as he could until he
wore out. Then, another younger man now Thomas Jefferson
knowing where he was going, helped him the rest
He was no mere congressman
of the way. He payed him two ten-lire and hoped
that he would not jip the other man who helped
The man was our 3rd president
him. The train had already left the station. James His writiings are still relevant
running speedily, raced to catch the train to He was one of the greatest thinkers
Brindisi. People from the inside yelled for him to Not to mention a great leader.
continued on page 7...
BY A. MORRIS. Back in the 1930s, there was a flight attempt from Germany to New Jersey, United
States, in which was almost a success. There was a critical failure, however in the landing of the
Hindenburg aircraft that caused the death of 13 passengers, and 22 crewman.

Before the point of failure, there were still complications. There were powerful winds driven by a
strong thunderstorm. The captain did not let this deter him from landing, even though the Hindenburg
was already running far behind schedule. The
captain decided to take the crew on a tour of the
New Jersey River and a few surrounding
properties, after which, he received word that the
storm had cleared.

With this 'all clear' message, the captain brought George Washington
by D. Dixon
the Hindenburg to the landing space located in
New Jersey. Due to the high wind forces, the
captain ordered for a high landing to be performed. George Washington was a founding father
This is known as flying moor as the aircraft would drop cables to assist the decent of the aircraft. The Who helped fight for his country’s freedom
plan was to attach the Hindenburg to the ground, and then slowly winch the aircraft down safely to the
He became the very first president
Voted by the people
Reporting on this event, is Mr. Herbert Morrison, who is watching from the ground. He witnessed the Ans served to terms for his country.
somewhat normal operation on the Hindenburg as the aircraft was preparing to be attached to the

The flying moor attempt was, unfortunately, not executed as planned, as the wind caused a great trim
differential between the bow and the stern of the aircraft. The crew attempted to correct for the
unevenness by adding weight to the front of the Hindenburg. This did not work.

Meanwhile, the backwards slope of the Hindenburg caused high pressure in certain fuel cells. This
caused a small rupture that leaked onto the hull and was ignited seemingly by static. There is a large
disagreement between witnesses about where the initial ignition occurred, however it is common
knowledge that the flame started at the back, rupturing fuel cells, traveling forward.

The initial explosion was observed by the many people on the ground, and along with the other news,
Mr. Morrison was witnessing the event, and can be heard saying the following words: "It's practically
standing still now they've dropped ropes out of the nose of the ship; and (uh) they've been taken a hold Image or AD Space
of down on the field by a number of men. It's starting to rain again; it's... the rain had (uh) slacked up
a little bit. The back motors of the ship are just holding it (uh) just enough to keep it from...It's burst
into flames! Get this, Charlie; get this, Charlie! It's fire... and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh,
my!"..." It's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. It's smoke, and it's in flames now; and the frame is Anne Sullivan
crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast. Oh, the humanity!"..."I'm sorry. Honest: I... I
by H. Carman
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can hardly breathe. I... I'm going to step inside, where I cannot see it. Charlie, that's terrible. Ah, ah... I
can't. Listen, folks; I... I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because I've lost my voice. This is the Anne Sullivan, exemplary of dedication and loyalty,
worst thing I've ever witnessed." Played a role of teacher and confidant to Helen Keller
Accompanying and aiding her to the last of her days.
Mr. Morrison was expecting a normal landing operation, and hopeful for a normal landing of the
Hindenburg. Unfortunately that did go horribly wrong, and his words can be used to see that Although being strong-willed and argumentative,
effectively. Having exceedingly adamant and firm ways,
She still faithfully maintained friendships with those
Mr. Morrison has witnessed a truly horrific event on this day. Many lives have been lost, and others dear to her.
affected greatly. Mr. Morrison will most likely never forget what he saw on this day.

BY A. BROWN. A woman sentenced to death, who is named Irena Sendler, bravely
and extraordinarily escaped her execution on the day of. When World War II broke
out, Irena Sendler. was a 29-year-old social worker, employed by the Welfare
Department of the Warsaw municipality.

Sendler joined the Zegota, an underground organization devoted to helping Jewish people
escape the Holocaust. She was under a fake name, Jolanta. She had authorized to
enter the Warsaw Ghetto. Germans feared typhus, which spread throughout the Ghettos
at the time, would spread to the soldiers. So they allowed doctors like her, to check for
the symptoms and treat it. She was elected to head the Jewish children’s section.
Irena loved helping people, and so that’s what she did! Growing up, her father
devoted himself to caring for impoverished Jews suffering from the typhus disease. She
was 7 when her father contracted the disease from his patients and passed away. He
made a deeply great impression on her. She was loving, selfless, and all she wanted
was to follow her father’s footsteps and save lives.
The Record
She pursued informal, and during the war conspiratorial activities, such as rescuing
Jews, network workers and volunteers from that department, women mostly. Irena was
by H. Whaples
trying to save children secretly and safely. But the Jews weren’t going to let that
At first glance you may just see a record.
happen. She exploited her contacts with orphanages and institutes for abandoned children,
to send Jewish children there. During the war, assistance of other social workers and The more you look the more you see.
herself, they would rescue 25 kids at one time, in the Ghetto. She managed to smuggle Yellow like the sun and ridge like shells
out and save 2500 infants and kids, to get them safe from the Nazis. But what is so special about the record?
The color, shape, size, weight?
When the Jews caught her and figured out what she had been doing, they tortured
Maybe, but the best part is the music hidden inside.
continued on page 6...
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altered the war and the lives of these Jews and their
families forever. Surely, this story will continue to
impact and inspire generations to come as they read
of this unbelievable feat which saved the lives of
thousands of young Jews.

The Heroic Ride

by L. Chandler
The heroic ride of the famous Paul Revere
to warn the militia men of the coming
British forces was not accomplished single
handedly. One man, forgotten by history is
Irena Sendler social worker
not sufficiently credited for accomplishing
continued from page 1...
even more than Revere had. The story of
age seven, Irena lost her father to typhus, thus she
and her mother continued their life on Revere’s “Midnight Right” is well known.
independently. Irena appeared to blossom into an
intelligent young woman when she pursued law Bissell is little known for his ride from
school for two years, and then Polish literature at
the University of Warsaw. Irena had quite a
Massachusetts to Philadelphia in 5 days. A Poem
The 345 mile trip normally would take over
promising life and career ahead of her. by J. Lilly
two weeks to finish. Bissell traveled
Though Irena was small, petite, and fair in securing new horses when is current horse Laying there in the bone dry dust you wait.
appearance, her personality and political opinions would tire, using this message to do so An item once cherished before held together the
were nothing of the sort. She was very outspoken – “To all the friends of American liberty be
in this area, and soon joined the Polish Socialist
life of a wandering stranger.
it know that this morning before the break Forgotten and alone you dare to show forth only
Party in 1928. She also belonged to a group of
social workers that dealt with extreme cases of of day, a brigade, consisting of about 1,000 a little beauty.
poverty amongst the Jewish community. These to 1,200 men landed at Phip’s Farm at The slight color shining bright against the brown
experiences fueled her desire to get involved with Cambridge and marched to Lexington, earth around you.
the unemployed and the deprived youth and where they found a company of our colony You lay there isolated and vulnerable in the
women of her time. Irena’s passion for helping
militia in arms, upon whom they fired ground. As you slowly chip away to nothing, you
these women and children seemed to grow and
grow over the years, and eventually they would without any provocation and killed six men wait until all your color fades away and you
peak during the heat of World War II, when the and wounded four others. By an express become one with the dust that once held you
opportunity to save lives arose. from Boston supposed to be about 1,000. prisoner.
The Bearer, (Israel Bissell), is charged to
Irena developed a secret identity. Sure, she was the
alarm the country quite to Connecticut and
intelligent, outspoken, selfless social worker who
did anything and everything she could to help all persons are desired to furnish him with
those less privileged than her, but underneath, fresh horses as they may be needed. I have
there was a woman who could change the course spoken with several persons who have seen
of history by saving countless Jews. She started the dead and wounded. Pray let the
out subtly, sneaking food, supplies, clothing, any
delegates from this colony to Connecticut
necessities she could find into the Warsaw Ghetto,
where the Germans had packed and sealed in
see this. – General Joseph Palmer”
thousands of Jewish citizens. Eventually, Irena’s
top priority was secretly transferring and Although many heroic people have been
smuggling out Jewish children and infants out of forgotten by history, Israel Bissel is one we
the Ghetto. This was a high risk crime, punishable
can remember now.
by not only Irena’s execution, but those of her
family and friends as well. But nevertheless, this
tireless woman persisted, unphased by the DEATHS
potential danger that lurked around every corner BY C. ROUSE. Yesterday afternoon
at 1 pm in the saloon of the planters'
Eventually, that danger caught up with Irena. She house Bob O' Blennis was shot and
was captured by the German Nazis who, outraged killed. Benjamin Brand said"...Now
by her crusades to rescue the Jewish youth, is the time to settle it." This phrase
proceeded to ruthlessly torture her and beat her. led to a shootout. Blennis died after 4
Nevertheless, Irena’s strength never waivered, and shots and he died 3 hours later.
she never revealed the whereabouts of the
juveniles. By the grace of God, she escaped before BY A. VERRET. Bob O’Blennis, the outlaw,
she was persecuted any further, going straight back murdered Deputy Marshall Benjamin F. Brand
to her mission. yesterday, at 1 o’clock in the Planter’s House saloon.

Aretha Franklin
O’Blennis underwent trial soon after. Brand is
By the end of WW2, Irena Sendler had saved over survived by his wife and three children.
2,500 Jewish children, and lived to tell about it.
by L. Tea
This courageous woman put her life on the line By H. WHAPLES. One evening, two men were
without a second thought and dove into the war quarrelling inside of the Planter's House saloon Aretha Franklin was a strong woman.
headfirst. Not only did she rescue these children, while standing at the bar. "I suppose you have
She was truly the queen of soul.
but she made sincere promises to their parents to something against me, and now is the time to settle
reunite them after the war ended. This promise it," said O'Blennis. After four shots fired by Nobody could take that title away from her.
took shape in the form of a list. The list was filled O'Blennis, Brand suffered from three of the shots She had reached the highest goal.
with names of children and their parents’ names, shattering his hand, another entering his wrist, and Aretha Franklin was a legend.
hidden away from the prying eyes of the Nazis. the third bullet sunk into the flesh of his arm. She will definitely be missed.
How Irena did it all, we may never know. What we Resulting the quarrel, three hours later, the life of a
Her voice was unforgettable.
do know about this incredible woman is that she is beloved father and husband, Mr Brand, came to an
a true hero. Her lifechanging acts of bravery end. She had a breathtaking gift.
Endless Siege
Comes to an End with a Wooden Horse
by E. Goke
After ten years of sieging the city of Troy, the Greeks retreated and left behind a gift of peace. The
gift is a massive wooden horse, dedicated to Athena, the goddess of war, for safe travels.
The leaders of Troy are overjoyed for tomorrow, when they can
open the gates for the first time in ten years, to go and collect their The Ride of Israel
magnificent prize, which was hard won. The whole city will
celebrate, as the magnificent horse is brought into the city. There Bissell
are only a handful of skeptical people opposing the retrieval of by D. Dixon
this fabulous horse—the main one being Laocoon, who declared, Israel Bissell was one of the riders to warn
“Whatever it is, I’m afraid of Greeks, even those bearing gifts.” of the coming british with Paul Revere. He
The celebration will go on as planned despite the objections of rode from Massechusetts to Philadelphia
Laocoon. covering over 300 miles. When he was
riding, instead of shouting " The British are
Troy has not been able to have a celebration since before the coming!", he yelled "To arms, to arms, the
siege, and almost the entire city is thrilled with the opportunity. war has begun to warn people of the
coming British, while distributing letters at
each town he stopped in.
Israel Bissel never came to be known as
A Celebration well as Paul Revere ever was, according to
by J. Lilly Robert Thompson, who is a professor of
The Great Jewish Warrior was captured one month ago today at 4 o’clock in the morning when television and popular culture, one reason
his wife Delilah tricked him into sharing his fatal weakness. A celebration of our victory will could be not because of the action of both
take place tomorrow at the temple. riders or who was more popular, but
because Paul Revere's name is a lot more
“He will be chained between the two great pillars on Dagen’s altar.” Says the high priest. “He memorable and rhymes with a lot more
will be made a human sacrifice. His blood will be spilled over the sacred stones in front of the things the Israel Bissel. Another reason to
king himself. why Bissel wasn't remembered well was
because his name was accidentally change
We will show once and for all that our god Dagen is the one true god!” numerous time throughout historical
documents, in some cases he was revered
to "Trail Bissell" and "tryal Russell". These
A Misunderstood Symbol name changes often happened because his
name was transcribed quickly form the
by A. Stewart
handwritten letter with his name.
It was always believed an upside down cross was a satanic symbol, but that, in fact, is entirely Although Bissel is told to have rode to
incorrect. The upside-down cross, or the inverted cross, is a symbol with a long history and, in Philadelphia, it is believed that he could
modern times, divergent meanings. As its name implies, an upside-down cross is simply a Latin have only rode to Connecticut. The
cross turned so that the crosspiece is closer to the bottom than the top. A person on such a cross evidence to support this was documents
would be positioned head-downwards. discovered by historian Lion G. Miles, that
For centuries, the inverted cross was a considered a Christian symbol, based on an ancient said Bissel had bills for six day of expenses
tradition that the apostle Peter was crucified upside-down. One version of the story says that in Connecticut rather than the entire trip to
peter, facing martyrdom by crucifixion, requested that his cross be inverted because he felt Philadelphia. After the numerous naming
unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ. The upside-down cross, sometimes called the mistakes in documents and Paul Reveres
Cross of St. Peter or the Petrine cross, thus became the symbol of humility. The inverted cross is name being favored, it becomes more clear
sometimes associated with the Pope, who Catholics believe can trace his authority back to Peter. at how he wasn't as popular as his
Artwork featuring the Petrine cross may contain an overlay of the “keys of heaven,” based on counterpart.
Matthew 16:19.
Recently, however, it is common for the upside-down cross to be used as a symbol of
atheism, humanism, and the occult. Several black metal bands use an introverted cross to call
attention to their supposed devotion to Satan. Upside-down crosses appear in horror movies such
as The Omen and The Conjuring as a sign of demonic activity. The symbol crops up in tattoos,
on pendants, and as a logo on t-shirts. Sometimes, it is accompanied by statements such as
“Believe in Yourself,” “There Is No God,” “Black Mass,” or “Not Transformed.” In these
contexts, the obvious intent of the inverted cross is to declare opposition to Christianity. Turning
the cross upside down becomes a means of denying the truth of Christ and mocking His
sacrifice. In his Ecclesiastical History (c. A.D 325), Eusebius of Caesarea writes:

Amelia Earhart
“Peter appears to have preached in Pontus, Galatia, Bithynia, Cappadocia, and Asia to the
Jews of the dispersion. And at last, having come to Rome, he was crucified head-downwards; for
he had requested that he might suffer in this way…” These facts are related by Origen in the by E. Fisher
third volume of his Commentary on Genesis (III.1). Amelia Earhart a female aviator
Thus publicly announcing himself as the first among God’s chief enemies, [Nero] was led on A courageous, independent woman
to the slaughter of the apostles. It is, therefore, recorded that Paul was beheaded in Rome itself, At times reckless while flying
and that Peter likewise was crucified under Nero. This account of Peter and Paul is substantiated Considered by some an exhibitionist
continued on page 7... Determined and intelligent was she
the Funnies
by R. Beasley
George Washington, a brave man.
Quick to lead his men into battle.
From danger he never ran.
But if he lost a fight, and someone did tattle,
On someone else he’d place the blame,

by L. Chandler Daniel Shays

Daniel Shays,
May have been a boozer, but certainly not a looser
Not the most beautiful, but greatly dutiful.
Although appearance frightful, his ethics delightful.

by H. Whaples Albert Einstein

When Albert Einstein was born you wouldn’t
have guessed he was going to be a genius.
Born with a big head that he finally grew into,
He didn’t speak until three.
Years passed, and his intelligence grew fast.
Doing what he loved, came up with significant

by H. Carman Babe Ruth

A baseball player from youth

Obviously Undecided on which team
was best
Played for three before he took a rest

by D. Dixon Amelia Earhart

Its ironic that Amelia Earhart Image or AD Space

Known for flying as an art
Would come to meet her doom
As she flew the ocean bloom


of Peter Pan continued from page 3...
her and had beaten her for several
BY B. BORDERS. Watching the
days, although she survive with
original Peter Pan was rather
two broken legs. They scheduled
intriguing seeing how they made
for her to be executed, but the
movies back in that era. When I was
members of Zegota found out and
a kid watching the movie, I didn't
bribed a guard to instead, leave her
think much of it as I was more
in the woods, that’s where they
interested in watching the characters
found and rescued her!
fly. After going back and watching it
again, I started to notice some of the things the author was trying to convey. It Irena kept a record of the names
amazed me on all the things I missed and now can recognize as a teen. Watching of all the kids she smuggled out,
made me realize the joys of having a family and what it truly means to have a and kept them in a glass jar,
family. Family is possibly one of the strongest bonds on earth and honestly I've
buried under a tree in her back yard. After the war, she tried to
taken that for granted. This now makes me want to embrace my family for what
locate any parents that may have survived it, to reunite the families.
they are worth because I could lose them any second.
Most of the kids she helped got placed into foster homes, or to
be adopted.
One instance that makes me realize this is how the lost boys were taken away from
their families but yet they wanted a mother to tell them stories. Another thing that
On May 12, 2008, Sendler died at the age of 98 in Warsaw. She
changed my perspective was that Peter Pan didn't want to grow up and to me that
lived such an incredible life.
conveys the fears of aging. To be honest, I am afraid to grow up I don't want to
because I don't want to live the life everyone does. I don't want to go to school for
twelve years, college for four years, and then work for the rest of my life only to
then die. That’s why Im afraid of growing up, because I don't want to live the
same way as everyone else. However, watching this has made want to grow up
and face my problems head on.
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Victorious in the 5-Ringed Flag
Greatest Ride of All A Misunderstood Symbol...
by A. Verret
continued from page 2...
continued from page 5...
hurry. He reached the edge of the train where three of his
by the fact that their names are preserved in friends, Barry, Burke, and Blake, pulled him up, and
the cemeteries of that place even to this day dragged him through the train window, just making it.
(11.25.5). They took a steamer to Corfu and on to Patras. Then, at
As a result of the manner in which he last they reached the final leg of the trip: a ten-hour train
was crucified, the Church has used the ride to Athens.

upside down cross (without a corpus, so not Athens was filled with wonders and the sights there
a crucifix) to designate Peter, not Christ. seemed magical to Jim. He felt relieved to have finally
The Pope, being the successor of Peter, made it to Athens after all of his hindrances to get there,
employs the symbol of the upside down but the struggles were not over. Once they got to Athens,
cross as a symbolic reminder of St. Peter’s they were immediately rushed to the Chamber of
Deputies. Not wasting time, their group quickly took seats
humility and heroic martyrdom. Unlike an
in the already partially full room. The speeches began and
upside down crucifix, which seeks to invert wine was handed around to any who wanted it.
and subvert it’s meaning, there is nothing
Israel Bissell
satanic about an upside down cross. After the opening gathering, they went to their hotel at
nine o'clock, finally made it to dinner at ten, and then to
On April 19, 1775, Israel Bissell brought the
bed at one. They had only gotten three hours of sleep,
colonists, in and surrounding Connecticut, a
when suddenly, James and the two others in his room
message. He did so on horseback telling the
Colonists to prepare for war with the British. This Outrunning the Flames... were rudely awakened at four o'clock by a marching band
going through the streets. With no way to go back to sleep
was the day after Paul Revere’s famed ride. Bissell
because of the boisterous noises, they prepared for the
was chosen as the “mailman” of sorts, to deliver continued from page 1...
day. Soon he went to breakfast. James thought that he
this life-changing message. Israel lived in East ever sprinted before. His adrenaline had would have at least twelve days to be able to train and
Windsor, Connecticut, so the feat was already an kicked in and he was in survival mode. He prepare for his event, the triple-saute. To his utter
incredulous task.
watched the airship exploded in front of surprise, though, there were zero days to get into shape.
him. The heat was so severe that it burned No practice at all after a long trip overseas. He would be says that Bissell was, “the post
off some of his hair. A man in his crew, competing in a few short hours.
rider chosen to carry news of the British attack,”
to, “Philadelphia, covering the 350 miles.” Bissell who outweighed the rest, tried to run, but
The Olympics proceeded that very day. After an early
covered the 350 miles in five days. In doing so, he did not make it. lunch, they were off to the Olympic stadium. The Greece
helped bring soldiers to Bunker Hill. He had
"I ran quite a distance because the heat, people were so delighted for the event. They seemed to be
several delays along the way, including his first
the flame, kept shooting out ahead of me. anticipating it for years. All the people in the heavily
horse having a heart attack in the beginning of the
And I really didn't think I was going to decorated streets watched as the competitors rode by.
journey, at the first stop. His second steed lasted to
James got to the stadium and walked in staring at the
Fairfield, Connecticut, where Bissell received a make it, frankly," said Buchanan. He ran a
marbled building, standing there in all its gigantic,
new horse and continued his journey. few feet until he couldn't feel the heat graceful glory, filled to the brim with people thrilled to be
Bissell is lesser known because he went a day after anymore. He turned around and the there for the first modern Olympics. Jim went through the
Paul Revere.
enormous Hindenberg had already fallen refreshment and preparation area, getting ready for his
to the ground. He didn't know where his turn.
Thanks to Bissell though, more soldiers were
informed. If he did not cover the amount of ground cousins and his brother were. After
Soon they called the names for the triple-saute, his being
that he did, America may not have had a very good looking for a long time, they finally found last. He waited and watched as the others jumped. He
time at Bunker Hill anyway. Revere had brought each other. He was definately greatful for realized that some choose to do the hop, step, and jump
the message and was captured whereas Bissell was
that. How did this man survive? A normal method and others did the two hops and a jump. Jim had
not. He continued on, reaching Philadelphia and
day of going to work turned into the always practiced with the hop, step, and jump. He had
nearly collapsing as he uttered the news one more
only tried the two hops and a jump when he was a little
time. Bissell was never commemorated or mostawful day you've ever experienced in
boy playing with his friends. His turn finally came.
honored; perhaps his name wasn’t as thrilling to only a matter of seconds. Buchanan never
place into a poem. thought he would come so close to death He positioned on the starting line preparing and looked
that day. around at the cheery crowds glancing down on him. Then,
A normal, beautiful day became a night he got the rush of energy he was waiting for. He sprang
into action. As he ran, completely unexpected, he
full of screaming, burning, and disaster.
suddenly decided to do the impossible and instead of
No one had expected this. It was the worst going to the hop, step, and jump, which he had previously
of the worst. Families were being planned to do, he risked doing the two hops and a jump
separated..Thirty six lives had been taken. that he had not practiced since he was little.
So many people didn't know they were
Amazingly, though he made it and actually did
going to lose their lives that day
exceedingly well. They did not let the contestants know
After the crash that night, Robert how far they had jumped, but a man did tell James that he
Buchanan went home with his brother and thought that he had done the best by far. Honestly, James
his cousins. Even though he was quite thought he had goneImage or ADtoo.
the farthest, SpaceAs the announcers
upset, he was thankful to have his family told who the winners were, anxiously listening, James
was suddenly filled with awe that he had fulfilled his
with him.
dream. He proudly had won the triple-saute in the
The day after the crash was full of Image
Olympics, with a grand totalor
ofAD Space
45 feet.
sorrow and the explosion was the headline
of every newpaper. The Hindenburg was
the only thing anybody talked about. It
George Washington by R. Beasley
was a heartbreaking day for everyone who
George Washington,
had lost loved ones due to the disaster. The
Appears on a dollar, the amount being one.
Hindenburg crash was a horrifying event
The first president he would be,
in history that changed the lives of many
To chop down his father’s cherry tree.
and will never be forgotten.


BY E. FISHER. I was a guest at the Wellington Hotel on a trip visiting my brother in Michigan on April tenth. This was my first trip away from home. I was so excited to
be at the Wellington. It was a luxury hotel that five stories high. I have never seen anything this grand before. I come from a small farming town that has only boarding
houses. My room was on the fourth of the hotel. The day of the fire started out very beautiful. The sun was shining through the clouds, eventhough it was so cold you
could see your breath. The roads were muddy from snow melting turning the dirt into mud. After a long day of visiting and sightseeing I decided to return to my room to
freshen up and rest.

My room and cozy. I layed down to take a nap before I met some old friends for supper. I awoke to a haze of smoke in my room while I was sleeping. The smoke in my
room swirled in the air causing me cough. I found a hankerchief to cover my face. I was confused and half asleep while my room quickly filled with smoke. I heard
commotion out in the hallway. People were yelling and running. I heard a fire trucks pull up. I knew I had to get out.

I got down on my hands and knees to crawl my way out. My lungs felt like they were filled with smoke. I suddenly felt a need for fresh air. I was frightened, the smoke
all around me made it hard to find a way out. Everything I touched felt
scorching. The fire made the air feel like a thousand degrees. I was beginning
to feel suffocated. I called out for help, no one answered. I kept crawling
through the hall. I was terrified I would not get out of the building. The fire
had spread so quickly.

As I was about to give up, a tall man was standing in front of me.
The man helped me up to look for a staircase to get to safety. The fireman's
name was Swenson. He became concerned, the hose and crew that were on the
floor fighting the fire were gone. To my horror, I saw flames bursting from a
floor full of pictures and paintings. The ladder to the fourth floor had also
disappeared. I knew at that moment I was going to die, there was no way out.
Swenson found a ladder to hang out a window. We rushed into a room beside

The smoke was so thick at this time at this time that I can't see where I am
going. As the window opens, I see other fire trucks ready to send up ladders to
rescue us. I was relieved at the sight of them. I felt a shudder from the
building under me. Swenson said the whole building was on fire. We had less
than five minutes or less to escape. The feeling of panic came over me.

The firemen broke the window of the room we went into. Swenson grabbed the ladder, to my horror he is outside standing on the ledge. My first thought is I am not
following him out there. It looked as if he had leapt out of the window. He was able to grab the ladder and get it to the wall. He tried to lift it up, but it was too heavy. As
I was watching these men I was wandering if we could even survive the fire. At one point while trying to get the ladder to the top of the hotel, I saw one of the men
balance in the air. I am sweating, my heart is racing. I was afraid he was going to fall.

I realized I was going to have to climb the ladder to the rooftop. The knew we would fall sixty feet, if we did not climb up. At this point, I am in a panic. My eyes are full
of tears. I can not see because I am crying. I hear them telling me what I need to do, but I am frozen. I ran to the other side of the room. I tell them I can not go and just
leave me. Swenson grabs me and threaten to throw me to ground or I have to climb.

A sudden sound comes from underneath me, It was the sound of the fire rushing. One of the firemen start to climb up the ladder. I was scared for my life, I knew we were
going to die. As one of the firemen was climbing the ladder started to swing loose from the top of the hotel. The others were able to pull him in. The whole building was
engulfed in flames under us. All I could see in the air was cinders and ashes. Swenson was trying to hook the ladder over the ledge of the roof. He hurried to the top.

We saw a section of the roof fall and crash to the ground. The building shook for a moment and I thought the walls were going down. I am frantic trying to stay calm.
There was fire on every side of us, even the sky was covered in smoke. Swenson saw a four story building with a wire cable extended between the buildings. One of the
firemen was selected to go first because he was the lightest. We would have to crawl across the wire for sixty feet. I was confused and nearly passed out. I began to slide
across the cable. My hands started to shake. I could not grab a hold of the wire. My hands slipped and the wire slipped through my hands. A belt strap had caught the
wire. I slid so fast across wire by the belt I went straight into a pole. I was happy to be alive. The fresh air never felt so good. I thanked the brave men that had saved my

The Wellington Hotel had massive damage from the fire and the hotel was not rebuilt. The most important fact is that no one had lost their lives and no serious injuries had
occurred. A fireman named McDermott was asked by a reporter if he would do it again, he replied, " Of course, it's business."

BY C. ROUSE. Last night I went to Vienna to listen to Beethoven’s 9th
symphony. I debated going at first, but this work was said to be his last
after recently diagnosed with being deaf. Now that he is deaf I doubted he
would be half the composer he was.

I had initially expected a tragic performance. Between the deafness and

the late arrival of Beethoven, this was to be a disaster. As the lights
dimmed and the quiet violin sang through the theatre. As the crescendo of
the music grew into a wave of power and beauty. As soon as I heard this I
knew this was going to be better than I expected. Beethoven’s
masterpiece broke the ‘laws’ of music. The D minor key sounded triumphant instead of sad. The choral symphony breathed a
joyous overtone with an epic instrumental under tone. The bass and treble sounded in perfect harmony. The force of music was a
powerful rush of beauty. The vibratos were pure works of perfection.

As the sound began to close the 70 minutes of music were up. I was left longing for more of it. As silence filled the theatre I see
Beethoven still moving his hands. This truly showed me that his passion and ability of music overcame his disability. I see all
music differently now.

This was an awakening of music.

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