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Republic of the Philippines

Baggao National High School

Sta. Margarita Annex
Sta. Margarita, Baggao, Cagayan


Geometry Quarter: 3rd Quarter

Learning competencies:
illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; and (c) sides. (M7GE-IIIe-2)

Week:5 Day:1 Topic: Polygon and other related terms Duration of

60 minutes

Classify polygons

Describe different types of polygon

Show enthusiasm in making artworks using polygons

References Mathematics G7 Learner’s Material 7 First edition, 2014 Department of


Resources Needed MS PowerPoint presentation

Elements of the Plan Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A great and bless afternoon everyone!
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon sir!

Before we are going to start our class today,

may I request anyone to lead us a prayer.

(Student will pray)

Let’s all bow down
our head feel the
presence of the lord.


How are you today class? We’re fine sir!

Okay, who is absent today class? None sir!

Before we start make sure that you are in your

comfortable place.

Are you already with your comfortable place for

our online class?

Yes sir!
That’s good! Focus attentively and participate
actively to our lesson today class. Okay?
I will show you pictures and I want you to
identify and describe them.

What are those? Road signs sir.

Okay, what can you observe from them? They have different
Kindly describe them. shapes sir.

Okay, very good!

What are those shapes? Triangle, square,
Analysis Base from your observation and descriptions of
those pictures. What do you think is our lesson Polygon sir,
for today?

Okay, very good!

Do you have any idea about polygon?
Yes sir. Those sides
are line segment sir.
Now, I have here an example:

Now, kindly identify those polygons

Those shapes with

green colors are
polygons sir.

Now how do we define a polygon base from Closed plane figured

those shapes in green? form by three or more
segment intersects
exactly two others
only at the vertices,
one at each endpoint,
and no two segments
with common endpoint
and collinear.
Okay, very good now. Again, I have here a



Now, from the given polygon. What can you

observe from the sides of the given polygon?
It has a consecutive
Very good! side sir.
What does it mean if we say consecutive?
Two sides of a
polygon that share a
common endpoint sir.
Well said!
Now, who can give me consecutive side from
the given polygon? ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑃𝐸 and ̅̅̅̅̅

After identifying and defining consecutive (The student will

sides. Base from the given polygon who can answer)∠𝑃𝐸𝑁, ∠𝐸𝑁𝑇
identify an angle?

Now, base from those angles that you’ve

mentioned what can you observe from them?
They are consecutive
angles sir.

Okay, very good? What makes you say that they

are consecutive? Because those two
angles whose vertices
are endpoints of the
Okay, very good! same side.

Kindly, determine an angle and identify the

common sides of the given consecutive angles?
(The student will
Okay, very good!
Is that clear?
Yes sir.
The common side of the two consecutive angle
is also called included side.

From angle ∠𝐴𝑇𝑁 and ∠𝑇𝑁𝐸

Who can identify the included side?
Included means belong. Segment TN sir.
Okay, precisely.
Are we clear to that? Yes sir!



Now, from the given figure. If will put a line

like this. What can you observe from it? It connects two
vertices of the given
polygon sir.
Okay, very good!
We call it Diagonal.
Now, from your observation how do we define
diagonal? A diagonal is a line
segment connecting
two nonconsecutive
Okay, very good!
Now, after identifying what it means by a
polygon and other terms related to it.

Now, let’s move on to Polygonal Region.

As we said a while ago that a polygon is an

enclosed figure.

Now, if it is enclosed. What do we call the Interior sir.

region enclosed by the polygon?

Okay, very good. A polygon and its interior

forms the what we call polygonal region.

Again, what do we mean if we say. Polygonal Polygonal region is

region? form by the polygon
and its interior.
Okay, very good!
Is that clear? Yes sir!

Let’s move on to concave polygon.

Now, I have here an example.


Now, what can you observe from the given


What happens to the polygonal region? It bends inward sir.

Okay, very good!
Now, based from your observation. How do we
define a concave polygon? A polygon which the
polygonal regions
Well said! bend inwards.
Now, if I connect Point P and Q using a line


Now, what can you observe from the given line Some part of the line
segment? segment went outside
the polygon and it is
not part of the region.
Okay, well said! Yes sir!
Are we clear to concave polygon?

Now, I have here another example:

A convex polygon
Now, what can you observe from this figure? The polygonal region
Well said! doesn’t bend inwards.

Now, if I connect point P and Q. What can you

observe from the given like segment? It was in the interior of
the polygon. It was a
part of the polygonal
Very good!

Abstraction Is there any question about our lesson for today? None sir.

It seems like you fully understand our lesson for


What have you learned from our lesson for

today? Closed plane figured
form by three or more
segment intersects
exactly two others
only at the vertices,
one at each endpoint,
and no two segments
with common endpoint
Very good! and collinear.
Any other hand?
It has a consecutive

Two sides of a
polygon that share a
common endpoint sir.
How about the others?
We also have included
side sir. Which is the
common side of a
consecutive angles.

We also have concave

and convex polygon
Very good! What does it mean if we say Polygons where the
concave polygon? polygonal region bend
How about convex? A polygon that do
not bend inwards.
Okay, very good!

Application Quiz.
Draw using concave and convex polygon to
make a piece of artwork.

Evaluation 1. What is a polygon?

a. An enclosed figure with use of curve
b. Closed plane figured form by three or
more segment intersects exactly two
others only at the vertices.
c. A closed plane figure with a crescent
d. An enclosed figure with a hollow center
2. A two sides of a polygon that share a
common endpoint are called_______?
a. Consecutive angle
b. Consecutive side
c. Included side
d. Diagonal
3. Angles whose vertices are endpoints of the
same side are called______?
a. Consecutive angle
b. Consecutive side
c. Included side
d. Diagonal
4. It is the common side of a two
consecutive angles.
a. Consecutive side
b. Consecutive angles
c. Included side
d. Diagonal
5. It is line segment joining any two
nonconsecutive vertices of the polygon.
a. Consecutive side
b. Consecutive angles
c. Included side
d. Diagonals
6. What is the included side of ∠PEN and


a. ̅̅̅̅
b. ̅̅̅̅
c. ̅̅̅̅
d. ̅̅̅̅

7. It is form by the polygon and its interior.

a. Concave Polygon
b. Convex Polygon
c. Polygonal Region
d. Polygon
8. It is a type of polygon that bends
a. Concave polygon
b. Convex polygon
c. Polygonal region
d. Polygon
9. It is a type polygon that do not bend
a. Concave polygon
b. Convex polygon
c. Polygonal region
d. Abstract Shapes
10. Which among the following is not a
convex polygon?




Agreement For your take home activity. Have an advance

2 minutes. reading to our next lesson.
Okay class, dismiss. Yes sir!

Thank you sir!

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