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International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society

(ICTIS) 2016

Biodegradable Plastic of Jicama Starch (Pachyrhizus

Erosus) With Precipitate Calcium Carbonate as A
Sri Elfina*, Novesar Jamarun, Syukri Arief, Akmal Djamaan
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Jicama plants (Pachyrhizus erosus) is a plant that produces tuber root, with a
rounded shape like a top. The results of the analysis showed 100 g Jicama calories
55 calories, 15 mg calcium, 18 mg phosphorus, 85.1 grams of water and 12.8
grams of carbohydrates, so it can be developed into a biodegradable plastic.
Adding PCC 1% on Jicama starch increase stiffness of the plastic, and a more
flexible and elastic. Results obtained in the form of a thin sheet of plastic that have
been tested so that the mechanical properties obtained test data variables optimum
thickness is 0.46 mm, pH 7.25, Total Plate Count TBUD > 3.0 x 10-1,
biodegradation tests in soil 20 days 22, 55 %, 40 days 52.60 %, 81.40 % 60 days
and biodegradation tests on the water 20 days 23.56 %, 28.89 % 40 days, 60 days
52.05 %.

Keywords: biodegradable plastic, Jicama, PCC

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Copyright © 2016. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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White Jicama tuber with a shape like a top. Jicama or known by the Latin name Pachyrizus
erosus, is an annual liana plant can reach lengths of 4-5 m and a length of about 2 m roots, trunk
spread and twisted [1]. Jicama has rich in vitamins and minerals such as carbohydrates, vitamin
C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, protein and other [2,3]. In this study, starch is used as the
manufacture of biodegradable plastics with along calcium carbonate precipitate as a filler and
glycerol as plastic that serves to improve the flexibility and elasticity of the plastic.

The tools used are glassware, plastic utensils, oven, hot plate, and the analytical balance. The
materials used are jicama, distilled water, glycerol, and the precipitate Calcium Carbonate.

Biodegradable Plastic Preparation

Jicama flour or starch obtained by simple extraction. Grated jicama, and the resulting slurry is
then filtered to separate the ballpark network, so that the remaining starch suspension. Jicama
starch is cleaned and then dried in appropriate way.
Manufacture of biodegradable plastics made by heating a mixture of starch and PCC
which has been diluted with distilled water first. The mixture is heated, stirring constantly on a
hot plate, then add 2 mL of glycerol, and in stirring constantly for 5 minutes until it turn into a
gel. This poured into a mold and dried by oven at a temperature of 600C for 3 hours, then dried
in the open air.

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DOI 10.21063/ICTIS.2016.1010 57
International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society

The prepare biodegradable plastic were characterized for thicness test, pH, Total plate count
test, and test biodegradation in soil and water biodegradation test at sea.
The thickness test is done by cutting the plastic biodegradable 1 cm x 1 cm, and then
measuring plastic thickness by means of a micrometer screw. Then read scale that indicates the
thickness of the biodegradable plastic.
PH test done by cutting the plastic biodegradable 1 cm x 1 cm, the first standardization
of pH-meter with a buffer solution of 4, 7, 10. Then the plastic is added to 10 mL of distilled
water, and decrease the size of the plastic and homogenation. After that measure the pH of the
Total plate count test done by cutting 1cm x 1cm biodegradable plastic, then put in 10
mL of sterile distilled water and homogenation, wait for 10 minutes. Then 1 mL pipette, put into
a sterile petri dish and pour the media Plate Count For approximately to 1/3 petri dish,
homogenkan. Wait until the freeze media, then wrap with paper and put in the incubator.
Perform in duplicate and in aseptic.

TPC = x Coloney volume

Biodegradation in soil test done by cutting the plastic into 3 parts. Weigh the analytical
balance the weight of each plastic. 3 Fill the chamber with the ground, labeled 20, 40, 60 days.
Plastic insert into each chamber, then close. After a specified time plastics cleaned and dried.
Weigh plastic weight and calculate the value of biodegradation of plastic.

% plastic biodegrade value = x 100 %


1. Determination of the pH with pH-meter
Analysis of biodegradable plastic pH of jicama starch shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Results Determination of pH

No Sample pH
1 1 x 1 cm 7,25

Seen that biodegradable plastics have a neutral pH so it will not affect the substance or
product is packaged using biodegradable plastic that is safe to use. The pH value of the product
is due to the characteristics of the starch material containing weak organic acids.

2. Total plate count test (TPC)

Total plate count test is performed to determine the number of microbes present in the
biodegradable plastic. Total plate count test results on biodegradable plastics is shown in Table

Tabel 2. Results Determination of Total Plate Count

No Sample Result
1 10 mm x 10 mm TBUD (>3,0 x 10-1)

Based on the data in Table 2, look at that test results are TBUD Total Plate Count
(>3.0x10-1). This is because in the process of drying the sample in the open air so much air
microbes contained in biodegradable plastics.

3. Thickness plastic test with a micrometer screw tool

Test the thickness of biodegradable plastics are used as an indicator of uniformity and quality
control biodegradable plastic that has a thickness that is thin but not easily torn. Test results on

978-602-70570-4-3 © 2016 Published by ITP PRESS

DOI 10.21063/ICTIS.2016.1010 58
International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society

the thickness of the biodegradable plastic jicama starch is shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Test results biodegradable plastic thickness

No Sample thickness
1 10 x 10 mm 0,46 mm

From the table above it can be seen biodegradable plastic thickness is 0.46 mm. The
thickness of the plastic can be influenced from a various factors. One of them during the process
of printing and drying process, the physical properties of the plastic will change due to heating
the material, causing the starch gelatinisation and rupture the cells form a layer that is thinner
and wider.
Temperature and drying time did not have significant effect on the average thickness.
This is due to the of affeared of printing material before drying possible existence of differences
on each side of the glass plate as the printing process does not use special tools permanent
printer (done manually), it is resembling the research conducted [3] film thickness is influenced
by the amount of total solids in solution and the thickness (height) mold.

4. Test Soil and Water Degradation in the sea

Biodegradability testing is used to determine the ability of plastic degradation resulting in a
certain time interval. Biodegrade test results on soil and water are shown in Table 4 and Table 5.

Table 4. Results Degradation Test on Soil

Sample Weight Sample Weight % degrade
Before Planting After Planting 20 hari 40 hari 60 hari
0,1769 gram 0,1370 gram 22,55 %
0,1380 gram 0,0654 gram 52,60 %
0,1769 gram 0,0329 gram 81,58 %

Table 5. Result Biodegradation test at sea

Sample Weight Sample Weight % degrade
Before Planting After Planting 20 hari 40 hari 60 hari
1. 0,2346 gram 0,1791 gram 23,65 %
2. 0,2762 gram 0,1964 gram 28,89 %
3. 0,3606 gram 0,1729 gram 52,05 %

Biodegradation result on water, table 4 and 5 show us plastic biodegradation in water

faster than in soil. Water as a medium for majority of microbes and bacteria, help plastic
degraded its material. Plastic degradation process is lower in soil. It can be delight by a research
conducted [4].
Showed, that the more cellulose contained by a plastic, the more quickly for the plastic
to be degraded. So the factors that play a role in the biodegradability of a plastic is cellulose [5]
were also examined on the ability of plastic degradation by soil burial tests concluded that the
ability of the synthesized plastic degradation is influenced by various factors, such as soil type,
the type of microbes, and moisture states [6], that the biodegradability test, the water must be
able to log on to penetrate the material structure and biological activity help (microbial) on the
material. This is also corroborated by research conducted [7] who studied the soil burial test
biodegradable plastic, that after the biodegradability test, perforated plastic that will affect the
polymer matrix and result in the plastic becomes brittle. Glycerol has the ability to bind
moisture from the air, so that in this study, plastics produced more quickly degraded.

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DOI 10.21063/ICTIS.2016.1010 59
International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society

5. Observation of surface damage Plastic Film

Plastic damage after planting is very clearly visible, the results obtained in the form of plastic
that is soft and tear, as shown in figures 1 and 2.

20 Days 40 Days 60 Days

Fig. 1: Biodegradation Tests in Water

20 Days 40 Days 60 Days

Fig. 2: Biodegradation on Soil Test

There is some conclusion derived from our study, form of a thin sheet of such as plastic that
have been tested so that the mechanical properties obtained test data variables optimum
thickness is 0.46 (mm), pH 7.25, Total Plate Count TBUD (> 3.0 x 10-1), test biodegradation in
soil 20 days 22.55 (%), 40 days 52.60 (%), 60 days 81.40 (%), and biodegradation test on the
water 20 days 23.56 (%), 40 days 28 89 (%), 60 days 52.05 (%). 1350 grams of yam obtained 72
grams of starch, so the percentage of starch in the yam is 5.33%. Means in 100 grams of yam
starch contained 5.33 grams. In accordance with the previously studied [8] that contained 2.1 g
10.7 g of starch per 100 grams of yam.

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DOI 10.21063/ICTIS.2016.1010 60
International Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Society

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DOI 10.21063/ICTIS.2016.1010 61

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