Health 6 Q3 Module

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Mary Help of Christians School (Cebu), Inc.

Minglanilla Cebu

Third Quarter

Prepared by: Ms. Crista Claire V. Ycong

Course Description
This course introduces the students about environmental health. It talks about the negative effects of having a poor
environmental sanitation – a person with poor environmental sanitation is likely to get diseases and disorders. Poor
environmental sanitation can also lead to different kinds of pollution. Therefore, the students are taught to become aware
and think of better ways to build and maintain a healthy home environment.

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

a. make a campaign video that shows ways on how to build and maintain a healthy home environment.

Unit 3.1 – Environmental Health
Lesson 3.1.1 – Diseases and Disorders Caused by Poor Environmental Sanitation
Lesson 3.1.2 – Environmental Sanitation

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of the importance of keeping the community environments healthy.

The learners demonstrate understanding that keeping community environments clean and safe is important to avoid the
risk of having health conditions.

Performance Standard
The learners will make a campaign video that shows ways on how to build and maintain a healthy home environment.

Formation Standard
The learners become self-disciplined and personally responsible.

Transfer Goal
The learners will independently use their learning to make a campaign video that shows ways on how to build and
maintain a healthy home environment, thus becoming BMH who are self-disciplined and personally responsible.

Practical Examination

As a young environmentalist, you are to awake the young people regarding environmental sanitation issues in the
community through presenting a creative campaign video that will catch their interest and awareness, thus resulting to
more concrete actions of solving the issues.

G – Your goal is to awake the young people regarding environmental sanitation issues in the community through
presenting a creative campaign video that will catch their interest and awareness.

R – You are young environmentalist

A – People in the community

S – As a young environmentalist, you are to awake the young people regarding environmental sanitation issues in the
community through presenting a creative campaign video that will catch their interest and awareness, thus resulting to
more concrete actions of solving the issues.

P – Campaign video

S – See rubrics below.

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Topic thoroughly Topic generally Topic somewhat Topic not
covered in an covered in an covered in an thoroughly covered
interesting and interesting and interesting and in an interesting and
creative manner. creative manner. creative manner. creative manner.
Made excellent Made good Made somewhat Made poor
persuasive statement. persuasive statement. persuasive persuasive
statement. statement.
Has a clear picture of Has a fairly clear Has thought his Little effort has
what the student is picture of what the concept, but no been spent on
trying to achieve and student is trying to clear focus has brainstorming and
adequate description achieve. Can describe emerged. Goals of refining the concept.
of what he is trying to what he is trying to do the final product are Unclear on the
do and generally how overall but has trouble not clearly defined. goals as to how the
his work will contribute describing how his project objectives
to the final project. work will contribute to will be met.
the final project.
All environmental Some parts of the Most parts of the The video does not
sanitation facts are video are inaccurately video are preset about
accurately presented. inaccurately environmental
represented in the presented. sanitation.
Effectively showed Generally showed Somewhat showed Not effectively
desired action during desired action during desired action shown desired
and at end of and at end of during and at end of action during and at
campaign video. campaign video. campaign video. end of campaign
The campaign video The campaign video The campaign video The campaign video
includes good quality includes voice audio includes voice audio has no sound effect
Audio and Sound of voice audio and and background or music only. at all. Background
Effects appropriate music with minimal Sound effects or noise is very
(10%) background music that distraction. background noise distracting making it
relates to the theme. overpowers the difficult to hear the
dialogue. message.
Total Points: 20 points


1. For your Third Practical Exam, make a creative campaign video that shows ways on how to build and maintain a
healthy home environment.
2. Upload the video and submit it to my Gmail account: or to my Messenger account: CC
Villacencio Ycong.

General Guidelines:

1. You are always expected to uphold academic integrity and intellectual honesty as a student.
2. Observe deadlines. Follow the schedule of course activities and submit your assignments, activities, and other
requirements on time.
3. Quizzes are conducted through LMS. Make sure to have stable internet connectivity and a device in your access
to the quizzes of your subject and follow the given examination schedule.

Grading System
 Written Work ----------------------------------------- 20%
 Performance Task---------------------------------- 45%
-Performance Task
 Practical Examination ---------------------------- 35%
-Practical Examination
                                              TOTAL -------100%

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Lesson 3.1.1 – Diseases and Disorders Caused by Poor Environmental Sanitation

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify diseases and disorders caused by poor environmental sanitation;
b. explain how poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact the health of an individual; and
c. share their understanding on the implications of having a poor environmental sanitation.

Essential Question:
 How does sanitation affect the environment?

Values Focus:
 To develop the value of awareness of having a healthy environment
 To develop the value of responsibility in maintaining a healthy environment

Things Needed:
 Notebook/Paper
 Pen

Lesson Proper:


Look at the pictures above.

Guide Questions:

1. Are you familiar with the images shown on the pictures?

2. Which part of the body do these diseases affect?
3. What do you think is the general reason why people get diseases?
4. Aside from the diseases shown on the pictures, do you know other different kinds of illnesses that
can be brought by lack of care for the environment?

Taking good care of Mother Nature should always be one of your priorities, because if you care for the
environment, you also benefit from it.

Environment is everything around us. The environment and humans have an adverse effect on each
other. When one working as it should be, is in order and is in its to efficiency, the other greatly benefits from it.
However, when one fails its efficiency and how it works, the other suffers as well. This is what happens when poor
environment prevails. Having an unhealthy environment may lead to different diseases that can cause death to
human beings, animals and plants as well.

Diseases and Disorders Caused by Poor Environmental Sanitation

A. Respiratory Diseases – diseases that affect the air passages including the nasal passages, the bronchi and
the lungs. These diseases are prevalent to children and become a serious problem with the adults. Some
common respiratory diseases are:

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a. Asthma – a disease caused by genetic and environmental factors. It may be triggered by air pollution
and causes airflow obstruction to the lungs and bronchospasm.
Symptoms: wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath

b. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – an obstructive lung disease characterized by

chronic poor air flow. It is a progressive disease which means that it worsens over time. It is caused
by tobacco smoking as well as air pollution.
Symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, and sputum (phlegm) production

c. Lung Cancer – a disease that may be caused by tobacco and air pollution. It is characterized by the
growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. The cells then develop into tumors and affect the
function of the lungs.
Symptoms: coughing, coughing with blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, weight loss, fever, fatigue,
chest pain, bone pain, and difficulty in swallowing

B. Skin Diseases – any diseases or disorders that affect the human skin. Poor hygiene practices result to
different skin diseases. Bacteria, all kinds of germs and viruses inhabit dirty skin, hair, fingernails, teeth, and
all parts of the body.
a. Leptospirosis – (also known as field fever, rat catcher’ yellows, and Weil’s disease) may be
contracted through contact of open wounds with floodwater that is contaminated with Leptospira.
Most cases involve floodwater with rats’ feces infected with Leptospira.
Symptoms: fever, headache, chills, muscular pain in the legs, vomiting, red eyes, and rashes

b. Scabies – a contagious skin disease caused by mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies may be
brought about by dirty and humid surroundings.
Symptoms: intense itching, skin rash on areas where the mites have burrowed

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c. Guinea Worm – is caused by Dracunculus medinensis, a large roundworm whose larva
contaminates drinking water in many rural areas of Africa.
Symptoms: itching, swelling and blistering, extremely painful as 1-meter-long mature worms tries to
surface through the wound

C. Gastrointestinal Diseases – are ailments that are related to the stomach and the intestines.
a. Diarrhea – one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases brought about by poor environmental
sanitation. It is caused by a number of bacteria, viral, and parasitic organisms spread through dirty
water and unhygienic food preparation.
Symptoms: loose bowel movement (LBM) and dehydration
b. Typhoid fever – is caused by drinking water that is contaminated with stool or fecal matter containing
the bacteria Salmonella typhi or consuming food that is prepared by someone who is infected with it
Symptoms: high fever, headache, constipation, diarrhea, rashes, and enlarged spleen and liver

c. Cholera – a bacterial infection caused by drinking water or consuming food that is contaminated with
fecal matter containing the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
Symptoms: watery diarrhea, nausea, cramps, nosebleeds, vomiting, rapid pulse, and hypovolemic

d. Tapeworm – an infection that is transmitted by eating poorly cooked beef. It is caused by a tapeworm
which lives in the small intestine.
Symptoms: insomnia, loss of weight, abdominal pain,
and worms may come out through the feces

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D. Neurological Impairment - diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In other words, the brain,
spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular
junction, and muscles.

a. Alzheimer’s Disease – a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy)
and brain cells to die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous
decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that affects a person's ability to function independently.
Symptoms: memory loss, language problems, and impulsive or unpredictable behavior
b. Brain Tumor – a cluster of abnormal cells that grows out of control in your brain. Some brain tumors are
benign, which means the cells aren’t cancer. Others are malignant, meaning they’re cancer.
Symptoms: headache, seizures, personality or memory changes, nausea or vomiting, fatigue,
drowsiness, sleep problems, memory problems, changes in ability to walk or perform daily activities
c. Aneurysm – the enlargement of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial wall. Often there are no
symptoms, but a ruptured aneurysm can lead to fatal complications.
Unruptured brain aneurysm symptoms:
 Headache
 Dilated pupils
 Blurred or double vision
 Pain above and behind an eye
 Drooping eyelid
 A hard time speaking
 Weakness and numbness in one side of your face
Ruptured brain aneurysm symptoms:
 Intense headache that comes on suddenly
 Loss of consciousness
 Nausea and vomiting
 Drowsiness
 Loss of balance in things like walking and normal coordination
 Stiff neck
 Dilated pupils
 Sensitivity to light
 Sudden blurred or double vision
 Drooping eyelid
 Confusion or trouble with mental awareness
 Seizure
d. Parkinson’s Disease – is caused by a loss of nerve cells in part of the brain called the substantia
nigra. This leads to a reduction in a chemical called dopamine in the brain.
Parkinson's disease has four main symptoms:
 Tremor (trembling) in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head
 Stiffness of the limbs and trunk
 Slowness of movement
 Impaired balance and coordination, sometimes leading to falls

Performance Task 3.1 – Minimizing Poor Environmental Sanitation

I. Objective:
 To be able to share their own ways in minimizing poor environmental sanitation diseases.

II. Material:
 Paper
 Ballpen/Pencil

III. Procedures:
1. Make an essay about “Minimizing Poor Environmental Sanitation”. Use the guide question below:

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 As a student how would you contribute in helping minimize the poor environmental sanitation
2. Write your essay on the space provided below.
3. Take a picture of your PETA and submit it to my Gmail account: or to my Messenger
account: CC Villacencio Ycong.

“Minimizing Poor Environmental Sanitation”



CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Depth of Reflection Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates
(40%) an in-depth reflection a general reflection a minimal reflection lack of reflection on
on the ways in on the ways in on the ways in the ways in
minimizing poor minimizing poor minimizing poor minimizing poor
environmental environmental environmental environmental
sanitation diseases, sanitation diseases, sanitation diseases, sanitation diseases,
including supporting including some including a few with no details.
details and examples. supporting details supporting details
and examples. and examples.
Structure and Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is unclear, Writing unclear,
Organization concise, and well- clear, concise, and and thoughts are not disorganized.
(20%) organized with the organized with the well-organized. Thoughts make little
use of excellent use of excellent Thoughts are not to no sense.
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a logical
structure. Thoughts structure. Thoughts manner.
are expressed in a are expressed in a
logical manner. logical manner.
Sentence Fluency The writing has an The writing mostly The text hums along The text seems
(10%) easy flow and flows and usually with a steady beat choppy and is not
rhythm. Sentences invites oral reading. but tends to be more easy to read orally.
are well-built, with businesslike than
strong and varied musical, more
structure that invites mechanical than fluid.
expressive oral
Conventions The writer The writer The writer shows The writer seems to
(10%) demonstrates a good understands good reasonable control have made little effort
grasp of standard writing conventions over a limited range to use conventions:
writing conventions and usually uses of standard writing spelling, punctuation,
(e.g., spelling, them correctly. Paper conventions. capitalization, usage,
punctuation, is easily read and Conventions are grammar and/or
capitalization, errors are rare; minor sometimes handled paragraphing have
grammar, usage, touch-ups would get well and enhance multiple errors.
paragraphing) and this piece ready to readability; at other
Health 6 | Page 7 of 11
uses conventions publish. times, errors are
effectively to enhance distracting and impair
readability. readability.
Presentation The form and The format only has a The writer's message The writer's message
(20%) presentation of the few mistakes and is is understandable in is only
text enhances the generally easy to this format. understandable
ability for the reader read and pleasing to occasionally, and
to understand and the eye. paper is messily
connect with the written.
message. It is
pleasing to the eye.
Total Points: 20 points

Lesson 3.1.2 – Environmental Sanitation

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the factors that affect pollution;
b. identify some common diseases caused by pests and rodents;
c. identify ways in keeping water and air clean and safe;
d. explain the effect of a noisy environment; and
e. share ways on how to keep the environment clean and safe.

Essential Question:
 How to take away the pollution in the environment?

Values Focus:
 To develop the value of awareness of having a healthy environment
 To develop the value of responsibility in maintaining a healthy environment

Things Needed:
 Notebook/Paper
 Pen

Lesson Proper:


Guide Questions:

1. What word that best describes the pictures above? Arrange the jumbled letters found below the
2. When you hear that word what comes into your mind?
3. What should you do to prevent these from happening?

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Everyone can help improve the environmental conditions. There are various activities aimed at improving or
preserving the standard of basic environmental conditions affecting the welfare of people.

These include:
1. Cleaning and keeping water supply safe
2. Cleaning and keeping ambient air safe
3. Promoting efficient and safe waste disposal
4. Protecting food from pollution
5. Maintaining adequate housing in clean and safe surroundings

Clean Water
Clean water is vital to your health. You drink water every day to make sure that you do not get
dehydrated. Without clean water, you may get sick and end up in the hospital.

Contaminants in Water
There is no such thing as naturally pure water. Water will always have impurities. As water
passes through layers of soil and rocks, it dissolves or absorbs the substance it comes in contact with.
Some of these substances are harmless. Some people even prefer mineral water for its taste and the
natural mineral it contains. But also, too many substances can make water harmful.
Environmentalists lament that the following reasons contaminate our water resources.
1. Marine dumping
2. Industrial wastes
3. Sewage and water waste
4. Mining activities
5. Burning fossil fuels
6. Global warming
7. Urban development
8. Animal waste
9. Leakage from the landfills
10. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides

Making Safe Water

Before drinking water become available to the consumers, water companies treat the water
because it may be contaminated with dirt, tiny pieces of leaves, and other organic matter, as well as other

There are several ways of making your drinking water safer.

 Use Faucet filter
 Distillation
 Reverse osmosis
 Boiling

Clean Air
Air is made up of different gases. Clean air contains about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1%
of argon, carbon dioxide and other gases along with varying amount of water vapor.

A. What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. It occurs when the air contains
harmful amount of gases, dust, fumes, and odor. It affects the environment by causing acid rain, reducing
visibility, damaging plants and contributing to climate change.
B. What are the types of Air Pollution?
1. The outdoor pollution which includes smog, acid rain and greenhouse gases.
2. The indoor pollution consists of tobacco/cigarette smoke, cooking and heating smoke, cleaning
agents and plumbing leaks.

How to Reduce Air Pollution

 Conserve energy – remember to turn off the lights, computers, and electric appliances when not
in use. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.
 Participate in energy conservation programs.
 Limit driving by carpooling, using the bicycles, walking, or riding public transportations.
 Combine errands for fewer trips.
 Run dishwashers and clothes washers only when full.
 Choose environment-friendly cleaners.
 Seal containers of household cleaners, chemicals and solvents to prevent volatile organic
compounds from evaporating into the air.

Noise Pollution
Noise is any loud or unpleasant sound that causes disturbance. It can be produced by many sources –
man’s voice, a running engine, sounds from nature like a clap of thunder or a volcanic eruption and many more.

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Noise pollution is an excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of the human and animal life.
Although noise pollution is not fatal to human life, too much exposure to noise reduces man’s sleeping hours and
may affect his health.

Sources of Noise Pollution

 Pressed horns of automobiles
 Factories (machines, dredging, and vibrating tools)
 Air crafts, trains, and buses
 Loud musical instruments
 Human voices (shouting, cheering, quarreling, laughter)
 Mega phones
 Volcanic eruptions, claps of thunder, howling winds

When is noise a pollution?

 It disturbs a person’s normal activities such as sleeping, studying, working, and normal
 It is an underrated environmental problem because we can’t see, smell, or taste it.
 It can be a major threat to a person’s well-being.

Effects of Noise Pollution

1. Emotional or psychological
2. It interferes with normal auditory communications.
3. It lowers workers’ efficiency and productivity.

Control of Noise Pollution

There are three ways to control noise pollution. These are:
1. Control at source
2. Control in the transmission path
3. Use protective equipment

Pests and rodents

Pests and rodents found in school and at home pose a serious threat to the health of the community. This
is because pests and rodents can be a vehicle for the transmission of diseases. Therefore, actions must be taken
to eliminate them.

Rodent Control
1. Sanitation – this is the proper storage of food waste and leftovers, and keeping packaged food off
the floor and away from the walls.
2. Trapping – Mouse traps are effective in eliminating mice.
3. Poisoning – this is a dangerous but effective way to get rid of mice. As this process is dangerous,
only adult members of the family are to do this. Licensed pest control operators should be
consulted for large poisoning campaigns.
Fly Control
1. Exclusion – all doors and windows must have auto close mechanisms installed. Screens are also
important in preventing the entry of fly in your home or at school.
2. Proper cleaning – you must keep your surroundings clean to avoid the flies being attracted to
garbage’s smell.
3. Proper waste disposal – dispose off garbage and liquid waste properly and frequently.
Cockroach Control
Cockroach is one of the hardest insects to control. Cockroaches are active when it is dark. When
there is light, cockroaches hide in dark spaces between and under the furniture, under sinks, in floor
drains, and others. Because these areas cannot be cleaned properly, cockroaches come in contact with a
large amount of filth and bacteria that can cause illness.
Sanitation can reduce cockroach’s feeding and breeding sites, but chemical control is almost
always necessary to effectively fight off cockroaches.

Performance Task 3.2 – Environmental Sanitation

I. Objective:
 To be able to promote the importance of environmental sanitation through a slogan

II. Materials:
 Software application (ex.: MS Word, Canva)/Bond paper (any size)
 Pen/pencil
 Art materials

III. Procedures:
1. Create your own slogan that promotes environmental sanitation.
2. Be creative on your slogan.
3. You may use a software application, like Canva, in making your slogan or you may also do handwritten.

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4. Submit it to my Gmail account: or to my Messenger account: CC Villacencio

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Slogan is catchy, Slogan is memorable The slogan does not The slogan does not
very memorable, and does a good job of send a very strong send a message
Slogan and strongly sending a message message environmental about environmental
(40%) conveys a message about environmental sanitation. sanitation.
about environmental sanitation.
Slogan shows a Slogan shows some Uses other people's ideas Uses other people's
large amount of original thought. Work (giving them credit), but ideas, but does not
original thought. shows new ideas and there is little evidence of give them credit.
Ideas are creative insights. original thinking.
and inventive.
Slogan is Slogan is creative and Slogan is creative and The slogan does not
exceptionally a good amount of some thought was put reflect any degree of
Creativity creative. A lot of thought was put into into decorating it. creativity.
(20%) thought and effort decorating it.
was used to make
the banner.
Slogan is very neat, Slogan is neat, well Slogan is not very neat or Slogan is not neat or
well organized and organized, and visually well organized. More time organized. Few
extremely visually appealing overall. could be spent on details. details are included
appealing with many and it is not visually
details included. appealing.
There are no There is 1 grammatical There are 2 grammatical There are more than
Grammar grammatical mistake on the poster. mistakes on the poster. 2 grammatical
(10%) mistakes on the mistakes on the
poster. poster.

Total Points: 20 points

Quiz 3.1 (via LMS)


Agda, E., Agda, G., & et. al. (2017). Dynamic Series in MAPEH 6 (1st ed.). Jo-es Publishing House, Inc.

Cancer.Net. (2020, January). Brain Tumor: Symptoms and Signs.

Castro, B. & De Vera, R. (2017). The Joys of MAPEH 6 (1st ed.). Ephesians Publishing Inc.

Hancock (2009, Aug. 8). Basic Essay Writing Rubric.

MacGill, M. (2020, Sept. 22). What to Know about Alzheimer’s Disease. Medical News Today.

Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Alzheimer’s disease.

National Institute on Aging. (2017, May 16). Parkinson's Disease.

NHS. (n.d.). Parkinson’s Disease.

WebMD. (n.d.). Brain Aneurysm.

WebMD. (n.d.). Parkinson’s Disease Health Center.

World Health Organization. (2016, May 3). What Neurological Disorders?.

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