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Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I: Architecture and Genesis

of Flooding-Surface Bounded Depositional Units

Article  in  AAPG Bulletin · January 1989

DOI: 10.1306/703C9AF5-1707-11D7-8645000102C1865D


922 2,247

1 author:

William E. Galloway
University of Texas at Austin


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Source-to-sink analysis of the lower Miocene strata in the Gulf of Mexico Basin View project

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rhe ·\merican A~;sociation of Petroleum (ieologists Bulletin
V. 73, No.2 (fC'bruary 1989), P. 125-142, ll Fig~

Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis 1:

Architecture and Genesis of Flooding-Surface Bounded
Depositional Units

ABSTRACT flooding-distinctive thin but widespread facies

sequences, prominent erosional surfaces, and super-
Marine basin margins are characterized by repetitive jacent marine condensed intervals or sedimentary
episodes of progradation punctuated by periods of trans- veneers-provides readily recognized, regionally correla-
gression and flooding of the depositional platform. The tive, easily and accurately datable, and robust sequence
resultant stratigraphic units consist of genetically related boundaries that commonly define times of major basin-
(1) depositional systems and their component facies margin paleogeographic reorganization in terrigenous
sequences; (2) bypass, nondepositional, and erosional clastic basins.
surfaces; and (3) in thick sequences affected by gravity
tectonics and crustal response to loading, syndeposi-
tional structural discontinuities. Units are bounded by INTRODUCTION
hiatal surfaces preserved as submarine unconformities or
condensed sedimentary veneers and that record maxi- The successful interpretation and three-dimensional
mum marine flooding of the basin margin. The repetitive delineation of depositional systems and basin-scale facies
stratigraphic architecture is the product of the ongoing tracts require the recognition and correlation of genetic
interplay among sediment supply, basin subsidence (and stratigraphic packages. Our final interpretations of
uplift), and eustatic sea level change. Each of these three paleogeography, sediment dispersal patterns, and basin
variables may dominate depositional evolution; further- history can be no better than the stratigraphic foundation
more, stratigraphic architecture is very similar regardless upon which they are based_ Thus, establishing genetic
of the dominant control. stratigraphic units for further mapping and analysis is a
A genetic stratigraphic sequence is the sedimentary fundamental but commonly difficult starting point in
product of a depositional episode. The sequence incorpo- basin analysis_
rates and reconciles depositional systems, bedding geom- One potential approach to solving this problem is rec-
etries, and bounding surfaces within the framework of ognizing early that a basin-filling record is commonly
cycles of basin-margin offlap and flooding. Each episodic. The concept of cyclothems (Wanless and Wel-
sequence consists of the progradational, aggradational, ler, 1932) and its many derivatives (for example Kauff-
and retrogradational or transgressive facies deposited man, 1969) recognized recurrent and, therefore,
during a period of regional paleogeographic stability. predictable patterns of deposition in time and space.
The defining genetic stratigraphic sequence boundary is a Wheeler (1960) and Sloss (1963)developed the concept of
sedimentary veneer or surface that records the deposi- repetitive depositional and erosional patterns within cra-
tional hiatus that occurs over much of the transgressed tonic basins.
shelf and adjacent slope during maximum marine flood- The repetitive nature of Cenozoic deposition was rec-
ing. The genetic sequence paradigm emphasizes preserv- ognized early in thick stratigraphic section of the Gulf of
ing the stratigraphic integrity of three-dimensional Mexico basin (Deussen and Owen, 1939; Fisher, 1964)
depositional systems and does not rely on widespread and provided a basis for regional stratigraphic correla-
development of subaerial erosion surfaces caused by tion and analysis_ Here, successions of sandy tongues
eustatic falls of sea level to define sequence boundaries. consisting of coastal plain and paralic deposits extend
The physical stratigraphic record of transgression and progressively basinward, where they overlie and grade
into thick marine mud rocks (Figure 1). The thick sand-
©Copyright 1989. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All
rich offlapping wedges are separated by thinner updip-
rights reserved. extending tongues of fossiliferous marine mudstone that
1Manuscript received, June 10, 1987; accepted, August2, 1988.
2Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, effectively punctuate the lithostratigraphy of the upper
Texas. 5-6 km of the sedimentary section. Sedimentary cycles
This paper is based in part upon research supported by National Science were defined by the bounding marine mud-rock units.
Foundation grant EAR-8416138. The ideas evolved from a 1984 MPG Distin-
guished Lecture series. Figures were drafted by Jeff Horowitz. Betty Kurtz
These marine-shale bounded units provide the basis for
typed the bibliography. I thank William Bazeley, Frank Brown, Nicholas systematic depositional analysis of the Cenozoic section
Christie-Slick, Robert Dolt, Jr., William Dickinson, Martin Lagoe, Andrew Miall, of the northern Gulf of Mexico.
and Don Swift, as well as reviewers L. L. Sloss and J. F. Sarg for their com-
ments, critique, and support. I dedicate this paper to Dave Frazier, who taught
A similar stratigraphic pattern-offlapping sandy
me to worry more about genetic stratigraphy than he probably guessed. tongues or wedges separated by widespread, often litho-

126 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I


D Coastal· plain fluvial :'
~Bay /lagoon
0 Paralic' shore-zone/deltaic
CJ Shelf and slope
4 D lntraslope basin

0 30mo
0 30km

Figure 1-Generalized dip-oriented stratigraphic cross section through northwestern Gulf Coast sedimentary wedge. Principal
Cenozoic depositional complexes are labeled. Note expansion of complexes across major growth fault zones, which mark posi-
tions of successive paleocontinental margins.

logically distinct, marine units-dominates the deposi- emphases on sedimentary volumes and bounding sur-
tional pattern in clastic basin fills of diverse ages and faces, incorporate the three key elements that define the
tectonic settings (Figure 2). The marine beds again pro- genetic stratigraphy of basin fills.
vide a basis for regional correlation and integrative facies ( 1) Depositional systems are three-dimensional assem-
analysis. blages of process-related facies that record major paleo-
geomorphic basin elements. They grade laterally into
Depositional Elements and Depositional Architecture
adjacent systems, forming logical associations of paleo-
geographic elements. The systems commonly display
evolutionary trends through stratigraphic successions
Analyses of the depositional history of the northwest- that record geologically significant time spans but are
ern Gulf Coast and late Paleozoic Midland basin fills, separated from underlying and overlying systems by
particularly as illustrated in Texas Bureau of Economic hiatal (disconformable) surfaces. Genetic stratigraphic
Geology publications (beginning with Fisher and McGo- packages typically consist of the sediments of several
wen's [1967] analysis of the Wilcox Group), generally related depositional systems.
used transgression-bounded units to define and map (2) Bounding hiatal surfaces separate stratigraphic
three-dimensional, genetic lithostratigraphic units packages and record major interruptions in basin deposi-
termed "depositional systems." Interpreting deposition tional history. These surfaces record significant periods
systems as fundamental building blocks of basin fills is a of nondeposition or very slow deposition, with or with-
major facet of basin analysis (Miall, 1984; Galloway and out concomitant subaerial or submarine erosion. Sur-
Hobday, 1983). faces have several origins and may themselves be part of a
The increasing quality and availability of regional migratory facies tract. Thus, hiatal surfaces can be part
reflection seismic sections led to the development of seis- of a related time-equivalent depositional system tract or
mic stratigraphy, an approach to basin analysis that can separate system tracts of different ages and genetic
delineates and maps regional depositional and erosional stratigraphic units.
surfaces (Mitchum et al, 1977). Because disconformable Unconformities are hiatal surfaces that demonstrably
surfaces are particularly apparent on regional seismic truncate underlying strata. Three types of unconformi-
sections, boundary defined units, or seismic sequences, ties are recognized: (I) subaerial erosion surfaces, includ-
become the fundamental element for basin analysis using ing incised valley systems, (2) shoreface ravinement
seismic data. surfaces eroded during transgression (Swift, 1968), and
Depositional system and seismic stratigraphic (3) submarine shelf and slope erosion surfaces reflecting
analyses, with their divergent but complementary sediment starvation and erosion by currents or mass
William E. Galloway 127

w E
((:::;/(] Nonmarine sandstone ond muds tone

L<: :::j Coastal sandstone

0 Morine mudstone


fl m
w E

5~~ m
0 30km


----- and nonmarine sondslone and mudslone B

Figure :!-Generalized stratigraphic cross sections of offlapping basin-margin sedimentary prisms showing repetitive paUem of
progradational sandy tongues, which consist of coastal and nonmarine facies, separated by transgressive marine mudstone or
limestone units. (A) Upper Cretaceous fill of western North American seaway, San Juan basin. Seven episodes of sediment influx
into this intermittently thrust-loaded foreland basin are clearly evident. (B) Late Pennsylvanian prograding Eastern shelf, Midland
basin. Here, eight prominent but thin sedimentary cycles punctuate mixed siliciclastic and carbonate fill of stable intracratonic
basin. Sections modified from Molenaar (1983) and Brown et al (1973).

wasting (Frazier, 1974; Christie-Blick et al, in press). features, ranging from simple channeling to large-scale
Condensed sections are the product of very slow depo- valley or canyon incision, has been recognized using out-
sition. In terrigenous clastic basin fills, marine con- crop and conventional subsurface data. The ability of
densed sections form on the open shelf and slope during seismic data to resolve surfaces and the geometry of dis-
extensive basin-margin transgression and flooding, and cordant stratification within the framework of those sur-
exhibit a variety of paleontologic or compositional faces has increased our understanding and ability to use
attributes. Thin, widespread, highly fossiliferous hemi- bedding relationships in interpreting depositional pro-
pelagic and pelagic mudstone drapes commonly reflect cess and history (Mitchum et al, 1977).
sediment starvation. Chemical sediments-thin marl or A thorough analysis of a sedimentary basin fill must
limestone beds, glauconite, phosphatic zones, siliceous incorporate and reconcile the three-dimensional distribu-
shale-indicate extremely slow deposition. Widespread tion of depositional systems and their component facies,
radioactive marine mudstone units (hot shales) similarly bedding geometries, bounding surfaces, and condensed
reflect slow sedimentation and concentration of organic sections within the motif of recurrent depositional cycles
matter. In subaerial environments, widespread paleosoils shown in Figures 1 and 2. Sequence stratigraphy-the
and coaly zones indicate slow rates of clastic accumula- analysis of repetitive genetically related depositional
tion. units bounded in part by surfaces of nondeposition or
(3) Bedding architecture describes the geometric rela- erosion-attempts this integration. The genetic strati-
tionship between bedding surfaces or the stratification graphic sequence I propose emphasizes the equal impor-
within depositional systems and at bounding surfaces. tance of depositional systems and bounding hiatal
The contrasting geometries of progradational, aggrada- surfaces as elements of the basin fill. The primary objec-
tional, and retrogradational sedimentary units have long tive is to define an operational stratigraphic unit that (I)
been recognized. Similarly, the hierarchy of erosional groups all sediments that record a common paleogeo-
128 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

graphic 3 assemblage of depositional systems and (2) is "depositional sequence," his depositional complex is a
bounded by stratal surfaces that reflect major reorgani- sequence-stratigraphic unit bounded by surfaces of ero-
zations in basin paleogeographic framework. Given a sion or nondeposition and their correlative conformities.
choice of possible surfaces, those that separate major The complex provides the basis for defining an alterna-
shifts or changes in depositional system organization are tive sequence-stratigraphic unit that does not rely on the
emphasized. Delineation, mapping, and interpretation presence or recognition of widespread subaerial uncon-
of these sequences then provides an overview of the prin- formities, as required in the definition of depositional
cipal depositional episodes recorded within the sedimen- sequences proposed by the Exxon research group (Vail,
tary fill of a basin. 1987; Van Wagoner et al, 1987). I build upon Frazier's
model to provide an alternative sequence-stratigraphic
paradigm proven useful in analyzing prograding clastic
Depositional Episodes and Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences basin fills.

Frazier (1974) developed a conceptual model for defin-

ing genetic stratigraphic units and their components in STRATIGRAPHIC SEQUENCES
offlap-filled clastic basins. Using three-dimensional
stratigraphic studies of the late Quaternary depositional
sequences of the northern Gulf Coast basin, Frazier dis- Progradation of a basin-margin sedimentary prism
tilled several principles that form a foundation for during a depositional episode requires that sediment
sequence stratigraphy (Galloway and Hobday, 1983). accumulate in depositional systems ranging from deep-
(1} Terrigenous clastic sediments are allochthonous water slope and basin plain to paralic (deltaic, shore
and must be transported to the basin margin primarily by zone, and shelf) and terrestrial (fluvial or alluvial fan).
fluvial systems. Therefore, major reorganization of Four bathymetric and depositional regimes-slope, shelf
basin paleogeography typically involves changes in prin- edge, shelf, and coastal plain-successively pass a refer-
cipal fluvial axes. ence point as basin-margin progradation proceeds
(2) Basins are filled through a repetitive alternation of beyond that point. Shelf-edge progradation, as defined
depositional (offlap) and nondepositional (transgressive) by the break in depositional slope that separates shelf-
intervals. At any specific time, active deposition is con- platform sediments deposited by traction currents from
centrated within a small portion of the total submerged slope sediments deposited dominantly by gravitational
basin area. Minor amounts ofterrigenous sediment accu- resedimentation, is the most stable guide to the extent of
mulate elsewhere; nondeposition or erosion may, in fact, basin-margin outbuilding at any particular time or strati-
dominate. Consequently, essentially nondepositional graphic level (Winker, 1982; Jackson and Galloway,
interludes separate depositional intervals. 1984). The shore zone, in contrast, commonly shifts tens
(3) The time interval represented by resultant subma- of kilometers across the depositional platform in
rine hiatal surfaces varies areally; however, such surfaces response to minor base-level changes or variation in sedi-
everywhere separate sediments of different depositional ment supply. An ideal depositional episode thus is
events and, therefore, ages. recorded by a cycle shoreline advance and retreat and a
(4) Each depositional pulse or event is separated from pulse of shelf-edge progradation and foundering.
other pulses by hiatal surfaces basinward of initial and
terminal shorelines of maximum flooding. The pulse
produces a surface-bounded genetic stratigraphic unit Elements of Depositional Episodes and Sequences
that Frazier termed "facies sequence." Analogous strati-
graphic units have also been called "parasequences" The temporal framework and facies stratigraphy of a
(Van Wagoner et al, 1987). genetic stratigraphic sequence produced by an idealized
(5) Progradational, aggradational, and transgressive depositional episode are shown in Figure 3. The time-
facies are arranged predictably within a facies sequence. space diagram at the top of the figure illustrates the tem-
(6) A hierarchy of progradational-transgressive cycles poral and spatial relationships of principal
exists in most basins. Multiple events punctuate regional environmental assemblages. The lower cross section
depositional episodes. illustrates the bedding architecture of the genetic strati-
Frazier recognized depositional episodes and deposi- graphic sequence. The episode and sequence consist of
tional complexes as the principal genetic time and rock three families of elements: offlap components, onlap or
stratigraphic subdivisions of basin history and fill. Depo- transgressive components, and bounding surfaces
sitional episodes are ended by regional flooding events; reflecting maximum marine flooding (hiatal surfaces of
their physical stratigraphic units provide a record of Frazier, 1974).
coastal outbuilding capped by transgressive facies and Offlap components (Figure 3) include (I) commonly
superjacent submarine unconformities or condensed sed- sandy fluvial, delta-plain, and bay/lagoon facies that
imentary veneers. Although Frazier did not use the term reflect aggradation of the coastal plain, (2) prograda-
tional deposits of the shore zone (also sandy) that overlie,
3As used here, paleogeography emphasizes the areal distribution of princi-
landward, the flooded depositional platform of the pre-
pal physical geographic elements of the basin, including major fluvial axes and ceding depositional sequence and, seaward, the contem-
related shore-zone and submarine features. poraneous facies of the offlapping continental slope, and
William E. Galloway 129



Figure 3-ldealized stratigraphic architecture of simple depositional episode and resultant genetic stratigraphic sequence. Upper
diagram (episode) has time as vertical axis. Lower diagram (sequence) shows resultant stratigraphic architecture and facies associ-
ations with depth as vertical axis. From Galloway (1987).

(3) mixed aggradational lower slope and progradational after shoreline retreat, and (2) an apron of gravitation-
upper slope facies. Although the terms "slope offlap" ally resedimented, upper slope and shelf-margin deposits
and "progradation" are used synonymously, the internal at the toe of the slope. The transgressive period, follow-
facies architecture of slope deposits is dominated by ing active outbuilding of the continental margin, is a
gravitational remobilization and aggradational stacking good time for extensive mass wasting and retrogradation
of sediment at the toe and on the adjacent basin floor of the upper slope and continental margin (Dietz, 1963;
(Mitchum, 1985; Mutti, 1985). Thus, offlap slope sys- Brown and Fisher, 1980; Winker, 1984). As a result, a dis-
tems more commonly contain a mix of mainly upper tinct apron of resedimented material onlaps the toe of the
slope progradational facies, which display distinctly slope clinoform (Figure 3). Regraded slope aprons may
clinoform bedding geometry, and base-of-slope and also consist ofMutti's (1985) types I and II turbidite com-
adjacent basin-plain aggradational facies sequences, plexes as well as more localized slump debris. For sim-
which display more complex onlap and mounded bed- plicity, Figure 3 illustrates an idealized genetic
ding geometries (Mitchum, 1985). Mutti's (1985) stage stratigraphic sequence in which little sediment is added
III turbidite deposits are especially common, but stages I during the transgressive part of the cycle. In this circum-
and II sandy base-of-slope lobes also occur interspersed stance, the depositional record oftransgression may con-
with the muddier offlap apron. The degree to which sist of a discontinuous veneer of reworked shore-zone
organized submarine fans or disorganized slope aprons sediments capping a ravinement surface. Active sediment
form is a function of several variables, including sedi- input commonly continues during transgression (deposi-
ment supply (rate, degree of focusing, texture), basin tional transgression or common onlap of Curray, 1964),
hydrography, tectonism, and base-level instability resulting in thick deposits and recording an extended per-
(Mutti, 1985; Stow et al, 1985). In thick slope succes- iod of landward-stepping depositional events (Figure
sions, gravity tectonics typically modify simply patterns 4A). The term "retrogradation" is useful for describing
of facies and stratal architecture by focusing subsidence these long-term periods of shoreline and shelf-edge
at the shelf margin and creating major stratal discontinu- retreat.
ity surfaces (Jackson and Galloway, 1984). Finally, the genetic stratigraphic sequence is bounded
Onlap components (Figure 3) consist of (1) reworked by two stratigraphic surfaces (Figure 3) that record the
shore-zone and shelf facies deposited during and soon relative clastic-sediment starvation of the shelf and slope
130 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

r------------------------------------------ ---------------------------~
--====---,-------Retrogradot on · - - - - - - - 1

t Mixed bypass and

Depositional E local aggradation

episode f-

-------continental m a r g i n - - - - - -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shoreline========~
------sasinward ----------+-


Greatest marine

Greatest fluvial

j ~ =-'=iSBns- - Platform deltas I Shelf- edge deltas -


Extensive low Shelf

coastal- ~-----Transgressive barrier
plain flooding [ Lagoon


coastal plain

Figure 4-(A) Schematic time-space diagrams illustrating complex history of outbuilding and retrogradation typical of genetic
depositional episodes. Smaller cycles of progradation and retreat punctuate long-term history of regional offlap followed by pro-
gressive shoreline retreat. Patterns are same as in Figure 3. (8, C) Location of common genetic facies associations deposited in
deltaic headland and interdeltaic bight transects during depositional episode.
William E. Galloway 131

during transgression and the ensuing period of maximum extends basin ward from the shore-zone depositional sys-
marine flooding. The concept of hiatal surfaces separat- tem of the bight (Figure 5), and the shelf edge lies off-
ing the transgressive or retrogradational deposits of one shore. The same paleogeographic elements persist during
sequence from the progradational deposits of the suc- transgression and marine flooding; however, a broad
ceeding sequence is used here in Frazier's (1974) original shelf fronts both the deltaic headlands and adjacent
sense. Intermittent sediment deposition commonly bights. Two different generalized system transects are
occurs across areas of the flooded depositional platform. required to characterize the sequence stratigraphy of a
However, terrigenous sedimentation rates are extremely depositional episode along such a typical basin margin.
low, and extended time intervals are recorded by thin, Figure 4B and C illustrates the temporal and spatial
stratigraphically and compositionally distinctive marker relationships of typical facies assemblages along tran-
beds, which contain multiple disconformities that cannot sects through a deltaic headland and interdeltaic bight.
be resolved individually. Stratigraphic manifestations of Sediment supply remains active during coastal retreat,
marine-flooding surfaces include both unconformities and onlap is dominated by gradual retrogradation. In the
and condensed sections, which form downlap seismic deltaic headland, initial delta progradation first reclaims
sequence boundaries (Asquith, 1970; Mitchum et al, the flooded platform of the previous episode. Prodelta
1977). The manifestations provide prominent log mark- and delta-front facies comprise the progradational facies
ers and commonly are petroleum source rock horizons elements. Delta-plain deposits cap the progradational
(Meyer and Nederlof, 1984). platform. As progradation extends to the underlying
Significantly, Frazier's model also predicts the pres- shelf edge, thickness of shelf-edge, delta-front and pro-
ence of a subaerial hiatal surface along and within the delta facies increases and gravity remobilization assumes
landward margin of the genetic stratigraphic sequence a more important role in further outbuilding the deeper
(Figure 3). As the shoreline, which is the focus of deposi- water slope (Suter and Berryhill, 1985; Armentrout,
tion, shifts basinward, the inner coastal plain may 1987). The outbuilding slope includes both prograda-
become a graded surface that acts as a sediment bypass tional elements of the delta system and mixed architec-
zone. Minor changes in base level, or the development of tures of an offlapping submarine fan or apron system.
peripheral uplift that occurs in larger basins as deposition Concomitantly, the inland delta plain continues to
loads the crust, leads to nondeposition, valley incision, aggrade, ultimately forming a broad aggradational allu-
or even low-angle truncation of older basin-fringing vial apron. Nodal avulsion of trunk streams across this
parts of the sequence. This erosion surface is the key type apron results in delta-lobe switching, often at a scale of
1 depositional sequence boundary of Vail et a! (1984). hundreds of miles in large systems. (Galloway [1981]
However, its significance as a synchronous regional summarized numerous examples from the Quaternary
stratigraphic boundary is based on the assumption that and Cenozoic record of the Gulf Coast.) Thus, in any one
stratal architecture of basin margins is uniquely domi- transect, outbuilding is punctuated by subregional (tens
nated by eustatic falls of sea level to or below the shelf to hundreds of kilometers along depositional strike)
edge (an assumption that many authors, such as Pitman transgressions which deposit delta-destructional facies.
and Golovchenko [1983], Miall [1986], and Christie- Retrogradation results in increasingly restricted delta-
Blick et al [in press] question). Most recently, Vail (1987) front and prodelta deposition, and deltas once more pro-
and Van Wagoner et al (1987) have redefined the type 1 grade into shoal water of the newly flooded platform.
subaerial unconformity, stating it requires a drop of sea More closely balanced supply and reworking result in
level only below the depositional shoreline break or stacked sequences of increasingly marine-dominated
shoreface. This redefinition significantly reduces the delta-front facies (Galloway, 1975). Delta-destructional
amount of sea level fall required to generate a type 1 facies, in turn, are covered by the widespread prodelta/
sequence boundary. At the same time, such redefinition shelf mud blanket. Relative rise in base level also
reduces the potential geographic extent and stratigraphic enhances the aggradation of delta and fluvial plains.
significance of, and proportionally increases the tectonic Increased preservation of overbank and flood-basin
influence on, the resultant subaerial erosion surface. facies results (Galloway et al, 1986). The unstable shelf-
All sequences are three-dimensional stratigraphic units margin delta deposits continue to slump and resediment
with regional continuity along strike within a basin. Ide- delta-front, prodelta, and upper-slope deposits, creating
ally, each sequence encapsulates several related deposi- an onlapping slope apron. Large submarine canyons may
tional systems in both the dip and strike directions. Both be incised across the expanding shelf (Galloway et al,
modern and ancient coastal plains reveal a common pat- 1988).
tern of laterally associated depositional elements in many In interdeltaic areas (Figure 4C), a sandy or muddy
divergent-margin and foreland basins {Weimer, 1970; strand plain progrades across the flooded shelf platform
Winker, 1979, 1984; Galloway, 1981). Large extrabasinal of the previous episode. Subaerial coastal plain deposits,
fluvial systems produce broad coastal-plain alluvial! commonly deposited by many small streams forming a
deltaic aprons and deltaic headlands that prograde onto stream plain (Galloway, 1981), aggrade upon the progra-
the shelf edge (Figure 5). Between fluvial/deltaic axes, dational foundation of strand-plain deposits. Rate of
minor streams produce a stream plain that grades basin- outbuilding slows at the shelf margin, where muddy sedi-
ward into an interdeltaic coastal bight. Sediment is trans- ments extend from the shelf onto the slope. Slope offlap
ported into the bight by local streams and longshore again consists of mixed progradational and aggrada-
reworking from the adjacent deltaic headlands. A shelf tional resedimented deposits. The shelf-slope break is
132 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

(A) Extrabos11lOI stream

Intrabas11r:l 01d ~as1n frmge srreoms

I nterdelta 1c 81ght

Deltaic Headland

Geomorphic or structural focus edge of older depositional sequence

Figure 5-Idealized paleogeographic elements of prograding clastic coastal plain and shelf. One or more fluvial/ deltaic headlands
prograde to shelf edge and onto upper continental slope. Shoreline and shelf of interdeltaic bight are fed both by longshore trans-
port of sand and mud and by local streams. Entry of major and secondary Ouvial systems onto depositional coastal plain is focused
through erosional valleys at uplifted margin of depositional basin. Nodal avulsion then creates broad alluvial aprons. From Gallo-
way et al (1986).

more gradual than at the more actively prograding del- facies, are most likely formed during transgression and
taic headland; consequent regrading by mass wasting is flooding (Swift and Rice, 1984). Because shelf deposits
probably less intense during the subsequent retrograda- are derived from reworked transgressed or contemporary
tion. Because sediment is supplied alongshore from adja- retrogradational deposits, their distribution commonly
cent deltaic headlands with their shifting depocenters, reflects the paleogeography of the precursor depositional
outbuilding of the interdeltaic facies tract is similarly episode. These deposits are best included in and mapped
sporadic, with bursts of progradation punctuated subre- as a facies element of the underlying genetic stratigraphic
gionally by stability or transgression. Retrogradation of sequence.
wave-dominated coasts, such as the northwestern Gulf of In summary, the genetic stratigraphic sequence is a
Mexico, commonly is reflected by the increasing impor- package of sediments recording a significant episode of
tance of barrier bar/lagoon systems as coastal flooding basin margin outbuilding and basin filling bounded by
occurs. Rising base level preserves aggrading coastal- periods of widespread basin-margin flooding (Figure 6).
plain fluvial and bay/lagoon systems (Galloway et al, The depositional veneer or erosion surface defining the
1986). Thick aggradational barrier and thin transgressive time of maximum marine flooding is commonly the
barrier facies are preserved. A muddy shelf blanket cov- boundary between the major three-dimensional deposi-
ers all or part of the broad, newly flooded depositional tional systems. The common stratigraphic juxtaposition
platform. of typically thin transgressive facies or surfaces and the
Distinct shelf-system deposits, including sand-rich condensed paleontologic or sedimentologic veneers
William E. Galloway 133

-. ........ ~ .

Shore- zone facies
Genetic stratigraphic sequence boundary and correlative conformity
Depositional sequence bounding unconformity and correlative conformity
Depositional surfaces
® Successive coastal depositional systems

t Genetic stratigraphic sequence

l Depositional sequence

Figure 6-Comparison of boundaries for (A) Exxon type 1 and (B) Exxon type 2 depositional sequences with those of genetic
stratigraphic sequence. (A) Exxon paradigm emphasizes subaerial unconformity and its equivalent stratal surface, which may be
quite prominent where relative base level drops below progradational shelf edge. (B) In contrast, bounding unconformity is
obscure and of limited extent in type 2 sequences where base level does not drop below platform margin. In both examples,
downlapped hiatal surface created by transgression and flooding of coastal plain creates an easily correlated horizon that encapsu-
lates prograded wedge of sandy coastal-plain, shore-zone, and marine-slope sediments.

recording maximum transgressive flooding makes their CAUSES OF DEPOSITIONAL EPISODES

interchangeable use for regional stratigraphic correlation
practical in many basin settings. Within the sequence, a Given the prominence of episodic deposition and
coherent assemblage of depositional systems can be resultant sequences in many basin-margin sedimentary
defined and delineated by mapping framework sand- wedges, the question of cause becomes particularly com-
stone distribution. This inferred and observed genetic pelling. Certainly, the interpretation that synchronous,
coherence of the depositional system framework within in-phase, eustatic sea level changes control sedimentary
marine flooding-surface bounded sequences is a funda- cycles is popular (Vail et al, 1984). However, many work-
mental distinction from the lowstand unconformity ers (Krumbein and Sloss, 1963; Curray, 1964; Hardenbol
bounded depositional sequence of Vail et al (1984), which et al, 1981) have emphasized that depositional patterns
contains the flooding surface and combines the retrogra- reflect the dynamic interplay of three principal factors
dational facies of the older system with the prograda- (Figure 7): eustatic changes, terrigenous sediment supply,
tional facies of the younger (Figure 6). Within the genetic and basin subsidence rate.
stratigraphic sequence, evolving patterns in coastal-plain Eustatic changes in sea level directly influence the loca-
fluvial, deltaic, interdeltaic shore-zone, shelf, and slope tion of the shoreline and, thus, the site where sediment
system deposition may be recognized or predicted. flows into the basin. The eustatic component includes
134 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I


Figure 7- Variables that influence depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of prograding basin margins. Sequence architec-
ture is product of interplay between eustatic sea level, subsidence rate, and sediment supply.

changes in ocean basin volume (tectono-eustasy), water large-scale polar ice cap formation. Polar ice caps began
volume (glacial eustasy), and geoidal surface (geoidal to form during the Oligocene and were widespread by the
eustasy) (Fairbridge, 1961; Morner, 1980). Miocene (Loutit and Kennett, 1981; Leckie and Webb,
Terrigenous sediment supply is determined by source 1983). In contrast, the later Mesozoic and early Cenozoic
terranes and regional climate. Subregionally, autocyclic world was probably largely ice free. Large volumes of ice
processes play an important role. are required to affect sea level by tens of meters. For
Basin subsidence rate (exclusive of depositional load- example, a sea level rise of about 60 m would result if all
induced subsidence) is primarily a product of local and present glaciers and ice caps melted (Pitman and Golov-
regional plate-margin and intraplate thermal and stress chenko, 1983). Lack of direct geologic evidence for com-
regimes. Both absolute rate and changes in magnitude or parably large volumes of ice during the Mesozoic and
polarity of rate determine the stratigraphic architecture early Cenozoic is difficult to reconcile with theorized
of basin margins (Pitman, 1978). high-amplitude glacial eustasy during these times. We
Under suitable conditions, the rates of subsidence, presume glacial eustasy is an important sea level control
uplift, sediment accumulation, and eustatic base-level during parts of earth history, but it remains an unlikely
change can approach maximum but comparable ranges mechanism for other, equally extended periods.
of 1 to 100 m/1,000 years (Figure 8). Thus, as shown in Tectono-eustatic changes result from changes in ocean
Figure 9, a full range of depositional architectures volume by large-scale lithospheric plate interactions. The
reflecting basin-margin progradation, aggradation, ret- most important of these appears to be variation in rate of
rogradation, and transgression can result equally from sea-floor spreading and consequent elevation of spread-
variations of sediment influx, subsidence rate, or eustatic ing ridges and surrounding oceanic crust. Pitman (1978)
sea level. In basic architecture, the stratigraphic product calculated maximum possible rates of sea level change
looks similar regardless of which variable is changed. due to changing ridge volume to approximate 1 cm/1 ,000
Genetic stratigraphic sequences are simply combinations years. A general lowering of sea level by 100 to 300m has
of progradational components followed by retrograda- occurred due to declining spreading rates since the Late
tional or transgressive components. Aggradational inter- Cretaceous (Kominz, 1984), but tectono-eustasy seems
vals may also be incorporated at various levels in the incapable of explaining rapid (I 00,000 years), strati-
sequence. Therefore, all three factors-sediment supply, graphically substantive (10-100 m) changes in sea level.
subsidence rate, and eustatic sea level-must be consid- Less appreciated by stratigraphers is the potential role
ered in any critical examination of basin-margin strati- of geoidal eustasy. The geoid is the equipotential surface
graphic evolution (Miall, 1986). of the combined rotational and gravitational potential
fields and corresponds to mean geodetic sea level. The
ambient geoid (sea level surface) commonly varies from
an ideal mathematical surface by several tens of meters.
Eustatic Sea Level Change
Changes in geoid geometry at scales comparable to other
crustal tectonic processes would be expected. However,
Eustatic sea level has three components of potential Marner ( 1980) predicted recurrent, rapid (1 ,000 years)
change: glacial, tectonic, and geoidal (Figure 7). variations in geoid elevation of magnitudes of tens of
Glacial eustatic changes result from the changing vol- meters. Newman et al (1980) suggested evidence for such
ume of continental ice caps and have potentially high changes in historical geodetic data. Aside from providing
change rates of 10 to 100 m/1 ,000 years (Pitman, 1978). a speculative mechanism for nonglacial rapid eustatic sea
Such changes are limited but not inherent to periods of level change, Marner's (1980) hypothesis, if validated,
William E. Galloway 135

Q) 0 c: c
.!!! Q)
.... ·u; (f)
.... 0 0 0 0

' VJ
e -
..0 ..0

0 0

0 :::J
0 0 0 ~
VJ VJ -;;; Q) VJ ~ 0 Ill
100.0 E
Q) u Q)
01 H
~ .... 0
~ .E 5 -~ -~
c u' (!) <!)

0 ~ ~ VI f (5 Q)
0 <'-•
>- c: w
0 10.0 Q. -Q) ..c' 0c: 0 c::
0 Q) .E
c Q) .Q' "0
.._ I ·-
~ E u0 ('to.•
cc: c:
Q) u
I ~(f)
> ~
'en 0 ....
..Q c
.... 0
...J I I
0.1 3U n.
0.01 I I
O.OOI ~__:A:.!::C~C~UM~UL!::.!A:::.!T...:.:IO~N.!...-_~D~E:.!.N!!:U~D:.::::AT.!.;I~O:!!N_......::::U.:...P::.L:.:..IF..:.T.:::_-_---......::::S..::.U.::::BS:::..:I.:::.D::.EN:..:.;C::;:E:___ _ __;E::..:U:..:S:..:.T.:...A.::..SY.:..._

Figure 8-Comparative rates of deposition, erosion, tectonic uplift or subsidence, and eustatic sea level change. Rates exceeding 1
m/1,000 years characterize a broad range of depositional and tectonic settings. Only glacial and possibly geoidal eustasy match
maximum uplift/subsidence and accumulation rates. Modified from Stow et al (1985).

has important implications for sequence stratigraphy. Subsidence Rate

First, geoidal eustatic changes, although synchronous
and global, would show basin-to-basin phase shifts. Rise Subsidence is a product of tectonics (crustal extension,
in sea level in one area must be balanced by fall in other cooling, tectonic loading) or sedimentary loading (Figure
areas. Second, the data for ongoing geoidal change 7). Most subsidence models assume uniform rates that
(Newman et al, 1980, p. 555) " ... paradoxically demon- can be expressed by simple mathematical formulas.
strate the futility of searching for a purely eustatic curve. However, uniform subsidence is only a first-order
The geoid is continually deforming ... .'' approximation of reality; cooling, stretching, or loading
rates need not be uniform (Wiltschko and Dorr, 1983;
Poag and Schlee, 1984; Ru and Pigott, 1986). Further,
loading and flexural downbowing of the crust induce
tS: !!l
stress that results in peripheral uplift. The locus of such
uplift is migratory if loading varies in time or space
(Quinland and Beaumont, 1984). Changes in regional
>< t a:

.a41t intraplate stress fields significantly modify the crust's
·- c >
-4141 flexural response to loading. Models demonstrate that
changes of a few kilobars in the horizontal stress regime
·- :::JIJ)
~(/). ~§~~~A~ggradational can induce relative base-level changes by 100 m
(Cloetingh et al, 1985).
Evidence suggests that magnitude and orientation of
--en ~ horizontal crustal stress fields can change over periods 1
~ ·.•·
·. ·. ·. ·_ · .· .· .· -.~ ·
to 10 m.y.; therefore, base-level changes of 1 cm/1 ,000
~ -Progr~dational
I ·•... ·. ·. . ·. ·. ·. . ··.. · .• ·. ... ··

years are possible (Cloetingh et al, 1985) in basins next to

active tectonic zones. The intracontinental scale of
crustal stress regimes (Zoback and Zoback, 1980) indi-
Figure 9-Schematic stratigraphic architectures of prograda- cates the potential for changing plate-margin tectonism
tion, aggradation, retrogradation, and transgression with three to influence subsidence across broad areas of continental
variables that control their formation. Change in any of three plates.
variables potentially yields similar stratigraphic architecture.
Genetic stratigraphic sequence typically includes superposition Sediment Supply
of successive architectures, reflecting evolution from shoreline
and shelf-margin progradation to shoreline retreat and shelf- Sediment supply has been neglected in sequence
margin foundering. From Galloway (1987). analysis of basins not directly associated with convergent
136 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

plate margins. However, sediment supply is important in SEDIMENT


prograding basin margins where input inherently must

exceed the accommodation potential of the receiving
basin. Observed Quaternary depocenter sedimentation
rates commonly are tens of meters per thousand years,
matching or exceeding all but the most rapid glacial
eustatic sea level change rates (Figure 8). Schumm ( 1977)
discussed factors affecting sediment supply. Overall ter-
rigenous clastic sediment supply is a complex response to
source-to-basin relief and climate of the source area (Fig-
ure 7). Relief, in turn, is controlled by tectonics in the
source terrane and the intermediate transport pathways
to the basin (which can divert or pirate trunk streams and
create sediment sinks). Changing climate, not climatic
stability, results in surges of sediment supply.
Sediment supply as a major variable is well docu-
mented by Stott (1984) for the northern Cretaceous sea-
way, where average sediment accumulation rates for the Figure 10-Ternary diagram with principal factors that control
basin varied repeatedly by a factor of two. Swift and Rice history of basin infilling as end members. Arrows indicate
(1984), among other workers, related variations in the trends or attributes that can help classify depositional episodes
and resultant stratigraphic sequences as supply, subsidence, or
seaway sediment supply to periods of active thrusting in
eustatic dominated. Most real sequences plot within triangle
western North America, establishing a direct connection rather than as pure end members.
between source area tectonism and episodic prograda-
tion of the basin margin. Preliminary results of an exami-
nation of regional Cenozoic depositional rates in the framework. Criteria for distinguishing the effects of sub-
northwestern Gulf of Mexico indicate up to tenfold sidence, sediment supply, and eustasy must be developed,
changes over a few million years. Paleogeographic map- refined, and rigorously applied.
ping in both the Cretaceous seaway and Gulf basin has The process triangle shown in Figure 10 illustrates
shown repeated geographic shifts in deltaic depocenters. some trends that may help distinguish one or more end
Thus, local sediment should show even greater variation members.
with time. (1) Thick sedimentary packages indicating high sedi-
Sea level change, however, has little effect on quantity mentation rate suggest sediment input as a major control
or nature of sediment supply. A fall in sea level would not on sequence organization. Changes of a few tens of
increase the volume or caliber of stream sediment load meters in base level logically have little influence on the
unless the ratio of drainage basin relief (elevation of the long-term paleogeography of depositional settings, such
bedrock source terrane) to transport path length were sig- as major deltaic depocenters, where depositional topog-
nificantly increased (Schumm, 1977; Vita-Finzi, 1986). raphy is commonly tens to hundreds of meters and is sus-
In fact, the opposite is likely to result; at lowstand, the tained by complex autocyclic processes of progradation
low-relief coastal plain will be widest and the average and destruction as well as load and compaction-induced
stream gradient least. Volumes of sediment excavated by subsidence.
valley incision of coastal plains exposed at relative low- (2) Abrupt juxtaposition of genetic facies that reflect
stands are inconsequential in the context of sequence sed- very different parts of the facies tract suggested eustatic
imentary volumes. Basins cannot be filled by or tectonosubsidence control of sedimentation. Exam-
self-cannabilization. ples include valley incision directly into marine or pro-
delta facies, downward shift in coastal offlap to a
position below the depositional shelf edge or shoreline
Comparative Influence of Three Variables
break, and abrupt superposition of shallow-water sedi-
ments and faunas on deep-water sediments (Weimer,
The packaging of terrigenous clastic basin fill into a 1984; Vail eta!, 1984). However, care must be exercised.
series of sequences is the consequence of the ongoing Retrogradational facies tracts may simply reflect waning
interplay of three interacting but independent variables. sediment supply in the face of ongoing subsidence.
As in any natural system, one variable may dominate. Transgression, with superposition of marine facies
Commonly, however, two or even all three variables cre- directly upon nonmarine deposits, may result from rapid
ate the sequence stratigraphic framework of basin mar- relative sea level rise or from abrupt truncation of sedi-
gins. Such a three-component system can be readily ment supply. In areas of high marine energy, little sedi-
represented on a ternary diagram such as shown in Figure ment may accumulate in the inner to middle shelf; the
10. If basin analysis is to live up to its potential in eluci- resultant progradational stratigraphic record would
dating the more subtle tectonic history of basins and their superimpose shoreface sediments directly on outer
source terranes and in testing concepts of global eustasy neritic facies.
(including phase-shifted geoidal eustasy), genetic (3) Downward shifts in coastal onlap require a relative
sequences must be placed appropriately in such a process sea level fall. However, independent evidence must con-
William E. Galloway 137

firm the coastal depositional facies of the onlapping (Figure 8) and can be expected to strongly influence or
wedge. We must exercise care to avoid misinterpreting dominate the stratigraphic record in some settings.
geometrically similar gravity glide wedges and (7) Progressive bathymetric deepening over periods of
megaslumps (Galloway, 1986). 100,000 years suggests that variable but rapid subsidence
(4) Abrupt changes in the average depositional rate, controls patterns of deposition.
grain size (caliber), or mineralogic composition of sedi- Most depositional episodes are the product of a
ments comprising successive sequences suggest supply is dynamic interplay between subsidence, sediment supply,
a principal control. Changes in one or more of these vari- and eustatic change; resultant sequences, thus, would
ables likely reflect regionally significant tectonic or cli- plot somewhere within the process triangle rather than at
matic reorganization of source terranes and transport an apex. A major goal of sequence analysis is to deter-
pathways. Conversely, sea level exerts no direct influence mine where individual sequences lie. Additional criteria
on the composition and little direct influence on rate of for such interpretation need to be developed and tested.
sediment supply to the basin.
(5) Widespread interplate correlation and demonstra-
ble synchroneity of sequences and their bounding hiatal
surfaces support eustatic sea level change as the principal CONTRASTING APPROACHES TO
control. Again, we must be cautious; correlation and
demonstration of synchroneity must be rigorously
tested. Large-scale tectonic events commonly affect sev- Many similarities exist between the genetic strati-
eral adjacent plates and may approach global dimensions graphic sequence as described here and the depositional
(Bally, 1980; Schwan, 1980). Consequently, basin-wide sequence defined and described by Vail et al (1984) and
or even interregional correlation does not rule out tecton- more recently by Van Wagoner et al (1987). The genetic
ics as the cause of sequence development. A hierarchy of stratigraphic sequence is most analogous to the parase-
sequence correlations needs to be applied and specified: quence set of Van Wagoner et al (1987). All have a com-
• Correlation is restricted to one depocenter or to mon conceptual origin in the work on depositional
closely related depocenters. episodes and depositional complexes of Frazier (1974).
• Correlation extends along an entire plate margin. However, emphasis on selection of key bounding sur-
• Correlation extends between adjacent crustal faces and interpretive goals diverged.
plates. The Exxon group focused on using seismic data and
• Correlation is global. developing seismic stratigraphy. Seismic reflections
The test of synchroneity needs to be carefully applied. inherently delineate the distribution and geometry of
As illustrated in a series of experiments by Zeller (1964 ), interfaces-depositional or erosional surfaces. A stratig-
the assumption that correlation exists ensures that a cor- raphy of surfaces emerges. Depositional systems and sys-
relation will be found, regardless of the reality of the tem tracts are interpreted by their stratigraphic and
assumed genetic association. If correlation is presumed, geographic relationship to sequence-bounding uncon-
the complexities and incompleteness of the stratigraphic formities. In contrast, the application of three-
record will almost always permit correlation. In-phase dimensional facies analysis using subsurface data and
eustatic sea level control has always been an appealing emergence of the depositional systems concept subordi-
concept because it brings order to an apparently chaotic nates stratal surfaces to the depositional facies of basin
group of strata in different basins and places the funda- fills. The genetic stratigraphic sequence, as proposed
mental causal mechanism comfortably within the here, synthesizes surface stratigraphy within the three-
domain of the stratigrapher. However, the assumption of dimensional facies framework of depositional systems.
eustatic control too easily leads to correlations in the The sequence retains the sedimentologist's emphasis on
absence or even in the face of rigorous documentation. interpreting environments by internal features and facies
The interaction of rigid plates on the closed surface of a geometries.
sphere ensures that tectonic events inherently will be Several key differences distinguish the genetic strati-
interregional and approximately synchronous. Tecton- graphic sequence from the seismically based depositional
ism and its sedimentary response commonly will show sequence, particularly because the latter has been primar-
slight time shifts from place to place (see Hubbard, ily interpreted to reflect ubiquitous eustatic control of
1988). Careful documentation of temporal correlation of basin filling.
depositional episodes, rather than defaulting to a visual (1) Although the more general definition of Van Wag-
best fit to presumed global standards, is required if stra- oner et al (1987) excludes specific reference to sea level
tigraphy is to contribute to the broader quantitative control, their discussion and the conclusion expressed by
understanding of the earth's tectonic and eustatic his- Vail (1987) in a companion paper that a sequence is inter-
tory. preted to be deposited during a cycle of eustatic change of
(6) Presence of intrabasinal angular unconformities, sea level leaves no doubt that the concept remains faith-
syndepositional faults, or other evidence of contempora- fully wedded to a stratigraphic framework dominated by
neous tectonism supports subsidence history as a princi- eustasy. A consequence of this emphasis is that many key
pal control of depositional episodes. Rates of uplift or elements of the Exxon sequence model, such as wide-
subsidence at transform and convergent plate margins spread, synchronous, subaerial unconformities and
are comparable to maximum rates of eustatic change stratigraphically disjointed highstand and lowstand
138 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

wedges (Figure 6A), are closely tied to eustatic domina- basin-margin flooding has physical stratigraphic
tion of sediment supply and subsidence. The genetic features-widespread marine beds or submarine erosion
stratigraphic sequence paradigm preserves and empha- surfaces-that are easily recognized, correlated, and
sizes Frazier's (1974) conclusion that a depositional mapped using a variety of data bases (ranging from well
sequence is a complex of facies derived from common logs and seismic data to outcrops) by a broad cross sec-
sources along the basin margin and deposited in a period tion of earth scientists. Figures 1 and 2 reveal how promi-
of relative base level or tectonic stability. This paradigm nent marine shale or limestone-bounded units (which
more flexibly accommodates the possible domination by contain the surface of maximum flooding) are and why
any of the three variables controlling depositional epi- they have become the basis for conventional strati-
sodes. graphic and facies nomenclature.
(2) As a consequence of this evolution toward contrast- Thin marker beds are often found and can be recog-
ing inferred relationships between major sedimentary nized readily in single outcrop or well sections. The per-
pulses and relative base level stability, proposed genetic iod of maximum flooding produces a condensed
stratigraphic sequence and depositional sequence bound- depositional and paleontologic marker. On seismic
aries are 180 o out of phase (Figure 6). Vail ( 1987) equated records, maximum flooding is recorded by coastal onlap
progradation of the basin margin to periods of sea level followed by downlap. Marker beds and hemipelagic
fall and lowstand. One result of lowstand is development drapes commonly produce high-amplitude continuous
of a widespread subaerial unconformity (either type 1 or reflectors that can be traced across the depositional plat-
2) that serves as the sequence boundary. The stratigraphic form and down the slope. As noted by Haq et al (1987, p.
sequence incorporates the pulses of sediment input and 1160), ''The most readily identifiable surface is the trans-
basin-margin progradation (regardless of cause) as the gressive surface ... The second most easily recognizable
principal depositional episode and separates these epi- surface in outcrops is the surface of maximum flood-
sodes by periods of transgression and flooding. Simply ing ...." In contrast, subaerial unconformities remain a
stated, the Exxon depositional sequences are centered on most difficult and subtle target to recognize, particularly
marine-flooding events; the genetic sequence is bounded if high-quality regional seismic data sets cannot be
by them (Figure 6). obtained.
(3) The two sequence models place different emphases (2) More important than ease of recognition, the sur-
on the timing, process, and role of shelf-margin erosion face of maximum flooding is a useful stratigraphic
and retrogradation. In the Exxon model, rapid sea level boundary. This surface is well developed across the mid-
fall below the shelf edge results in incised subaerial val- dle of the facies tract where marine and nonmarine depo-
leys, upper slope bypass and erosion, and deposition of sitional systems interfinger. The surface can be
lowstand submarine fans (Vail et al, 1984; Mitchum, extrapolated into nonmarine and deep marine sections
1985). Slowing of fall and sea level stability lead to can- (Galloway et al, 1982, 1986). For example, Bouma and
yon filling. In the stratigraphic sequence model, shelf- Coleman (1985) used highstand pelagic drapes to subdi-
edge and slope erosion and retrogradation are ongoing vide depositional sequences in the Mississippi fan. With a
processes controlled by the inherent instability of the full range of well, seismic, and paleontologic data availa-
shelf edge and upper slope (a function of rate of progra- ble, Armentrout ( 1987) used the pelagic drapes deposited
dation, tectonism, and extent of gravity tectonics), and during sea level highstands to bound Pleistocene strati-
by the temporal and paleogeographic variations in rate of graphic sequences of undoubted eustatic origin that also
sediment supply, basin hydrography, coastal and shelf contain lowstand unconformities.
morphology, and base-level change. Submarine canyon (3) The fossil-rich condensed section deposited after
excavation and filling as well as fan deposition can occur transgression is datable by paleontology and likely incor-
at various times within a depositional episode. Deposi- porates planktonic forms useful in high-resolution
tion of predictable marine onlap wedge (Figure 3) and chronostratigraphic correlation. Regardless of sequence
excavation of the largest submarine canyons often boundary chosen, the marine condensed sections ulti-
accompany initial transgressive flooding of an actively mately provide the chronostratigraphic framework for
prograded shelf margin (Galloway eta!, 1988). interregional sequence correlation.
(4) Because maximum flooding and the corresponding
depositional hiatus immediately follow transgression,
the surfaces and sedimentary veneers produced by shore-
Strengths of Genetic Stratigraphic Sequence Model face reworking and shelf submergence can often be com-
bined as a regional marker horizon to correlate sequence
Sequence stratigraphic analysis provides a powerful boundaries and map depositional systems. Nummedal
tool for basin analysis. However, two fundamentally dif- and Swift ( 1986) provided an excellent example.
ferent sequence models exist. A stratigraphic framework (5) Transgressive and flooding surfaces punctuate the
that recognizes and maps three-dimensional depositional stratigraphic record. Ubiquitous widespread uncon-
systems as well as surface-defined genetic sequences will, formities associated with abrupt sea level falls are prob-
I believe, yield a more complete understanding of the lematical. Their presence depends upon the dominance
depositional, structural, and eustatic history of sedimen- of repeated eustatic falls to control basin stratigraphy.
tary basins for the following reasons. No suitable mechanism for such rapid falls, other than
(1) The surface or stratigraphic veneer produced by glacial (and possibly geoidal) eustasy, has been docu-
William E. Galloway 139

mented. However, the ever-changing interplay of sedi- ·'),

ment supply, subsidence, and more gradual eustatic
change, which would not necessarily create widespread
terrestrial erosion surfaces, can produce depositional
sequences at any point in time. It is premature to base a
sequence stratigraphic framework upon recognizing
widespread, correlative, subaerial erosion surfaces
which, in turn, are dependent on the dominance of a sin-
gle variable-eustatic sea level-that is assumed to fluc-
tuate rapidly for unknown causes. Sequences based on
obvious flooding events require no presumption of cause
and can readily incorporate erosion surfaces resulting
from rapid base-level fall, if present.
(6) Genetic stratigraphic sequence boundaries defined
by the maximum flooding surface and correlative facies
of the shoreline of maximum transgression have a geo-
graphic extent comparable to Exxon's type 1 deposi-
tional sequence boundaries (Figure 6A). They are
difficult to correlate into the nonmarine coastal section.
However, type 1 unconformities are difficult to trace into
the deep marine section where pelagic drapes reflecting
relative highstand are widely used for sequence correla-
tion (Bouma and Coleman, 1985).
The greater extent and correlation potential of maxi-
mum flooding surfaces are most obvious where deposi-
tional sequences are bounded by type 2 unconformities
(Figure 6B). Here, the subtle sequence-defining erosion EXPLANATION

surface is found only along the innermost fringe of the Relat1ve bose-1e11el fo!l
basin fill (in Figure 2, approximately 200Jo of the facies poten!IOI for suboenol eroswn

tract). In contrast, the alternation of offlap and trans- Most rap1d bose-level nse
gression provides an obvious depositional pattern over maxLmum potent1al for tronsgressLon

half of the cross section.

The potential for sequence definition by type 2 uncon-
formities is further limited because the most landward 0 I my
area of basin fill is least likely to be preserved and the
bounding unconformity is easily lost in a maze of fluvial
channelization and local bypass surfaces. At worst, max-
imum flooding and transgressive surfaces are as exten-
sive as type 1 sequence boundaries; at best, they have
greater lateral extent and stratigraphic visibility than type
2 unconformities. Figure 11-Effect of different basin-margin subsidence rates
(7) Transgression and flooding produce robust strati- on depositional response to fluctuating eustatic sea level. Sea
graphic markers. Basins are inherently dominated by level curve is a 4.S m.y. segment of proposed Eocene eustatic
subsidence. Relative base level can fall only if eustatic sea curve of Haq et al (1987). Three lower plots show four eustatic
fluctuations superimposed on uniform subsidence curves of SO,
level drops at a faster rate than subsidence (or if absolute 100, and 200 m/m.y. These values represent calculated subsi-
uplift of the basin margin occurs). In contrast, relative dence rates for updip (near outcrop), mid-dip, and moderately
rise in base level always accompanies a rise in sea level. deep segments of typical Eocene sequences in northwest Gulf
Figure II illustrates the results of superimposing typi- basin. Thus, they represent realistic range of values for basin·
cal Eocene sea level fluctuations (Haq et al, 1987) on margin subsidence in actively filling clastic basins. In margins
three basin-margin segments characterized by slow, characterized by slow subsidence of SO m/m.y., sea level fall
intermediate, and rapid subsidence, respectively. In the twice exceeds subsidence rate, creating two falls in relative base
rapidly subsiding basin segment, relative base level level and two subaerial unconformities. In areas of moderate
merely undergoes four periods of alternating very rapid subsidence rate (100 m/m.y.), sea level falls reduce effective
and comparatively slow rise. If sediment supply subsidence rate, resulting in accelerated progradation. Only
one minor stillstand or slight rise occurs and single subaerial
remained constant, the stratigraphic record would con- erosion surface results. In areas of rapid subsidence, eustatic
sist of alternating transgressive and progradational facies changes superimpose a mild oscillatory overprint on base-level
tracts and no subaerial unconformities could be gener- curve dominated by continuous rise. In all examples, times of
ated. The moderately subsiding basin segment experi- sea level rise cause increased relative base-level rise, accompa-
ences only one brief period of slight relative fall in base nied by contemporaneous shoreline retreat and marine flood-
level, perhaps capable of generating a type 2 sequence- ing along entire basin margin. Correlative flooding surfaces are
bounding unconformity. The same four accelerated rela- created throughout basin; unconformities are more localized.
140 Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in Basin Analysis I

tive base-level rises and marine-flooding events persist. input and creating a new paleogeographic arrangement
Subjecting the slowly subsiding basin segment to the of depositional systems.
same eustatic cycle results in two relative base-level falls
and subaerial unconformities and the same four relative
rises and associated transgressive facies tracts.
Eustatic sea level rise thus is reflected in all segments by DISCUSSION
transgression and creation of synchronous maximum-
flooding surfaces. Eustatic falls create zero, one, or two
bounding surfaces; only sediment-starved parts of the The depositional episode and its genetic stratigraphic
basin margin exhibiting very slow subsidence rates would sequence offer an alternative to the depositional
record all four sea level falls with subaerial unconformi- sequence model, which emphasizes ubiquitous eustatic
ties. The full history of eustatic sea level cycles would, of control of stratigraphic patterns at all scales. The two
course, be best preserved in parts of the basin margin in models use many of the same stratigraphic features. Both
which subsidence and sedimentation rates are moderate. models apply to many basin fills; in certain tectonic set-
Because subsidence varies within and along basin mar- tings, one or the other may prove more useful. The
gins, oscillating sea level will create erratic, discontinu- genetic stratigraphic sequence paradigm emphasizes
ous subaerial unconformity surfaces (Parkinson and facies associations and depositional systems for defining
Summerhayes, 1985), but the record of sea level rise will fundamental stratigraphic packages. This paradigm fur-
be predictable and will correlate across all coastal and ther recognizes the equal importance of variable sedi-
marginal-marine depositional systems. Generally, trans- ment supply and subsidence rates with eustatic sea level
gressive and highstand facies are most widely and easily fluctuations. The paradigm should be more readily trans-
correlated in regional basin analysis. ferred, with appropriate modification, to the basin fills
(8) Principal changes in the paleogeographic distribu- of tectonically active plate margins where neither uni-
tion of depositional systems and depocenters accompany form subsidence rate nor sediment supply is a reasonable
transgression and flooding events. Major shifts in fluvial assumption. Large-scale first-order and second-order
axes, deltaic depocenters, and interdeltaic shore-zone sequences, created by major episodes of tectonism and
systems occur between genetic stratigraphic sequences. sediment influx and lasting millions of years, in turn,
Regional mapping of depositional systems and inter- may be punctuated by eustatic events that determine
preted paleogeography of the succession of major and details of sediment transport and deposition. We must
minor Cenozoic episodes of the northwest Gulf basin recognize a hierarchy of stratigraphic and facies
shows that sequences defined by transgressions record sequences reflecting combinations of causal mechanisms
deposition under conditions of source-area, tectonic, to fully understand basin-fill stratigraphy and to better
and base-level stability. Vertical persistence of similar explore for natural resources.
depositional elements within genetic sequences is, in fact, The flooding-surface bounded sequence model will
a requirement for successful areal delineation of deposi- need to be expanded to incorporate regional unconformi-
tional systems from regional lithofacies maps that incor- ties produced by major tectonic reorganizations of basin
porate hundreds to thousands of meters of sediment (see margins (Hubbard et al, 1985). Such expansion is well
Fisher and McGowen, 1967; Galloway et al, 1982). In within the emphasis of the original Frazier (1974) model.
contrast, combining the lowstand and transgressive sys- A complete record of basin filling will lead to two half-
tem tract with the overlying highstand system tract, as in sequences: retrogradation or transgression necessarily
the Exxon model, randomly intermixes deltaic depocen- accompanies initial marine flooding of a basin; the final
ters and interdeltaic systems within the same sequence. infilling episode deposits only progradational and associ-
Sedimentary packages bounded by maximum flooding ated nonmarine aggradational deposits, capped by a sub-
surfaces are designated genetic stratigraphic sequences. aerial unconformity.
They consist of temporally and spatially persistent depo- The sedimentary basin fill has been described as the
sitional systems and genetically associated facies. Paleo- recorder of geologic history. Analysis of basin fills using
geographic stability does not preclude the presence of concepts of genetic stratigraphic sequence analysis and
eustatic lowstands and related unconformities. A recognizing the complex interplay of tectonic, eustatic,
eustatic fall of sea level results in entrenchment and con- and internal as well as external sedimentary controls may
sequent stabilization of drainage axes (Fisk, 1944; Suter resolve major problems in earth science. Stratigraphers
and Berryhill, 1985). Deltaic and shore-zone systems can fine-tune histories of plate interactions and stress/
shift basinward, but paleogeography otherwise changes strain evolution within crustal plates, examine models of
little. In contrast, transgression and consequent rise in crustal response to tectonic and crustal loading, and per-
relative base level aggrade the proximal fluvial systems haps test alternative models of core/mantle interaction
(Fisk 1944; Galloway et al, 1986). Thus, periods of trans- by examining evidence for paleogeoidal deformation.
gression and high relative sea level are more likely times However, should we become passive servants of a singu-
of regional river avulsion, depocenter shifting, and lar simplified framework for interpreting the strati-
paleogeographic reorganization. In supply dominated graphic record, we face the danger of becoming
sequences, the tectonic disturbance creating renewed sed- superfluous to the multidisciplinary family of earth sci-
iment influx may significantly alter source-area and entists who will advance our understanding of the
trunk-stream morphology, shifting axes of sediment dynamic history of the earth.
William E. Galloway 141

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