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Are Sidewalks for Pedestrians?

Do Sidewalks Lead to and from the adjacent areas?

What type of activities restricts pedestrians to walk on the footpath?

Which physical conditions encourage such activities to take place on footpaths?

Many points are seen on the site like Gender usage, Age group, Public Spaces, Sense of Neighborhood,
Green Cover, Housing, Land Use patterns, and use of a common wall, but my area of interest is Street
Edges and Sidewalks.

There are many types of sidewalks with different activities or characters or experiences in Memnagar.
Like near the Kaizen hospital the streets have wider sidewalks but it was used for parking the cars so
the pedestrian walk is always on the road with the moving vehicles. So, in those areas where parking
is happening on the sidewalks, it creates a negative space because the use of footpaths is very less by
the pedestrian.

At the same time, there are sidewalks used as a garbage spillover near the residential areas. Near the
open ground, there are residences opposite to it their footpath is used for parking and vegetation, and
are very formal and pleasant and near the open ground, The footpath is used for throwing and keeping
garbage because of the Land ownership. The Land is vacant so people kept all the garbage’s there on
the footpath because of that the sidewalks are having no use and create a negative space.

In the Memnagar area, there are many residences so the sidewalks on that street are very narrow and
used by the vehicles, planters, and many trees but at the same time the movements of the vehicles
are very less so people walk on the roads and because of the trees and planters the street get shaded
and it creates a pleasant and silence space. Also, the sense of privacy is seen on that street or the
control of privacy but at the same time some residences are 60 years old they have very little control
over their privacy they have very informal sidewalks, and public interaction is seen in that area of the
site and also the sense of neighbourhood is seen.

The sidewalk of the ‘Raj wali Gali’ is always active because there are stalls of food and snacks and also
there is a park on another side of the street. So, public interaction is seen and a sense of integration
is there. But at the same time, the street is very narrow and all the stalls are on the sidewalks and
people walk on the roads and park their vehicles on the footpath so because of that a chaos is created
and the street gets very busy.

There are many tea stalls and Amul shops on the edge of the streets or the node of the streets so
loitering of the people and the same people passed judgments and comments of the people passing
by. But at the same time, it creates an opportunity to interact or connectivity of the people gets more.

There are various activities taking place on the footpaths at different times of the day but the walking
of the pedestrian is spilling over on the roads.


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