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Name: Abigail West

Form: 11E Williams

Date: January 28, 2021
Subject: English A
Argumentative Writing - Essay (Death Penalty)

‘The Death Penalty being introduced in the Jamaican Justice System’

There are countless disputes concerning the death penalty since people's views on the subject
varies around the globe. The death penalty has been abolished in the majority of nations,
although it is still employed in others. Crime rates may be used to assess the efficiency of the
death sentence, and some argue that this kind of punishment does not lower the number of
criminal actions. However, in Jamaica, the death penalty must be the ultimate punishment. There
is no harsher punishment than death itself.

To counteract heinous acts, drastic measures are required. Do you think it is fair and how would
you feel if your innocence was taken away from you at age 16. Imagine being invited to
someone’s house that you trust, and while in his room, another man visited the premises and the
26-year-old man entered the room at the invitation, and both the man and your confidant subdued
you and sexually assaulted you while he watched? What is safety, if you can't even be safe in
your own house qnymore? The kitchen knife used in the preparation of Sunday dinner, became
an instrument of death a few short hours later as it was used to slaughter the senior justice of the
peace’s (JP) daughter, Nevia Sinclair, who was allegedly murdered in her sleep by her estranged
boyfriend. It may argue that because we are not God, we are just as ruthless in selecting the
destiny of others, but do these criminals have the right to do so without being severely punished?
These culprits should suffer punishment as severe as the crimes they perpetrate. Will you still
abide by this stance if it were your own flesh and blood?

It is critical to provide closure and validation to the victims' relatives. Accepting truth is the first
step toward closure, but is it easy? I don't think so. You keep hoping or praying that it isn't real at
first. You anticipate seeing your loved one coming through the door. Imagine waiting for
someone to inform us it was all a colossal blunder. You just cannot comprehend that this person
has died, that you will never physically see your loved one again, that you will never hear their
voice, feel their embrace, or get their valuable insight on a difficult issue. Normally, it takes
weeks or even months for reality to set in. You gradually realize, in both your intellect and your
emotions, that your loved one has died and will not return. You still don't agree with it, but you
accept it as fact. According to research, many believe that the death sentence would not deliver
closure since "there is no such thing as closure," yet this is not the case! The loss of a loved one
is anything but straightforward. Perhaps a loved one in your life has died, yet you find yourself
thinking about them all the time. It is critical for your health (physically, intellectually, and
emotionally) that you reach a conclusion and go on with your life. Knowing that the horrible
monster who cruelly and mercilessly murdered your loved one is likewise dead would provide
anyone, including myself, comfort.

The death penalty, as a deterrent to crime, may be extremely effective. "Some sections of
Jamaica, notably towns such as Kingston, Montego Bay, and Spanish Town, endure significant
levels of crime and violence," according to Wikipedia. According to United Nations statistics,
Jamaica has had one of the highest murder rates in the world for many years. Former Prime
Minister P. J. Patterson called the situation "a national crisis of unparalleled dimensions." ” It's
insane that 72 people were murdered in Jamaica in the first 15 days of 2022. Don't you miss the
days when you could sleep with your doors open, when you didn't have to fret about old and
young people being murdered? Mothers, how frequently do you consider your lovely children
when you drop or send them off at school? Answers aren't even required because you guys do so
around the clock. "Executions will "brutalize" society because government agencies reduce
respect for life when the death penalty is used," yet crime reduces economic production when
victims miss work, and towns suffer from a loss of tourists and retail sales. The death penalty
would be an effective deterrent since it would instill dread of death when there is an act of
heinous crime, but many people are not prepared for this discussion.

Capital punishment, commonly known as the death penalty, is the state-sanctioned practice of
executing someone as punishment for a crime. A death sentence is a sentence that orders a
criminal to be punished in this manner, and an execution is the act of carrying out the sentence,
and in Jamaica, the death penalty must be the final punishment. There is no more severe penalty
than death.

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