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Geochemical exploration for gold in Jamaica: a comparison of stream

sediment and soil surveys

Robert G. Garrett1, Gerald C. Lalor2 & Mitko Vutchkov2
Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0E8 (e-mail:
International Centre for Environmental and Nuclear Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
(e-mail: and

ABSTRACT: The geology of Jamaica is reviewed with reference to gold. Two

geochemical surveys, one employing stream sediments for mineral exploration in
selected regions of Jamaica considered a priori to have greater mineral potential, and
the other an island-wide low-density soil survey to meet agro-environmental
objectives, were undertaken in 1986 and 1988, respectively. The paper presents an
interpretation of the previously unpublished soil data for gold, and undertakes a
comparison of the two surveys in terms of their effectiveness for gold exploration.
The stream sediment survey (1 site per 1 km2) led to the discovery of three new gold
occurrences, one of which became a producing mine in 2001, and the recognition of
two previously known auriferous districts. The low-density soil survey (1 site per
64 km2) identified the host rocks of three of these auriferous districts as having gold
potential, including those of the producing mine, demonstrating its value as a
broad-scale regional mineral reconnaissance tool. Geochemical studies of gold in
Jamaica are complicated by the presence of transported palaeo-anomalies, related to
Miocene ash-falls, in terra rossa soils in karst terrain. The Fe/Na ratio is an index of
soil maturity and increases over two-and-a-half orders of magnitude with increasing
soil age and mature. The plotting of Au versus the Fe/Na ratio in soils offers a simple
procedure for identifying samples most likely to be related to gold occurrences in
bedrock, i.e. high Au and low Fe/Na ratio. It is concluded that in the specific
instance of Jamaica’s high relief terrain and the apparent limitation of gold
occurrences to the Cretaceous Inliers and Eocene Wagwater Trough underlying
those high relief areas, stream sediment sampling is the most effective mineral
exploration tool.
KEYWORDS: Caribbean, Jamaica, mineral reconnaissance, gold, exploration, soil, karst, terra rossa,

When Spaniards first reached Jamaica in the late fifteenth The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
century they found the indigenous Arawaks wearing gold Metallic Mineral Survey and the Geological Survey Division of
ornaments (Porter 1990). This spurred the search for gold, and the Jamaica Department of Mines and Energy undertook a
Fenton (1982) reports that in 1519 samples of Jamaican gold reconnaissance stream sediment survey of the Cretaceous
were sent to the King of Spain. The source was likely the Inliers, Eocene Wagwater Trough and Richmond shales in
Clarendon area and the Cretaceous Central Inlier that includes 1986–87 (CIDA 1988a; Garrett & Geddes 1991). The selection
volcano-sedimentary sequences and igneous intrusive rocks. of this area (18% of Jamaica) was recommended in a review and
Long (1774) reports the presence of a ‘lavadero’, a Spanish gold feasibility study based on all previous available geochemical
washing site to which auriferous river sediment was carried, on data, and consideration of the regional geology and known
the banks of the Rio Minho at Longville in Clarendon (see Fig. mineral occurrences of Jamaica in the context of the then
1). The fact that no records remain of significant production current metallogenic models (Baldwin & Garrett 1984). In
probably reflects that there was little, and that Spanish mineral making this recommendation the younger Oligocene and
exploration and mining activity passed westwards to Central Miocene carbonates and recent Quaternary deposits were
and South America where the prizes were much richer. excluded from the geochemical survey, except immediately
With the British conquest in 1655 sugar became the focus of adjacent to the survey areas, as they were considered to have
development. Though considerable effort has been expended low non-alumina metallic mineral potential.
prospecting for copper and gold in Jamaica over the past In 1988 the Centre for Nuclear Sciences (since 1995 the
two centuries (Fenton 1982) it has taken the application of International Centre for Environmental and Nuclear Sciences –
modern geochemical exploration methods to bring the search ICENS) at the University of West Indies, Mona, Kingston,
to fruition. undertook an orientation survey (Simpson et al. 1991) and

Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Vol. 4 2004, pp. 161–170 1467-7873/04/$15.00  2004 AEG/ Geological Society of London
162 R. G. Garrett et al.

Fig. 1. Major geological features of Jamaica, and locations discussed in the text.

island-wide soil survey (Lalor et al. 1995). The objective of visible at surface in the Newmarket–Montpelier Trough where
the soil survey was dominantly agro-environmental to establish middle Eocene to late Miocene limestones outcrop. These two
geochemical baselines for a wide range of elements to major structural features, together with the Duanvale Fault
support a variety of science activities in Jamaica’s terrestrial Zone, parallel to the Cayman Trough, dominated the post-
environment. Eocene development of shelf and deep water carbonates. The
Both the CIDA stream sediment survey and the ICENS soil structural features (see Fig. 1) of the two Troughs and the
survey determined gold. This, and the importance of gold as the Duanvale Fault Zone delimit the Hanover Block in the west;
only metallic non-alumina mineral product of Jamaica make a the Clarendon Block between the two Troughs, with the North
comparison of the results of the two surveys, one a detailed Coast Belt to the north of the Duanvale Fault Zone; and the
stream sediment reconnaissance and the other a low-density soil Blue Mountain Block to the east of the Wagwater Trough
survey, desirable. This paper undertakes that task. (Horsfield & Roobol 1974; Wadge & Dixon 1984; Draper
1987). Locally the limestones are divided into ‘Yellow’ (middle
Eocene) and ‘White’ (middle Eocene to late Miocene). In the
GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND PEDOLOGY following description the nomenclature of the Geological Map
OF JAMAICA of Jamaica (McFarlane 1977) has been used; however, a new
The following summary is based on McFarlane (1977); Fenton lithostratigraphic classification for the White Limestone has
(1982); Robinson (1994) and other cited references. Jamaica been proposed by Mitchell (2004). The Yellow and White
(11,000 km2), the third largest island of the Greater Antilles, lies Limestones on-lap the older Cretaceous rocks, but are con-
at the eastern end of the Nicaraguan Rise, a topographic formable in deeper water facies. By late Oligocene time
extension of northern Central America. The Cayman Trench, proto-Jamaica was appearing, in the middle Miocene much of
immediately to the north, separates Jamaica from Cuba and the south-central Jamaica was a land surface (Eva & McFarlane
remaining islands of the Greater Antilles. 1979), and by the late Miocene (12–10 Ma) there was active
The oldest rocks are of Cretaceous age and are found in subaerial weathering (Lewis & Draper 1990). Thus, while the
seven major and 14 minor ‘Inliers’ (Fig. 1); they consist of Montpelier Formation was being laid down off-shore in the
schists, serpentinites, igneous intrusive rocks, volcano- late Miocene a karst topography was developing on-shore.
sedimentary sequences, sandstones, shales and limestones. They Evidence of volcanism is present as bentonite beds in both
can be divided into a western suite of volcaniclastic rocks with the Montpelier Formation and in deep marine cores from the
minor limestones; a central volcano-sedimentary region with Cayman Trough (Comer & Jackson 2004; Mitchell 2004).
substantial lava flows, pyroclastic deposits and both femic and Finally, Pliocene uplift led to the Port Royal and Blue
felsic plutonic intrusives; and an eastern suite consisting of Mountains, and folding produced the broad anticline that was
schists and minor ophiolitic slices within younger volcano- breached to expose the Cretaceous rocks of the Central Inlier.
sedimentary rocks, felsic igneous intrusions, and some lime- Pliocene and Pleistocene movement related to the Cayman
stones. Trough has caused uplift on the north coast to expose Pliocene
Laramide uplift, significant felsic igneous intrusion, and age near-shore carbonates of the Coastal Limestone. A minor
major rifting at the close of the Cretaceous and into the middle Pliocene basaltic intrusion on the NE coast at Low
Palaeocene led to the formation of graben in the Wagwater and Layton is associated with this uplift. On the south coast
Montpelier–Newmarket Belts (Fig. 1), locally referred to as submergence has preserved Quaternary deposits in the broad
Troughs. The former contains a wide range of matrix- and alluvial plains of the major south-flowing rivers, e.g. the Rio
clast-supported red and purple conglomerates, intruded by Cobre, Rio Minho, and the Black and Carbarita Rivers, and peat
basalts, dacites and quartz-keratophyres (Jackson 1987) of early deposits (morasses).
Eocene age. With filling of the Wagwater Trough, small shale The island is mountainous and rugged in the east, with peaks
and evaporite basins developed. Finally marine shales of the up to 2882 m in the Blue Mountains and 1539 m in the Port
Richmond Formation were deposited in the graben and sur- Royal Mountains at the south end of the Wagwater Trough (Fig.
rounding the Blue Mountain Inlier. None of these rocks are 1). In central, and extending into western, Jamaica there is an
Geochemical exploration for gold in Jamaica 163

extensive dissected karst limestone plateau that commences at and again Au was confirmed in association with the Cu
c. 300 m, has extensive areas above 600 m, and reaches a height occurrences. It was then that recognition of the Connors-
of just less than 1000 m. Surrounding the rugged interior is a flat Ginger Ridge (see Fig. 1) porphyry deposit (Fenton 1982) put
coastal periphery, especially well developed on the south side of the surrounding vein deposits within the framework of a single
the island. hydrothermal system.
The climate is tropical, with two well defined rainy seasons. In other parts of Jamaica, Cu exploration was often
Rainfall in the west is about 200–250 cm/a, 150 cm/a in central accompanied by assays for Au. A boulder of ‘copper ore’
regions, and over 500 cm/a in the Blue Mountains. As a result discovered near the Swift River (see Fig. 1) contained over
of the interaction of climate with geology Jamaica exhibits a 8 oz/ton Au (Edwards 1942, unpublished report cited in
wide range of soil types. The soils may be divided into four Fenton 1982). Subsequent mapping by the Geological Survey
broad groups based on the categories presented by Campbell Division in the 1960 s revealed a Cu-bearing fault zone (striking
(1998): 120–300) cutting the Swift River granodiorite (Sinclair 1965).
Apart from Au being reported in minor base metal occurrences
(1) Highland soils of the Blue and Port Royal Mountains and
in the Wagwater Trough (Fenton 1982), additional information
the central and western high relief regions underlain by
that would have encouraged exploration was unavailable. This
Cretaceous igneous, volcanic and sedimentary rocks. They
changed in 1989 (CIDA 1988a, b) with the release of the data
comprise Categories II, III, IV and V, and may be divided
for the CIDA Metallic Minerals Survey.
into two basic types: (1) inceptisols – generally highly
The CIDA stream sediment survey led to the recognition of
porous and low in plant nutrients unless a humic layer has
17 ‘Priority 1’ areas of elevated Au and other trace elements
developed; and (2) ultisols and vertisols – clay-rich soils
(anomalies) in Cretaceous Inliers over the length of Jamaica
produced by the weathering of shales in areas of impeded
(CIDA 1998a, b; Garrett & Geddes 1991). These occur on the
southeastern and eastern flanks of the Lucea Inlier (two areas),
(2) Upland Plateau soils, accounting for c. 60% of Jamaica’s
Hanover Block; in the central and eastern parts of the Central
land-surface, occur in the 600–1000 m range on the Yellow
Inlier (two) and in the Above Rocks (one) Inlier, Clarendon
and White Limestone karst plateau. The soils can be divided
Block; in the Wagwater Trough (seven), dominantly on the
into two broad categories. Firstly, terra rossas that are
southwest side; and on the eastern and southern flanks of the
leached, acidic, well oxidized residual soils. This grouping
Blue Mountains (five), Blue Mountain Block.
(Category VII) is composed dominantly of entisols and
The release of these data led to renewed interest and
oxisols, with some inceptisols, alfisols and ultisols; locally
exploration activity in the Priority 1 areas by off-shore and
they include bauxites that are commercially developed.
Jamaican mineral exploration groups. Drilling programmes
Secondly, rendzinas that are fine-grained, marly and
were initiated at the Connors-Ginger Ridge porphyry system,
relatively Ca-rich, poorly drained, and lack the typical red
and further geochemical exploration and drilling were under-
colouration of the terra rossas. They form Category VIII and
taken at three new sites with Au potential – Hungry Gully in the
are classified as entisols and vertisols.
southern Blue Mountains, and at Main Ridge and Browns Hall
(3) Alluvial Plain and Valley Soils have developed on river
in the Central Inlier (see Fig. 1). Economic concentrations of
deposits, most abundant in southern Jamaica, and in the
Au were found at Main Ridge, where the Bennett Zone was
poljes, uvalas and dolines developed in the limestone karst.
discovered to contain 75,500 tonnes of 20.4 g/t Au, 95% of
The alluvial plain soils vary from sandy to clay-loams,
which is recoverable by simple cyanidation (Orvana 1996,
Category I, to heavier older clay-richer soils, Category X,
unpublished data). This led to the opening of the Ausjam mine,
and comprise inceptisols, mollisols, alfisols, entisols and
near Pennants in March 2001, with reserves of c. 35,000 oz of
vertisols. In contrast, the interior valley soils, Category VI,
Au with fineness between 375 and 625 (quoted as 9 to 15 carats;
are mostly acidic heavy clays and dominantly ultisols and
report in Gleaner 16 May 2001), 12 years after the release (1989)
of the CIDA geochemical reconnaissance data.
(4) Lowland Soils that dominantly, but not exclusively, occur in
The Bennett Zone lies within a broad 4 by 1 km area
southern and western Jamaica. These are heavy clays, often
characterized by geochemically anomalous gold in stream
K-rich, and comprise Category IX, that are classified as
sediments and soils. It is in general conformity with the volcanic
inceptisols and ultisols.
stratigraphy consisting of andesitic volcaniclastics and lahars,
In the context of the discussions to follow, the most influential and is parallel to and several hundred metres south of the
soils on regional geochemistry are the terra rossas. Crawle River Fault, a major east–west structure within the
Central Inlier. The gold is finely disseminated; the zone con-
tains quartz and quartz-carbonate veins, and finely dis-
GOLD OCCURRENCES IN JAMAICA AND seminated (<2%) eudhedral pyrite. Locally ‘bonanza’ grades
PREVIOUS MINERAL EXPLORATION up to 10 oz/ton are encountered, but significantly the only
As mentioned in the introduction, the Spanish won gold from accompanying elements, and therefore useful pathfinders, for
the Rio Minho in the sixteenth century. Following that, there is this deposit are Ag and Sb (Bradshaw & Lutynski 1995). The
no record of gold recovery until auriferous copper deposits new porphyry–Cu system at Browns Hall occurs east of the
were developed in the mid-nineteenth century in the Cretaceous Ginger Ridge tonalite stock in andesitic rocks of the Arthur’s
Central Inlier, the probable source area of the ‘Spanish Gold’. Seat Formation (Pyle 1995). The Browns Hall Cu–Au system
Fenton (1982) reports that Sawkins (1869) drew attention to the occurs as a 1 km zone centred on the contact of andesites and
association of gold (Au) with the oxidized copper (Cu) deposits a porphyritic quartz monzonite body; the latter serves as the
that had been mined in the 1850s at Stamford Hill, Charing centre for hydrothermal alteration, with a quartz–sericite–pyrite
Cross and Gold Mine. Later exploration by the Jamaica zone surrounding a core of secondary feldspar and biotite (Pyle
Consolidated Copper Company for Cu resources confirmed the 1995). Drilling has identified Cu mineralization, with associated
presence of Au associated with the Cu-minerals (Outerbridge Au, and geochemically anomalous levels of Zn, Pb, Ag and Ba.
1909). There was further activity in 1926, but it was not until the This confirms the southeastern extremity of the Central Inlier as
1950s and the global search for Cu that interest was rekindled, a widely mineralized Ba–Pb–Zn–Cu zone as indicated by
164 R. G. Garrett et al.

Garrett and Geddes (1991, specifically fig. 4), and the gold
potential of the area as noted by Simpson et al. (1988).


The CIDA survey was designed as a traditional mineral
exploration exercise (Rose et al. 1979) and collected stream
sediments at a density of c. 1 site per km2, and heavy mineral
concentrates at c. 1 site per 2.6 km2. The <105 µm (150
mesh) fraction of the stream sediments was retained for
analysis, as while yielding sufficient sample material for analysis
this size fraction reduced the inter-sample site variability due to
local stream and climatic conditions relative to the traditional
<177 µm (80 mesh) fraction (CIDA 1988a; Garrett &
Geddes 1991). The >2.96 SG material of the <420 µm fraction
of field-collected pan concentrates were retained for analysis.
Aliquots of 15 g of both stream sediments and heavy
minerals were commercially (Bequerel Laboratories) analysed
by Instrumental Neutron Activation (INA) for 21 elements,
including Au, Fe and Na, in Canada (CIDA 1988a).
Occasionally, and particularly for heavy minerals, only smaller
amounts of sample material were available for analysis.
The ICENS soil survey was designed to establish background
levels and identify broad regional variations of trace elements in Fig. 2. The statistical distribution of Au (ppb) in the <150-µm
fraction of Jamaican surface soils.
the Jamaican terrestrial environment for agricultural, environ-
mental, health and other purposes (Lalor et al. 1995). The design
employed stratified random sampling (Garrett 1983; 1986) with duplicate samples permitted the combined sampling and ana-
a grid size of 8 km, leading to collection at 1 site per 64 km2 in lytical variability to be estimated by the Thompson & Howarth
165 (48%) cells out of the 348 defined by the grid. The (1978) method, it was found graphically to be c.50% (RSD)
unsampled cells posed serious logistical problems due to lack of (Garrett & Grunsky 2003).
road access or severe topography, e.g. the karst Cockpit country
and the Blue Mountains. Field replication was undertaken in 33
(20%) of sampled grid cells. Following the recommendations of INTERPRETATION OF STREAM SEDIMENT
an orientation survey (Simpson et al. 1991), and of Darnley et al. DATA
(1995) for low-density regional geochemical surveys, the A detailed interpretation of the CIDA stream sediment data is
<150 µm fraction of the soil samples was retained for analysis available in CIDA (1988a, b), and a summary is available in
by INA. Initially the samples were analysed by a procedure Garrett & Geddes (1991). In the comparison of the results of
developed for Phase II of the CIDA Jamaica Metallic Minerals the two surveys, presented below, attention will be confined to
Survey which allowed the irradiation of 5 g samples in the issues concerning Au geochemistry.
pool surrounding the ICENS SLOWPOKE reactor (Beeley &
Garrett 1993). This procedure had a matrix-dependent detec-
tion limit of approximately 10 ppb (ng g1) and was not INTERPRETATION OF GOLD IN SOIL DATA
adequate for mapping low-level background variation. To meet The statistical and spatial distributions of the Au in soil data are
this requirement, an in-core procedure using a 450 mg sample displayed in Figures 2 and 3. Data are available for 155 sample
was developed with a matrix-dependent detection limit of 4 ppb sites, and demonstrate a typical long-tailed distribution (Fig. 2).
(Grant et al. 1998). Thus the soil survey led to two data sets The mean and median are 7.3 and 4.8 ppb, respectively, and the
that had to be merged. Not all samples had Au determinations standard deviation and median absolute deviation are 6.4 and
by both methods. The in-core data were plotted against the 3.6, respectively. It is proposed that 5 ppb be accepted as
in-pool data; it was determined graphically, and confirmed by the background concentration of Au in Jamaican soils, close to
re-plotting, that the in-core data were 20% low relative to the the global average of 4 ppb (Reimann & de Caritat 1998).
in-pool data. Therefore, the in-core data were adjusted, as it is Subdividing the data by underlying geology (i.e. Cretaceous
believed that the greater in-pool sample size was more represen- Inliers; Wagwater Trough; Yellow, White and Coastal
tative, and any data gaps were filled with in-pool data. One of Limestones; and Quaternary Sediments), the medians are 5 or
the field duplicate samples showed a greater Au concentration 6 ppb Au for all groups except Yellow Limestone at 2 ppb Au.
than the sample collected as part of the regional survey; the Similarly, subdividing by soil order (entisols, ultisols, mollisols,
regional survey value was replaced by the higher duplicate vertisols and inceptisols), the medians are 4 or 6 ppb Au for all
sample value. This is characteristic of the problems encountered soil orders except mollisols at 7 ppb Au.
due to sampling and analytical variability and the nugget effect The cumulative probability plot shows the presence of
in gold and precious metal geochemistry. The substitution is outliers (Fig. 2). Following the three extreme values of
justified by the recognition of that variability. But, in doing so, d30 ppb Au, a group of 13 samples range from 15 to 23 ppb
it has to be recognized that there may have been instances Au. Another group of four samples range from 12 to 14 ppb Au
where if a duplicate had been collected at a site it may also have before the background population that appears to start at
reported a higher Au concentration, and vice versa. Therefore, around 11 ppb Au, about twice the estimated average back-
the data must be regarded as a conservative estimate of the ground concentrations of the underlying geological units and
regional Au levels geochemistry of Jamaican soils. The field soils.
Geochemical exploration for gold in Jamaica 165

Fig. 3. The spatial distribution of Au (ppb) in the <150-µm fraction of Jamaican surface soils.

Table 1. Table of anomalous gold samples

ID Geologya Soil orderb Au (ppb) Fe/Na Anomaly name

A238 CL E 50 210 Amity Hall
A083 WL E 30 126.5 Kirkpatrick Hall
A170 QS I 30 3.3 Wizards Run
A070 QS M 22.8 205 Montpelier
A066 WL E 21.6 213.8 Kilmarnoch
A139 YL E 20.4 72.3 Swan River
A283 KI V 20.4 4.6 Chelsea
A179 WL E 18 97.7 Mt. Ararat
A068 WL E 18 202.5 Cedar Grove
A317 WL E 18 111.8 Packi River
A059 WL E 18 180.7 Belvedere
A188 WL E 16.8 255.7 Roadside
A173 WL E 16.8 137 Rodons Store
A079 WL E 16.8 158 Carr
A166 WL E 16.8 348 Culloden
A175 YL/KI E 15.6 25.8 Crofts River
A186 KI I 13.2 47.6 Pindars River
A067 WL E 13.2 122 Hopeton
A119 WL E 13.2 80.3 Top Hill
A162 KI I 12 30.9 Nine Turns
CL, Coastal Limestone; KI, Cretaceous Inlier; QS, Quaternary sediments; WL, White Limestone; WT, Wagwater Trough; YL, Yellow Limestone
E, Entisol; M, Mollisol; V, Vertisol; I, Inceptisol

Regional patterns are apparent in the spatial distribution of anomalous sites in central Jamaica, the Newmarket–Montpelier
Au (Fig. 3). The plotted symbols have been selected to identify Trough and the North Coast Belt. Less consistent high back-
below- and above-average background areas (0–5 and 5–8 ppb ground and anomalous sites occur in northern central Jamaica.
Au, respectively), high background (8–11 ppb Au), anomalous Eastern Jamaica is characterized by the preponderance of
(11–25 ppb Au) and highly anomalous (25–50 ppb Au, i.e. background levels, with the exception of the three anomalies
>five times background). The 8–11 ppb Au range is referred to discussed below.
as high background as 63% of the 41 sites in this range occur Twenty anomalous samples, i.e. >11 ppb Au, are listed in
over White (25) or Yellow (one) Limestones, and, as will be Table 1 in descending order of Au concentration, and their
discussed later, this is considered a regional parent material locations are plotted in Figure 4. Notably, 15 of the soils are
feature. Only 22% of the sites overlie Cretaceous Inlier (five) or entisols and terra rossas, and overlie White (12), Yellow (two)
Wagwater Trough (four) rocks, and in this bedrock context or Coastal (one) Limestones. The remaining five are from a
the sites are better described as weakly anomalous. Of interest variety of soil types and overlie Cretaceous Inliers (three) or
are sites overlying Eocene Richmond shale, the southern Quaternary sediments (two). This latter group of five will be
Wagwater Belt and isolated sites in the Above Rocks and discussed first.
Blue Mountains Inliers (Fig. 3), these likely reflect minor Sample A170 (Wizards Run; 30ppb Au) lies close to the
auriferous mineral occurrences. The remaining six (15%) mouth of the Rio Minho, and it is postulated that the gold
of these high background/weakly anomalous sites overlie present was derived from the weathering of auriferous zones in
Quaternary Sediments (four) or Coastal Limestone (two). The the Central Inlier. Possible candidates are the Bennett Zone that
most notable spatial features are the high background and drains directly into the Rio Minho, or the auriferous copper
166 R. G. Garrett et al.

Fig. 4. The spatial distribution of samples (squares and diamonds, see Fig. 5 for explanation) where Au in Jamaican surface soils exceeds 11 ppb
(Table 1).

occurrences, associated with the Connors-Ginger Ridge It is widely believed that the source of the alumina in
mineralized system, that are drained by the Rock and Little Juan Jamaican bauxites was volcanic ash-falls with sources in Central
de Bolas rivers, tributaries of the Rio Minho. It is noteworthy America that fell on the karst surface in the middle to late
that a black beach sand collected some 8 km west of the river Miocene proto-Jamaica or into the surrounding sea (Comer
mouth at Farquhars Beach in Phase II of the CIDA Metallic 1974; 1984; Lyew-Ayee 1986; Lyew-Ayee et al. 1989). The
Minerals Project contained almost 10 ppm Au (CIDA 1993). record of ash-falls spanning 25 to 8.5 Ma in the marine
Subsequent sampling west to Alligator Pond (18 sites) failed to environment, preserved as bentonite beds, is discussed by
produce any Au concentrations >19 ppb. Two high background Comer & Jackson (2004). Peak volcanic activity was between
samples occur west of A170 (Fig. 3) in similar Quaternary 20–22 and 11 Ma, and the trace element and rare earth
sediments of the Clarendon Plain, and a Central Inlier source is composition of the bentonites suggests sources from multiple
postulated. A third lies east of A170 (Fig. 3) in a low (9.7) centres in a sub-alkaline volcanic arc, with compositions vary-
Fe/Na ratio vertisol associated with weakly anomalous As lying ing from basaltic/andesitic to rhyodacitic/dacitic (Comer &
on White Limestone; the source of the Au is unknown. Jackson 2004). It is probable that at that time Jamaica, as a part
Sample A070 (Montpelier; 23 ppb Au) lies on recent sedi- of the Chortis continental fragment, was close to its current
ments that in turn overlie Eocene Gibraltar–Bonny Gate position (Pindell & Barrett 1990; Pindell 1994).
(Montpelier) limestones on the margin of the Montpelier– The starting material for the bauxites and terra rossas of
Newmarket Trough. As this soil appears to be a terra rossa, this proto-Jamaica was a combination of the residuum from the
sample will be discussed with that group below. tropical weathering of the remarkably pure White, and less pure
Sample A283 (Chelsea; 21 ppb Au) lies on the Swift River Yellow, Limestones and ash-fall material that was washed into
granodiorite on the northern flank of the Blue Mountain Inlier. pre-existing karstic depressions. Considering the purity of the
As discussed previously, the Swift River granodiorite is known limestones it is likely that the major contribution to the surficial
to contain auriferous copper mineralization (Edwards 1942, materials came from ash-falls. Thus, the terra rossas have been
unpublished report cited in Fenton 1982; Sinclair 1965). There developing for at least 5 Ma, and possibly as long as 10 Ma.
are four weakly anomalous sites nearby (Fig. 3). However, only Where terra rossas have developed on late Miocene limestones
one of these, that immediately west of A283, is in similar the source of the ash-fall material was the bentonites preserved
terrane. That to the NE lies on Coastal Limestone where the in the limestones. The starting material has undergone extreme
soil is likely contaminated by middle Pliocene Low Layton chemical differentiation, and is now silica and base (Ca, Mg, Na
basaltic detritus, and of those further west, one lies on White and K) cation-poor, and iron- and alumina-rich relative to the
Limestone (the westermost) and the other on Richmond shale. starting materials and soils in general. Norton (1973) discusses
Sample A186 (Pindars River; 13 ppb Au) lies on the andesitic this geochemical development and how pH and Eh conditions
Arthur’s Seat Volcanics in the Central Inlier. This area contains influence the preferential accumulation of Fe and/or Al oxy-
a number of copper showings (Fenton 1982), and it is likely, on hydroxides. The terra rossas exhibit unusual trace element
the basis of knowledge of the metallogeny of the Central Inlier, compositions (Lalor et al. 1995; Lalor 1999); in particular, two
that at least some of these are auriferous. suites of trace elements: (1) Hf, U, Th, the REEs, Ti, Sc, Cr and
Sample A162 (Nine Turns; 12 ppb Au) lies on the Bull Head P; and (2) Mn, Zn, Co, Cd, Hg, As and Sb, exhibit exceptionally
and Main Ridge Volcanics in the Central Inlier. This geological high levels for soils. The first suite are those elements expected
unit hosts the Bennett Zone, the Ausjam Mine being c. 5.5 km to be in resistate accessory minerals that would be mechanically
to the east. concentrated by the removal of silica- and base-cation-rich
The remaining 15 anomalous samples, in decreasing order of minerals. The second suite are those elements that would occur
Au content, A328, A083, A066, A139, A179, A068, A317, in minor sulphides in the ash-falls, and on weathering would be
A059, A188, A173, A079, A166, A175, A067 and A119 all fall sequestered by Mn- and Fe-oxyhydroxides. Once sequestered in
within areas mapped as entisols lying on Yellow or White these stable minerals, e.g. goethite, they would follow the same
Limestones. For discussion purposes sample A070 is added to process of concentration as the resistate minerals with the
this group. further removal of silica and base cations. A visual inspection of
Geochemical exploration for gold in Jamaica 167

plots of Au versus the 35 major, minor and trace elements in the

entisol subset (n = 117) of the island-wide soil survey (Lalor
et al. 1995) indicates a correlation with Cu, and general
tendencies for above detection limit Au data to be associated
with elevated levels of Sc, Co, P, La, Sm, Eu, Tb, Sm and Dy
and Na depletion. The correlation with Cu is suggestive of an
original sulphide association, and the remaining elemental
patterns suggest a mechanical concentration together with Na
(base cation and assumed silica) depletion. It is proposed that
the anomalous gold patterns observed in the terra rossas devel-
oped by liberation from sulphides in the ash-falls and subse-
quent mechanical concentration. A comparison of the 5 g and
450 mg aliquot data for samples with c20 ppb Au shows good
agreement between analyses of the two aliquots. The inference
from this is that the Au is in very fine particles, which would
support the hypothesis that it has been liberated from ash-fall
The proportion of high background and anomalous sites is
higher in the Newmarket–Montpelier Trough and North Coast
Belt than elsewhere. A possible cause for this is the presence
of Montpelier Formation rocks (mapped as Bonny Gate
Formation (McFarlane 1977) in the Newmarket–Montpelier
Trough and reassigned by Mitchell (2004)) containing bentonite
beds. Thus, following uplift this lithified ash-fall material has
contributed to the geochemistry of the soils. This demonstrates Fig. 5. The distribution of Au in the <150 µm fraction of Jamaican
surface soils vs. their Fe/Na ratio; squares represent samples with
the age range of the terra rossa soils. Firstly, the oldest are present > 11 ppb Au and Fe/Na <50, diamonds represent samples with
where ash-falls fell on the late Miocene karst surface of > 11 ppb Au and Fe/Na >50.
proto-Jamaica, i.e. >5 Ma, that has remained above sea level
since that time. Secondly, younger terra rossa soils occur on
Miocene limestones containing bentonites that have been raised Considering the above observations, the weight of evidence
above sea level and developed a karst topography following from the terra rossa association, trace element associations in the
Pliocene and current uplift. soils classified as entisols, and the apparent fine particle size of
However, the hypothesis of an ash-fall origin is not entirely the gold, leads to the conclusion of an ash-fall source for the
satisfying. Firstly, how are the two high anomalous samples gold in the terra rossas.
explained, i.e. A328 (Amity Hall) and A083 (Kirkpatrick Hall), An outstanding issue is, therefore, how to recognize terra rossa
with 50 and 30 ppb Au, respectively? That the field duplicate at sites and distinguish these exotic anomalies from genuine
Amity Hall reported only 10 ppb Au indicates large small-scale Jamaican bedrock-related Au anomalies. The extreme geo-
spatial variation, and probably variable particle size, i.e. nugget chemical development of the terra rossas provides a convenient
effect. Amity Hall lies on the SE corner of Jamaica where the tool. The processes of Al and Fe accumulation, and removal of
Northeast Trade Winds strike land driving sea spray inland, base cations, Ca, Mg, Na and K, are clearly reflected in the
though the data (Lalor et al. 1995) do not indicate Cl geochemical data. The Fe/Na ratio varies over two-and-a-half
accumulation as it is rapidly leached from surface soils. orders of magnitude and was selected as an index of Jamaican
However, the possibility exists that Au–chloride complexes, e.g. soil development (Garrett & Lalor 2003). The Au data are
AuCl2, could mobilize Au to be locally reprecipitated on displayed versus the Fe/Na ratio in Figure 5: the Au threshold
pre-existing gold particles (Boyle 1979). Seward (1991) has of 11 ppb is plotted as a horizontal dotted line. In addition, a
shown that AuCl2 is stable under surface conditions, and once vertical line has been plotted at a Fe/Na ratio of 50. The upper
this process starts, large particles, having larger surface areas, left quadrant, Au >11 ppb and Fe/Na <50, contains all the
grow faster at the expense of smaller particles. This could Au anomalies associated with Cretaceous Inliers. This includes
explain the increased heterogeneity observed. Kirkpatrick Hall an additional sample not previously specifically discussed,
is close to the north coast, but not proximal, and underlain by A175 (Crofts River), that although within the areas mapped
Montpelier Formation rocks. Secondly, and more difficult to as entisols and Yellow Limestone lies close to the Yellow
explain, is the near-north–south alignment of six anomalous Limestone–Arthur’s Seat Volcanics boundary. On the basis of
sites (A070, A059, A068, A079, A067 and A066) in the its Fe/Na ratio and proximity to the Arthur’s Seat Volcanics it
Montpelier–Newmarket Trough (Fig. 4). An inspection of the is considered an indicator of the potential of the Arthur’s Seat
geological maps shows no structural feature that might correlate Volcanics as a host for auriferous occurrences. Firstly, this
with this alignment. The CIDA (1992) recompilation of the demonstrates the use of the Fe/Na ratio as an internal
aeromagnetic data for Jamaica clearly indicates the alignment discriminator with finer resolution than the soil maps used to
follows the western margin of the Clarendon Block and classify the sampled sites. Secondly, it demonstrates the utility
graben-edge faulting that extends back to the Palaeocene. of the Fe/Na ratio as a screening tool, though it should not be
Alternately, the six samples may be viewed as a close cluster of used exclusively in place of careful site-by-site interpretation of
three (A079, A067 and A066) in the south on high ground over those samples falling close to the quadrant boundary.
300 m, and a looser grouping of three (A070, A059 and A068) In discussing discriminators, pathfinders for gold in Jamaica
in the north, where the first two lie below 300 m in the must be addressed. Bradshaw & Lutynski (1995) noted the
Great River Valley. A further point is that bentonite-bearing absence of pathfinders, other than Ag (as indicated by the
Montpelier Formation rocks underlie these areas and likely fineness of the gold) and Sb, for the Bennett Zone. Pyle (1995)
provided ash-fall material to the soils. reported the presence of Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag and Ba at Browns Hall.
168 R. G. Garrett et al.

The Hungry Gully anomaly (CIDA 1988b, M-31) where an added the uncertainty associated with sampling and analytical
auriferous zone was later identified by diamond drilling was variability. In this context, it is significant that the island-wide
accompanied by Cu alone in stream sediments. Therefore, Cu is survey identified two of the three known auriferous areas on the
the most consistent pathfinder element for the gold deposits island: the Central Inlier, ‘remotely’ in a major river alluvial
discovered to date with only one exception: the one producing plain, and the two known host rocks of auriferous deposits
mine in the Bennett Zone which contains Ag and Sb but no there, the Bull Head and Main Ridge Formation, and the
significant Cu. Arthur’s Seat Volcanics; and the Swift River granodiorite.
Failure to detect the Hungry Gully gold occurrence is likely due
to the chance associated with sampling, and the extremely
DISCUSSION AND COMPARISON OF THE rugged nature of the terrain. It is interesting to surmise if soil
GEOCHEMICAL SURVEYS sampling of the Morant River flood plain, into which Hungry
The gold data fall into two groups: firstly, an Inlier-associated Gully drains, would have led to recognition of the Morant River
group, and secondly, a terra rossa-associated group. The Inlier basin as having gold potential, as was the case for the Rio
anomalies relate to bedrock sources, and therefore reflect the Minho.
gold potential of Jamaica. However, the terra rossa anomalies The question of relative effectiveness of the soil and stream
appear to be exotic, transported from outside Jamaica, and have sediment surveys can be addressed. In hindsight it appears that
no relationship to the underlying geology, other than terra rossa the Baldwin & Garrett (1984) recommendation to focus on the
development on Yellow and White Limestones, particularly on Inliers and Wagwater Trough areas was correct, at least for gold.
the karst topography of late Miocene proto-Jamaica. As such, The stream sediment survey at an average sample density of 1
the terra rossa gold anomalies appear to be a unique example of sample per km2 identified the Bennett Zone and Browns Hall
a transported palaeo-anomaly. The preservation of the terra porphyry system to within 800 m, and the Hungry Gully
rossas is due to their presence on the high central plateau of occurrence to c. 1 km.
Jamaica where erosion and transport have been essentially local The orientation soil survey (Simpson et al. 1991) recom-
as the karst has developed since the late Miocene. In some cases mended that for an island-wide mineral exploration survey, grid
there appears to have been mass transport of terra rossa/bauxitic sampling be undertaken at 1 sample per 5 km2. That yields
materials into local grabens where their preservation has led to c. 2200 sites across Jamaica, and if only the 18% CIDA survey
economic accumulations of bauxite (Hill 1973). Additionally, area is considered, c. 400 sites. However, due to the rugged
Pliocene uplift of Miocene limestones that have developed karst nature of the Port Royal and Blue Mountains this sample design
topography has also led to the development of terra rossa soils to could not have been completed without major helicopter and
which lithified ash-fall materials, bentonites, have contributed. other logistical support. In those terrains, and other areas with
The breached (8 Ma) cover of the Pliocene anticline running well developed drainage systems, stream sediment sampling
along the axis of the Central Inlier led to accelerated erosion of offers major advantages because samples represent composites
these Cretaceous rocks, and Pliocene uplift of the Wagwater of the weathering and eroding rocks and soils upstream.
Trough and Blue Mountain Inlier rocks, which reached In tropical terrains, the effects of seasonal and catastrophic
a maximum at 3 Ma, has exposed them to active erosion weather may cast doubt on the reliability of stream sedi-
(Robinson 1971) and the development of relatively immature ments for mineral exploration. Fortuitously for geochemistry,
soils. Hurricane Gilbert had passed through eastern Jamaica in
In the context of the CIDA Jamaica Metallic Minerals Survey October 1988, between CIDA Phases I and II. This provided
detailed stream sediment data, the island-wide soil survey the opportunity to carry out a detailed temporal variation study.
provides an interesting comparison and demonstrates what This involved resampling of multiple anomalous and back-
low-density surveys can achieve. Firstly, the Wizards Run ground streams in two Wagwater Trough areas in the Port
(A170) anomaly over Rio Minho alluvial deposits at its mouth Royal Mountains close to Kingston, one for 14 and the other
on the Caribbean Sea indicates the presence of auriferous for 24 months; and at Hungry Gully, 15 months, in the Blue
deposits in the hinterland. Secondly, in the Central Inlier, the Mountains. The resulting data permitted assessment of the
Pindars River (A186 and CIDA (1988b), C13-B) and Crofts annual variability of Cu and Au data, and a comparison with
River (A175) anomalies are associated with the Arthur’s Seat the 1986 pre-Gilbert Phase I survey (Garrett & Amor 1994).
Volcanics, and the Nine Turns (A162 and CIDA (1988b), C6) The results showed that, although individual geochemical levels
anomaly occurs over the Bull Head and Main Ridge Volcanic and patterns had changed, Cu and Au levels varied in a
Formation. The former is known to contain auriferous copper predictable fashion annually and that anomalous samples,
occurences and the latter the Ausjam gold mine. Lastly, the including Hungry Gully, remained clearly anomalous after the
Chelsea (A283 and CIDA (1988b), M-7) anomaly occurs over passage of Hurricane Gilbert.
the northeastern part of the Swift River granodiorite in the Blue
Mountain Inlier, that is known to host, or be proximal to, an
auriferous copper occurrence. The conclusion is that the CONCLUSIONS
low-density island-wide soil survey identified two of the three Geochemical surveys in Jamaica to date have confirmed the
main currently known auriferous areas in Jamaica (Fenton gold potential of the Cretaceous Inliers, in particular the Central
1982). The third auriferous area is at Hungry Gully (CIDA Inlier. Geochemical Au anomalies outside the Inliers are
(1988b), M-31) in the southern Blue Mountains, where dominantly associated with terra rossa soils and represent a
follow-up and drilling confirmed the presence of gold in highly transported palaeo-anomaly of Miocene ash-fall origin. A plot
fractured rocks of the Mt. Hibernia Schist Complex. There is of Au versus the Fe/Na ratio, as an indicator of soil maturity,
some element of chance in these results, particularly in the case with the ratio increasing from younger immature soils to old
of the Chelsea anomaly in the Blue Mountains. With a square mature soils, provides a useful tool with which to identify sites
cell size of 64 km2 a circular ‘target’ would require to be at least associated with Jamaican bedrock sources, i.e. high Au and low
64 km2 in area to be intersected with certainty; by using a Fe/Na ratio.
stratified random sampling design the average target size In the context of the Cretaceous Inliers and Wagwater
increases to 76 km2 (Garrett 1983, 1986). To this has to be Trough, which form the most rugged terrains in Jamaica, stream
Geochemical exploration for gold in Jamaica 169

sediment sampling (1 sample per km2) is preferred for mineral GARRETT, R.G. & AMOR, S.D. 1994. Temporal variation in stream sediment
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analysis and data handling; and Susan Davis, Geological Survey of Jamaican Journal of Science & Technology, 9, 63–77.
Canada, Ottawa, for assistance with the figures. Peter Bradshaw, HILL, V.G. 1973. The bauxites of Jamaica. Journal of the Geological Society of
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