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Lab #

Date: September 16, 2021

Topic: Feeding Relationships
Aim: To investigate feeding relationships among organisms in the environment

1. An appropriate terrestrial habitat was chosen.
2. A table was prepared to record observations made.
3. The habitat of study was observed carefully.
4. A list was made with the plants and animals seen in the area.
5. A record of what each organism was being fed on was made.


Organisms Source of Food

Caterpillar Grass

Lizards Grasshopper

Human Chicken

Centipede Spider

Owl Small bird

Bees Nectar[flowering plant]

Frog Centipede

Spider Caterpillar

Small bird Spider

Spider Bees

Grasshopper Leaf

Chicken Lizard
1. Use the information in your table to construct three (3) food chains.

Grass -> caterpillar -> spider -> small bird -> owl

Nectar[flowering plant] -> bees -> spider -> centipede -> frog

Leaves -> grasshopper -> lizard -> chicken -> human

2. Use your three (3) food chains to construct a food web.

Owl human
↑ ↗ ↑
Small bird chicken
↑ ↖ ↗
Spider ← lizard
↑ ↗ ↖
Caterpillar grasshopper
↑ ↑
Grass leaves

Discussion of Results:
A food chain is a simple diagram that shows how the food or nutrients [the energy source] pass
from one organism to another. A food web is the interlinking of a number of food chains. The
difference between a food chain and a food web is that a food chain shows one organism
feeding on one other organism only while in a food web one organism may feed on a number of
organisms and in turn be eaten by a number of organisms. In an ecosystem, organisms are
linked in food chains, created on how they obtain food, and further food webs. Trophic levels are
levels of feeding within a food chain. Producers are the first trophic level and consumers or
predators in the following trophic levels.
Grass and leaves are the producers[first trophic level] in the food web. Primary consumers or
herbivores are the next trophic level and it contains caterpillars and grasshoppers. Carnivores or
secondary consumers at the third trophic level are spiders and lizards. Omnivores [predators or
preys] are usually at the third and further trophic levels, they are small birds, chickens, humans,
and owls. The chicken usually feeds at different trophic levels. The majority of consumers
compete for food.
Leaves -> grasshopper -> lizard -> chicken -> human
In this food chain energy starts with the primary producer, the leaf which converts sunlight into
energy. Some amount of energy gets lost at each trophic level in the food chain because
organisms use it up to make food, respire, excrete and move around. The grasshopper [primary
consumer] eats the leaves and receives the remaining energy from the leaves. The
lizard[secondary consumer] then eats the grasshopper obtaining energy similarly to the primary
consumer and converts energy to a usable form losing more energy. The chicken[omnivore]
comes along and eats the lizard and converts the remaining energy. Lastly, the
human[omnivore] eats the chicken and gains the remaining energy from the trophic levels
before and gains the least amount of energy in the food chain.

1. Ensure that what each organism is feeding on is recorded properly.
2. Ensure that the feeding relationships investigated were in a controlled environment.

Conclusion: In conclusion, feeding relationships do exist among organisms in the environment

and are also responsible for the energy flow in organisms.

Reflection: I learned that there are many feeding relationships in an environment that creates a
lot of food chains and in return food webs. Which shows all the feeding and energy pathways
that are possible in an environment.

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