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Seeing that covid-19 has put the world on pause, As of March 2020, teachers and students were
forced to make a switch to online classes. Teachers were concerned that students would not
participate in online classes as they would normally do. This situation led us to choose the topic:
“do Males participate in Online Classes more than Females?”
We decided to investigate these questions so that we could get a better understanding of the


1. Which gender participates more in the three classes compared?

2. What are two factors to why this question was asked?

Method of data collection

The observation method was used because it is the simplest method and we can collect data at

the time they occur. The classes were simply watched as individuals speak and act. An

observation was carried out for 3 subjects such as: English language, History and Geography last

week to see if males participate more in classes.

English Language: in this double session class there were twenty-seven (27) students; sixteen

(16) girls and eleven (11) boys, the first session which was from 9:20-9:57 a.m., out of the

sixteen (16) girls about half girls participated and out of the eleven (11) boys only three (3)

participated. In the last session which was from 9:57-10-32 a.m. most of the boys left class and

only girls were participating.

History: in this single session class which was from 8:10- 8:45 there were twenty-six (26).

fifteen (15) girls and eleven (11) boys. Out of the fifteen (15) girls about seven (7) participated

and out of the 11 boys about nine (9) participated out of the fifteen (15) girls.

Geography: in this single session which was from 2:06 - 2:41pm there were twenty-three (23)

students; fourteen (14) girls and nine (9) boys. Out of fourteen (14) girls only three (3)

participated and out of the nine (9) boys only one (1) participated.

The total number of students that was observed from all three classes is seventy-six (76).
Presentation of data
Analysis of data

In this diagram, three (3) online classes were observed to determine students’ participation
based on gender. The classes selected were English, History and Geography. In a class
population of twenty-seven (27) students for of English, nine (9) females participated in their
during the online class while three (3) males participated which shows gives a percentage of
29.63% and 11% respectively. In History online class For the History class, nine (9) males (35%)
participation participated compare, to seven (7) females (27%), which shows a this indicates that
the males were more active in this class. For the Geography class, it was observed saw that three
(3) females (13%) participated throughout the class while only one (1) male (4.3%) participated.
Therefore, the females participated more than the males.

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