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, An LMS where Students are able to take
test online, review class material, and check
º Students
%& '( ) º —eachers
*  º Admin
""& , Students can submit their assignments and
discuss with each othersabout topics related to
the lesson

, a course management system that HRE
Online uses for discussion forums, assignment º Students
submissions, grade/feedback tracking, and º —eachers
 teams/people pages. º Admin
º Oarents
""& ,Students can share ideas by post different
topics about ethical issues in discussion board.

, Microsoft ShareOoint Server is a Microsoft
proprietary software product built on the ASO.NE—
framework. ShareOoint Server works with
º Students
Microsoft IIS web server to produce sites
º —eachers
intended for collaboration, file sharing, web
ÿ #
  º Admin
databases, social networking and web publishing.
º Oarents
""& ,students can upload writing assessment to
document library and receive feedback from the

, Joomla is a content management system
(CMS), which enables the user to build Web sites º Students
and powerful online applications. º —eachers
º Admin
Apply: Students can share and discuss topics º Oarents
related to their science course.

, Google Docs is a free on-line office
application suite that lets you create and edit
presentations, spreadsheets, questionnaires and º Students
word processed documents collaboratively. º —eachers
‰ !&
º Admin
""& , Students can collaborate by working º Oarents
together to create a presentation for a science

, —witter is a website, owned and operated
by —witter Inc., which offers a social networking º Students
and microblogging service, enabling its users to º —eachers
 send and read messages called tweets. º Oarents
º Admin
""& ,the students get alerts in a form of tweet
for homework and upcoming exams

, Wix is an online application that allows
users to create and publish stunning Flash-based
º Students
Web content.
] 012 º —eachers
""& ,students can use it to create digital
portfolios for their courses.

, Is a tool which allow you to create cross
puzzles º Students

V º —eachers
 / )
""& ,the students create a crosspuzzle to
remember key words for biology lesson

, Orezi is a web-based presentation tool
using a map layout and zooming to show
contextual relationships which addresses some of º Students
3 the shortcomings of Microsoft OowerOoint º —eachers
º Oarents
""& ,students can create presentation about

, allows you to create a customized
jeopardy template without OowerOoint. º Students
" ) & (2
$ º —eachers

""& ,the teacher make a game using this
website to review an exam in a fun way

, it is a Flash —est maker that enables
trainers and educators to make quizzes for online
testing. You can integrate multimedia objects into
º Students
your quizzes
$$ 43- '
 º —eachers
º Oarents
""& , students can create multiple choices quiz
about different animal and share it online with
other students.

, Myspace is the leading social
entertainment destination powered by the
passion of fans. Music, movies, celebs, — , and
º Students
games made social.
$ - " 
 º —eachers
""& : the students use my space to upload their
videos about a science projectand share it with
other students

, Facebook is a social networking website -
a gathering spot, to connect with your friends and
with your friends friends. It allows users to make º Students
new connections who share a common interest, º —eachers
expanding your personal network. º Admin
º Oarents
""& , Students can collaborate by discussing
and sharing ideas for an English project.

,°logger is a free blog publishing tool from
Google for easily sharing thoughts and discussing
various topics in the form of an online journal
º Students
while readers may comment on posts.
$ %&
 º —eachers
º Oarents
""& ,Students can use it to write essays for
English classes and share them with their

, WordOress is web software you can use to
create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say
that WordOress is both free and priceless at
º Students
the same time.
$‰ 0 )"
 º —eachers
º Oarents
""& ,Students can use WordOress to post their
observation tasks for their —eaching Oractice

, It is basically a private micro-blogging
service for schools with built-in security features
that give teachers privacy controls over their º Students
virtual classrooms º —eachers
$ c))
º Admin
""& , teacher can post a grammar question, º Oarents
students can reply for teacher͛s question as group

,Útranormal is a ˜ ˜˜ website
which allows users to create short films with their
own scripts using very clever ˜ ˜˜

º Students
$] 5   &
º —eachers
""& ,Students can use for English writing classes
by writing a script and then feed it into
Útranormal to produce films with characters
enacting it.

, Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories
º Students
the user make to share, read, and print.
º —eachers
$V  ( )
º Oarents
""& ,the students create a story that illustrates
how the internet works in I— class

: A website allows billions of people to
discover, watch and share originally-created
º Students
$ 6(
 º —eachers
º Oarents
""& : Students watched a tutorial on You—ube to
know how create a post in blogger.

, free blog hosting platform offering
professional and fully customizable templates,
bookmarklets, photos, mobile apps, and social º Students
 (&  network º —eachers

""& : Students set a blog and share videos,

images and write about a specific subject

, is a virtual world developed by Linden
Lab, and is accessible via the Internet, which
º Students
enable Second Life users to interact with each
º —eachers
 ) +
 other through avatars.
º Admin
º Oarents
""& , Students take some online classes on
Second Life.

,Google Sites is a free and easy way to
create and share WebOages.
º Students

 ""& ,—eachers can share learning materials and
º —eachers
WebOages related to their course with their

, It is a set of six special programs for
design online exercises for students. º Students
ÿ 7 
 º —eachers
""& ,the teacher used Hot Ootatoes to create an
online interactive quiz for the students.

, is a free online typing tutor & keyboarding
tutorial for typists of all skill levels.
 " /
(2 º Students

 º —eachers
""& ,Students uses —ypingweb to improve their
typing skills.

,Raptivity is a website allows users to
create highly interactive eLearning with
meaningful interactions like games, simulations
º Students
‰  "8 2 etc(
º —eachers

""& ,teachers can create math games to help
students improve their mathematical skills.

, is a website that
compiles the best K-6 educational interactive
games the web has to offer.
conveniently embeds the activities directly into º Students
 their site, categorized by subject, skill, and grade º —eachers
level. º Oarents

""& , students can play math game in order to

practice math skills.

: °uddySchool is an Online —utoring
Olatform. Students connect with 1000s of
º Students
Oersonal —eachers for conversation in any subject.
%)) #&2 º —eachers
 º Oarents
""& ,students can communicate with other
º Admin
people about computer hardware in order to
practice for exam.

, is —HE place to create professional
looking quizzes for your website, or blog.
 ) 2 º Students
 º —eachers
""& , —he teacher used this website to create an
online quiz to post it on the teaching blog.

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