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Philippine General Hospital

Philippine General Hospital Director Dr. Gerardo Legaspi receives the Philippines' first shot of
China's Sinovac-made "CoronaVac" vaccine on March 1, as the country kicked off its
immunization drive. He was vaccinated in PGH Manila by nurse Chareluck Santos.

Second individuals to get vaccinated

Government officials who are also known as Legaspi’s co-workers who have lined up to get
vaccinated with CoronaVac are Dr. Edsel Salvaña, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology at UP-National Institutes of Health, and Food and Drug Administration
Director General Eric Domingo.

Attendees for first vaccination in PGH Manila, Philippines

Attendees there include vaccine czar Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., Presidential Spokesperson
Harry Roque, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chair Benhur Abalos, and Manila
Mayor Isko Moreno.

PGH asks for initial allocation of 1,000 vaccine doses

In PGH Manila, 100 people will be vaccinated. Whereas, Dr. Gerardo Legaspi stated, “We have
vaccinated around 96 individuals already in one hour. This is a lot more than we expected...
we’re stopping at 100 and we will prepare better for tomorrow. Tatapusin po natin ang isang

First Covid-19 vaccinator in the Philippines

Nurse Chareluck Santos is the Philippines' first Covid-19 vaccinator. She’s the one who
vaccinated PGH Director Dr. Gerardo Legaspi in PGH Manila. Both Dr. Legaspi and Nurse
Santos will be recognized in the Philippines' Covid-19 history books as the effects of the
pandemic have caused massive changes to every person's daily life. Changes that have often
happened rapidly and abruptly.

Philippines, the last Asian country to official start the Covid-19 vaccination roll out
The Philippines is the last Southeast Asian country to acquire a supply of 600,000 doses of
sinovac vaccines donated by China. The Duterte administration plans to vaccinate 70 million
citizens, however certain public opinion polls have shown widespread opposition due to
concerns about the CoronaVac vaccine's safety and effectiveness.

Sinovac vaccine, no clearance

The good thing about the sinovac vaccine is that it is not a multi dose vaccine. Wherein, one vial
equals one dose which makes it easier to aspirate. However, according to certain UP-PGH
physicians, it did not receive an authorization or it was not examined by the Philippine's Health
Technology Assessment Council. Because of that some of them are apprehensive about getting
the vaccine. Dr. Jonas del Rosario, a spokesman for the UP-PGH, previously stated that only
about 10% of UP-PGH employees are ready to receive the CoronaVac vaccine, while 90% prefer
a different vaccine.

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