PRACTICE 4 Adam Davala Lazuardi E41210224 TIF A

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Topic : Working in IT
Learning Materials : IT Careers
Place : Classroom
Time Allotment : 1 x 120’
Name : Adam Davala Lazuardi / E41210224 / A
a. Indicators:

- Students are able to identify general and specific

information from authentic materials including magazine.
- Students are able to identify definitions of certain terms
- Students are able to match words with their definitions.
- Students are able to use context to understand the gist
of some simple spoken language they overhear
- Students are able to speak on and discuss concrete
every day and personal topics.
- Students are able to write short sentences or texts
about simple and concrete topics they have studied,
such as their likes, dislikes, plans, experiences and their
daily routines.

b. Equipments and Materials:

- The students’ workbook (BKPM)
- Laptop/PC
- Speaker
- Pointer
- Sticky Notes
- Manila Papers
- Flashdisk (64GB)
- Ruler

c. Worksheet

Let’s warm up

1. Answer the following questions.

a. Why do you major in Information Technology?
b. Do you think that IT promises you better future?
c. What do you want to be in the future?
d. Do you have any specific dream job in the future?

Task 1. Listen to six people introducing themselves. What jobs do they

do? Match the name of the speakers with the job titles.


1. Maria is a ….d a. Database administrator

2. Ahmed is a ….b b. Helpdesk supervisor
3. Freddy is a ….c c. Project manager
4. Hana is a ….e d. Software developer
5. Tim is a ….a e. Support technician
6. Sophie is a …f. f. Systems analyst

Listen to the recording again and answer the following questions by choosing a, b, c, or
d that best responds to each question.

7. What does Maria say about her job?

a. Her job is stressful
b. Her job is wonderful.
c. Her job is demanding
d. Her job is boring
8. Which of the following is true about Freddy’s job?
a. He supervises his team to assist customers who face problems.
b. He takes care of the computers under his responsibilities
c. He writes software for his clients who are mostly companies.
d. He plans, coordinates, and budgets IT projects
9. The following statements are true about what a support technician does, except ….
a. Looking after all company’s computers.
b. Designing website programs for the company.
c. Setting up computers and installing software.
d. Keeping all computers in the company working.
10. Based on the recording, it can be concluded that a software analyst ….
a. Does not need to visit and have a discussion with a client.
b. Is responsible to diagnose and fix any problems with computers.
c. Receives a report of software specifications from other department.
d. Works with a software developer to develop software for a client.
Task 2. Listen to two people having a conversation below. Next, answer
the questions based on the conversation.


11. What does the woman want Robert to do?

a. To tell her most common problems Robert faces.
b. To tell his job-related daily routines.
c. To tell her how he makes money from his job.
d. To tell her his schedule in a daily basis.

12. What does Robert usually do as soon as he arrives at his office?

a. Answering phone calls
b. Checking emails
c. Selling products
d. Visiting customers

13. What time do Robert’s colleagues start calling him?

a. At around 8:00 a.m.
b. At around 9:00 p.m.
c. At around 8:00 p.m.
d. At around 9:00 a.m.

14. How does Robert help solve people’s problems when they are out?
a. By solving the problems via phone call or remote access.
b. By solving the problems via phone call or visiting their desk.
c. By solving the problems directly while doing sales responsibility.
d. By solving the problems by waiting for the sales personnel to go back to the office.

15. According to the conversation it can be implied that ….

a. Robert’s daily routine is monotonous.
b. Robert arrives earlier than the other employees.
c. Robert is responsible in solving non-technical problems.
d. Robert only deals with problems from employees out of the office.

Task 3. Listen to six people introducing themselves again on Task 1. In groups, rank the
jobs based on their responsibilities from the highest to the lowest.

a. Database administrator 2
b. Helpdesk supervisor 5
c. Project manager 1
d. Software developer 4
e. Support technician 4
f. Systems analyst 3

Task 4. You have ranked the jobs on Task 3 from the highest to the
lowest based on the responsibility. Which of the jobs is in the first rank?
Why? Write your explanation and support it with logical arguments.

In my opinion the project manager is the person responsible for planning, executing

and closing the project or a specially trained professional with extraordinary abilities

from the planning aspect to project execution. Before becoming a project manager, he

should have the ability to lead which is determined based on his character and

adequate competence. to achieve success in the project, the project manager is the

spearhead of the implementation of a project and at the same time the person who is

most influential in the success of the project.

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