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This Exit Interview is conducted for the Organisation to improve its

management of staff. The information collected is confidential and will only
be tabled as a collective data with no mentioned of names of the

1. What are the key factors for your resignation? Please rank in order of 1
(top most factor) to 4 (least factor)

Better Poor work More challenging Poor work

remuneration environment job relationship

2. How was your relationship with your immediate superior?

Good Satisfactory Sufficient Poor

3. How do you rate the quality of supervision you received from your
immediate superior?
Good Satisfactory Sufficient Poor

4. How was your relationship with your peers?

Good Satisfactory Sufficient Poor

5. How do you rate the work challenges?

Very Exciting Exciting Sufficient Mundane

6. How do you rate the level of teamwork in your function?

Good Satisfactory Needs Poor


7. How do your rate the company’s remuneration package?

Good Satisfactory Need Poor

8. What do you like the most about the company?

9. What do you like the least about the company?

10. Give one key improvement area that the company should focus on.

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