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   ‘  exchanging digital messages from an author to
 A student uses email to exchange messages about
a certain task or an assignment to clarify some
informationor give some details ʹstudents use the
email to send an assignment to teacher or ask for some
clarification about a task

^ ‘   web browser is a software program that
translates the coding of the web into a user-friendly
graphic form. People use web browsers to open
communication websites.

 A students can use web browser to open the

BBVista that allows them communicate with their
colleagues about the communication technologies.

  Internet Explorer , Firefox, Opera

   ‘   It is a forum which exists online to discuss about

 various topics
 the students discuss about the usage of
technology in their lives and studies

  blackboard vista

Ñ  ‘   Communication using both voice and video

   where participants can both see and hear other
participants at the same time

 A student practices foreign language skills with

students in another country using a webcam and

  Skype, Oovoo
d   ‘   It is the same as the internet but in smaller
range and privet which allows only certain group or
individuals to access.

 the educational institution can use intranet to

form something like a portal for the students to
communicate with each others through discussion

  sharjah college portal (net folder)

  ‘   It is also called an    which is an
º online discussion site . People can hold conversations in
the form of posted messages. It is different from chat
room messages in that reply doesn͛t need to be at the
same time.

 students can communicate by other students in

other places about the learning HTML code using forum.

  ‘   It is online tool where people can exchange and
receive instance messages in the same time

 the students communicate with each other

through messages or receive instant feedback from the
teacher about a task or ask for a help on something he
didn͛t understand.

 yahoo, windows messenger

Ñ d ‘   It is a communication technology for delivery

voice communication into internet protocol
(IP)networks ,such as the Internet. In another words, it is
technology allows people to make phone calls across the

 students can communicate with their colleagues

through Skype and talk about the English Project.

î  ‘   It is a software which helps to manage the
    learning process where all learning activities takes place
!  online

 the students communicate through comments or

discussion board.

 share point ,joomla

"  ‘   Use any technology to speak and deliver

voice communication .

  Teacher uses speaker in lecture to speak to

class of 40 students about UAE history.

  speaker, microphones.

   ‘   people meet to consult or confer about a topic

 students set a conference to confer about a

serious issue like pollution talking about the problem and
share some solutions

  Microsoft Tech-Ed North America 2011

^  ‘  ¦ it is a short for Web-based Seminar, a

presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is
transmitted over the Web.

 ¦ teacher can use webinars for real time

conferencing such as, history teacher can speak over a
standard telephone line while pointing out information
being presented onscreen, and the audience can respond
over their own telephones.

 ¦ Google Wave, Citrix Online
M   ‘   the act of transferring files from a computer to
the internet

 The students share their knowledge about a topic

by transferring word documents to blackboard vista or g

    ""  " "# 

{" ‘  ¦ A hard-disk or shared space that is normally

 # shared among several users over the network.

 ¦ history teacher use network drive to share the

lecture about the Pre-Islamic era with her students
,which is saved as .mp3 file.

 ¦ m mm

 ‘   an online whiteboard which allow users to

^  collaborate and edit the contents

 the students can chat in the chat box while they
are editing the contents


  ‘  ¦ Social Networks are online communities where

{" people meet, socialize, exchange digital files

 ¦ students can discuss about e-resource project and

share the information between them.

 ¦ M    
^ ‘   an online community that is based on a
computer simulation

 The students communicate with each other

through live chats in second life

 second life

 ! ‘  ¦ A multiplayer game is a game which is played by
  several players. The players might be played as teams or
be just a single team pitted against the game. These
games provide chat rooms allow users to communicate
between them during the game.

  students can play math problem game as team

and they can communicate between each other using
chat room to discuss about the game.

  Nonoba Racer, Air Attack
   ‘   It is a blog but allow only specific amount of
words for an entry

 The students send messages or tweets to

communicate or inform each other with upcoming
exams or sharing ideas about a project


  ‘   communication system based on broadcasting

electromagnetic waves

  Learning English program is a way that students

can learn English and communicate between other
people , for example, each students can share new

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