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Lesson Plan in Home Economics

First Quarter

Lesson 1: Management of Family Resources

I. Objectives:
Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as;
a. Food and clothing
b. Shelter and education
c. Social needs
d. Savings/emergency budget (TLE6HE-0b-3)
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Management of Family Resources
Materials: Pictures, Chart, Graphs, Computer, OHP
References: T.H.E II Teachers Manual. 1991. pp.23-24
Values: Thriftiness, frugality
III. Learning Activities
A. Review:
Enumerates the sources of your family income.
B. Motivation:

Ask the pupil to list down things they are going to buy if they will be given Php.
C. Presentation:
Show to the class an example of a pie graph on how a family allocates their monthly
10% food
23% 59% shelter
social needs
D. Deepening:
Ask the pupil the ff.
1. What do you think the graph shows? How would you interpret the content?
2. Which shows the highest expenses of the family? The lowest?
3. What do you think the reason why family spend more on food?
E. Generalization:
Why is it necessary to manage time, money, strength, skills and other resources?
How can budgeting help in saving and proper management of resources?
F. Application:
Create a group of five members each. Let them portray roles of family member. Let them
make their own budget allocation in a pie graph.
- Pupils will present their role play
G. Formative Assessment:
Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise. Write your answer in your
1. Buy large furniture even if there is little room in order to save because it’s on sale.
2. Work discipline is being developed when you see the schedule of household chores.
3. Assigning duties should be fair.
4. The objective of monitoring is to check the task if done according to the required
standards and ability to fulfill the task.
5. Children also have the right to remind other family members what their duties are.
6. The effective management of household activities saves, energy, time, and money.
H. Remedial Teaching:
Copy the table as shown below in your notebook. Make a weekly budget of your
allowance and list down your needs and allocate a percentage of your allowance for each

Item % of budget allocated amount


I. Reflection:
Children at the early stage should know the value of proper savings.

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