Constitution and By-Laws of The Greeen Youth Organization of Sison (Gyo-Sison)

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of the


We, the member of the Green Youth Organization of Sison, fully realizing our purpose,
responsibility and commitment in protecting and conserving ecosystem and biodiversity, and
acting to prevent climate crisis, do hereby adopt and establish this Constitution and By-laws as
the guiding instrument of our Organization.


SECTION 1. Name. The organization shall be named Green Youth

Organization of Sison hereinafter referred to as “Organization”.

SECTION 2. Seal. The official seal of the Organization shall be composed of the word
GREEN YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF SISON, white background, the Three Human Trunk-
Branches in Dark Blue Color, the Green Leaves, the Circle Shape and the year it is founded.
a) The word GREEN YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF SISON clearly depicts the organization’s
name and where it is based in, which is Municipality of Sison and 2021 which is the year it
was founded.
b) The plain white background symbolizes purity on the call of service for environmental
advocacy. This means that the organization, as well as its members had no negative motives
over anything about its projects.
c) The three humans that serve as the trunk and branches of the tree symbolizes the ability of
the members of the organization to unite for the purpose of environmental protection,
preservation and improvement. The three humans represents equal opportunity on gender,
age, and origin when serving the organization’s objectives. It means that it doesn’t matter
who and where in the municipality of Sison would the members came from so long as they
can perform well their responsibility, the organization embraces them with pride. The dark
blue color that shades the three people represents intelligence and responsibility. It means
that the two (intelligence and responsibility) must come together in order to have positive
d) The Green Leaves description shall compose of the color green and the leaves. Leaves have
been an important part of a tree. There being the producer of food for the tree via
photosynthesis, the organization feels like it is a leaf responsible to produce sustainable
environment for the present to enjoy and for the future generation to experience the same.
Green color that shade the leaves represents one of the organization’s mission which is
environmental awareness.
e) The Circle Shape represents love, and with the circle houses all the previously mentioned
characters of the logo means that love is the foundation of everything about the organization.
The organization has been formed because of the love of its members to mother nature. It is
their love that drives them to desire a formation of the organization with responsibility of
overseeing the environmental protection, preservation, and improvement projects.


SECTION 1. Vision. The Organization shall have following vision: “A strong, dedicated
and proactive youth organization in the Municipality of Sison working towards a sustainable
and livable environment, as well as green and clean Sison”.

SECTION 2. Mission. The Organization shall work to protect and preserve the natural
ecosystems of the barangay to make them capable of mitigating the impacts of climate

The Organization commits to:

a) Increase the participation of the Green Youth Organizationof Sison on the vital issues
on the environment, particularly on the effects of climate change and on disaster
preparedness and mitigation;
b) Support the activities, campaigns, programs and projects in the communities geared at
addressing the vital issues and concerns on the environment and the impacts of climate
change; and
c) Assist the Local Government Unit in organizing the youth sector in the municipality to
make them more responsive and actively involved in the movement for climate action.

SECTION 1. Operative Principles. The Organization shall be guided by the following

principles in pursuing its vision and carrying out its mission:

a) understanding deeply and applying the spirit of philanthropy and love of community,n
country, and the environment;
b) reliance on the potentials, capacities, abilities and skills of all the members for the
success of the Organization;
c) elevating consciousness, utilizing knowledge, and efficiently using time in advocating
the vision, mission, and goals of the Organization;
d) instilling discipline through active and regular participation in activities and events,
willingly accepting responsibility, skillfully performing duties with passion and
dedication, and maintaining high academic excellence, initiating ways, strategies and
techniques to achieve excellent results in any given tasks;
e) initiating ways, strategies and techniques to achieve excellent results in any given
tasks; and
f) practicing good manners, showing humility in victory and optimism in defeat, being
sensitive in any situation and open to scrutiny, suggestions and recommendations.

Rights and Privileges


SECTION 1. Freedom of Expression. No member shall be deprived of free expression, nor

shall any member be denied the opportunity to be heard.

SECTION 2. Freedom from Discrimination. No member shall be discriminated by virtue

of beliefs, principles, gender, and personality.

SECTION 3. Right to Information. The right of the members to information on the

matters of organizational concern shall be recognized.
SECTION 4. Involvement or Participation in Other Organizations. The right of
members to be part of and/or participate in the activities of other organizations shall be


SECTION 1. Propose Activities. Any active member shall be allowed to recommend,

propose, or suggest activities, programs and/or projects for the Organization.

SECTION 2. Exemptions. Valid exemptions from any event, occasion or activity of the
Organization shall be granted to seek all active members of the Organization.

SECTION 3. Seeking Elective Position. Any active member shall be qualified to be elected
to any position or participate in all electoral processes in the Organization.

Membership and Affiliations

SECTION 1. Qualifications of Members. All bonafide residents of Barangay Dungon and

registered voters from ages thirteen to thirty. The age of qualification shall be distinguished by
the day of birth of the aspiring members. Able to read and write, of good moral character, has
strong concern for the environment, willing to actively participate in all activities, and highly
dedicated to pursue the vision, mission and goals of the Organization.

SECTION 2. Working with Other Organizations. The Organization may affiliate with and/or
enter into partnerships, coalitions or alliances with other organizations based or operating within
the municipality of Sison for activities, projects and programs on climate change and the

SECTION 3. Membership Card. The Organization shall issue a membership card to all
members, which can be used for legitimate purposes and transactions.
Organizational Structure and Officers

SECTION 1. Diagram of the Structure of Green Youth Organization










SECTION 2. The Founder of the Organization. The visionary and the face of the
organization; a person who creates and establishes environmental advocacy through activities,
projects and programs for the community.
Co-Founder. Support and assist the founder. In the absence of the founder, the co-founder shall
take charge all the duties and responsibilities.
Adviser. A person who helps the officers to integrate and promote the projects with a specific
goals and objectives. He/she performs the duty to be responsible for decision-making.
The officers many seeks advises to the advisers for a good and well organize quality service.
President. The highest administrative officer of the organization who shall perform the
following functions:
1. preside over all meetings of the organization;
2. to represent the organization in barangay level on behalf of the founder;
3. approve activity proposals and solicitation letter; and
4. perform other functions required of the position as necessary for the organization;
Vice-President. The second highest administrative officer of the organization who shall perform
the following functions:
1. assume the position of the President in his/her absence, incapacity, or resignation;
2. represent the organization in all events, activities, forums, symposium, and other similar
3. in-charge of all external affairs of their organization; and
4. perform other functions required of the position as necessary for the organization.
Secretary. The third highest-ranking officer of the organization shall perform the following
1. record all proceedings and minutes of the organization, officers’ meetings and general
membership meetings;
2. keep all the records, files and other pertinent documents of the organization;
3. keep updated records of all the members;
4. prepare and issue notices of meetings and inform chapter members about the
organization’s activities;
5. take, prepare and read the minutes of all meetings and sessions.
6. prepare and submit updates and reports; and
7. perform other functions required of the position as necessary for the organization;
Treasurer. The fourth highest-ranking officer of the organization who shall perform the
following function;
1. Prepare the plans and program of the organization to resource sourcing, budgeting and
2. Act as the disbursing officer of the organization, record all the transactions and prepare
3. Perform other functions required of the position as necessary for the organization;

Auditor. The auditor is the fifth highest-ranking officer of the organization at the municipal
level. He/She shall perform the following functions:
1. Undertake internal audit of the organization’s financial operations.
2. Design a system and formulate guidelines to regulate the chapter’s financial transactions.
3. Offer objective advice for improving financial reporting and internal controls to maximize
performance and efficiency.
4. Perform other functions required of the position as necessary for the organization.
Public Information Officer. The Public Information Officer shall be responsible for the
information dissemination. He/she shall serve as the head information officer of the three
representatives for their dissemination of programs and projects as well as announcements.
He/she is also responsible for the administration of the organization’s social media platforms and
Representatives. The representatives shall represent their corresponding barangay and advocate
for the environment. They shall carry the duty of informing the people within their respective
barangay about the projects and programs of the organization.

Finances and Funding

SECTION 1. Funding of the Organization. The Green Youth Organization of Sison shall
generate funds from income generating projects sponsorship and donations from individuals or
groups who declared support to the vision, mission, goals and objectives, and agenda of the

Finance generating activities shall only be undertaken by the chapters and not by individuals,
who may use the Organization for personal purposes. The concept and details of the projects
shall have to be presented, discussed and approved by the General Assembly before they can be
Solicitations, sponsorship letters, and activity proposals shall be prepared by the Secretary,
reviewed by the Treasurer, and approved by the President.

SECTION 2. Membership Fees. An annual fee of P20.00 shall be collected from all the
members, which shall accrue to the general fund of the organization. The fund shall be used for
the maintenance and operating expenses particularly in the implementation of their respective
programs and activities.

SECTION 3. Financial Reports. Financial reports of the organization shall be submitted

monthly or after the completion of every activity, program and project and shall presented during
the regular meetings. A year-end report on the financial transactions of the organization during
the fiscal year shall be presented at the annual general assembly. Proofs of purchase, receipts and
other documentary items shall be properly accounted for, compiled and made readily available in
the meetings by the organization’s auditor duly approved by the President.


SECTION 1. Schedule. The officers including the advisers shall regularly meet every last week
of the month. General meeting with the members shall happen every last week of January every

SECTION 2. Procedure and Quorum. The order of business during the regular meetings shall
be as follows:
a. Call to order
b. Roll call
c. Reading and adoption of previous minutes
d. Organization Report
e. Unfinished business
f. Current business
g. Announcements
h. Adjournment
All meetings shall proceed after a quorum has been reached. A quorum shall be established with
a simple majority or fifty percent (50%) of the members.
SECTION 3. Special Meetings. The President may convene the officers to a special meeting
when issues on the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws arise and to decide on major
events that are not included in the regular meetings.

Prohibited Acts and Disciplinary Actions

SECTION 1. Prohibited Acts and Disciplinary Actions. The following shall constitute
prohibited acts under this Constitution and By-Laws and their corresponding disciplinary
Prohibited Acts Disciplinary Actions
1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
1. Seven accumulated
absences from regular Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
2. Three consecutive
absences from regular Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
3. Direct involvement
Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
in troubles Reprimand
4. Failure to participate
Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
in activities Reprimand

5. Disrespect to officers Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion

6. Negligence of duties
and functions that lead
Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
to the derailment of Reprimand
programs or projects.
7. Sowing intrigues and Verbal or Written
making false
accusations against Suspension Expulsion
other members and
about the organization.
8. Not adhering to the
principles of the Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
9. Violating any
provisions of the
Verbal or Written Suspension Expulsion
Constitution and By- Reprimand
10. Direct involvement
in activities that destroy
the environment such
as but not limited to
cutting of trees,
Reprimand and
littering, burning of Suspension
waste, capturing of
terrestial and marine
creatures, killing of
wild animals and
marine wildlife.
11. Involvement in
activities such as but
not limited to using
and selling drugs, using
and peddling of
alcoholic drinks to
minor members, rape,
prostitution, bullying,
vandalism, robbery and

Except for the prohibited act specified in item Number 8 above, the act of reprimand shall be the
penalty given for all first offense violations. It can be done verbally or in writing. The purpose is
to serve as a reminder for the erring member regarding his offense as well as a warning that
future violations shall be dealt with accordingly. The act of suspension shall be applied to
penalize repeat offenders or those that commit second offense. A suspended member shall be
deemed separated from the Organization until his petition for reinstatement has been approved.
The act of expulsion shall be applied for grave violations committed by a member. An expelled
member shall lose all his/her rights and privileges as member of the organization.

SECTION 2. Inactive Officers. Any officer of the Organization shall be deemed inactive if
he/she fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings and/or two (2) general assemblies during his
term. The Organization’s Secretary, on the advice of the President shall write a memorandum
notifying the officer of his/her inactive status and the process he/she shall undertake to restore
his active status: Provided, that the officer shall be properly advised that failure to comply with
the memorandum within fifteen (15) days upon its receipt shall be deemed valid grounds to
impose disciplinary actions applicable to Prohibited Acts numbered 2, 4, 6, 10 and 11: Provided,
finally that, in order to regain his/her active membership, the erring officer shall follow the
procedures specified in Section 33, Section 34 and Section 35 of this Constitution and By-Laws.
In case the President becomes inactive, the formal succession process will be followed wherein
the Vice President will assume the functions of the President, onwards.
SECTION 3. Due Process. A member who commits any of the specified prohibited acts has the
right to due process and shall be allowed to present his/her side and be heard before the Laws
and Justice Committee. Deliberations of the case shall be made in a fair and impartial manner,
and all documentations and proceedings shall be printed to support the decision handed down.
The accused members shall be given the right to present witnesses to support his/her case.

SECTION 4. Appeals. Any suspended or expelled member may appeal to the organization
through a letter address to the organization within five (5) days upon receipt of the decision. Five
(5) days upon receipt of the appeal, organization shall immediately convene as a review body
and shall submit its decision to the organization. The organization shall issue a decision within
seven (7) days upon receipt of the review body’s recommendations.

SECTION 5. Reinstatement. Suspended or expelled member(s) may file a written petition to

the President of the organization his/her for reinstatement into the Organization. Upon receipt of
the petition, the President shall submit a case report to the organization, which shall be given
fifteen (15) days to evaluate the petition. While waiting for the organization to finish its review,
the petitioner shall be placed under probation and required to perform certain tasks for the
Organization. The tasks shall be decided on by the officers of the organization the dismissed
member belongs to. The organization write a report on the evaluation to the organization, which
shall decide on the recommendations within five (5) days after receipt of the report.

SECTION 1. Proposing Amendments. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be

proposed in writing by any member during regular meetings where seventy-five percent of the
active members are present.

SECTION 2. Review. The proposed amendments shall be referred to the organization for
evaluation of their merits and substance. The organization after having reviewed the proposed
amendments, shall endorse the same to the President for decision.

SECTION 3. Adoption of the Amendments. The President shall act on the proposed
amendments in a special meeting called for this purpose within fifteen (15) days upon receipt
President shall pass a resolution on the approval of the amendments to the Constitution and By-
Laws to be distributed to all the chapters, which shall immediately schedule a referendum within
ten (10) days after receipt of the resolution. For the amendments to become official, they shall be
adopted by at least two-thirds of all the chapter members who voted in the referendum.

SECTION 1. Ratification. This Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective and binding
upon ratification by two-thirds of all the officers during an assembly called for the purpose.
Approved this October 10, 2021 in Barangay Dungon, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines, 2434.

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