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SEC-SB- Skill Enhancement Course-

Skill Based
(60+40=100 marks, 2 Credits)

UNIT-3 Building Essential Skills Beyond
Importance of the following:
i. Effective Communication Skills
ii. Creative Problem Solving & Critical
iii. Collaboration and Teamwork Skills
iv. Innovation & Design Thinking
v. Use of tools in enhancing skills
UNIT-3 Building Essential Skills Beyond
3.1. Effective Communication
What Is Communication?
➢The root of the word “communication”
in Latin is communicare, which means to
share, or to make common.
➢Weekley, E. (1967)Communication is
defined as the process of understanding
and sharing meaning.
➢Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000). An
introduction to human communication:
Understanding and sharing.
➢Thus communication means
common ground of understanding.
•The first key word in this definition
is process. A process is a dynamic activity
that is hard to describe because it changes.
•The second key word is understanding:
“To understand is to perceive, to interpret,
and to relate our perception and
interpretation to what we already know.
•Next comes the word sharing. Sharing
means doing something together with one
or more people.
•Finally, meaning is what we share through
Why Is It Important to Communicate
➢Communication is key to your success—in
relationships, in the workplace, as a citizen of
your country, and across your lifetime.
➢Your ability to communicate comes from
experience, and experience can be an effective
The following are the top five personal
qualities or skills potential employers
•Communication skills (verbal and written)
•Strong work ethic
•Teamwork skills (works well with others,
group communication)
•Analytical skills
Eight Essential Components of
In order to better understand the
communication process, we can break it down
into a series of eight essential components:
1. Source
2. Message
3. Channel
4. Receiver
5. Feedback
6. Environment
7. Context
8. Interference
1. Source
➢The source imagines, creates, and sends the message.
➢He or she conveys the message by sharing new information
with the audience.
➢The speaker also conveys a message through his or her tone
of voice, body language, and choice of clothing.
➢The speaker begins by first determining the message what to
say and how to say it.
➢The second step involves encoding the message by choosing
just the right order or the perfect words to convey the
intended meaning.
➢The third step is to present or send the information to the
receiver or audience.
➢Finally, by watching for the audience’s reaction, the source
perceives how well they received the message and responds
with clarification or supporting information.
2. Message
➢“The message is the stimulus or meaning produced by
the source for the receiver or audience.”
➢When you plan to give a speech or write a report, your
message may seem to be only the words you choose that
will convey your meaning.But that is just the beginning.
➢The words are brought together with grammar and
➢The message also consists of the way you say it—in a
speech, with your tone of voice, your body language, and
your appearance—and in a report, with your writing style,
punctuation, and the headings and formatting you choose.
➢In addition, part of the message may be the environment
or context you present it in and the noise that might make
your message hard to hear or see.
3. Channel
➢“The channel is the way in which a message or
messages travel between source and receiver.”
➢How many channels do you have on your television?
Each channel takes up some space, even in a digital world,
in the cable or in the signal that brings the message of
each channel to your home.
➢Television combines an audio signal you hear with a
visual signal you see. Together they convey the message to
the receiver or audience.
➢Turn off the volume on your television. Can you still
understand what is happening? Many times you can,
because the body language conveys part of the message of
the show.
➢Now turn up the volume but turn around so that you
cannot see the television. You can still hear the dialogue
and follow the story line.
4. Receiver:
➢“The receiver receives the message from the
source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways
both intended and unintended by the source.”
➢ As a receiver you listen, see, touch, smell, and/or
taste to receive a message.
5. Feedback
➢When you respond to the source, intentionally or
unintentionally, you are giving feedback.
➢Feedback is composed of messages the receiver
sends back to the source.
➢Verbal or nonverbal, all these feedback signals allow
the source to see how well, how accurately (or how
poorly and inaccurately) the message was received.
➢Feedback also provides an opportunity for the
receiver or audience to ask for clarification, to agree
or disagree, or to indicate that the source could make
the message more interesting.
6. Environment:
➢“The environment is the atmosphere, physical and
psychological, where you send and receive messages.”
➢The environment can include the tables, chairs,
lighting, and sound equipment that are in the room.
➢The room itself is an example of the environment.
➢The environment can also include factors like formal
dress, that may indicate whether a discussion is open
and caring or more professional and formal.
7. Context
➢“The context of the communication interaction
involves the setting, scene, and expectations of the
individuals involved.
➢ A professional communication context may involve
business suits (environmental cues) that directly or
indirectly influence expectations of language and
behavior among the participants.
8. Interference:
Interference, also called noise, can come from any
source. “Interference is anything that blocks or
changes the source’s intended meaning of the message
Two Models of Communication
1. "Transactional Model of Communication”
•The transactional is the most dynamic of
communication models.
•One notable feature of this model is the move from
referring to people as senders and receivers to
referring to people as communicators.
•This implies that communication is achieved as people
both send and receive messages.
• Fundamentally, this model views communication as a
transaction. In other words, communication is a
cooperative action in which communicators co-create
the process, outcome and effectiveness of the
•people create shared meaning in a more dynamic
process in the transactional model.
•This model also places more emphasis on the field of
•While each communicator has a unique field of
experience, they must also inhabit a shared field of
Figure:Transactional Model of Communication
2. Constructivist model
•This model focus on the negotiated meaning, or
common ground, when trying to describe
•The coordinated management of meaning.
•In order to communicate, you must each realize what
the term means to the other person, and establish
common ground, in order to fully understand the
request and provide an answer.
•Because we carry the multiple meanings of words,
gestures, and ideas within us, we can use a dictionary
to guide us, but we will still need to negotiate
•For eg: Tindi word in Kannada, in Karavali and
Malenadu we use it for Breakfast, in Bengaluru region
they supposed use Itches.
The Importance of Effective Communication in
the Workplace
Effective communication is fundamental in every
aspect of life, but especially in the workplace – here’s
why it is so important to be a great communicator at
the office.
1. It improves team building
•Honest and effective communication can create a
strong team.
•When staff consult with each other, consider other
opinions and discuss their progress, they will be more
enthused to collaborate.
•As a result, the strong unit that they create makes the
workplace more enjoyable, and they will be eager to
perform well so they don’t let their teammates down.
2. It boosts growth
•Great communication contributes to the
growth of the business, which goes hand in
hand with your career.
•It eliminates uncertainties and speeds up the
process of policies to ensure there is a smooth
delivery of projects.
3. It increases innovation
•If employees are scared of communicating
their thoughts and ideas out of fear of being
rejected, then they are likely to become
stagnant in their career and only contribute the
bare minimum.
•However, if there is an open line of
communication between supervisors and staff
members, they are encouraged to be more
creative and innovative within the workplace,
and they are likely to put forth new and
creative ideas.
4. It improves productivity
•Being able to communicate effectively at work can
help increase overall productivity.
•Managers can understand their employees’ talents
and skills and will then give clear directions to the
people that are best suited for the job, thus increasing
the overall turnaround time of any given project.
•For example, one colleague may be faster and better
at using Excel than others; therefore, through
communication, a manager can identify this and task
them with managing the spreadsheets. If there was a
lack of conversation, meanwhile, the project would
suffer, and the entire process would slow down,
negatively affecting the goal of the company, as a
5. It increases efficiency
•Poor communication compromises efficiency,
as well as the overall quality of work.
•When instructions aren’t provided clearly,
mistakes are bound to happen.
•On the other hand, clear instructions eliminate
the need to clarify and correct any issues.
6. It increases loyalty
•When you have a good line of communication
with management, you’re naturally going to be
more loyal to the organisation.
•You will feel comfortable discussing any
professional or personal issues, and you’ll be
more committed to the company.
•This free line of communication also builds
trust between a manager and an employee,
which results in a loyal relationship.
•A two-way line of respect ensures there’s no
micromanagement involved and that an
employee is trusted to get on with the job that
they were hired to do.
7. It reduces mitigation conflict
•Two people in the workplace may feel that
they are communicating well, but because they
both have different methods of communication,
they are misunderstanding each other.
•Therefore, working with different personalities
requires excellent communication skills to limit
any conflict in the workplace.
8. It increases employee engagement
•Good communication goes far beyond talking;
it’s more about connecting and engaging with
•When teams are engaged, they are more
aligned with the company’s goals and are
generally more motivated to work towards the
set targets.
•It’s also easier for managers to identify what
makes a positive and satisfying working
environment, allowing them to work towards
achieving a balanced working life for their
9. It resolves problems
•There’s bound to be characters that clash and
opinions that differ within any working
•And what’s the best way to solve those
problems? Clear communication!
10. It enhances skills
•Managers can identify hidden talents when
they communicate clearly with their employees.
•By doing so, they can tap into these skills and
help enhance them, which will contribute to the
overall success of the business.
Final thoughts
In every aspect of your job, you’ll be required
to communicate in one way or other. It’s
important to understand just how valuable
effective communication is and what impact it
can have on your relationships and your
progression within the working world.
The Secret To Successful Communication

1. Trust.
•People have a tendency to open up to those
they trust.
•If someone thinks you’re trustworthy, they’ll
have an easier time speaking freely; meaning the
lines of communication will be open and clear.
Some ways you can build trust are keeping your
word, staying consistent, and being open about
any mistakes.
•A big part of empathy is trust. When trust
exists, so does deeper understanding.
•In the same vein of trust, honesty and
truthfulness are crucial to successful
•If someone can trust you to tell the truth,
they’ll be more receptive to what you say.
•It fosters genuine interactions and sustains
healthy, happy relationships.
•And telling the truth can also benefit your
health… studies show lying actually causes
anxiety, sore throats, and headaches.
3. Respect.
•Giving respect is one of the best ways to diffuse
tensions in communication, and show you’re
empathetic to the other person.
•If someone feels respected, they’ll feel much
more open to discussing their point of view, even
if it doesn’t align with yours.
•Successful communication isn’t just about
people agreeing on a point, but should also
involve being able to communicate differing
•Respect lets the other person or people know
it’s okay to feel differently from you, and that it’s
also okay to talk about it!
4. Body language.
•Are you aware of how your body changes
depending on what you’re thinking or saying?
•Studies show that most communication is
actually nonverbal — 55%, in fact. 38% is
through vocal intonation, and only 7% is
through your actual words.
•Pay attention to your body language, and that
of others.
•Keep your arms and legs open, and try to
make eye contact.
•If these nonverbal cues are being reciprocated,
your messages are definitely getting across
much better!
Trust, truth, respect, body language… all these
are crucial components to empathy, and make
you a better communicator. That’s why
communicating via text can be difficult, and
lends itself to misunderstandings. If you must,
try this trick: use emojis! They convey tone
much better than dry text alone. If you’re
smiling when texting, use a smiley face! Make
the interaction more human, and be rewarded
with fewer misunderstandings and more
colorful text messages!
The 7 Benefits of Effective Communication
in Personal and Professional Settings:

1. Building trust
•Effective communication fosters trust with
•Your ability to listen attentively and embrace
different points of view helps others trust that
you are making optimal decisions for everyone in
the group.
•As you serve as a role model, this trust will
extend to your team and they will feel as though
they can trust their teammates to fulfill their
duties and responsibilities.
2. Preventing or resolving problems
•The ability to communicate effectively plays a
large role in resolving conflicts and preventing
potential ones from arising.
•The key is to remain calm, make sure all
parties are heard and find a solution that is
ideal for everyone involved.
3. Providing clarity and direction
•With effective communication skills, you’re
able to deliver clear expectations and
objectives for your team.
•This involves finding constructive ways to
point out when something isn’t working as well
as providing helpful feedback to get people back
on track.
•They will understand their specific tasks and
responsibilities, as well as those of their
teammates, which will help eliminate conflicts
and confusion.
4. Creates better relationships
•Good communication also improves
relationships, both with employees and in your
personal life with friends and family members.
•Listening carefully and offering quality feedback
helps people to feel heard and understood. This,
in turn, nurtures mutual respect.
5. Increases engagement
•With people feeling more confident in their
work and in their understanding of what they
need to do, they become more engaged with
their work as a whole.
•According to a recent study exploring the
psychology of employee engagement, only 15%
of adult employees are engaged with their
•By prioritizing effective communication, you
can increase engagement, and thus boost
satisfaction, among your team members.
6. Improves productivity
•When team members understand their roles,
the roles of others and your expectations, they
can focus more on their work and less on
workplace issues.
•With effective communication, conflicts are
resolved quickly, employees can better manage
their workload and distractions are minimized.
•These benefits contribute to greater
productivity for you and your team.
7. Promotes team building
•With improved communication, team
members will be better able to rely on each
•You will not have one team member feel as
though they have to carry the entire group.
•This improved division of labor will encourage
positive feelings and relationships between the
team members, which leads to improved
morale and work experiences.
•Good communication skills can play an
important role in nurturing positive work
experiences for your entire team.
1. Sharing Information.
2. Building Understanding.
3. Identifying Implications.
4. Gaining Commitment.
5. Alerting Behaviour.
7Cs of Communication
1. Clear: Purpose of Message and key of message
must be covered.
2. Concise: it must be in Brief, avoid unnecessary
3. Concrete: concentrate on only important points
not too much and focus on key messages.
4. Correct: double check is very important while in
presentation to avoid mistakes and it must be
error free.
5. Coherent: relevant to key topic.
6. Complete: specific with topic.
7. Courteous: polite, respectful and considerate in
manner, must be friendly, openly and honest tone
in presentation and must receive audience opinion
and suggestions.
➢Collaboration and teamwork are vital to business
➢Being able to collaborate carries a number of
benefits for an employer, from better marketing to
increased employee satisfaction to a higher quality of
product or service.
➢Whether you’re speaking in front of colleagues at a
meeting, in a crowded seminar hall or to your team
before a big project, you must be able to clearly and
concisely convey your ideas.
➢For many, anxiety is a very real barrier to strong
public speaking.
➢A big part of effective communication is effective
➢According to Jimmy Lee of Dorsett Hospitality
International. By developing good listening skills, you
help create an environment where everyone feels
heard and valued.
➢You also train yourself to hear and retain important
➢People can generally tell when you’re listening to
➢Most people will respond better to good listeners.
➢Remaining actively engaged with your conversation
partners creates a sense of enthusiasm and respect in
your work environment.
➢In addition, Lee stresses the importance of attending
to nonverbal communication.
➢People say a lot without using a word, and a facial
expression or quirk of body language can
communicate attitude and interest better than words
➢Gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, posture,
breathing and other factors contribute to nonverbal
➢People can pick up on these cues in conversation.
➢Being aware of your own body language and other
nonverbal cues can put you in control of the image
you put forth in the office.
➢Body language is more important than you think.
➢Researcher Amy Cuddy has done studies revealing
that “body language shapes who you are.”
➢Do you adopt a defensive posture around your
➢Are you slumped in your chair when you work?
➢Do you avoid eye contact with your coworkers?
➢Each of these cues can cause people around you to
infer things about you, and being aware of them helps
you not only to control how others perceive you but
also to make you more aware of body language in
➢Email has become a standard way to communicate
both in business and in our personal lives, and many
people treat electronic communication as less formal
than other forms of communication.
➢In a business context, it’s important to treat your
emails the same way you’d treat a written letter.
➢It’s fine to be friendly with your coworkers but,
when communicating through writing, on the side of
➢When you write something down, you create a
permanent record of that communication; make sure
it’s a permanent record you don’t mind having to
address again in the future.
3 Ways to Improve Your
Communication Skills
1. Pause before we playing or talking
it leads to avoid interruption.
2. Question for clarification.
3. Paraphrasing- rewrite your text
after listening.
How to Communicate Effectively?
6 Steps for Communications with
Impact (Video)
How to Speak So That People Want
to Listen (Video)
THANK YOU.......


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